Fauci given security detail after threats: Source

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Dr. Anthony Fauci, someone millions of Americans are trusting to help them deal with the coronavirus crisis, has been given increased security after threats to his safety, a source tells ABC News.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the subject of online conspiracies about the threat of coronavirus and has been recommended to get a security detail.coronavirus crisis

In recent days, on the recommendation of the U.S. Marshals Service, the department approved a special deputization request from HHS for more than a half dozen HHS inspector general special agents to provide protective services for Fauci. Another factor for approving the protection, one official added, was that Fauci in recent weeks has also been approached in public by admirers who were getting too close for comfort, asking for things like autographs and selfies, and there was a desire to get a protective bubble around him for social distancing purposes as well as security.

As Fauci has become one of the more prominent national faces for the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus, some in far-right or fringe conspiracy websites have baselessly sought to cast him as a member of the 'deep-state' resistance out to undermine Trump.


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Threats from Trumpkins? Or his brain dead followers?

Let me guess, nutjob liberals?

USSupremeCourt TheJusticeDept WhiteHouse VP senatemajldr FLOTUS GOP SenateGOP HouseGOP

There is no excuse for ignorance.

It must be a civil discussion even if we are disagree. Every person has an opinion and an agenda. Only the court can decide about wrongdoing.

I’m surprised he still has a job! He must have some great stories to tell!

American whistleblower gets death threat!

He is so smart,capable,loved and appreciated. Protect him to the fullest. He is the only one worth our trust!!!!!!

Qanon idiots saying he’s part of the ‘deep state’.

No, my friends, his threats aren't coming from the common man, they're coming from corporate entities and probably insiders RememberInNovember

Trump Republican followers are nothing but a roll of toilet paper, they are.only good for one thing, guess what that is.

“I have no idea what's awaiting me, or what will happen when this all ends. For the moment I know this: there are sick people and they need curing.” ― Albert Camus, The Plague A curse on all who threaten, sideline, or harm anyone helping, anyone telling the truth.

I guess it’s libs threatening him because he’s working with Trump. Probably antifa. Beyond low for the left.


I hear everyone's complaints about the trump supporters who don't believe I say let nature take its course let them be the sick ones and die

Threats to his safety by whom?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is advising the Country and is a Medical Expert, so for anyone to be angry at the Dr, is insane. Why used Dr. Fauci as a scapegoat?

Crazy nuts

How do you threaten someone trying to save your life? Murika is wild!

Damn liberals !

We had one adult in the room. Helping, advising, and educating us. Now because of, (just a guess), rabid Magats, Fauci is scared for his life.

People are freakin lunatics! We’re all in this God forsaken crap together, no one is safe, and the doctor is being threatened!!!! Omg!!! I just can’t.

So much FreedomVirus spreading around eh...

All for what? Telling the truth?!

Not surprised. This can occur when you disclose the truth...

Attacking the messenger is next level desperation to control the narrative. Swampy.

DOESN'T matter who it is it's wrong.

Nobody should threaten him he should be given protection. A brilliant man doing a great job at his age God bless him

Getting sick of him

I hope someone sees this and finds it in their heart to help this Mom. I lost my job, I have 4 little kids, 1 of them is disabled so I have 2 in diapers. We could use any help, please. I hate having to ask, but I'm lost now if we don't figure something out $kourtneymelton

What a world we live in.

Who the hell is threatening Fauci.... madness....

Trump..honestly..who cares if you are number one on FB..Zuckerberg could give a shit. He is responsible for genocide, revenge porn, cyber bullying, LGBT bullyng, slander, lies, teen suicide, etc. Not to mention, he has been utterly silent since the virus began. He is no Elon.

Notice the irony here...? 'Fauci in recent weeks has also been approached in public by admirers who were getting too close for comfort, asking for things like autographs and selfies,..'

I don’t think he’s telling the truth

See what happens when you oppose the führer.

Democrats are the ones fuelling the threats against fauci

God bless and protect him

America: Where ignorant people threaten scientists who try to protect them. Because being American is better than being science! 👍🏻

You know what is Scarier Those Ignorant People threatening Dr. Fauci. Want to go a 10xScarier? Guayaquil Ecuador. Their infected & dead pale to comparison to what we have & Yet Their Healthcare System collapsed. Dead bodies on the streets or being burned on the Streets

A man whose is trying to help save people getting threats. Those individuals threatening him deserve a head on collision with COVID19.

America is baffling.

This is what happens when you work for Trump and tell the truth. We must remove Donald Trump.

Here's an idea everyone: STAY HOME

These are “trumpsters”, the worst America has to offer. We need to stamp them out and take back our country. realDonaldTrump has legitimized this antisocial behavior. Let’s de-legitimize realDonaldTrump, the corrupt cabal of politicians and FoxNews that prop him up.


Probably some liberal wacko

Keep the truth teller safe...he’s one of the only sane voices we can believe in.

This is why I'm killing humans they have 0 brain cells and can't RESPECT those who deserve RESPECT.

Trump supporting f*cktards.

I don't trust him. This is bullshit.

Nice. Threaten the doc. America the beautiful.

sounds like things that trump ‘s follower would do


This is sad verrrrry verrryyyy sad!

Lol no trump is he has no damn clue whats actually going on and giving false information and guiding people the wrong way and thats gonna generate more infected and more deaths. Keep trump. Away and let the professionals deal with it.

It puzzles the people outside USA and wondering what is wrong in speaking the truth. Does America turn into a totalitarian state?

Why the hell would people be threatening him

Trump loving people doing what they do best with their crazy ass conspiracies

Yes yes It’s going to be a seasonal just like the common cold. Why is it the buyers for the common cold? Because it constantly changes like Coronaviruses. Now you’ll take your vaccine every winter to come out of your house. Isellstuff84 Thanks BillGates

What!? What the hell is wrong with people? What did Dr. Fauci do or say to deserve death threats? Insanity

Is him a threat to anyone? Why any person on earth wants to harm him?

FBI surely is investigating and will fully prosecute the individuals threatening Dr. Fauci, yes?

Disgusting. This is not normal. How are so many people living in an alternate reality? This is terrifying.

seriously, people are threatening him?... what is wrong with people?!

How are we ever going to get out of this when a surprising amount of people have an anti-science bias

That’s what happens when you tell the truth

Only in america can propaganda get so out of hand the doctors fighting the virus are considered the enemy, propaganda and misinformation work

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