Furloughed workers call for compromise to end shutdown

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WATCH: VaughnHillyard speaks to Coast Guard workers who don’t know when they’ll see their next paycheck in Elizabeth City, N.C.


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People affected need to call pelosi and schumer. They are the ones that refuse to protect american lifes. They were for barriers before they were agai st them.. Protecting Americans is far more important than anyones job

He also said that if the shutdown didn't affect him, he is all for it. But it does, so he is against it. So, if his co-worker that is a democrat lost everything, this ass would be for it. It's hard to feel sorry for people that think this way.

Signing a different tune once it concerns your family, huh? TheGOPWay

They aren’t familiar with the idea of empathy are they. Unless it impacts them they just can’t comprehend.

Just like I thought. His devout supporters only thing about themselves. They voted in a racist, misogynistic, unfit lunatic because they related to his bigotry. Let them starve on their hate

That guy sounds as if he has the same character disorder as Trump.

He got what he voted for!


their is no agreement ... right, fight as long as it doesn't impact you ... I like that

This is disingenuous. I don’t get paid by the govt but I’d like to see him get his paycheck. Maybe I should adopt the same attitude and say stand tall and keep it shut down!

That sounds a little like “I used to believe in global warming until I learned how expensive that belief would be.”

So basically if he wasn’t impacted he would gladly put others through the pain he is dealing with. Yea, real patriot right there... 🙄

Every freaking time same shit different Gop-Dixiecrat supporterThey did the same thing with that Cowboy they just had2have All this MAGA hype disgusting Klan rallies now they want 2cry “patriot tears” this isn’t the1st time& it’s getting old Vote your interest& not your hate

someone else that got suckered by the con man, jihadiDon, terrorist president

My grandma always told me to never trust someone who lies to you, trump has been lying to him for 2 years and he's been trusting him. This dude is getting what he deserves, period!

Such empathy... only cares about Trumps cruel policies when it actually effects him.

Fvck him. He’s GOP : “If it doesn’t affect me then tough shit.”

Typical, “I don’t give a shit about others... but if it effects me... well then, this needs to stop” UGH we need empathy for others.

Just like. Deplorable

No sympathy. You got what you voted for. ImpeachTrump

Yeah it’s always a good idea until it impacts you! No empathy!

Well isn’t that really how all of Trumps ideas go? It’s ok with his supporters as long as it happens to someone else?

Exactly the sentiments of the Republican voters! Gone are the days when they factor how things might affect other into their political decisions and convictions! It’s all about me now! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

Trump supporters - 'He said he was going to hurt them. Not us.' karmaisabitch

The Trump Shutdown!


So, you support him screwing everyone but you? That seems unAmerican to me. But what should I expect from a Trump supporter?

To all laid-off Fed workers who voted for Trump: You voted for the maniac. Enjoy the consequences! Lesson Learned: Next time a unqualified maniac runs for president; don’t vote for the unqualified maniac. TrumpShutdown

Why he gets exactly this . I swear these trump supporters need to stop sleeping with their sisters

How sad

So he agrees with Trump! We need the wall! He will get paid too, that’s the dems frar mongering as usual

That’s just selfish.. the only reason he cares is because it’s him

What if your family is ok but others aren’t?! Grow a soul!?!&)(:/!?

I’m sick of this always being about TRUMP !!!! This is about a functioning United States of America !!!!!!! Sign the Bi partisan bill, get the govt up and running , and suck it up Trump !!!!! The whole world doesn’t revolve around him !!!

He should send his complaint to Chuck and Nancy

Can you be more selfish,this is exactly what is wrongs with humanity now days, a selfish, inconsiderate, person would say this, so the fact that this affects thousands of other families doesn’t bother him, just his own, what a PATRIOT



... what's the surprise? when Trump supporters say God, family, and country, they really just mean to hell with everyone else's...

He stands with Trump but now he's affected so it has to change. More of Trumps policys will affect him. Its hypocritical. Stand with him without your paycheck dude. You cant have i support wall, but not right now attitude. Wtf


BUILD THE WALL for Ronil Singh

My issue isn’t with “The Wall” it’s how it is affecting Americans and their livelihood!! Government officials need to Wake Up and see the way they are handling this issue isn’t working!!! There is a compromise?!?

Do not ace NC on this because we do not support these words. This is an act of selfishness and he is thinking about him and him alone. Buddies it’s more than you who is suffering and to tell Donal chump to stand tall are you serious get some balls and grow them.

This is everything that's wrong with trumpers. They don't even give a shit about their fellow Americans. And too stupid to realize when you bring a bull into a china shop to 'shake things up' your stuff's going to be broken too.

I don't care who he hurts as long as it is not me . Deplorable

What a hypocrite

If you think Trump is thinking about you and family think again. You are selfish and very much undeserving. God loves all people he has no respect of color or community state or country. How does it feel to be without because you voted for this man who have taken your income

Typical Trump supporter!! Oh, now it affects him, so it’s different!!

I am in NC as well and this boader wall has no impact on us. He works for the government a job that he privilege and honor to have but sorry sir you do not speak for all of us in NC when my pe was oppress w/o jobs and homes you didn’t not take a stand for all Americans

Tell Trump only 6 people on suspected terroist US watch list were picked up and questioned at the southern Mexico boarder and 46 such people were questioned at the northern Canada boarder- So there is more justification for Trump to build his 50’ boarder on the Canadian side


Classic Trump attitude! Me, me, me, me, me ............ ! 🙄🙄🙄

So, if it didn’t affect him he wouldn’t give a damn if others suffered with no paychecks? Yeah, don’t feel bad for him, at all.

Sounds about republican to me.

Then the idiot said thank others before yourself ain’t that something

In other words 'I stand by my principles, unless it adversely affects me, in which case screw it!'.

LOL - typical Trumpster

In other words, it’s only about him and screw everybody else. Do you want to know what’s wrong with America? We’ve got too many like this ignorant, self-centered fool.

Well it does not affect my family, so I'm going to ask the democrats to stand tall.

Those who voted for trump assumed that his plan was to hurt and cause problems for blk and brown people!

This man is a typical Trump supporter, and snowflake. He’s all four of the country, number one, USA is the best, but if it affects him well then it’s not so good. As long as it affects brown people and black people and liberals it’s fine but when it affects him?


You’ve gotta love this...well of course we support the TrumpShutDown unless it effects our family...🙄

That is the dumbest rationale ever. If it affected others it’s ok, but since it affects you it’s wrong. “This is the uneducated 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 DumpTrump

True Trump supporter. “I don’t care what happens until it affects me.” Can we officially strip the Republicans of their “official party of Jesus” status. What a bunch of just awful people.

God bless his heart, but he still believes this POTUS cares about him.

Riiiiigggghhht ... cuz in today’s “ME” society, ya’ll can go about doing ur “stuff” just as long as “it” don’t get me ... and once it does ... boy, imma gonna explode

Selfish like trump

Trump’s painted lies to leave him walled into a political corner.

The only time Republicans turn their back on Trump is when it affects them directly. Then perhaps this shutdown was the MAGAts' karma & I don't feel bad for those who voted for this POS.

Well, stand tall on no paycheck. Can't have it both ways. If trump gets this 5 billion dollars without a wall plan, location, congressional appropriations and oversight, this money will be used for trumps bills. He owes 5 billion on a property. He's after the money.

As long as it fucks up SOMEONE ELSE’S life, it’s okay though.

If this guys loves the yellow haired man so much, have him give HIS money to build the wall!!!!

So if it didn’t affect u, screw the workers for a wall? A 5th century wall?! 🤦🏻‍♀️ That’s why were in this mess!!! People like that voting for an orange!!!

The guy asking the question , like it's a thing with these reporters , these people says some of the most selfish things and they treat it like a awe moment . NO say to these narcissist (you sounds selfish what about others )

Meaning he thinks/feels just like trump. He could care less about other people problems only his own. Why can’t this man see that’s exactly how trump feel? It’s not affecting trump so why should he care? Impea

Wow, only do the right thing if it doesn’t inconvenience you. Fire this loser

Trump has been in Washington for two years. Chuck and Nancy has been there combined somewhere between fifty and sixty years. If they know how to stop illegal immigration why in the cornbread heck hadn’t they done it Just wondering 😳😳

Great reasoning there dude, the empathy for others is overwhelming. You should be embarrassed by this asinine statement.

These Dems won’t compromise on anything pertaining to Trump.

“...Stand tall on the border wall shut down...” - Yes, that is EXACTLY what the families are saying who had loved ones murdered. - loved ones addicted to opoids - those trapped in human trafficking - Border Patrols& Police risking their lives 👉But IGNORES them. MAGA

The hypocrisy of lemmings following their leader...... until they’re faced with a decision to turn around or fall off a cliff.

GriffinMaga I wonder how many people MSNBC interviewed before they decided to go with the selfish one. I am affected by the shutdown, and I still support the stand to build the wall because it is very needed. In 1996 US spent ~$19B on illegal immigration, now it’s $155B. Walls work

FK other humans...UNLESS...it FKS me TOO.

Hmmmmm,does the old saying.... And then they came for me .... ring a bell?

The hypocrisy

So he is okay with Trump until policies affect his family? Typical Trumpster hypocrite.

Love how they love it. Til it directly affects them. This is what’s wrong in this country. Too many are in it only for themselves.

So...fuck the “others” being impacted by my selfish ideology, which I give up as soon as I’m personally affected. At least the media is exposing the mentality of tRump voters (like the “He’s hurting the wrong people” lady). rather than the puff pieces trying to understand them.

wineandjazz72 The two years Republicans had the house why didn't they get this funding bill done when they was in control of everything and now they want to blame the Democrats

I really don’t care you voted for this pos

Same folks who didn’t want to believe that Trump’s BS would impact them personally. Didn’t everyone say that his supporters will suffer behind his idiotic policies the most? Well, here you go. They finally got a wake up call.

These people suck.

GriffinMaga Typical. If it doesn’t affect me do whatever it takes but is soon as it does hurry hurry and fix it. Pathetic. Everybody wants to take from the government but nobody wants to give.

Trumpism....it doesn’t matter if it’s not happening to me

My wife is not going to get a paycheck but we stand for the wall and border security. We support the president and will blame democrats for not wanting to secure the border the right way. No more half assed plans. Protect the American people Chuck and Nancy.

So if it didn’t affect you but someone else you’d be okay with it. Pretty sad when anyone has to go without. Shut downs are not a good thing.

Cry me a handful you dense Trumper! He does not give one rip about you!!! You stand up to Trump and the majority of America will stand with you. You defend him and you suffer the consequences!!!

The Dems have compromised! Offered funds for security, funds for wall and end shutdown! trump does not want to compromise!

So you still support him....wow

This man is a copy of Trump: He doesn't like it if it affects him, but it is fine if it affects others. No empathy only egoism.


At what point did Jim Jones convince his cult the koolaide tastes good?


I’ve seen him somewhere before

It's bizarre that Dems can OK $45 billion for overseas abortions but not a dime for American's security

He’s coast guard? Imagine if you’re a group of brown or black people needing to be rescued, and he’s the coast guard who can. Scary that MAGATs are being exposed for who/what they are, and they’re all around us, could even be first responders. Scary.

What does that say about his supporters? Do unto others but don't do it to me. shameful

Thoughts and prayers.

He voted for IQ45 so now deal with it...no sympathy!

That’s mighty big of him. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone else except himself- fits in with Trump perfectly.


Oh, so it’s about me and mine. Gotcha.

All in if it doesn’t affect me?

It’s only a problem when it affects you right? SMH

This is the epitome of this administration. If you are ok, cool, build the wall. But if not,

We all agree that MF1 is insane. There’s your agreement!

1.3 + 1.6 open the government

These people

It’s people like this that I have no sympathy for. They deserve everything he gives them. I feel sorry for the innocent victims; the ones that know trump’s a fraud and liar.

That guy is a moron. There is no crisis & the measures in place are effective. Trump still has only spent 6% of the funds already allocated and has no clear plan on what to do with any additional funding. Not one dime of US tax dollars should go toward fulfilling a campaign lie.

ragingliberal17 Gross.

Well since he’s affected, let find a compromise! Selfish douche.

These twisted MAGAts love to hurt 'others'.

These people are unbelievable.

Right. Trump needs to agree to open gov't and forget about the wall.

So much for loyalty.

Did anyone tell him it doesn’t have to be done?


oh so he believes in the wall good..... BuildTheWall suck it up with being furloughed and tell your congress people to make legislation with funding otherwise us non-govt employees are going to continue urging trump to keep it shut down. realDonaldTrump BuildTheWall

Would you allow your child to hold you hostage until he or she gets their way? What’s next?

So much for standing for what you believe in. “Keep brown people out, but not at my expense”....I say you make your bed buddy...snuggle up!

So as long as he’s not the one suffering he’s ok with it Guess what buddy, your not getting a paycheck this week, or probably for awhile!!

This man & those like-minded, need to go find a mirror. The person staring back at them is who is responsible for their hardship. Hopefully, they’ll learn from their stupidity, for the sake of ALL of us.

cmcalendargirl This is a typical American self-interest story: I hate the government (even though I work for it) so it would be cool with me if you could hurt only the parts that aren’t mine so we can screw over people who aren’t me.

Isn't this one of our problems in America? 'It's all about me'. Well sir, do you realize that 60% of the people coming to the border are families and children looking for a better life and want to do it the right way? Your attitude and President is our problem!

Let them eat cake. I don’t care.

Why isn't he telling the Democrats to compromise? They are the ones demanding that our borders not be secure. That drug and human trafficking continue. That rape and humanitarian abuses continue. All are happening atnour southern border and denying it dowan't make it go away.


Gee, let me guess which party...

Only cares if it directly affects him. Tells me all I need to know about his character.

Please don't identify these people by their state. You reinforce the perception that a given state is 'red' by doing this; North Carolina, my home, actually has more registered Democrats than Republicans.

That little pu$$y hasn't even missed a paycheck yet.

Racism and hate are trumped by economic hardship.

Not exactly altruism on steroids or Dale Carnegie

Why is there never a follow up question? This is the same thing that other trump supporter who thought, hoped he would hurt other people. Do you realize that sounds selfish at best and racist at worst?


Fk him. Only when it impacts hom does he care.

Wow, really undeveloped people without a shred of empathy. While you are off work I suggest you try doing some real research on the idiot you have helped install in our White House.

And the democrats take on compromise is, take what we offer and if you don’t then you aren’t compromising!

Let’s face it, trumps fan base is fine with whatever he says and does to hurt others. When it affects them directly than trump is in the wrong.

What a disgusting human being

Furloughed worker needs to be telling Democrats to fund the wall.

Yes, they are stupid.

Conservative philosophy in a nutshell

Just love it these people are all in until it effects them personally. Did he not know what he was getting when he voted for him? There is a deal for border security on the table. Oh, but it’s without the wall. You want to save your party; take take the deal.

That guy is 100% of Trump supporters. Not my problem until/unless it affects me.

Yup that’s about right, if it doesn’t impact their family, tRump supporters are all for it. Ask the Farmers how’s that turning out for them.

Amount of empathy is inversely related to one’s amount of support for Trump.

Privilege is a helluva drug...


This cat looks like he crossed the border himself or someone in his family did, but yet he supports realDonaldTrump and the Wall! And what's truly sad is how people like that never stand for others it's always about self. Because he is not getting paid he wants a compromise.

Why dont you guys have these parents on They want Trump to stand strong.

Sorry pal, Chuck and Nancy don't care about you, or any other US citizen. They only want to stick it to POTUS.

Typical brain dead Trumpkinhead. Once a situation hits home, THEN they want Trump to be a moderate. I hope they open the Govt, but this guy is a louse. He's like the anti union guy who greedily takes the pay raise that the union negotiated. What a BUM!

Why cant you guys find the person who hacked JoyAnnReid account and wrote all those gay slurs?

Republicans don’t mind people suffering, as long as it’s not them.

If the federal workforce was populated only by folks like these & the work they did was non-essential, I'd support a prolonged shutdown just to watch these selfish imbeciles suffer..

It really is a cult. Some Americans have lost their minds. ImpeachTrump

“If the shutdown only harmed Democrats I would want the President to keep harming them. As it stands it harms me so I want him to stop.” This is the essence of Trump supporters. The cruelty is and always has been the central feature to their support of him. Liberals take note.

So... it sounds like he wants the wall. Democrats need to come to the table.

Typical Trump supporter I don't care if it doesn't impact me Deplorables

Trump doesn’t care about them. He thinks if works for government they must be democrats. This is just politics to trump.

Democrats simply want open borders for votes. Simple as that.

I sympathize, but you you get what you pay for. Making deals with the devil has a very, very high price.

The problems at the border are impacting many more people and in far more devastating ways! Democrats better DO THEIR JOBS!!! NoMoreDemocrats

And there it is, as long as it doesn't directly impact his family. This is every Trump supporter in a nutshell. Selfish cowards till the end.

It is much MUCH better to ask such authorities in geopolitics as Kanye West and Kim Kardashian - Trump's experts and advisers

Deal is already on the table 45 just needs approval from Limbaugh Hannity and Ingraham


He's the most honest Trumpster in America. I'm good with it as long as it doesn't effect me. What a chip off the old Trump block.

They don’t look like they’ve missed any meals yet.

OBAMA shut down the Cubans and Liberals siad it was immoral? What about the statue of liberty thing? HYPOCRITES

Seriously... I can't even...

realDonaldTrump is destroying America for his wall.

If trump gets his wall money he will shut down the government every year when he doesn’t 100% get his way.

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