For GOP firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert, anger and suspicion linger after Capitol riot

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

For Rep. Lauren Boebert, anger and suspicion linger after Capitol riot.

When asked about her views on anti-government militia groups, Boebert said their activity is sanctioned by the U.S. Constitution -- but she stopped short of offering a full-throated endorsement of their efforts. She said she doesn't know Robert Gieswein, the Colorado man who had posed in front of her restaurant and who was later charged with participating in the Capitol siege. She said the photos she has taken with Three Percenters should not be viewed as an endorsement of their actions.

Democrats have continued to question whether any Republican members took steps to aid the rioters. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said on Thursday that"if people did aid and abet, there will be more than just comments from colleagues here -- there will be prosecutions." "But we keep learning more and more about the events of Jan. 6," Morgan said."I would expect if a member was shown to be supporting an attack on the Capitol in any way, there would be swift action."Groups that monitor militia activity said they are increasingly concerned by what they have been learning about Boebert.


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Your normalizing of this seditious member of congress is very troublesome.

Investigate her

MalcolmNance 'firebrand'...if she lit her farts then yes... otherwise, she Cartman in drag

hexanowl Did you mention how her husband is a pedophile who exposes himself to children?

MalcolmNance “Firebrand “? Jesus, that makes her sound like a cult hero. She’s a damn nutcase and should be referred to as such.

Traitor without question!😡

MalcolmNance ABC define “firebrand”

MalcolmNance What kind of shit hole country sends people like her and Cruz to serve in D.C.? Bottom of the barrel.

MalcolmNance She seems super happy to be getting lots of attention.


MalcolmNance 'firebrand'?

MalcolmNance Lock her up

MalcolmNance So, NOT hungry and unemployed Americans, or those facing evictions, or healthcare, the economy, foreign policy, unemployment, education, infrastructure, rebuilding, national security, unity, BUT GUNS that kill humans. BOEBERT AND GREENE- A PAIR OF DICKS!

MalcolmNance She is an example of why mental assessments need to be a requirement to hold office. Our representatives should be able to apply critical thinking. We’d have to provide her with the definition of critical thinking. 🙄

She was and is part of the mob, and must be prosecuted!

MalcolmNance Not a firebrand... an idiot and showboating wanna-be.

MalcolmNance Stop calling her a 'firebrand'.... seriously...just stop.

MalcolmNance The next election will be known as “whats her name” who believed spouting crazy stuff and bringing a gun into a federal government building is how people stay elected.

MalcolmNance Shown here with her trademark goofy leer.


MalcolmNance Have you ever been to Rifle Colorado? WHY would anyone pay attention to the high school dropout from down the street? Check out her campaign funding.

MalcolmNance She is a white supremacist, KKK torch bearing , insurrectionist who cleaned up nice with a suite and barrel blow dryer hair and lipstick. Nothin more.

MalcolmNance Why are they calling her a firebrand when it should be nut-job.

MalcolmNance 'firebrand'? C'mon now, that sounds cool whereas she's a wackadoo with an extensive criminal record.

MalcolmNance WAY too nice,

WHOSE 💰💰💰 installed her in Congress?

MalcolmNance 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

MalcolmNance She’s not a ‘firebrand’, she’s a threat to our democracy. Stop downplaying what these people are.

MalcolmNance As it should be. She’s a dangerous nut job

MalcolmNance Firebrand? No. Traitor maybe. Maga idiot GOP obstructionist, yes

She is dedicated to something that doesn’t exist like all the lies Trump made up. He only cared about himself. She needs to be investigated and fired for what she’s done. She was part of a plot to kill members of the Congress.

The stink of government chaos is in the air. Black lives matter is waiting in the shadows to grab america as it's prize. I'm just a poor white person hopping us white people will have a new America to flee to.

I do not understand the GOP that they will not vote to uphold the law and vote to convict Trump!! The tapes show he broke the law and made them not only witnesses but victims - if it was their families they would demand justice you can not have it both ways people!!!

She needs to be removed.

she's one who gave tours to right wing nuts w/ walkie-talkies on Jan 5th.

The most unqualified person in Congress and its hardly even close

Please ask and report on why there are 25,000 troops still in DC!!

She 'relishes' being a provocative and disruptive force? Huh. Young gal should slow that horsey down to a trot. Trying to navigate the busy halls of Congress at a gallop ain't like the wide open spaces of western Colorado, especially when you're packing heat.😁

she has your attention huh. Like AOC demanded attention. Our future young politicians! Get use to it

“Firebrand?” Seriously?

For the love of God will people STOP calling that freak a firebrand? Doesn't everyone know that that moniker pleases her great? The next person to flatter her should be hit with an enormous fine. Like she's not obnoxious enough already!

She is not A firebrand, she is an idiot!!!

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