Firefighters union endorses Joe Biden for president

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The International Association of Fire Fighters endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president in a video released on Monday morning, becoming the first major labor group to officially support a presidential candidate in the 2020 campaign.

"On behalf of the International Association of Fire Fighters, I'm proud to announce that we stand with Joe Biden and endorse his candidacy for President of the United States," Harold Schaitberger, the IAFF's General President, said in the video. "Joe's a lot like our firefighters. He's a problem solver who cares deeply about America and committed to making our country better. He's one of the staunchest advocates for working families," Schaitberger said.


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Go Away Biden, no one wants you !!!

Maybe street cleaners union and dishwashers union would be next


Baby KILLERS . .


firefighters never were the sharpest knives were they

Biden gets off molesting girls in public forums. Reports he has erection while touching very young girls while on stage.

The union did but not the firefighters!


Moves like that are why union membership and power have dwindled to just about nothing.

I am a fire fighter and I do not endorse him. So don’t put me into this group. And I know a lot of other firefighters that feels the same way.

waiting Negative rhetoric from Ultra conservatives, or Berners

18 months before the election, 12 before most primaries

How embarrassing for the Firefighters. Their union endorses this shithead yikes... embarrassing. I feel bad for the guys who have to live knowing their funding this and it's done in their name.

Of course would you expect anything less?

I wonder who the firefighters like?

No one care about endorsements it's not 1980.

The heads of the unions are corrupt like the establishment.

I thought Biden said he didn't want any endorsements? LoL

And that’s why I glad I don’t belong to a union. Dues wasted again on Creepy Joe

But how will it’s members vote!?


Wow, how can people be so blind

Biden’s son is Heavily invested in China.

albertacantwait are these the same people that endorsed the NDP in AB?

Wow what a surprise ...big union money supports big government clown !

Really doesn’t mean anything anymore

Too bad 🙄🤤

Unions however what do the actual firefighters say? I trust them more then the unions.

Firefighters UNION endorses Joe Biden. Does anyone believe that is a reflection of their membership?

They must not enjoy hanging onto their money or their morals.

The leaders of the Union do! Funny how the Republican members have no say that their union dues are applied to Biden support! The Dem way...

Do you mean my house could burn down because some Union Boss calls a Strike? Unions for Public Servants should not be allowed! Communist running our First Responders is insane.

Ever since the molester Biden announced his run for office forgot the others running for the democratic ticket. Well, guess who will win it. Lol.

Doubters, the Republicans are anti Union. Let's not forget Ronald Reagan destroying the air controller union he fired them all. Republicans represent big wage-earning obscenely overpaid corporate CEO'S, COO'S, CFO'S etc... ANYONE BUT TRUMP 2020

As well they should. Biden is job security for firefighters across the country because the guy is 'Dumpster Fire !'

After Trump has done SO much for our nation's police and fire departments, this is a disgrace and will backfire on this pathetic decision, and btw, I'm a fireman!

Good. He’s the weakest candidate

The UAW didn’t and won’t throw our money away anymore!!!!!! Rebuild our beautiful factories Obama Biden tore down!!!!

And rank-and-file firefighters will vote for Trump.

Oh yeah ,,,,? Which union,where, and are the ffers unanimously in line lol I think not . Stop saying ffers,,specify.

Fake news

First of all it’s a year in advance, way too soon, haven’t even had the first primary vote. So I wonder how much he had to say to the firefighters that he would give them after he’s elected?

Their Union leader supports Joe Biden but I bet a majority of the Firefighters don't.

Fake News it’s Best !!!

That's the union. Not the firefighters themselves. Misleading.

So the firefighter union is going to back the party that endorses the right for the unabomber and alike to vote. This is absolute bullshit, and the union chief needs to take his head out his ass! Oh n btw. God Bless all the firefighters for what they do in a non-bias way🙏

Unions, where ambition goes to die....



Yes, and being that unions are made up of middle-class workers that the Obama admin attempted to destroy majority of IAFF members are not ok with this, IAFF could lose a good percentage of it's membership


Great, let them be stupid.

Imagine that!

Yes they endorsed Trump in 2016.

Of course they do because unions are in bed with Democrats. It’s all about silent corruption. Vote for who protects your constitutional rights , not your right to fleece the taxpayers because a Democrat holds office

I am Disappointed in my fellow teamsters I sways support anybody who just has a D next to their name. Creepy Uncle Joe really?

Biden is an awesome raker.

76 лет пердуну...а он еще в президенты ни разу не долез..🤣👎👎

here we go DNC and propaganda news is creating the atmosphere to put him in front the rigged system officially is launched like 2016

A big Union that donates heavily to the Democrats is endorsing a guy that been on the Government Tit for years. Wow call me surprised 😲

Its a union. What did,you expect?

America needs young blood to lead the Country not Antiques

Let's hope Dem will be the winners in 2020, no matter who.

Now, did the union send a representative to be yelled at here on Twitter by supporters of other candidates? 😉

Good news! They want to go back to 1.6 percent GDP!

Firefighters union ironically endorses country burning.

Yeb, Trump will be in panic mode Let's wait for his tweets

No need to Join Politics to serve our Nation. You're KING. You can serve our AMERICA better than any Politician. C'mon Brother & Sister..........Let's CHANGE everything in the RIGHT Direction.

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