FDA launches study that could lead to removal of restrictions on blood donations by gay and bisexual men

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For the first time, the FDA is sharing new details on a study it's funding that could lead to the removal of longtime restrictions around blood donations by gay or bisexual men.

"By closely examining the latest evidence relating to blood donation and sexual behavior, we have been able to bring forward more inclusive policy to allow people to safely donate blood to save lives."For Assessment of Individualized RiskNow, the FDA has revealed to ABC News that a study in the U.S. that could lead to the removal of time-based donor restrictions not only is under consideration, it's underway.

-- calls for a groundbreaking collaboration between three of the nation's largest blood centers, Vitalant, OneBlood and the American Red Cross, along with LGBTQ+ community centers nationwide. The research is intended to conclude whether donor deferral can be based on individual risk assessments rather than blanket rules.

The restriction on blood donations came out of the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s, when limited testing technology existed to screen blood for HIV. The Food and Drug Administration, in 1983, implemented a lifetime ban on blood donations from all men who had sex with men after 1977.Marchers on a Gay Pride parade through Manhattan, New York City, carry a banner which reads 'A.I.D.S.: We need research, not hysteria!', June 1983.

The ADVANCE study will include about 2,000 men who've had sex with men and wish to donate blood and"could generate data that will help the FDA determine if a donor questionnaire based on individual risk assessment would be as effective as time-based deferrals in reducing the risk of HIV," the FDA said. The participating LGBTQ+ community health centers will be delivering data on men aged 18 to 30 who have had sex with another man at least once in the previous three months.


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Can you please help me get a FBI/FBIPhoenix/TheJusticeDept? I’m a sex crime victim & dyslexic! I deserve justice! For over 3 years, I have been asking for investigation! I deserve equal protection under the law!

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You don't need a damned study. It's an idiotic policy, and should just be reversed.

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Beware of Feminine Over-the-counter hormones in their blood!

Will Everyone Be Gay By 2022?🙄😷😷 It Seems To Be The Most Promoted / Funded Thing Globally? & Just Might Be Forced On You As Your New Religion.

I wonder where we are with “art official” blood? Or is it too costly, yet.

We need a study to say that gay and bi men should be able to donate blood?

horrible Merry Christmas))

They really needed FDA research to find out gays can donate blood safely? LOL government at its finest

The discriminatory practice of refusing to let gay men donate blood because of THE BLOOD BANKS’ GROSS NEGLIGENCE should have been ended long ago. I’m O- and HIV Neg btw

And Biden wants to make it legal to knowing give someone HIV. Welcome to Biden/Harris America! They are like the Oprah of AIDS up in here!

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Got Zantac ?

Gay and bisexual men are restricted from donating blood? WUT!!!

Just curious. How do they know if you're gay or bisexual . . ask? Are you gay or bisexual? Yeth.


Literally 0 dollars need to be spent researching this. You test a gay person just like you test straight people before donating blood. Problem solved.

Did we get rid of HIV? I thought it was still really bad?

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