For some, the 'black friend' defense is a tired racial trope

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The 'black friend defense' played out before a national TV audience this week during Michael Cohen's congressional testimony. For some, it's a tired racial trope.

March 1, 2019

Darden and countless other African-Americans have experienced variations of the “black friend defense” — saying that a person can’t be racist because of the color of the company he keeps — for generations. And the trope played out in front of a national TV audience this week as Republican Rep. Mark Meadows defended President Donald Trump against testimony by Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, claiming that the president is racist.

Harvey, who voted for Hillary Clinton, told media outlets in 2017 that he regretted meeting with the president at Trump Tower because of the backlash. He only did so in the hopes of helping with Trump’s transition to the White House. The phenomenon was the subject of a 2014 study done by University of London Business School professor Daniel A. Effron.

Parry said he finds it remarkable that people in the public eye keep using “the black friend” excuse over and over in almost verbatim language rather than issue a mea culpa. It comes off shallow and brings the authenticity of the friendship into question, he said.


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Democrats tend to run political theaters full of all kinds of tropes. Racial, gender, religious, sexual, etc etc... and then there’s tropes: in a sea of fake or manufactured or processed “news” can’t be a fake news reporter cuz one of ur friends is a real news reporter.

Master meadows prop.

For some, electing clit-chopping, jihadist activists to Congress was a bad idea.

Do you think she agreed to be a prop or just agreed to tell the truth? Calling her a prop is actually the racist part here...may as well call her the house n

I know I’m being picky, but she flew down from NYC, she didn’t rush in at the last minute, right? So, why the sunglasses? seriouslythesepeople

As Trump famously said at a rally, 'Where's my African American?'.

And humiliating too....smh

And another media outlet race baiting..

For a black woman to allow herself to be used in this manner is disgusting, she needs to wake up...

Yeah most are definitely sick of the race card being played daily.

And she wasn't even allowed to speak. What a farce.

Tell that to RepMarkMeadows , the height of hypocrisy 🤮🤮🤮🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

She ain't black

If you're a closet racist and want cover, you need to marry a black person in 2019.

For those still using the BFD, quietly ask yourself 3 questions: 1) Are you comfortable with your son or daughter marrying a black person?, 2) Would you EVER trade places with a black person?, and 3) When you speak to black people, do you see a black person or just a person?

So are Dems admitting that the attack Tlaib waged on Meadows was true? Because she backed off it and tried to explain it away. So which is it? Is Meadows a racist and Tlaib rightfully called him out? Or did she not call him out because he is not a racist? Cant have it both ways.

The 'black friend defense' played out before a national TV audience this week during Michael Cohen's congressional testimony. It's a tired racist trope. -- Fixed that for you.

It was difficult to watch. cringeworthy

So is hauling out biracial nieces, nephews and grandchildren when you get called out for racist bs.

Real ? Doesnt this go both ways for fake ppl cause i have seen it in person we all no ppl should put color blinders on there eyes but fact is alot of ppl dont why is it called strong black woman and called crazy white girl thank about these ? And speak the truth


Suggesting that a black woman is a prop and not a person of value is racist. Way to go MSM on showing your true colors. Cohen was the prop in this charade.

Meadows said his neice and nephew are black. That's not a 'black friend' defense.

BlackPhysicists For all people of color

I'm no racist. I have a black friend...

Rep Tlaib and the Democrats calling everyone racist is soooooo old. Worse, the created the KKK and have a blackface wearing racist as governor of Virginia. What hypocrites.

She Was Just Used As A PROP!!! She Doesn't Have Enough Self Respect To Be This GOP White Supremacist's TOKEN,SMH!!!😠😡🤬

It might have been more helpful to his cause had he allowed her to speak. But instead, he made her stand there behind him like the help. None of it was good

Tired trope or defense of having a 'Black friend' in order to absolve or mask ones racism or white supremacist viewpoints is kinda outdated. Nowadays,it's 'I have a Black girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse,plus mixed offspring'. As if slave owners didn't rape their slaves.

‘’Look at my African American over here’’. Donald J Trump, June 3 2016.

MarkMeadows I’m so embarrassed for you.

Are you calling her a token? Or are you calling her an uncle Tom? Both are racist Saying many is such an accurate amount to go by, is it 3 , 4 , 20? You might want to actually talk to her but that might actually end up being newsworthy.

RFK while AG called AL authorities to get MLK released from jail. RFK had Alabama Gov. G. Wallace removed from entrance to U. AL to allow for blacks to attend school. MLK I have a dream speech 8/63. RFK signed off 10/10/63 weeks before brothers assassination To wiretap MLK.🤔

Tired of everyone playing the racist card. Anything negative and you are a racist if the person is non-white. 95% is not racism.

Biased Bullshit article. Show some factual actions that Trump is a racist. He’s done more for Blacks than Obama and I don’t mean just jobs!!!

Why are the words “for some” necessary in this tweet?

C_Rich75 You can rent a black friend from a company called Rent A Bro they gotta sale goin on this week

What a shameful act of stupidity

the ap has become unhinged

For some? No for all

The prop was just as much to blame for allowing herself to be placed as a propaganda shield. If she is comfortable with her role in that fiasco, she deserves whatever the outcome is to her future career.

realDonaldTrump did this during the 2016 campaign. 'Where's my one black friend? Is he here tonight?'

What biased reporting.

Yeah, but he went for double or nothing so there is that The old 'black friend defense' followed by the rarer 'black family member defense' served to spice up the otherwise tired racial trope.

So now even a black friend saying a white person isn't racist is evidence of that person being racist?

AP is ignorance plus on this topic...

Everyone and that's means everyone should be judged not by the color of their skin but the content of character. So lets all be equal. No more of this well they need this or they have this cause of the color of their skin. The color of the person should never appear anywhere.

Black friend defense? That's a biased, racist headline concocted by a biased AP. Shameful!

I got a great idea, why don't you actually interview Lynne Patton, instead of this tired 'ist' or 'ism' baiting journalism. Just watched an actual interview with her, and definitely did not feel like a prop. And anyone calling her that is the one with issues.

Lmao I missed this what's this it the ol 'my best friend's bbllaaacck' line 😄

Man these brainiacs really out here so ready to see racism that they invent

The Democrat leftist playbook of calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist is getting old and hollow too.

Look how she's framed by whites, who are the face of the Republican Party. But then, she got a job on the strength of her personal connections with the Trumps, as did Omarosa. Rs talk meritocracy, but don't practice it.

We’ll never heal until it’s agreed that racists come in every race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Stop the hypocrisy.

Ms. Patton is a free American that chose to stand up and speak her truth. It is gross when AP chooses to interject a social narrative. They could have ran a story on Lynn Patton's life, but they decided to find an unrelated story to push a narrative. Activism is really gross.

'We pretend to tolerate black people'

“Homey don’t play that game.”

Yuh kin only be a raaaaaacissssst if you be Republican.

God you people whine about everything

If this is what you’re taking away from the Cohen interview you’re doing it wrong

is a disgrace to journalism

How about referring to a black professional woman as a prop? I'm SO tired of racist assholes screaming racism at the top of their lungs so no one notices that they are the freaking racists.

Anything to deflect from the Star Witness Cohen FAIL. 😳

How about falsely accusing someone of being a racist without evidence in the first place? Isn't that an old trope? You're such hypocrites.

This page sucks lmmfao

A racist was upset at being called a racist.

You have turned into a tabloid style source of information. Congratulations

Did the “I know he’s a racist because....well...there’s not a lot of black people in executive positions in his companies” line that Cohen gave also play out as sounding fucking ridiculous?

C_Rich75 She was trump’s wedding planner and he appointed her at HUD with zero qualification ($160k salary). I guess that’s the price of her dignity.

I bet she was a PAID sell out!

Dems have been using it for decades by claiming they are for minorities when their policies say otherwise with the intent to keep blacks under their thumb of control.

chrishanrahan “for some”

TDS is curable. Just stop reading AP and watching Don Lemon.

BOOOOO , worst type of yellow journalism. Shame

“For some?” How about anyone with an IQ room temperature? If you weren’t insulted by that, irrespective of your race, you are clueless.

Then how do you defend against a racism accusation? '- you're racist! - but... My wife and kids are black... - don't use this 'tired racial trope!'

This is news? Lying yellow menace.

What is appalling and disgusting is for the Left to think a very successful highly educated strong black woman would allow herself to be used as a prop. That is disgusting, racist and sexist.

Beyond tired 😐🙄

Liberals thinks if u have a different opinion or policy than they do that u are a racist.

Did you see the response afterwards by the “prop?”

For some?

This from an alleged “News” organization.

So my race card is played out but your Black friend card is valid?

The AP is a tired partisan organization

Surprised surprised surprised! Why is Associated Press giving it’s piece of mind on the “black friend defense”? I thought AP should be breaking news, summarizing press releases, and keeping to facts on news in the USA and around the world. Oh wow FakeNewsMedia

Yep. I have black friends & we occasionally talk about politics & what life is like for black people. It is because I've spoken with them that I know I'll never truly be able to fully understand their life experience because it's not possible for me to live it.

AP saying this while their racist democrat friends continue to run Virginia. Hypocrites

According to RepMarkMeadows he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body, which means he is occupying someone else’s body.

burlettavoce literally our whole convo watching the news. CRINGEY.

Not for some. For all decent humans

Tlaib is an anti-Semite, as is her buddy. They want nothing more than death to Israel. She’s out of control and not assimilable.

Blame the Dems. They are the ones making the racist accusations.

We need Jussie to speak up. How about Jazmines mom? These card are old and warn out. Im not paying attention anymore.

“For some”

lol she's more than a 'black friend ' .... this story is pathetic ... keep the racial divide narrative going AP 🙄

You don’t know me!

I mean... it’s the epitome

When you call some a racist you need to be able to back it up. Cohen got crushed for one of his many lies. RashidaTlaib made the mistake to take it further and got her ass handed to her too. Don't go there unless you're ready to defend your position. Class dismissed.

That would make sense if Trump didn’t employ several black people including other minorities and woman who are minorities. Fail!

The Enemy of the People! The Average American is so sick and fucking tired of EVERYTHING being race related. Lynne Patton wanted to be there and chose to do so all on her own to refute the lie Cohen started peddling in Nov 2018.

I think the most racist thing that happened was when a black womanwas called a prop by tlaib but ok

Some? Nope - all. What was worse was that the lovely Rep. Cummings had to make his friend feel better - that is what is tired. We need to recenter this white gaze - many other folks in the room.

robintallfish Not for some, for like 95% of us.

When trump apologizes for the central park five we may have a starting point, maybe. 'For some'

What's tiresome is the race card . Everybody gets it there are bigoted & white, Asian, Hispanic...

It's a symptom of a sick society that seems to be 100% concocted by Dems and creepy leftists. Reject their BS race war posturing every chance you get. EndRacism



Well what have said about the tired racial hoaxes? Goes both ways now doesn’t it.

More Pro-Democrat bias.

For some?

I can't help but feel sorry for Lynne Patton being used in all of this. She was an obvious prop for 'black friend' defense of Trump. Meadows and the GOP have no shame when it comes to defending him. Funny how no one challenged Cohen's statement about blacks in the Trump company.

You know it might have been believable if the woman had made her own statement or maybe smiled. 👌👍🖖

Russians have now overtaken Virginia & even the Democrats are racists or have molested someone - a few weird people think American is the most loving nation on earth- hate to mention it but many are patriots & yes even Christian

You guys are stupid. A guy who stands up for his friend who was called a racist...can’t be just a guy standing up for his friend. It has to be a racial trope. Race baiting morons. He knows him better than the retard calling him a racist, so he stood up for him. Get over it

So is being labeled a racist whenever you disagree with leftist agendas being pushed by liberal politicians and MSM.

IT IS a tired, racist, act. Meadows owes everyone an apology.

Man.. even the AP is calling you out..

Just dumb GOP. Barring other details, saying that having one minority employee means you're NOT racist is as ridiculous as saying having many minority employees or none means you are NOT a racist. Racism doesn't exist in a vacuum. It has many facets and hides behind many masks.

“For some”

The AP as a racist publication. How racist can you get AP?

Stupid to think in skin color. Those who saw color are racists. Making this a press item is tiresome.


FWIIW, there's a difference between toting out a 'black friend'to say 'See I'm not a racist' AND this scenario in which someone w/1st hand knowledge of Trump's behavior in the WH refuted Cohen's testimony by letter & was present to add credibility to the written word.

You were saying

just the msm being anti- American. get tired but we can Not let them win without pointing out their hypocrisy. simple really: continue to live in the lies they create Or choose truth. they do not care for our way of life or those we love. plain truth. thus the censorship. imo

It's disgusting. I hope my black friends punch someone in the face for saying 'having black friends is racist' You are a sick society.

So is the racist accusation without merit or any basis.

“For some”

Who gives a fuck?

It was awful. MarkMeadows RepMarkMeadows looked ridiculous. Having diversity in your family or office does not indicate whether or not you are racist. Not sure what LynnePatton was thinking or why she went there but she didn't look comfortable to me.

This is my black friend.

The pathetic left get even more pathetic as each and every day go by.

Making everything about race is another tired racial trope.

DickXaivier SOME?

This is all just BS politics! None of it is real or actually matters. Be good to the people around you.

Reinforcing division, this time using very successful black males to double up.

“For some” is really unnecessary here. Just delete it and then you’ve got an actual headline.

I once rode a bus with a black guy. NotARacistRepublican

“For some” doing a lot here


And the AP doesn’t have any REAL journalists anymore. Sad. True Journalism in our nation is dead.

It’s a tired racial trope to not take into account the testimony of the black friend. In this case, a very credible testimony from LynnePatton


That was shameful,

How many US slave owners had black children? Pretty sure we can still call them racists.

It was appalling

My god when will news outlets take a stand? The ‘I have a black friend’ defense just proves you’re a racist

Is Jesse Jackson Trump’s Black friend, too?

Our politics is a circus, we should all be ashamed

It’s. it a bad thing to have black friend , why all this am black and have white friend does that make me racist too . The left and ppl like this .org denigrate everything so disgusting

Yep. This will be a nice ratio.

You what is tired? Accusations of racism against people that don't see race. They treat people according to their character, not their color. Now the lunatic left says you have to see race and obsess over race and treat people different based race. It is mind boggling nonsense.

There's no defense to the liberal racism attack. Once they accuse you, you're guilty and any effort to disprove is futile. The only way out is to be a liberal - like Northam, Maher, Hillary, etc. It's so woke

It’s appalling completely disgusting.

Curious that this article neglects to mention that Tlaib was forced to apologize.

If the “black friend defense” is not valid as a defense that you are not racist...then we are really f*cked. I mean, seriously

As surprising as it may be, I don’t have any black friends.

She obviously meant to call him a racist so she got called out then everyone acted like she didn’t, absolutely disgusting.

It always amuses me when racists trot out their 'friends of color' to support the claim that they aren't really racist....I call BullSh*t!!!!

if you don't think having black friends is a major statement to one's racial perspective then you have never met a real racist. that being said, it is kind of cringe

'For some' You guys are hacks. How about that woman wanted to be there? She wasn't forced.

Calling a black women a token because she's not a Democrat is also a tired trope.

Basically what Meadows supported

Yeah, because everyone knows that white people with black friends are the MOST racist. David Duke must have tons of them, right?

Dude was a clown for pulling that.

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