Former Trump Organization executive says she expects President Trump will resign

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A former Trump Organization executive says she thinks President Trump may resign rather than face possible removal from office by impeachment

New York A former Trump Organization executive says she thinks President Donald Trump may resign rather than face possible removal from office by impeachment.

"He does a lot of things to save face," Barbara Res, a former Trump Organization vice president, told CNN's Brian Stelter on Reliable Sources Sunday. "It would be very, very, very bad for him to be impeached," Res said."I don't know that he'll be found guilty but I don't know that he wants to be impeached. I think that's what this panic is about. And my gut [instinct] is that he'll leave office, he'll resign.


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CNN is going out of business tomorrow!

Nope, not going to happen. There is only one way to get him out... vote vote vote vote vote vote

CNN is full of SH1T!

realDonaldTrump that would be great

This is why CNN is the biggest pile of crap. ZERO CREDIBILITY!!! just go ahead and change your name to all fake news all the time.

Not gonna happen.

And the cnn stories keep getting stupider and stupider 🤦‍♂️

CNN with more fake news. Why you you crummy people give it a rest.

CNN? You are not credible anymore and you are not a journalistic org. No one believes you.



That's also my feeling.

He would NEVER give the dems the gift of resigning. He will never quit. He will be re-elected by a landslide in 2020, The Dems would be better served putting forth a viable candidate. Sadly they don’t have one so they resort to dirty tricks. It will never work. Dems are pathetic.

WhileI would love for him to just resign, the petty part of me would love to see him dragged out kicking and screaming in an orange rage.

CNN with another “ former “ on a show. What a joke. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

You obviously do not know President Trump or you wouldn’t say such a foolish thing.

If only we get so lucky he packs up his toys, leaves the sand box and stomps home.


Hey when he doesn’t resign and gets reelected get this space cadet back on and ask her “What Happened”

I have been saying this since he stole the presidency

I don't believe it.

I think CNN might close shop if Trump is Re-elected for office.

If she’s saying this on CNN she already drank the kool aid.

He want resigned to much pride and he’s afraid once he’s out of the house he will be indicted

Then realDonaldTrump can run for EightMoreYears .

If Trump resigns there will be big trouble from his supporters.

No he won't. I hope he does it.

Have you noticed lately all the people speaking Up are 'Former'

Lies, smears, attacks, accusations, we all see right through the Corrupt News that protect their corrupt Dems. Dems, Media, pedowood are Partners in Crime!

Bahahahaha. When in 2032

I think not!

Not in a million years.

I dont think so

Good, The he can be indicted for obstruction

I love when the media uses 'thinks', 'possibly' and 'moving towards' in there headlines. Makes me laugh hard

Meet thus weeks MichaelAvenatti


First of all, he’ll never be booted out if office with the ass-licking republicans in the Senate.

Barbara Res comes off as an ungrateful and extremely bitter soul. No new “news” here, CNNPropaganda.

Lol. Ok


*Is this a Tipping Point?...LOSERS!

I doubt it, he rather be impeached than go to jail because if he leaves early then the state of NY is waiting for him

Omg,,, this is CNN news...😂😂😂😂That won’t happen, I’ve never worked for Trump but I can sincerely tell everyone this will never happen😂😂😂😂

He is the swamp


Is that because Barbara Res was a quitter?...Or...was she fired? 🤔

Another fake news production!

Always expect the unexpected , everyone one you interview is a former this or that, I wonder why ?

The only issue is that he's allegedly implicated in more unlawful acts besides abuse of power.

Doesn’t sound like the sharpest tool in the shed and most certainly does not understand the mindsets of narcissistic sociopaths.

He will not be removed from office. Must have facts that truly amount to some offense. The Senete is not going to remove a President because someone does not like him and people say things that have not been given a full hearing. People can lie all they want, facts are needed.



This is ridiculous. Hes not going anywhere. He wont be impeached. There are no articles of impeachment. Name one article. One. I'll wait...


Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

Wow, there’s a new delusion level


What’s the news here? What’s he being impeached for?

I see CNN is bringing on all the characters from the Russia story .. will Michael avenatti be returning next week

There’s exactly zero chance he’s leaving office. Even if the dem’s are dumb enough to go for impeachment, he’s not going anywhere.


The former Trump Organization executive said she was hesitant to share her opinion, because 'I could very well be wrong.' Well, that's and understatement. A useless fluff piece.

1st why is she an erstwhile executive? She could be a disgruntled employee looking for revenge.

How about you stop trying to brainwash people into thinking that impeachment is even an option!

TOMORROW will be a good day for that!

I don’t think he will resign unless all charges crimes and everything that he and the rest of his mob family may have committed will be dropped and never be prosecuted in Fed Govt courts or in any of the 50 states courts including Porto Rico

I can see him resigning claiming some rare beautiful perfect medical condition that only a stabile genius can contract rather than face the embarrassment of impeachment or being soundly defeated in an election

ya, I thought he might resign too.

Only if he does a deal that no charges are brought against him and no prison time. Otherwise, he'll stay to the bitter end!

She must've just crawled out from under a rock last week.

Sounds like the Delphic Oracle! Bless her! Hope she is right!!

Ya right and i have a big penis

Baloney! Trump for 6 more years then Pence for 8 more! Vote Trump 2020

Won’t SDNY and other jurisdictions investigate and file criminal charges once he is out of office ?

He will need to be forcably removed if impeached.

Please, please, please

She’s wrong! Trump will never leave willingly. Because, he knows he, and his family, and loyalists will go directly to prison. So, he’s going to try to hang on as long as the Republicans covers for him. Trump will be dragged out kicking and screaming.

If Republicans blindly support, no impeachment is possible.

This is just ridiculous

What a joke that will never happen

Can’t wait to see the tweet storm that will be headed her way once Trump reads this. What’s everyone think? Does he demean a physical characteristic or her intelligence?

TRUMP 2020

Please God let it happen, haven't we suffered enough.

She's wrong. He want resign. They'll have to drag him out kicking & yelling



I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. We'll be hearing more and more from insiders as things get even stickier for Trump.

Sounds possible? Those painful bone spurs could be a valid medical excuse for resignation. Then his sidekick Pence is installed as prez and the jackass is impeached.

MikeOkuda Nope, he'll need to be dragged out of that office, still screaming his innocence. His ego won't let him do otherwise.

Fake News Alert.

No he won’t he will go out kicking and screaming that is it a witch hunt and everyone else’ fault!

She thought wrong lmao 🤣

Dont hold your breath lol.


Thats pure stupidity . The senate will never pass impeachment. It wont wven pass the house !

The fact that she is a former executive, there already bias in her statement. You can do better cnn.

DonovanJerry realDonaldTrump potus that would be GREAT!!


I sure hope he does or maybe his health will deteriorate to the point he must leave!! 🙏🤞🙏🤞 He is already showing signs his brain is NOT connecting w/his speech center, & his behavior is irrational & childish. If he doesn’t resign, then it is b/c of his GREED & SELFISHNESS!

Wouldn’t that be nice but he won’t as he is a narcissist ( read George Conway’s article on Atlantic this month... )it explains his mental disorder very clearly

He’s not going to resign because he thinks he’s going to be impeached and removed from office...he’s going to resign so Pence can pardon him from the indictments that are waiting for him once he leaves office in 2020.

Great! What's he waiting for?

Key word 'former '

Then she’s clearly not very bright.

By all means, pull a Nixon.


In your fuckin dreams

I hate him but I wouldn’t bet on his resignation. I can hope for it but has my grandfather always said... want in one hand and shit in the other... see which one is full fastest... 💩 💩 💩

Modern journalism

Lol, you guys really wish!

I doubt it. Trump 2020

That’s so laughable. This man realDonaldTrump will fight & burn D.C. to the ground. You idiots realize he has the power to shutdown all Intel and deny CIA any assignment to WH, and could declassify many docs.

We can only hope!

I hope she is wrong - She must think he won’t be in court after he steps down..

Eat $hit CNN

Same shit like the Russian tale, it's just a move to discredit when election it's at the corner. They got nothing. CNNPC and all the other NPCs can start crying because I bet Trump is gonna win the election. CNNFakeNews

Horse shit. He hasn't done anything wrong.

Hello_world There_are_people_Making Revolution_now_in_iraq ! Show_your_support_for_the right_of_Iraq_people_to protest_peacefully Save_the_Iraqi_people HELP_Iraq saveIraqipeople

His supporters instead of being mad exhausted like the rest of us are incredulously protective of him. We picking on him🙄 Seeing the same illegal activity we see n make up excuses 4 him These same people would have been matching on the WH 2 mths in If it was Obama aidandabet

He has broken the law, he should resign

Barbara has been talking shit about Trump for years. My god you all are so dishonest.

Honestly there isn't a case

She must not know her former boss. He has no sense of shame.

Pls do it now


He'll never resign. He's mentally ill and fearful of indictments and jail time. He'll start a war before he leaves peacefully.

Yeah, I think not resign in future LOL

Resign? I don’t think Trump can do that. His ego couldn’t stand it

Not when the American people know this now. Not going to happen. CNN failed to report it. Covering up for the last admin, because the are corrupt and fake.

Might as well. Good for him and to the country. This country is marked divided.

😂He will never resign because he will face prison time hope 🤞 🤞🤞

Trump is to NARCISSISTIC...he will only go dragged & kicking


He's a warrior, not a runner. CNN better give their head a shake, he has not stop raising money since the moment he got into office for the next campaign. Oh, he's going to fight, and he's going to win ... Americans witness the Kavanaugh playbook!

I hope she is right!!!

If this is so, let's prayer Pence goes with him.

I bet he doesn’t

sweet dreams hag

What is it called when you will report on anything to get ratings? CNN

What the hell is with her, Trump’s at th e top of his game, and still winning, I’m proud to call him my president.


And unemployment just dropped to 3.5%. Where’s the CNN story on this major news?

Hard to believe

What a liar!

Yeah, right. They don't have the votes in the Senate. That's reality.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Works for me

Another traitor?


Dream on.

Yes resign.

There is a face that could sink a 1000 ships.


He’s getting pretty desperate with his tweets and some key republicans are now publicly voicing their disapproval for him. The impeachment is moving forward so his only other option would be to resign and take everyone out with him. Maybe that’s why they’re protecting him too🤔

That is why she is former executive. She doesn’t know Pres. Trump at all.

She obviously does not know President Trump. Trump will not resign, he's not a quitter. President Trump will win in 2020.

He won't do either. Right now he would not be convicted by the Senate

You are all crazy people. Trump has 96% approval within the Republican Party. Zero chance the Senate will convict. This is just politics to us. We ignor most of it.

Whenever he leaves office, he and his associates will face legal action. He’ll also lose the ability to pardon his minions.

WakeUpAmerica FactsMatter

Hope she’s right

we can all dream

Keyword is former.

Don't believe the headline! Here's what else she says in the article: Barbara Res said she was hesitant to share her opinion, because 'I could very well be wrong.' Reliable Sources (CNN) isn't really 'reliable'...

Resign?! I don’t think so...haven’t people realized yet that he is a fighter!


He won't resign. NYSD is indicting him 2 seconds after he moves out of WH.


wishful thinking. he wont resign we will need the MPs to come get him out

Don’t count on it.

You guys wish so hard that the president would resign. Not gonna happen!


This phony impeachment is dead on arrival as soon as it hits the senate. The Democrats are committing political suicide.

Do ALL you can to help make that happen immediately. Thank you, The United States of America and the entire free world

I don’t believe it till I see it! Trump and his cohorts should all be punished for their blatant attacks on our democracy and humanity! The entire world should turn against him!

MikeOkuda I think she underestimates how corrupt the Senare is.

I could deal with that too. Whatever gets him OUT. But NO immunity. NO pardon.

🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nixon covered up a crime. Clinton perjured himself. 45 make a phone call. GOP Senate will never remove 45.


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