Food banks swamped during Covid welcome Biden fixes to SNAP program

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Food banks struggling to feed hungry during Covid-19 look forward to President Biden's fixes to SNAP program.

DETROIT — Kinda Makini-Anderson has been providing hot meals to households on Detroit's east side throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. By her count, Makini-Anderson's nonprofit"We have always been there since 2009, assisting the community," she said, on a recent snowy morning after delivering breakfast to a local family."But since the pandemic it's been an overload."

Kinda Makini-Anderson runs Inner City Youth Group, a small nonprofit serving Detroit's East Side. Makini-Anderson is pictured at a food distribution she ran in March.Joseph Llobrera, director of research for the food assistance team at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities think tank in Washington, said research shows SNAP isn't doing job one — feeding the hungry."People run out of benefits two to three weeks into the month," he said.

Last month, the Biden administration challenged the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which manages SNAP, to fix that, but also to take an earlier-than-planned look at the basis for the benefit itself. Maximum benefit levels for SNAP are dictated by something called the"Thrifty Food Plan," which is supposed to reflect the minimum cost of a nutritious diet.

"The Thrifty Food Plan is based on the assumption that people have a lot of time to price-shop and prepare meals from scratch, but the reality is that many families are juggling different jobs," said Llobera.


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I hope everyone gets a good meal tonight. No one should be starving in the year 2021...

How about not allowing people to buy junk food with SNAP?

Let Americans work. There fixed everything.

Freedom to starve

Still waiting

He doesn't even remember you know, The Thing!

Boy Scouts of America collected 50,000 lbs of food yesterday for utah food banks.

Alot of churches in my community have stepped up in a big way to help families during this time

Wish news anchor ppl would encourage ppl 2 donate their $ or $$ directly 2 🍲 food bank b u no u are helping ppl this is how we know it went directly 2 ppl in crisis! God bless

Yes. Food insecurity has almost doubled since the onset of the pandemic. We have seen our need increase 134% and 1 in 4 kids are living food insecure in our city of Houston. We are putting out over 6,000 meals per day.

“Today, “social murder” may describe the lack of political attention to social determinants and inequities that exacerbate the pandemic.”JoeBiden KamalaHarris BBCWorld CNN globeandmail CBCHealth HealthyDebate CBCToronto

IvankaTrump fucked it up

this is a humanitarian initiative that serves as an example for other countries, including ... I hope it can be further expanded and serve an even greater number of people and families.

I guess it will be a long 4 years of people not being helped by the Democrats who created all the problems. You all can suffer as far as I’m concerned. You made your bed. Now sleep in it!TruthMatters

This is sad. Our Government needs to do more, a lot more. I am MAD. I don’t need anything. I am just MAD as hell for the American people!!!

It would not or bankrupt the big stores to donate food to help, I said the same thing about English food banks, selfish money grabbing idiots help the poor x

threadreaderapp unroll

If only there was a way for the richest country on Earth to ensure everyone in its borders didn’t starve.

But it's the socialist countries that have all the bread lines, right?

Its a problem he inherited, not his fault

nadabakos JoeBiden KamalaHarris

Hear this all the time. Must apply to certain areas. I volunteer at a Food Bank. We’re seeing fewer clients. Don’t understand why. Maybe our community is taking care of their own & there’s plenty of resources available-SNAP, stimulus check, unemployment, etc

Wow i can't thank you enough for this interest i still can't believe it i invested and got my 100% interest, am surely going to recommend you to everyone markdonaldAmeli

I work. Who feeds my family because I don’t qualify to sit in my ass all day and let the Government pay for everything?

Free markets have solved all our problems.

Wow i thought the usa was the richest country in the world. Sad

We have stepped up our financial donations to area food banks as local news reports have aired segments on the shortages they face as demand for assistance has multiplied across the desert empire. Our hearts break for the plight so many are facing.

Years ago I applied for SNAP. I qualified for $15mo if I sent ream of forms. So I started growing food. Even if surrounded by concrete, I planted in buckets. One step at a time & then I SHARE freely w/neighbors-& mail carrier.😁 Imagine neighbors working together like “old” days.

During this pandemic in our hometown no one has involved in helping financially handicapped people from our country Kenya, Instead they busy planning for next general election, creating slogan to lure the same citizen which are starving to vote again.... Sad!!!🥲🥲🥲🥲

What happened to the rich guy in the Bible that refused to feed Lazar ? Answer: He went to Hell. *** The rich have been warned time and time again.

Well, then let businesses reopen and put people back to work.

If the US would divert some of its bloated military budget to national humanitarian efforts, this wouldn't be an issue. It's a choice inflicted on the lowest classes by the highest classes. And yet people accept it.

Apparently no one at this pathetic, biased network has anything to do with food pantries. There is a surplus at most. Another sad attempt at class warfare.

Remember this the next time some republican or media savant starts complaing about: A ) Bidens plan costs too much. B) It's not 'targeted' enough. C) We don't need to help, the 'economy' is fine. D) The 'defict'

But Republicans think we are all doing just fine...

'We have always been there since 2009, assisting the community,' said Kinda Makini-Anderson, from Detroit’s Inner City Youth Group. 'But since the pandemic it's been an overload.' She estimates the nonprofit has provided over 150,000 meals in the last 10 months. (2/9)

Food insecurity: nice euphemism for malnourished, hunger and starvation.

No money left for Americans Biden to busy giving it to everyone else.

13 yr old artist follow my insta if u fw my music

This is yet another way the government is bailing out so called corporate 'job creators'. Tax cuts, tax loopholes, grants, low interest loans, Medicaid, food and housing aid to the low income workers not to mention all of government funded infrastructure and public safety.

Kontrol Technologies, KNR.A Canadian company with a solution.KNR has covid 19 airborne detection unit in production.This unit will save lives and facilitate in the re-opening of economies around the world.

The Democrats love welfare, it keeps people in poverty and dependent. Jobs can lift people out of poverty and dependence, and then, god forbid, they might vote for the other party.

Texas border will collapse.

A single person with no dependents who makes less than 130% of the poverty level here gets $234 a month in SNAP benefits. That is A LOT.

They’ll be eating Prime Rib

Does anyone else remember Trumpy saying that he inherited a mess If you believed that, how stupid must you feel right now🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

My Gran just said she would never degrade herself to accept free food she just blurted out,and my Grandad said during WW2 and after, England had nothing, after we won the war by oursleves and nobody gave them anything to show gratitude for freeing the world he just said

Looking😍😍 at how obliged and indebted I am feeling towards you right now, I have realized that kindness is actually one of the greatest weapons any person can ever have. Thanks you lisaMakT

We didn't have this Problem when Trump was in office just sayin

😈😈😈😈😈😈💉💉💉💉💉💉😈😈😈😈😈😈 lockdown2021 = civilwar

Give them more handouts so they don’t ever work and rely on the government even more

God pls healed our land

PaulSorrentino3 That 'fix' is $30 more per month for a single adult with $0 income. That's not a 'fix'.

Some of the food🍗 is going to waste🗑️.

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