Forget the Oval. The real Trump action is in the residence.

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Fixated on impeachment proceedings against him, President Donald Trump is increasingly taking his official business to the White House’s executive residence to escape perceived risks of his formal office space

The Oval Office is the traditional epicenter of power for American presidents, but a new one is emerging that’s more exclusive, more secluded and more convenient.

“The Oval presents itself as historic and it gives off a sense of power, but the residence has a sense of exclusivity,” said a former senior administration official, describing Trump’s affinity for conducting business there. “He works more in the residence because he is not constrained there by staffers knocking on the door.”

Early in this presidency, Trump’s staff tried to nudge him out into the city more often for dinners or to attend events, but the plans always fell apart, said one of the former senior administration officials who called Trump a “homebody.”


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YUP , so he does not have to walk the extra distance..just sit..stuff down hamberders , rage-alll without having to walk anywhere....if tha's what U call it,looks like the leaning tower of Pisa wandering aimlessly look'n for a place 2 fall

He probably spends most of the day watching tv realDonaldTrump

Can’t hide there either, thou there must be days he doesn’t want to get out of bed.

Politico is a premier propaganda tool against Trump !It thus makes mountains of molehills where he is concerned !

Productive? What does he produce - HATE. realDonaldTrump GUILTY AS CHARGED.

He is acting like a 'mark' getting more scared by the day - not trusting anything he doesn't understand and the bureaucracy - when does his lashing out become dangerous

The lazy bastard! Too much effort to even go to his official office.

He’s paranoid and so hides in his quarters.

Of course. With all those “plants” he has in his Admin I’d do the same thing.

He had a stroke and he is hiding.

He’s lazy.

Doing what...watching tv and eating junk.

Nothing wrong with that.!! He has SWAMP creature everywhere. I believe a compliment is in order Mr president. Thanks for your courage and saving this great country. WWG1WGA.

Watching tv where no one can see him.

Closer to the fridge

As Politico again tries to paint a picture that doesn't exist. Look out CNN, they're after your throne

You mean the place he can hide & do his dirty work unseen or heard

It is called being lazy.

Productive meaning, least interrupted while watching FAUX News.

In other words the White House residence is turning into an Adderall den where he can get high watch Fox News, Tweet, eat fried food while marinating in his conspiracies and paranoia.

He can sleep undetected. He can meet with Igor, Lev and Rudy and plot how to help Vladimir throw the next election.

Tubby moves less and he has to walk to the Oval.

You used the word “productive” ... why?

Stop normalizing

Productive=good for TV watching

He's withdrawing. Bet the rallys decrease too.

Has zero to do with productivity, 100% to do with suffering from paranoid dementia

realDonaldTrump Easier to hide Trump Doctor completing annual physical.

Who is the idiot who wrote this?

More productive?

And to shield his health issues... Yet 'Anonymous' (KAC) is still around...

Trump does not produce.

He is paranoid!

Good. Maybe, if he’s not coming back to the Oval Office, we can start the fumigation.

Productive? With what? Tweeting, I bet!

Productive? Trump?🤢

Im sorry but billionaires temporarily puffing up stock market does not mean its a good economy. When that bubble bursts of it does nothing for rest of the economy

I like how you worked the word productive into the post. Irony is indeed dead!

He's hiding his advancing DEMENTIA...

Trump? Productive?

Our Tommy boy is handling things With a great swagger.

Productive or protected? Big difference...

Trump is most productive when frantically trying to protect himself, when getting instructions from major MAGA donors (including foreign leaders), when tweeting, and when attending rallies.

Productive? My ass. Safeplace to do nothing is more like it.

Somebody forgot to tell him the residence is also

Productive? Watching TV is now a president's productive time? Constant campaigning is now a president's productive time? God help us pleeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!

It’s his hole he’s used to being in

Productive or paranoid?

'Productive'? Haven't seen any evidence of that.

Productive? when..

If you call tweeting and watching Tv productive

'Most productive'? Seriously


That’s where he keeps his hookers.

Hiding in seclusion...

That's so he can tweet from the toilet with the door open while he shouts at Melania to tell secret service to go get him more big Macs.

Defending your self from........,the hateful Dems is a full time job

He is isolating himself. Cant trust anyone. Paranoid & injured, he retreats further & further into his cave of lies for security & comfort. Cant even rely on wife & child for comfort as they live apart from him. Barron is prolly better off away from his fathers rage tantrums.

Trump is never'productive.' He has been driven into the residence due to his raging paranoia or his ill health.

Using ‘The Great Ruler’ and ‘most productive’ in the same Sen tenancy is an oxymoron.

Headline fundamentally flawed. Trump and Productive in the same sentence

It's call laziness and TV watching. He makes all executive decisions by what he sees on TV, fake or real.

Would like to read a story about exactly how much work time he puts in daily.

So he's outed himself as the 400 lb hacker lying on his bed

Most productive Are you kidding me? Is this satire?

No doubt the Oval Throne

Productive, really?

Productive Trump is an oxymoron

Not productive ... isolated from any opinions or facts other than his own.

Please define “most productive”.

It’s because he can be a TV watching hamberder eating Diet Coke swilling couch potato in the residence.

*snorts the most Adderall.

Productive or Protected.

Politico was born yesterday. SMH

With his feet up, watching Fox news?

He is not productive. Change your headline

Heart attacks will do that.

Not unlike self appointed dictators who find themselves being circled by the people, Drumpf has decided to hide in his 'bunker' eating his cheeseburgers and sucking up diet coke while he talks to the TV through the buffoons on Fox and Freaky. We need to be careful, he is a child.

He is so undeserving of being in the peoples’ house. Yet he feels so entitled to it and all he can extract from it.

Because it is easier to watch TV undetected?

Why are you encouraging this drivel? He is slipping into dementia-induced paranoia.

Watching Fox News must be exhausting

Productive? Really? I think 'destructive' would have been much more accurate and appropriate.

Trump in his bunker holding off the liberal mob!

'producrtive' to him is watching 10 hours of tv while eating lots of McDonalds and pooping in the bathroom, not in his pants!

Productive? Seriously?

Trump “feels most productive?” Prove it. With actual facts.

This.. is weird, right?

Yeah, he’s dumb- donisdumb

Trump’s now “working” in his personal residence instead of the Oval Office, because he feels more productive. 😄 You mean sacked out in his bed or on the john while he spews lies and hate on Twitter, drinking diet cokes and eating hamburgers?

Can't wait till we can get him out and fumigate all the bad energy he has polluted it with!

“ people close”......more gossip from deep state holdovers no doubt.

There's either a prostate incontinence issue which is already been discussed or a colon problem where he needs to be near the bathroom for either issue or can excuse himself to his room he seemed to be walking very gingerly the last couple days

Because his staff get to him! And probably so he change his diaper more often...

Plus he doesn’t have to do his hair and he can wear his housecoat all day.

400 pound guy in a bathrobe.

I’m not sure productive is the right word. Protected may be more appropriate.


That spells LAZY! He might as well lie down on his bed all day in his Pajamas.

It’s private. No records made

The real action? I highly doubt that. I'm picturing pj's and a McDonald's breakfast sandwich, with Twitter on the side.

Good for him. He works all the time and pry likes to work from home as many do!

Is this a joke? Watching TV and attacking people on Twitter is not work.

Not productive, protected.


Where he can snort adderall without the staffers seeing him.

Productive!? Or secretive!

He’s hiding his illness .... maybe a monitor. An IV. Meds.

So, why is he going to Mar a Lago? So, there's no need for that.

What? A family man sticking closer to home?

The Bunker. Most Fascists hide in one at the end.

It makes it easier to hide under the bed.

Bullshit. He just doesn’t work.

“Productive” being a relative term, here.

Oh, baloney. The White House residence is the place where he feels is most PROTECTED & PRIVATE.

He’s becoming Howard Hughes.

Trump has a Führerbunker.


So he doesn’t have to wear diapers

So?! Does it matter what room he works in? With ALL of the 'LEFTIST RESISTANCE SPIES' in the WhiteHouse, realDonaldTrump has justifiable reasons for where he feels more productive. VoteRed2020ToSaveAmerica

BS. It’s a place where he can better hide what he’s doing, who he’s speaking with ( on a CELL phone) and who he meets with..not to mention he can watch HOURS of TV..which he does. ENOUGH. Vote him out. We can certainly do better than this.

You mean his TV room, in his PJs with his teddy bear and remote..hamburgers and Diet Coke are always on the menu, because the more he is in the Oval, the easier for others to see just how much he has mentally deteriorated. In a word, Trump can hide out upstairs., unseen and safe!

Another place to do nothing.

Yeah tweeting out of his bed. History will see him as a maniacal, lying and corrupt occupant of the WH who thought he could rule a republic like a kingdom through Twitter from his bed...

Politico's dutiful stenography to establish Dear Leader's cover story for the stroke or heart attack he suffered last week, without doggedly pursuing that story like when Hillary got sick.

Because he is the 300 pound idiot in bed with his tweet and bucket of KFC. He is lazy.

This move shows how reclusive he really is. This is designed to shield more government business from the public. Sad.

Real earth shattering stuff here

Something is going on, whether it is health or he doesn’t trust his staff . Time will tell , but it won’t be good ! 😱

“If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. “

You mean destruction.

Productive? Sure

Easier to hide corruption when you don't do it right from the historic OvalOffice no?

He walks around in his bathroom until noon.

I don't think putting a golfball and a cup in his bedroom is going to really help his game.

A nice seat for Twitter...

Good for him.

Good for him POTUS makes the rules

Productive?!?!?!? Now that’s funny.

He can't order out from the Oval?

That is a rather loose use of the word 'productive'.

It’s were there are less traitors being directed by traitor in Chief BarackObama , the disease that won’t go away .

Major error. Has he ever been known to be 'productive' other than on his golden throne?


Translation- basically he does nothing but sit and watch tv all day

Less of a stain on the oval office then. Not like realDonaldTrump Works anyway. Delusional at best.

Maybe if 'most productive' means watching t.v. & tweeting non-stop 🙄🙄

Good keeps him from debasing the Oval.

i.e. less paranoid...

Because he can spend all his time on his toilet watching Fox News and tweeting

I read protected not productive

Trump’s bunker!

The word productive is misused here. Trump and productive don’t go together.

Productive my ass

Maybe this is another sign deadbeat donald is actually pretty sick.

That and toilet tweeting.

His Jammies are just too darn comfie...

Productive? What does he do other than eat buckets of chicken and watch TV?

It's because he doesn't have to listen to pesky WH experts always bugging him so he can watch Fox and prepare his new policies.

OMG 😆 you huys gotta stop pretending he is a normal President! There is no reason to cover this traitor with ANY dignity or respect! He should get what he dished out, specifically since he harms American National Security interests with his alliances!

Watching FOX.

And that matters why

It's always important to avoid the spies, listening devises and reality. Just ask Nixon. \\s

Pick one: 1.) Trump is destroying America!! 2.) Trump doesn’t work he sits in his room or plays golf

Because he doesn’t have to get out of bed? He can wear his pj’s all day? What could be the reason?

Why not use the Starbucks around the corner? Its got free wi-fi.

The Incontinent President.

Productive? Is watching Fox and tweeting lies “productive”? Stop treating him like anything other than a psychopath

Translation: refuses to get out of bed and do a lick of work.

Uh No. He is physically & mentally breaking down. Get proof based on his slurring, cognitive breakdowns, confusion, rushed to hospital & his rally projection of heart attack, memory loss & bruises from falling down is cause to move to residence. Dementia.

He's turning it into a Fuhrerbunker. It's only a matter of time before he runs away to Mar-a-Lago, never to return to Washington before his impeachment.

Hermit King.

You mean by sleeping, right?

Watching TV and eating McDonalds

His hidey-hole!

Trump's productivity for America would increase from 0% to 100% if he resigns. It has been tiresome living under this lying traitor and the crime syndicate that is his administrstion.

Lol Trump being productive? K.

Trump is being more productive in his second Oval office, if that what it takes, I guess!

What's productive entail for Donald Trump?

More executive time. Will Cabinet meetings move to his bedroom? Will they gather around him like courtiers at a feudal royal court? He may fancy himself as the modern day version of France's Sun King.

MsBeeCount Tweeting? Calling in to Fox & Friends?

If by productive you mean watching Fox and tweeting about it like it's true, then yes.

Tweeting? Lol

Fits his profile realDonaldTrump is a workaholic and only sleeps for four hours. Thank You!

“Productive.” You guys with the jokes...

I can not even imagine the honor to serve our Country as President and everyday you walk into your office in the Oval. To 'run' the Country from his 'home' is really, really sick.

Productive? Trump watches TV, tweets, and calls like-minded bigots for advice. To be productive, it would mean more than mistyping social media insults and retweeting harmful, often racist conspiracy theories.

So is he wearing sweatpants to work now? sopresidential trump

Coincidentally, the place he actually is least productive. “Executive Time.” What a joke.

Or, his health is declining and he is being sequestered.

Productive as in producing shit.

That's where the tv is

What kind of BS story is this? We all know he hardly works.

Productive No, he's paranoid and feels safer away from staffers. What a baby!

Become backroom peddler! ~ No wonder!

Probly more access to stimulants and TV there.

I am sure he is productive. On his personal toilet.

His TVs are set up, he can call Fox and Friends, he doesn't have to put on his wig.....

That room has the big tv in it

I suspect it's more about his paranoia.

Privacy does make a criminal more productive.

Productive? That’s funny. By the way, where was his $50k golf simulator installed?

Trump refuses to show up at work; stays in his bedroom sulking most days. Fixed your headline for you. Do better.

Can’t lose the remote

Productive? what?

Most productive? You mean where he can tweet the most?

Productive? Lmao... it’s where he does his most tweeting... he’s too lazy to go downstairs

Where he can hide, more like.

Extreme corpulence tends to make one a homebody.

“Most productive.”

I get the most done while I'm sleeping too.

I believe you mean the only place he can eat fried food in his briefs.

It’s cause he probably had a stroke last week

God Has Nothing to Do With Trump Being President russia does ....

whyfund The residence is the new Oval Office because Trump is bedridden after going to the emergency room.

whyfund Residence ? Call it 'Bunker'.

whyfund One Oval office, one oval commode.

Pretty soon he will be shuffling down Pennsylvania Ave babbling to himself.

Howard Hughes’ decline started in much the same way, and ended with him barricading himself into a hotel suite and watching movies buck naked for months.

You mean he hasn't had the Cone Of Silence installed yet?

When you need to eat your hamberders in bed, it makes sense!


Maybe he can now start working from the Oval s**t House, after all 75% of what come out of his mouth is Bulls**t.

I guess they need to install a couch and TV in the OO for Trump.

Yeah, I wonder what it's like in there.

If I were President Trump I would keep them guessing where I could be found too! The man is carrying a target larger than Regans . May god protect President Trump !

Mfjean0213 Does Trump even bother to get dressed?

This is part of MSM gaslighting Trump.

What's he afraid of, nobody loves him anymore. Who wants to see and deal with him anyway.

Howard Hughes did the same thing. Went over the edge. Hmmm

Trump has finally cracked

Cause he can't walk with his prostate issue.....doh

Maybe he was projecting when he said the election meddling was done by a 400lb man in his bed 🤷🏽‍♂️

Don't need it. Miller whispers in Mafia Don's ear.

Because he’s sick?

Trump is becoming a combination of late-model Howard Hughes and Montgomery Burns.

More hateful nik picking and harassment of the hardest working president in history!!

Dealing with Trump in his bedroom makes me throw up.

He doesn't like the scrutiny when he's scarfing his Big Macs.

Action?!? You mean constant ‘twitter on the shitter’ time.

They are going to have to fumigate when he gets the boot.

boot him out

Sounds like he is pretty much bed ridden.

The Toilet Oval!

king trump version.. told you guys he was nuts... trump proves it.

If he’s pulling a Wilson on us then it’s time for the 25th amendment

OMG! He’s doing something different. Different! This. Can. Not. Stand!

realDonaldTrump spends all day in bed nursing those bonespurs and crying because he’s so lonely.

He's getting so fat and demented he presumably doesn't want to get out of bed.

Maybe he feels more comfortable lying from the residence.

Since his hospital visit perhaps?

Closer to his drug and junk food stash and his bed TV.

IOW -Trump stays in the residence doing as little Presidential related work as possible Trump wholly UnfitForOffice Reject the Trump Regime ImpeachAndRemoveTrump VoteGOPOut

He’s uncomfortable sitting in the Oval Office, he knows he doesn’t belong there and he brings bad energy to it which then is deflected back to him.

Fox News and Twitter!!!!!

Cuz, spies everywhere.

Is this just a way not to say, 'The President will not get out of bed,'?

... so he doesn't have to get his fake hair done every day, can you imagine what a PIA that must be? Oh the vanity of it all...

Heard he's afraid to come out of his residence because he doesn't trust people around him. That's called paranoia.

Maybe he’s on house arrest. 😂😂😂

Bed rest doctor’s orders!

Why do images of Howard Hughes come to mind?

Self contained the world should be safer


Trump is scared to come out of the Residency!

Bed rest, Doctors orders!

Don’t blame him

Puff piece. tRUmp doesn’t “work” late into the night, or early in the morning. He tweets slander and insults then - that’s not work

Hitler at the end lived in a bunker.

Watching fox is not his job. DerangedDonald


On his toilet.

The guy works around the clock.

Only because he thinks the Oval Office is bugged.

He looks completely out of place there. Even he looks uncomfortable.

37th POTUS was hysterical. Crumpled in a leather chair in Lincoln Sitting Room, in White House. Nixon called for Secretary of State, Kissinger. Nixon was physically & mentally unwell and, realized he had no choice but to become first President to resign his office.

Is he sick? He's just been to the hospital

What a fool...

Trump the clown is gutless..


He really is not fit to live some place so special to most of us. It's like he's a cat pissing in ever corner to mark his territory. Gross & disgusting!

I think Bill and Monica looked better in the Oval Office instead of that mental midget Trump!

Fewer bugs

You mean the Führerbunker.

Next he will be hiding out at the Burger King! Trump might as well get used to downsizing, because he'll be spending a lot of time in an 8'×10' cell if all goes like it's now looking! Oh heck, at least he'll have Rudy, Barr, Devin, Mike, Jr., Eric, Ivanka, & more to hang out with

mlportn Soon he's gonna work from one of the bathrooms. And his aides will say it's normal.

It's not HIS residence. The White House does not belong to Donald Trump. He's a government employee living in government housing. He needs to be evicted.

Where he conducts business on an unsecure cell phone, right?

Kelisia Yep, there is a lot of action happening in his room.

Or there really IS something wrong with his health and he is in hiding. Hmmmmm

He’s probably on IV med treatment and doesn’t want anyone to see...this man doesn’t give up the limelight

TheKeeper2016 Haha. Trumpf petrified.

After Clinton the Oval is kind of a gross place

wish he would take his business to Florida or somewhere else ......

This seems like too nice of a way to say he doesn't want to get out of bed

This following what could only have been a medical emergency.

working from bed. Something is going on.

Trumps residence is parlance for 'spider hole'. Just sayin....

Trump doesn’t work. He watched TV all day at home in bed eating fried chicken

Right! Eat, Tweet And Watch FoxFakeNews Undisturbed By The Job He's Unfit To Hold.

RogueFirstLady begs to differ

Why can’t Democrats walk and chew gum at the same time like realDonaldTrump and most Republicans? It’s like productivity is a dirty word for Democrats.

It’s amazing how he politicized our military .

“A former senior administration official insisted Trump’s use of the residence was “not an attempt on the president’s part to hide things. He is a workaholic, so he wakes up early and works out of the residence. It’s just the way his internal work clock has been for decades,”

Read: HIDEOUT...🚷

Headline should be: After Emergency Hospital Visit Trump’s Confinement in the Residence Sounds Alarms. Trump’s health is deteriorating, why isn’t MSM on this story. He’s UnfitToBePresident

The best govt money buys.

Yea, he can stay in his Emperor jammies in bed watching FOX dealing out pardons to criminals and 'your fired' orders to his staff.

In short, PolitiHacks are no different than CNNSucks and the rest of the TDS afflicted loony liberal FakeNews media. A negative spin is found in anything they report on this president. Sick people.

So trump is the 400lb guy on a bed somewhere?!?

Little does he know those walls have ears!! Something big big big on the way just watch!!!

Looking more n more like Howard Hughes.

My guess is Rump is *working* from the residence only so he can watch FOX

Where's his family?

Surely you mean 'nursery' - complete with ICU and attending physicians.


Probably hiding in a closet sucking his thumb most of the time. 😃😃👍👍👍

Easier to commit crimes when you’re out of the White House. When will Americans realize that this man’s first priority is to hide what he does cuz it’s illegal or in his own interests. Never has America been burdened with a parasite like Trump.

Probably more to do with plugging leaks than concerns about any impeachment actually happening. FakeNewsMedia will just have to fabricate anonymous sources from now on. Somebody will repeat their lies and propaganda. Hope this helps.

The epicenter is in Moscow; The WH is a satellite branch.

Trump Hard at work

I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with him going to the hospital last weekend

Since when is the job of the POTUS a telecommute job? Doesn't most of his work require highly secure communication both in person and over secure phone lines? I realize he does very little if ANY work but is he now going to forego even the appearance of working? TrumpResignNow

Yeah, the real action.

Trump is taking Impeachment ' laying down' bedside .

8 days after an unexplained emergency hospital visit, the WH trots out a farcical cover that donald prefers to work from bed and reports it as gospel. Totally fucking normal.

Now I know, he's the 400 pound guy on his bed eating burgers?

Cool article

In short, he wants to stay in bed and watch tv all day

Stop sensationalizing his lack of working, being mentally and physically ill ( no golf for 2 weekends in a row) and his downright laziness. We the People deserve better.

That walk to the Oval Office really exacerbates the bone spur injuries he suffered during Vietnam.

he fainted in the residence and was taken to walter reed

No it isn’t. It’s in Putin’s office.

No he is watching TV and not working

For real. potus does not understand that anything he does will be looked at regardless of where his fat a$$ is sitting.

Can you blame him?

Sounds like FakeNews to me

Ha ha couldn’t happen to a nicer🤨guy.

Good for him.

Huh? This is one of dumbest stories Politico has every written. Then again, they have so many of them

Is Trump’s physician in the Lincoln bedroom?

Love your use of the phrase 'perceived risks'. He risks leaks by someone every time he does anything. You admit yourself that his Ukraine call was leaked from his residence. He has no reason to trust anyone in any of the bureaus, as proven by the 'hearings' & Mueller 'probe'.

If you had roaches in your office you would go elsewhere to. It’s the same with deep state spies and their bugs head elsewhere. And yes I called them what they are spies not whistleblowers

Sure Jan.

The entire WH is bugged. Thank god

Doubtful much work is getting done. More like tweeting, watching, television, and finding ways to bully people.

Epstein's cell is open and available.

How about we set up a larger portable toilet on the South Lawn and he can do his dodo out there

Which means he’s having conversations, or meeting with people he doesn’t want anyone to know about. Transparency.

Something is missing from this piece about the residence...🤔

Does he have food tasters and a pretorian guard yet?

So the question still is what is Trump hiding

Bet he finally got that direct line to Putin installed for himself and Kushner.

mterr337 During Ronald Reagan, Nancy, his wife & others protected him. LeslieStahal(sp)of.60Minutes said in one Interview yrs ago that many Journalists knew that Reagan was not well, even his Youngest son, Ron wrote as much in his book 3-4yrs ago.GOP when will US be 1st over the Party?

trumps distrust and paranoia grows.

mterr337 Why not. His most trusted advisor and child incest bride has access there anyway.

Good idea. Have it scanned for listening devices and do not not have group listening. You are surrounded by traitors.

TomPaulauskas Impeach now.

And HRC used the wrong server are fu,,king kidding me

Oh, please. Like he works...

He’s acting like an ostrich burying his head in the sand.

Don’t come in my room, dad!

Trump has never trusted OUR government. I remember his wanting to use his own security over the Secret Service when he 1st took office. The fact is that this POTUS is anti-American gov. He's consistently pursuing Russia's agendas, not those of the USA. ImpeachAndRemoveTrump

The 72” 4K is in the residence.

Paranoia! He knows what he did. He is impotent & knows it!

.TheResistance resist ImpeachmentTaskForceRises Unbelievable spin of the bottom line that Trump hides out in a residence bunker to carry out nefarious schemes.

Nice puff piece. He doesn’t work. He’s not a kind cozy homebody. 🤮

He’s afraid Nixon’s ghost bugged the Oval Office and the tapes are for real😂😂😂😂

Scared to face the quid pro quo.

BarackObama and EVERYONE associated with his administration are pure CRIMINALS on a world scale. ObamaCorruption

Works harder than any other prez, so what where he works? Trump gets results unlike democrats

Gaslighting the President is attaining new creative levels in the absence of any sensational leaks for MSM !

Paranoia is a part of Donald's sociopathic and narcissistic personality disorders, as he feels cornered and while the walls are closing in and his crimes are being exposed to the world.

Paranoia. More evidence of guilt.

Farmers ,coal miners,auto workers, and steel workers are on unpaid welfare.HBSC bank is laying off 10,000 workers.General Motors are moving abroad and on strike. Barney’s, Walgreens, Lowe’s, Perkins, Forever 21,Perkins and H&M are closing stores . Great economy!

He’s on his power hungry trip and still won’t resign as much embarrassment he brought himself down . All this time, he spent all the executive power in wrong place. Now it’s time for payback. Need to resign

Is this really news?

It's pretty sad that our CIC cannot trust his own staff. The Deep State is REAL. DrainTheSwamp

What you are saying is the President is doing nothing! Sad!

Is he wetting the bed yet?

In other words, he’s no longer pretending to be an ImposterPresident; he’s now a fugitive from justice who has barricaded himself in the White House.

Outlaw needs a hideout.

“Maintaining a sanctuary to work and think” - HAHAHA who wrote this, Ronna McDaniel? We all know what Trump does: watches Fox, tweets, and makes calls to his friends.

'He is a workaholic' and working on how to scheme money from the federal government.

He’s retreating to his bunker. There will still be leaks.

You mean the media is fixated.

What? He thinks his residence isn't bugged?

The impeachment trial conducted by the Republican Senate will be outstanding. The democrats who will be freaking out

So you're saying that his mobility is impaired?

This reads like a WH press release. GTFOH

More bullshit fake news

Halfway normal piece...what I am shocked about is they actuality contacted The White House for comment...but knowing past fake new journalism practices..they declined from past performance.

Pure nonsense. Trump just tweets and watches Fox. No work.

I’m sure it has nothing to do with that emergency “checkup” last weekend.

Cheeseburgers, Twitter, and domestic and foreign policy creation in bed ... wonderful. deAdder we need a cartoon.

He's just a lazy assed wannabe mob boss. There's no strategy to his tweeting from the water closet, it's just where he spends most of his time.

I hate the Democratic Party. I use to vote across lines. Not anymore.

Would not any President if he was railroaded for three years

Get any advice from Jimmy Hoffa?

You could easily also say “Democrats fixated on impeachment have forgotten about America “

This article is a total joke.

Well there, our “hamster”! Can still say!? Or are you like the Queen of England, are you hiding all the details? Doesn’t want to disturb, so to speak, disturb. (I mean, Trump, you are not reporting everything to him!)

Big Mac attack

President Trump should of done this before. Politico, CNN., DNC, Washington Posts and other fake News, Schiff and friends have Rats following Trump 24/7!

Oh, so he's also having paranoid delusions. Nothing to see here.

Excellent. It almost sounds like he he's very much capable of the job for which he was hired. Except his job is the president. Honesty would be nice. I think we require more access to the boss. The boss job cannot be done as a telework thing.

Define 'works'.

Lies and more lies.

“Risks of his office space” = witnesses

freddyatton 🤣 There's no 'action' in the WH residence. Ask Melania.

'I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.' ~ Joe Biden

“...Trump ...happily stays inside his White House bubble and the residence — working late into the night and very early in the morning “ By “working“ this reporter means “watching TV and rage tweeting”. She should be embarrassed that she wrote this nonsense.

freddyatton ...and to sit in bed eating Twinkies, watching Fox and calling Vlad.

This is a trump PR piece to cover up that he is not well...don’t believe for a second that it this is normal for a president...THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW HIS HEALTH STATUS!!!

PJs, FOX News, Diet Coke and hamberders

Go Biden!🇺🇸

Here Politico, this tweet is for you...

Action? This idiot we have as President does not do anything but create chaos and enemies or play golf!

Who wrote this piece of sycophantic drivel? He works late into the night and early morning? More like he’s sitting there doing a lot of nothing and being paranoid about who knows it. Could also mean he’s hiding whatever ailment he went to Walter Reed for. IOW - this is bunk.

“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” Catch 22 Joseph Heller

Uh huh

I bet Trump never felt like he belonged in the Oval. The very thing he fears is what he believes is true himself — he’s illegitimate.

Fellow criminals must travel to 'The Don' to kiss the ring

His mind KNOWS that he does not belong in such a prestigious place.. CORRUPT AND CRIMINAL... orange jumpsuit is where he belongs.😡😡😡😡😡😡🇺🇸🇺🇸

So he’s hiding. Coward.

Yeah, you can tweet from any where!

DylanHunt2017 Trump will try to move business to his own turf to avoid mandatory record keeping & any recording of his activities.

Vox_Democracy Lord knows what Lavrov planted when you invited him in, fool.

The only action in the residence, I'd say.

Unhinged, paranoid.

It’s a shame its come to this but I don’t blame him.

He doesn’t do 💩! He’s a lazy, spoiled, mentally disturbed, bully and broken man. He won the Presidency in the most disgusting way ever. He and the people he is beholden to stole it! Plus, white voters who are either or more of these: 1.) Greedy 2.) Anti-abortion 3.) Racist

realDonaldTrump Paranoid much Donny?

So he’s retreating into the comfort of his bedroom. It could be paranoia, it could be a fear of falling. He’s becoming less steady on his feet. Last week his face showed clear signs of a bad fall.

In other words, Trump is becoming housebound, another clear sign of his growing mental instability.

It only emphasizes his crooked character and complete unfitness for the office. Instead of learning from mistakes, he desperately tries to hide blatant misdemeanours he is constantly committing. Having a crook-potus (like 45) is lose-lose lunacy. It’s time to oust him.

good guess

Pres Trump knowing there's Lying Leaking Snitches In his administration, gonna bait and watch them fall

Official business? You mean all those big mac's he eats and his color books and crayons right ImpeachTrump

Nervous diarrhea prompts Trump to sit on the toilet even more than usual.

Good. Let him retreat in the residence like a rat. The Oval office is for Presidents.

No note takers there, I guess.

In other words, he watches TV all day?

FFS just build a secure dungeon in the basement is the WH for him to tweet and call out of. And give him his wish: Let him stay there forever.

Since when has it EVER been a risk to work in the Oval Office

'working late into the night and very early in the morning' ... Don't you mean tweeting late into the night and very early in the morning?

I like this headline you wrote better. Maybe republish it?

He’s not paranoid. He has so many lying, spying, leaking honor-less a$$holes around him he can’t trust common spaces are secure. That’s pretty sad. And what’s worse are the citizens ungrateful for his relentless work for Americans. To those citizens - You should be ashamed.

We will be paying for a daily suite at the Trump DC hotel a la Howard Hughes soon.

What official business? How to commit treason, extortion, put kids in cages, tweet crap while watching fox and friends?

I think the fake news is the one fixated.

wolfiemouse Wtf? Yet another alarm bell. Are WH butlers now part of the Deep State? Hoping someone will tell him WH residence is bugged just so he takes another impromptu trip to Walter Reid for phase 2 of his annual physical exam. 🤔

Translation: he's spending all day in bed watching Fox News.

Trumps a “workaholic” lolololololol

Soon Trump will be tweeting out of the utility closet.

The president is so paranoid about being tattled on for criming that he can't even do his work in the oval office. God knows what's going on in the residence...

Too lazy to go downstairs.

The dude must be doing sooooooo much more bad stuff if he is so paranoid.

Can you blame his given the number of traitors there are in DC?

He’s doing his homework in bed. Like a teenager.

Tweeting nonsense and lies isn't exactly official business.

Perceived risks include having his personal communications with Putin, Kim, et al, monitored.

Yep, realDonaldTrump Playing on Twitter & probably Playing with himself, after all, he's the only Pres who has a TV- Flat screen in the Oval Office

Most Americans think the media is fixated on HIM!

'Fixated' ? Check his schedule compared to what the Democratic leadership were doing! The Dems have done nothing but impeachment for 2 years.

Soon 'Donnie FukStick will only do his official business in a tinfoil-lined bunker at Mar-a-Douchbag and only the First Daughter-Wife, Barr, and Miller are allowed in.

I don’t blame him the liberal rats are everywhere..

Looks like someone is paranoid.

Leeks are everywhere. Should be jail time for those who do.

WHY DON'T YOU TESTIFY? WHAT ARE YOU SCARE OF? I know what you up to you dam crook.

President Trump is the only person in Washington we can really trust

He has official business?

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