Fast food fan President Donald Trump chows down on burgers with Clemson football team

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“The reason we did this is because of the shutdown.” Pres. Trump followed through on his plan to serve Clemson Tigers football team a collection of fast food as the national champs visited The White House on Monday.


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Most likely ran out of food at Washington's McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's

Did anyone fact check that the president actually paid for the food like he said?



Thank you President Trump for showing the love of Christ in a practical way!! We support you and continue to pray for you and your family as well as the USA :)

President Trump knows how to delegate and take everything to the top

So tacky! Par for the course with our lack of any class Potus. Proud of the Panthers for having the quality of greatness to rise above the low quality of Trumph's disgusting actions.

See that’s BS.Trump owns a hotel nearby where he could’ve had the chefs cater to the White House. Last year they said they had BBQ. One football player was quoted as saying that was the best meal he’s ever had. Nobody wants cold fast food or cold fries. Talk about being cheap.

Hey Donald, why don’t you take off your coat and stay a while?

Nice job President Trump. A once in a lifetime experience, a trip to the White House after winning the National Championship, and you serve the same fast food they could get anywhere. Where was the ceremony?

The kids thought it was great. No complaints! Why make shit when there ain’t no shit? The kids are even quoted that they loved it. It’s a privilege in the first place to be at the White House.

Sad WorstPresidentEver


Where is the many many french fries, Hamburgers, Pizza for the workers & families in shut down, this is so disgraceful, Hey great job winning guys, oh no we need Border security, WTH, These guys could afford to go out and get a great meal, not cold trash food


It's a joke

300 hamburgers come on

Anyone else notice that the White House brought out the good China to serve that shit on? I’m sure 45 will also tell you he did the dishes, right?

I am NO fan of 45’s but I first thought this was pretty cool of him...until I saw this! 😳If that ain’t some Bullshit good lawddd and had steak w/potatoes for lunch SMDH! Fucker! Resignalreadytrump

Any bonus check or gift card inside the Bigmac?

So sad. I would have laughed out loud and left. What an embarrassing moment. I am sure this took the excitement out of thier win. Was thier trophy a chocolate easter bunny? POTUS you must be saving all your change for your wall. Maybe the boxes will be your wall. Hmmm


منم میخوام😢

Dumb! No class!

He just wanted the leftovers.

Please stop the shutdown 😡

Trump is 100% responsible for the shut down. Of course he turned it political instead of honoring Clemson. ' I paid'. Can't believe he's a president.

How tacky... 🥴 fast food?! a sit down meal 🥘 showing some form of hospitality would have been more appropriate.....

Oil ha,ha,ha weird O weirdO

He should have bought them all glam burgers with a side of diamonds and liquid gold to wash it all down. Now that’s classy and appropriate. 😆

Anyone notice how he made this about him and added a lie?

Why is he wearing a coat indoors? Is he refusing to pay the heat bill? Also, regarding all that fast food, I hope someone cleans the grease spray (because there has to be some) off that lovely portrait of President Lincoln.

And he was criticized by the media. OMG the media is so out of control they are sickening!

Poor guys eat fast food daily and Trump with all his billons can’t buy them steaks. Disgraceful

Dam McDonalds Stock and sales is going to rise

'our favorite food' NO it's his favorite food. The only reason he didn't cater this is because he would have no idea what food to ask for. Such an embarrassment. Rants lies about the wall, offers junk food, then walks away. Will Clemson let their players comment on all of this?

Well he is definitely representing HIS America alright. Smh.

How freaking cheap are you? You could have afforded to have a lavish sit down catered dinner for them on your dime, Mr. Rich Guy! Instead they get cold fast food and the people that prepared it are lucky if they get paid minimum wage!

This is how you bride people in college, not people who work with you and have supported you up until now


The reason you did this is to divert attention from the shit show that is your administration. But nice try, comrade.

Very nice of him!

I just love our President!!!


Lawddddd what a low life!!. This white house has gone to the dogs

You gonna feed grown Men like Kids

The President is the epitome of processed cheese.

Did the potus forget they were coming and got his driver to run to McDonald's? No effort, what a joke

Im in tears right know I mean WHAT I wish I had this every day!! All that would be gone in like 2 seconds!!😭😭🍔🍟

Is this the fake new we have here!?

This should not be mews.

Federal workers are doing without but hey let’s feed some football players some hamburgers. Sounds like you realDonaldTrump need a lot of work on real American priorities. 👀

Lord, help us... 😔🙏

Why did he have a plate under his Big Mac box 🤔🥴

So called millionaire serving fast food..cheapskate!

Did he even greet the players?

Great idea realDonaldTrump the only thing missing was LittleDebbie snack cakes for dessert.

Wow that POS spent as little as possible to welcome the Clemson Tigers and served them fast food! WTF!?! Then he makes it all about him and HIS shutdown!

How about feeding the federal employees and their families since the TrumpShutown is the reason they are not getting paychecks! senatemajldr SenateGOP stop the TrumpCircus do your job!!


Since we Taxpayers pay for this. I wouldn't mind if it was panda Express I would've look fancier and more decent. 🤦‍♂️


There is a McDonald's less than 5 minutes from my house,,,if I order something and bring it home,,,its damn near cold,,,I could only imagine how this tasted

And what about the people that’s working without pay? Who’s going to pay Their bills. Buy food, for their family?

Stupid man serving fast food to these college football players 😖

What was for dessert , popcorn? 🍿 😆

And because Trump is cheap

The president loves hamburger, so he believe that all the people around the world love hamburgers.

His whole presidency reminds me of the movie King Ralph.

Obviously a dig at Michelle Obama

With honest Abe looking away with disgust.

DiD you eat one of the BIG Macs with a Falk?What did you buy them with my unemployment? Because we know I didn't get it .See I shut down the Government untill I get my lawyer and a settlement from the network. And my unemployment IamThegeo Tommywhispers1 realDonaldTrump

It's funny that he's so proud

WH goes low rent.

Wow, why mention the border at this time.......publicity stunt. Is this wall nothing more than the biggest monument in US history and I’m sure it’ll be named after him as well. This is pure foolishness, why not put a dome over the entire United States😂

I’m sure these champs will never forget this experience. Winning the National Championship, meet the President (who’s dressed to leave already), get lectured on Gov shutdown and the wall, and eat cold fast food. Yippeee! Are we great yet, realDonaldTrump? totalembarrassment

The Republicans visiting the White House for lunch today had steak and mashed potatoes. What happened since last night? Furloughed cooks came back? Miraculously?

Wow... And this is our 45 TrumpUnthinkable TrumpsShutdown trumpfastfood

Now this story is what you call a NOTHING-Burger.

Awesome. You just keep eating those burgers. Eat A LOT of them. Eat them everyday. Go full on “Super Size Me” and then we won’t have to worry about impeaching you.

There is no way in hades I would have attended this grandstanding platform for Trump and his political cronies. Clemson University President and AD should have their behinds fired for allowing this farse

People should just continue to damn him for whatever he does! I'm sure it makes people feel good about themselves. Anyone care to read what the quarterback had to say about it?

I love it. Proud of President Trump doing this.


President sever them one of his favorit meal. He would have to eat alone. Pray for our president and our nation and neigboring countries and keep our union, unity and pray about illegal immigrants, elections and people, protection, finances, debt.pray your family all sef than J

All dressed up for dinner at the White House, with the President, and wow, fast food!! How disrespectful, tacky, crass, classless.....

This is what happens when you have a reality tv host become president.

Is the heat shut off,too? That’s the reason for that dam Overcoat....the man is just a Fool...

Well if Donald Trump could spend all that money for a college football team on fast food meals why doesn’t he forgo his paycheck while hard working government employees are going unpaid .

Quit lying 🤥 already

Thank you President Trump!

Just helped the fast-food food economy. With minimum wage increase, I'm sure they appreciated the sale, minimum wage goes up people eat out less.

Lame, cheap & typical.

1000 hamburgers for 40 football players That’s 25 burgers per guy.. which is one whopper of a lie.

It wasn’t even kept warm..what is wrong with he served steak and potatoes at his lunch?

Donald Trump was giving happy meals Donald Trump’s attorney is going to give the American people New York strip steaks by telling the whole truth not holding anything back he’s going to have more people watching him then the Super Bowl hope he gets it right

Donald Trump‘s attorney February going to be telling the world and the American people. exactly what Donald Trump is all about. He’s a relationship with the Russians women and other things they’re saying it’s going to be shocking iis attorney coming clean no holdbacks .

Donald Trump‘s ex lawyer is going to be speaking to congress he can make things right by telling it all everything the American people are going to be watching and see if he really means he’s done with Donald Trump will be watching let’s hope he comes up with the goods

realDonaldTrump served a variety of cold, fatty foods, served on silver platters - embarrassing as always

What a joke and embarrassment Trump is.

This is why America is so broke!!!! He probably eats like this all the time lol. 1k a day in McDonald’s !!!! CowMoolk89 hunter12232

That was just so pathetic! These guys are visiting the White House and he serves junk food?! So gross!

Athleics don’t eat fast food? No olive garden for these champions ?

This is what a supposed billionaire buys for food at the White House? 🙄

Wow not one word of encouragement or a way to go!! TrumpShutdown

Just plain dumb.

BS. This POS supposedly owns 5 star hotels around the world and he gives the number one team in America the dollar menu. Simple Fact is he just doesn’t give AF about the presidency nor this country.

This is awesome!! Love it❤️❤️


And if Obama did this you would say it was hip and cool.

“ Hi-The White House Drive-in can I take your order?”

Could the team members just NOT go if they hate Trump or don't want to eat fast food?

And it’s all ice cold..

Is this a joke like?

Why can you not just celebrate Clemson win...have to make it's a real shame

I doubt that Trump couldn't of gotten them real food.

He serves them this crap and proceeds to blame the Democrats. Did he care if some of the athletes lean Democratic? Why is he even mixing politics with their visit? SMH.

Where were the paper plates, plastic cups and straws?

He was better off giving them a gift card and a tour of the White House if they had only 90 minutes there. A true athlete needs a healthy diet and fast food doesn't cut it. That's an insult to them. Great job Donald!!

Fools he is screwing u all

The shut down caused him to buy crappy fast food instead of hiring a catering company?

ArchieBunker19 I promise had a Cajun been president them boys would got them one hella of a home made Cajun meal. Billionaire can’t cook. All them people in the White House and they couldn’t made a White House cooked meal.


Wow, way to turn your cheapness into an agenda

Craig59426840 Which is trump's fault

TRAIN WRECK!! Greed And Nonsense!! What A Lucking Fooser!!

So he decided insulting more people because he has shutdown the government was the way to go? Is this moron for real!?

What an ass!

Something is wrong with this guy! He is the kind of person who would turn a Bible study evening into a wall campaign event

No. The reason is ignorance. Plain and simple. realDonaldTrump

Open our government

Alabama may have lost the championship but last night they were probably dining on Filet Mignon and Lobster while Clemson was eating pizza from DonnieHoes and “Hamberders” from MAGA-Donald’s 😜

I guess Trump 'couldn't' personally afford to have this event catered with hot, decent food.

Due to Trump shutdown he had no choice. No money for catering.

This really is a pretty accurate representation of the country right now.

McDonald's? That's it


You should be embarrassed you elected him . America has become so media consumed and entertainment driven that this clown gets Elected.

He is awesome! Best President Ever and congrats Clemson 🏈

Do you think a football team wants a formal dinner, or tailgate? Can you ever not find fault w POTUS ?He invited the team to the White House to celebrate a championship. Congrats to Clemson who had the decency to attend & not make it political. Shame on for politicizing.

He could have had his personal chefs cook a real meal and instead orders fast food How insulting!!!

This is ridiculous...I think he would do more for them. This i feel is insulting..idk why but why do this.

Man there is 2 for 5 dollars cheap ass.

Trump fan or not, are you kidding me? Does he know there is an obesity problem in this country? Does he understand the strain this puts on our health care? He is an idiot.

Eat healthier Mr. President feed them chicken 🥗 not 🍔 2019 let’s get healthy every body👍

This story is literally a nothing burger

So why was steak served to Rs at lunch today at the WhiteHouse? GaslighterInChief

I wonder how well they tipped

How did u go from Obama to this...? Sad.

McDonald's really

“Enjoy your...’food’”.

I want a new law. When the government is shut down only the President, his staff & Congress won't get paid. Everyone else will. They make the most & do the least.

No healthy food!! Come on!!

Class act 🤣realDonaldTrump lol

uh, wait...the reason is the shutdown? Is this really the best realDonaldTrump could come up with? He has a hotel down the street with plenty of staff. They could have catered.

Get invited to the White House and dinner is cold fast food. Yuk.


gross and disrepectful to think highly trained athletes like to eat this crap. Ugh!

What An Insult! I would’ve walked right out of there & went to a 5 Star restaurant! (Patronize business who pay their employees), While the television cameras showed me going in sitting down & eating a meal fit for CHAMPIONS!! How Disrespectful!

Well that was.... embarrassing.

😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG!

‘With little consideration given to quality or significance’ great choice Donald. To honor the National Champions. You cheapskate.

the WhiteHouse restrooms felt the aftermath of this trash parade. FastFoodFeast

There are hundreds of better restaurants in DC. He’s just a stingy bastard.

realDonaldTrump Let me see if get this right. You shut down the govt because your having a tantrum this putting thousands out on furlough. Then you invite guest into your home and feed them junk food because of staff cuts. Pretty sure you’re not eating take out. TrumpIsaMoron

The reason he did this is bc he is not classy enough to serve champions real food. (Did any of them take the knee?) Hooray, you won the championship. Here's a Wendy's burger for you cuz I'm sure you can't get that everywhere anytime.

Trump, more like Middle America than Billionaires, Likes Fast Food. Beats the heck out of Homus and Salads..........🙄

The fast food idea was so great. Love It and with the candelabras-hilarious.

The most shameful national champion visit ever... sad... very sad

Ignorance &frugality are trump's traits

Bull. He's lying again, as always.

so he decided to feed these young american athletes some of the most unhealthiest food around and call it a celebration

Meanwhile 800,000 federal workers may be wondering how to pay for their next meal.

He said in a earlier tweet that he bought 1000 hamburgers, but in this clip he says 300. If you're gonna lie about burger quantities.....WHY? I'll never get it.

Uhhh, could have had real food catered

Why a freakin’ pig❗️

Ya and they liked it!!

He always has to make it about himself. What a loser.

If he would’ve had a big sit-down dinner. ABCrap would’ve reported that he was wrong for doing that too. Openly biased. Nothing about dems partying in Puerto Rico

They didn't decline the WH invitation, like other teams, so they got crap in return. And the orange fatberg of course deflects from the fact that he is holding the country hostage by blaming others.

So. Gross.

For real though my fellow AMERICANS, these young men, college students, National champions didn't deserve that kind of treatment from Trump, punishing a national championship team because he haven't gotten or will never get money to build a wal wowwwwww🍔🍟🌭🤣🤣🤣

Go to border, start talking, border security! Nobody wants you as a dictator!!!

Just seen Michael Strahan on GMA Day show invite the Clemson football team to a real dinner on the GMA show paid for by him

artwork is halltoons

adavaco This can't be real...please tell me this isn't real....

How much more absurd can Donald Trump get in the face of a government shutdown affecting close to a million government workers, their families, and American these government employees serve in their capacity of employment across the nation. Trump is out of touch with reality!

Hope they spit in them

Burgers ? Seriously!

They didn't get the GOAT FiveGuys

Yeah, he's stupid!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Everything turns into a political campaign for him. Just let them 'try' to enjoy themselves. How about 'congratulations!' 'welcome!' 'enjoy yourselves!'. Is that so hard?

Personally I like bigmacs.

This was a dumb story yesterday

And this for all the folks replying here.... these are the core issues & what we need to do now to save our country. Follow RBReich Robert Reich: 10 Steps to Save American Democracy via YouTube

They loved it, special honor to meet the President. Just another example of how President Trump keeps is word. Nothing wrong with this, and I imagine the team was a lot more relaxed.

That’s a 5 star Buffet for many college students

Can realDonaldTrump pay for food for the thousands of GovernmentShutdown employees out of his own money as well? I'm sure they need it more than the Clemson football team.

I actually hate him more than yesterday. I seem to say that everyday. I had no idea I had the capacity to hate a person so much!

No.. it was because you were too cheap to have it catered by your hotel kitchen..

Wonder why they went in the first place. They deserve it. You go to see a crappy Putin puppet, you get crappy treatment. They vold have stayed home and do a drive thru

This is stupid.

Great news!! I was at Costco (no I wasn't) and on the book table Lukas Volger's book was selling fast. I was fortunate to get one in the chaos of the scrum. I cant wait to pickup some ingredients and make my first veggie hamburder. Hamburder FakePresidentBoneSpurs 2CheapByHalf

Where is the root beer?


It seems a fake news

Love it.

That much food could feed an army of hungry children or the homeless, yet he gives it to some football team?

It was an insult when I saw the McDonald’s.

🤔 Got any Vegan yummy food?

He's a pig. This proves it.

Hope you didn't over do it, trump! I would have laughed my Ass off, and left! The Money wasted flying your Ass to Mar-a-lago , and Clemson gets a Big Mac. Wow! That was worth the Visit, huh?

Disgrace to college football.

Hopefully they've improved the size of the BMac. They're really little mac'. You can put 3or 4 of those measly suckers on one bun. The toppings are delish. Mickey D's have the best French Fries. Don't know what fillers they're adding to the beef though. Pig Out! All LO R4PTrump.

Are you for real? This guys a joke! Giving a speech about the shut down while serving McDonalds...I'd be embarrassed to even be seen in that line...JMO

Those kids had to love that

What an embarrassment. He brags about his personal fortune and he couldn't cater something special. What a disgrace!

Doesn't the White House employ like some top chefs?

This is ridiculous.

Why didn’t he eat with them?

yeah, let's just clog up everyones arteries; show how much you really care

Maybe build your wall out of cold manky burgers, must be loads of them leftover


Beyond Tasteless!

adavaco Comrade TR☭MP looks good in black & white stripes!!

And this for all the folks replying here.... these are the core issues & what we need to do now to save our country.

Looks who's talking about grabbing one 🇵🇷🌈🇺🇸

Someone needs to tell him the reason no one is in the White House is because of the TrumpShutdown. It was an insult to everyone in South Carolina. As if college kids don't get enough cold greasy fries and burgers , they had to wear a tie for this insult

This is far more important than the already old story of the fast food served at the WH.


Congratulations ClemsonFB for having your moment relegated to political prop status. I’m not a tiger fan, but they deserved better. Not to be used to make a point.

Why not just boycott him, instead of reporting his ridiculous shit?


🤢 is there anything more disgusting than a cold Big Mac. 🤢🤢🤢

Extremely tacky for a 'billionaire'. Lowbrow, disgraceful. So rude. No MaraLago treatment since he couldn't foist the cost onto his shuttered TrumpFoundation.

Oh god! They need hungry food?

Nothing says congratulations like cold fast food at the White House.

The P.T. Barnum of Politics puts on stunt for the media. Trump should do a David Blaine bit and start wolfing down burgers for the Guinness record books!

How about you feed the FAA workers (and their families) who are required to work and NOT get paid!! realDonaldTrump shutdown2019sucks stopshutdown2019 doyourjobordontgetpaid EndTheShutdown killingtheamericanspirit enoughalready

This is awesome and what a great group of kids! I wish people could learn some respect and manners from these boys!

Yep those guy's can eat!!!!!

How about an expose on how the Koch brothers are ramming their conservative agenda through via some of their paid... GOP members such as McConnell, Rand, Ryan and others. How about all the interconnectedness between 45's administration & ALEC, the Kochs? When will u report?

Did he say that and leave? Did he not stay and talk to the players Curious.

What we need and want are two different things

Yes let's serve America's finest athletes junk food in the White House that sends a great message across the world that our commander in chief who doesn't pay taxes is too cheap to buy food for our children. Because he's busy in a pissing contest building a wall.

But the people working without pay is ok.


Damn. I want a big mac now.

Also I assumed paid for out of realDonaldTrump own money.. doubtit

What a cheapskate! He couldn't get it catered with better food?

What a monster! He got them fast food, paid for it himself and the players loved it!! Let's kick him out right now! pathetic MAGA

I would expect a takeaway bag I wouldn’t want the chance to eat without my family!

He paid for it out of his own pocket too FYI

Ignorant - should have hired a local caterer

Billionaire Trump owner of near by Trump Tower proudly serves fast food burgers and fries to honor or shall we say insult Clemson players, this year 's CFB champs.

So instead of congratulating the team, he turned it into a political agenda... of course, do we expect anything different? The team I’m sure just rolled their eyes and just ate the food

So embarrassing.

What a jerk!!!

Nothing will ever change, potus stupid gimmicks and stunts are NOT leading. Will someone please explain this to him. America is NOT stupid!


They should’ve spike it like a football

The reason we did this shut down is because I’m a big blowhard. I must deflect from the Russian investigation...because I’m the Mole!

Um cold burgers and fries! This is the best he can do? Yes the kitchen is closed in the WH, ever heard of a caterer?

So the chefs at the white house aren't working? Give me a break! That had nothing to do with the shutdown.


Did they turn down the heat, too? Or did trump have to go through the drive-in? Why does he have his overcoat on?

And by the time they put together this classy display, the food is cold. But hey nothing says White House honor than cold McDonalds served on fine china


Nothing could be worse, then cold fast food.

Another 'blame someone else for your shutdown' politically motivated farce speech. You have no shame Donnie.

What a pathetic meal. At least Gump got all the Dr.Pepper he could drink!

What a joke. Didnt he say I'll own the shut down and hold the mantle

So you’re telling me you can get fast food but you couldn’t get someone to cater an actual nice meal? This guy is a POS, but Clemson got exactly what they deserved for showing up.

They ate hamberders. Trump fed them hamberders. Read his tweet. You’re welcome.

Laughable. Vulgar. Insulting.

Wearing a long coat. Did they turn the gas down too?

I'm almost positive the President was trying to recreate the scene with Colin Firth and Sam Jackson from Kingsmen. He's missing the cool lisp and a bodyguard with knives for legs though.

'many, many french fries.'

Nothing like cold McDonald French fries

dumptrump is a poor excuse of a leader

Is the heat turned off in the Whitehouse because of the shutdown, or did the coat check girl not show up?


This was done for 'the shutdown?' What does serving up burgers on silver platters have to do with the TrumpShutdown?😏

Good idea.

Because there’s no way Trump could afford to have real food made... All the news cares to show today is garbage food in front of a garbage President. Yet another smoke screen to hide behind with Putin. TrumpRussia

Seriously The best we could do for the champion Clemson Tigers is McDonalds Because athletes fill up on that garbage? What an embarrassment! And to say it's because of the shutdown Where in the fuck is there even a correlation You couldn't spring for a caterer? Cheapskate

What, no paper plates.

yes, because,after all, you are the president of the Republican Party!

This was an insult... they eat better at school

Just the kind of nutrition athletes need 🤣🤣

And due to the shutdown fast food was the only viable option ? That’s like saying Walmart employees are in strike and ... never mind.

Why would they go? Stand up for what is right

What a insult. He should have had his staff at Mar Lago prepare them a real meal. Or are we paying them now too!

The best President ever.

Great American food 🤮🤮🤮

Country of obesity.

So the private White House chef called in sick because he wasn’t getting a paycheck? youvegottibekidding GovernmentShutdown StopTheShutdown stopthemadness

Yum 😋


Go Clemson.

He can't help but use these events as an opportunity to make political statements--this time about his vanity wall.

You all should have walked out gone down the street ordered steak shrimp baked potato salad. This was jus grosssss food

He paid for it, not the country He gave them the choice They chose the meal they wanted Nothing to see here, move along

Cold food yummy me

Oh wait... He’s coming back to throw us some paper towels!!

realDonaldTrump said thousands of hamburgers. There were 300

'So hey guys, enjoy the burgers & pizza. I'm heading out to my favorite steak house to enjoy some serious beef and chocolate cake! Security will let you out when your done! See ya....oh yeah....congrats!'

Please just

Pres trump paid for it.

So ashamed of your behavior and constant lies! Get out. Can’t wait for the impeachment.

I am floored, hope he is ashamed and choke on his burger What a digrace 😡

The only reason he did that was so someone would listen to his bull s... If you're going to honor someone do it by congratulating them and talking about the games. Geez

Hello? They did not want a campaign speech!!!!! Seriously!!! Do you know anything at all about human communication!! As a former athlete I am extremely offended at this. It’s like he was a babysitter putting the kids in the playpen with a little snack. GROW UP MR OVAL OFFICE!

His grand hotel is right down the street, they could have catered

You invited them there three months early, and talked to reporters about the government shutdown. You used Clemson's team as a prop. Shame on you, 46-1. You couldn't have had food catered from your hotel? Not enough money in your bank account?

Absolutely no class... How embarrassing!!

Cold burgers. Real good realDonaldTrump wow that is exciting. They should smash one on your face. Then pour Diet Coke over your head

“The reason we did this is because I didn’t want to have to pay the chefs in my hotel, located a few blocks from here, to cater delicious food to the guys who weren’t white. So to be fair, and people will tell you I’m very fair, they all got shitty burgers to eat.”

How embarrassing.

He actually said he served them fast food because of the shutdown. Either cancel the event or spend some of your billions in wealth to have a decent meal, but don't make a political statement by disrespecting these young men. realDonaldTrump you are a heartless, evil manchild.

He’s lucky he can afford to buy that amount of food, unlike many of the people that are currently not getting paid due to his ego...

Horrible! Just HORRIBLE!

The worst made food ever! Psh i rather eat fruit and veggies. Lol

Really I am so sure that they were interested

A table of crap fast food. Just what we've come to expect from realDonaldTrump


So instead of speaking about ClemsonFB, their accolades, or the student's futures, the POS decides to push himself. par4thecourse

What a joke - the guys dress up in suits to get fed crap

Let me get this straight, a self proclaimed billionaire could not put down a classy catered event for the national champion ClemsonTigers , gets fast food and then gives a political speech instead of a well deserved winning season? But if Obama...........

Doesn't the white house have a kitchen staff? I doubt if trump is getting fast food drive thru for every meal. These are poor college kids and athletes they dont need more garbage food. They've ate at these places dozens of times over the years after countless AAU and hs games.

He owns a hotel; he claims he's some kinda rich.......

As if a Big Mac isn’t gross enough - the Trumps serve em cold. So gross.

JackMCarey1 Hey realDonaldTrump you own a hotel that could have catered an appropriate feast, CheapFuck

How ridiculous. Even in a'gesture of a fan he goes to the cheapest most fattening garbage America has to offer.

The Trump hotel in D.C. couldn't have catered a nice meal for the team? I'm sure the university is thrilled to have paid thousands of dollars for the football team to go eat cold fast food.


Cheap, cheap when he's using his own money he goes cheap.

Shut down that he caused

He is mentally ill.


Lying. He thinks athletes eat this stuff? It's a treat? It's what he wanted. Cold fast food.




I hope Mcdonalds got paid upfront. Because we all know how Tramp likes to stiff people.

If I were one of those players who attended I swear I wouldn't have ate..but hey if I was an Auburn Footplayer I wouldn't have a attended anyway ...decline decline decline decline.... ....

He invites them. No kneeling allowed. Serves them ice cold fast food. Takes a billion pictures, blows out twitter. Result, everybody gets heart burn.

Bennyvessey I wouldn't have shown up to this circus at all. You know a good meal says something about the host. It shows love and care for the person they are feeding. It's a celebration. This was a horrible joke and shows exactly who he and selfish.

Or maybe you postpone it until your temper tantrum is over.

... 😒 this was a photo opportunity to talk about the stupid wall and dis the Dems. He didn't eat with them and have meaningful discussions about them as leaders of tomorrow, nope! This is a once in a life opportunity and it looked disappointing. Congratulations to ClemsonFB

Cold fast food. So generous.

I’m amazed that people show up and expect him to suddenly be better than this. He done and said nothing but shitty things since being in office. This falls exactly in line with his entire presidency: Shitty food on a nice plate.

No. He did it because he feels diminished and he has to make others feel diminished too. He is saying if I don't get I want, every body gets punished.

Really you have to politicize this too.

Ok. I wasn’t going to comment, but here we go. So the champions from SC were treated to a meal they could easily get back home. Even during the furlough he, Mr. 45, couldn't find one chef that could come cook a champions meal? They deserved better, but this wasn't about them....

Of course, Trump came up with this brilliant idea because this is the stuff he eats. Cold fries and hamburgers yummy!🙄

Being sarcastic is his thing!Its an embarrassment to these athelets.He has no respect!Im sure hes nt eating this and he is being well feed by his immigrant cooks.PPL really go for his humilating jokes at this time of crisis w/Fed workers.Where is the 'MAGA' philosophy.Worst Pres!

Could’ve ordered gourmet sandwiches and salads.... makes me laugh... unbelievable

So much relevant comments.

Insane and ignorant dumbdonald does it again,


This is what we have become; a metaphor for cold, fast, and cheep dressed up on expensive plates.

Did realDonaldTrump ever hear of catering companies? He never runs out of ways to show his ignorance, insult our citizens, and play to his base


Dog food

Do they know that the TrumpShutdown orchestrated by realDonaldTrump has stopped the USDAFoodSafety's safety inspections? We're all eating at our own risk including POTUS & IvankaTrump.

That's your hero ABC

Sad and disrespectful to our Great Country!

Now if Obama had. . . Nevermind. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Patriceorian122 Trump has the power to end this shutdown - a phone call to the senatemajldr ends this national nightmare right now. Do your jobs guys! TrumpShutdown realDonaldTrump

Non sense !..

What a cheapskate and a political speech! Since I’ve never really paid much attention to these events does the President normally just speak and leave? It’s normally a buffet and he doesn’t stay talk with them?

Hope none of them show up!

The time McDonalds was served at the WhiteHouse to more than just the POTUS and his family. 😳

Is this an SNL skit?

That man has a whole hotel with a fully staffed kitchen, why didn’t he cater the dinner?

Poor ClemsonWhiteHouse

That's awesome I wish I was there for that!

Soooo, the visit was about Trump, not Clemson, wasn't it? Business as usual.

If there is a Shutdown then Clemson should not have visited.

The reason he did it is because he don’t care .. he claims to have paid out of pocket so why fast food why not a nice White House dinner ..and why nobody around him him said yo this is wrong ..this man is insane

Real class act Donny. Turn a celebration for the best college football team in the country into your own political agenda. I bet you ate the bulk of the fast food too.

But the shutdown is his fault!!!

Fast food on the White House china under crystal chandeliers in candlelight. O. M. G. This is not happening! It'll take a week to get the smell out.

Athletes do not eat this junk food. Smh.

It was his proudest moment. Look at all those burgers, he could not be happier. Way better than smashing hookers.

This is basically what they requested so stop the hating. Besides daddy paid with it with his own money. Then when did you ever see Obama do anything like that? Obama always had his hand open for graft. food kept warm for hours by candles - my favorite!

Today is the day Trump became McPresident

They thought it sucked. Now they know smart atheletes dont visit. This is not your real WH.

That makes completely no sense.

Why was there a need to throw politics and the border wall into this event? Just host them and celebrate their victory, and keep it at that.

Doesn’t Trump own a restaurant just down the road?

Wow, what an embarrassment. If he paid for fast food he couldn't upgrade to something better for this team? Maybe Olive Garden?

still not impressed

Mmmmm nothing like a cold Big Mac and some soggy cold fries😱!

What a slap in the face realDonaldTrump . You invite nat'l football champs to the WhiteHouse ,serve them fast food like a cheap date & spend less than 2 mins & leave. You have no dignity or respect for people. Your staff is just as disrespectful for allowing it. TrumpShutdown

He could of postponed the visit until after the shutdown, I smell a political stunt.

And college football is the best!

realDonaldTrump means the TrumpShutdown. After the elegant meal he screened his favorite movie: Talladega Nights, to tie it all up.

This is Breaking News?

So you chose to feed them McDonalds and other junk? You couldn’t get them better actually catered real food that was prepped properly? 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Nothing like a great meal of all the ice cold burgers and fries....yummmm🤢

Throw fries and burgers at trump! He couldn’t cater hot food!?! Oh he loves McDonald’s !! Hello pass trump large fries

Ok, now we think he’s a good person 😂 all is forgiven 😂


Sure, give these athletes the worst possible food ever and maybe one day, they too, can become president.

The orange baffoon's a user... Plain and simple.

This WH brings Shame, Shame, & More Shame to US! Flagrantly throwing a meal for a football team; while, at the same time that WH causes employees go without pay & struggle to pay Bills & put food on their families so tables!!!

How cheap & disgusting can he get!!! Serving athletes gross fast foods that he eats lol. 🙄🤮

And it probably costed more than a prepared meal!

This is the most Trump thing ever 😂🤣😁

You know that food was cold as hell by the time they could eat it.

Wow! They get to come in from the cold and eat cold fries, warm salad in a suit. Look how they bum rushed that table and grabbed all those burgers...nope didn't happen...wonder why?

This is Trump's idea of good food, unfortunately.

Usually champion teams come to WH months after winning This team was rushed to WH because Trump needed a distraction Pawns in his sick game. p.s. He owns the hotel across the street that has catering kitchens and he could have done it right, and with warm food not cold burgers

Clemson would have done better by losing that game!

Healthy meals, I see.

like these young men cannot get a burger on their own...

Grab one...nobody will miss it.....WOW

He’s Disgusting, what an Insult!

I love this President so much I can’t believe we can ever have another with his complete dedication to Americans and what we want and Need. God Bkess our wonderful president and First Family!

realDonaldTrump what an insult to the players

Don't they have any Panera's Breads in Washington, DC? At least they would have been served healthy fast food.

The dufus probably wolfed down half of those burgers with 10 Diet Cokes.

Did they turn off the heat too? Why is everyone in over coats?

He never fails to turn everything into a political rally. I noticed he’s also wearing his overcoat. Did he turn off the heat as well?

the way of trump.

This proves money doesn’t buy you class. Total trash.

What a jerk

He’s pathetic. Those boys deserved better. 👎🏻

Oh man! This is bad :(. He would have been better off planning a potluck dinner. Where the hell is the first lady? She obviously wasn’t apart of this meal planning 😱. Geez! You could have catered barbecue or something. McDonalds?!?

Well, he is the fastfoodpotus you dont want it but somehow you end up with it, only 1/3 of people are happy with it and you all regret it for 4 years.

more ridiculous than he does not exist. Nice advertisement for McDo

The shutdown that I caused and own 100%...

Shame on you 45

Build the wall,this might sound ugly but maybe more of you lefties/demoncrats might need more tragedies in your lives like the ones we are having from these illegal aliens,so you will open your eyes. 5 billion dollars is nothing compared to the waste of the welfare system

I hate Fat Nixon, but I love the food. I think is a cool gesture!

Oh my God, how embarrassing for Americans.

He’s supposed to be a billionaire... he’s very cheap! CheapTrump

Trolling for his master... treason ITMFA

Absolutely disgusting.

That or Trump was PAID by the fast food companies for the self-evident marketing value.

How about hiring a catering company to cook real food for healthy athletes?!?!🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

He has his coat in as if HE ran out to get all that horrible food. Idiocracy

Go of the crazy!

So tacky

Dear fake news, you forgot to mention realDonaldTrump paid for this out of his own pocket. HillaryClinton would not shout if a shark bit her - indeed, she stole the crockery when she left.


Not sure that candelabra is keeping the burgers hot -

After reading most of these tweets, I would be willing to bet most of you are Democrats. You would have found something bad to say no matter what was done. Maybe instead of bitching you should ask what Dems are doing in Congress now. NOTHING!!!

I am a Longhorn and my son played at VT. Since Clemson is a class organization, I think the euphoria of winning the championship will allow them to do what we do in life...enjoy the good, let go

Build the wall,nothing to do with Clemson demoncrats or republican,it’s to do with safety

Any of you whiners ever attended one of these events? They always serve you in this weird salad, that the lettuce looks like some exotic weed. With some mystery shriveled fruit and nut topping. That literally makes you take a dump within 15 minutes. pizza and burgers I’m down.

Disgusting! 🤮

Shame shame shame.

What a jackass... these players should never have been involved in this. Wearing suits to meet the president and being served fast food.

Trump continues to be a national embarrassment.

KTULNews Looks like a great fun time for the Vlemson Tigers and for President Trump!

A partisan celebration

You really think these kids give a shit?

Donny, this is embarrassing.

Best job for individual 1, lunch line server in fed prison.

The life has been sucked out of that place...looks cold and empty as those fries will be.

He's wearing his overcoat? What? Did he just rush out in the station and bring all that cold shit home?

Schumer shutdown!

So cringeworthy...

Well, you all got this clown elected so.....

Disgusting, just disgusting.

Whats with the BIG coat FAT MAN?

He did this because he has no class

Meanwhile the skinny 🏳️‍🌈💩

OMG how pathetic

So sad, trump made it about HIMSELF, political! Instead of telling the guys what an awesome season they had played.

JavierSotoTV 🤦🏻‍♀️

Obama’s $65000 tax payers money on hotdogs and pizza. Oh wait he was black and the messiah so he could do no wrong!😂😂😂😂

kxly4news The ketchup packets in silver dishes - so white-trash classy! 😂😂😂 FLOTUS IvankaTrump

I personally think it was cool as hell

Really ....Bull shit

Dude... McDonalds? There wasn’t any other places that serve marginally better food that you could have chosen? How insulting.

Not the time nor place to talk about the wall. Were the paper packaging composted? If not POTUS went against EO13834

How embarrassing for realDonaldTrump .

This is pathetic.


So he should serve filet mignon?

kxly4news Classy.

I would have packed...

This is just plain embarrassing.

He has a hotel with a restaurant down the street, he could have catered it if he chose. This is shameful. OpenTheGovernment and get the Russian asset out of the WH while you are at it.

No matter what he does you dems will always whine. If he bough expensive foods you would say people are hurting, republicans are partying. Pathetic dems

Cold fast food! Doesn’t get any better than that!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Nothing like cold hamburgers and French fries. yum.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

What they thought

I guess Trump's idea of a McDonalds gift card and a hooker got shot down as for the things he likes.

I want to know the players side.

Why did they go knowing this will be a PR for his stupid wall?

Can you imagine being invited to the White House with its world renowned chefs to be served this unhealthy slop they can get on any corner? And then they couldn't even fast forward past the obnoxious commercial... selling a wall. WhiteTrashWithMoney

Is the WH kitchen staff not working because of the shutdown?

u know those fries were cold af!! 🤢

Trump done so little good during his time in the WH that this is now a story, some 11 hours later. Way to go media.


Obviously they didn’t have a problem with it!

No thanks how insulting

New flash !! Excessive spending during inaugural ceremonies for President Trump results in fast-food served to The Clemson Tigers !!


trump is and ass......................a big ONE ☝️

No you didn’t. You did it because it’s your idea of eating

I'll take a Big Mac. 😁

He forgot KFC...finger lickin good

Bet Alabama is happy they didn’t win.


That seemed very awkward. Why didn't he sit down and eat with them?

Can’t believe serious! Looks like a SnL skit!

How cheesy can you get?! The man's gotta make everything political.

Another way to push “the wall” issue!👎

At this point, the US has got to be wondering if we are indeed being trolled

The most inappropriate idiot ever! Those young men went there to be honored for their achievement, but instead 45 made it about himself.

Oh such opulence and ambiance you got style Donald Mickey D for dinner nice !!!

He is such a fake. He really disgraced the White House and the Clemson team. They deserve much better than that. His rambling was as always all about him and that stupid wall. Not about these wonderful athletes who won the championship. trump is a parasite and piece of 💩

He’s such a baby.

But Democrats were bashing the Clemson team and the WH in 1st 10min. Congressman Ted Lieu jumped on that bandwagon, trashing the food they were served. That the difference in leadership, no staff to fix a proper meal, but this President will compromise and make things work.

Way to go Mr. Trump

Big Macs on silver platters, with a side of politics.

It was nice the way you preached to them about the wall. I Nvr heard u congratulate them on their victory. Only worried about your own

The reason you did this is because you’re a conman. You exploit people for your own purposes. Those kids deserve better.

How embarrassing! When I heard about this I thought it was a joke. They should have rescheduled this if that was the case. The National Champions deserve better. Much better. This president never ceases to amaze me.

Is ClemsonFB comfortable being used like this? Since when do presidents talk politics during White House visits? Are they serving this food at his restaurant down the street? Nope.

What an utter embarrassment

What the What..!!!!😊

Sometimes trump's inner White Trash comes out.

Waiting on the media to catch up on the why!

The only thing better than this would have been to include Chick-fil-A. President Trump is the best.

Everybody’s a pawn in his game he tries to use people to make it seem like well because of this shutdown I couldn’t get you guys a real meal if the government was open u guys would have had a real dinner and I had to come out of pocket to pay for it...this is sad!

looks amazing realDonaldTrump

“Mr. President, noon called and they want our meal back.”

Yuk. How has he managed to live to 72?

This was a political stunt period. He used this team.

Nobody likes cold hamburgers.

They could have at least done a potluck.

fine dining for realDonaldTrump

Cuz that's where women belong, in the kitchen right?

Yeah, love those cold fries.

Love it!

What a disgrace! Even more reason why teams shouldn't go to the white house, they could get that at school!! Don't expect the SB winner to visit.....AGAIN! Haaha!! whataclown

'because of the shutdown, I personally paid for the cheapest food possible. Also, I'm turning your 'dinner for champions' into a political statement, then walking out because I eat my burgers in bed.'

Doesn't he own a hotel with restaurant in DC? They couldn't cater? Or someone else?

So instead of making it about ClemsonFB and celebrating their victory, he took the visit as an opportunity to buy cheap fast food and then blame it on the shut down to press his agenda. 👎

This was cool. The kids will remember this more than some tired buffet.

How cheap can he be, govt shutdown is his excuse for everything.

Disgraceful excuse for a leader !!!!

This scene is pathetic, embarrassing & humiliating ! Rambling about his pet wall like a Lunatic It sounds like a looped repeating tape recording 😏 TraitorTrump TheGreatDistractor (Not Dictator) TrumpResignNow

They just won last week. I swear this had to be the fastest visit ever. I’m guessing he wanted someone to come given that no pro team will ever go while he’s in office. Oh well hey POTUS that’s not what college kids eat, especially athletes they actually eat better than that.

Dude. Cold hamburgers and a salad. 👎

Just curious - he could not hire a caterer? He is cheap

Totally white trash! Definately money does not buy class!

Who likes cold hamburger? Why are not they kept warm? Are there no more services?

The reason you did this is because you were in it for the leftovers! You're all that and tacky too! One word...CATERER!

Hahaha, lovin it! No pizza party, PIZZAGATE, like Obama threw for $65M for his cronies at the WH. MESSAGE RECEIVED

Let them eat cake

Were the Clemson Tigers furloughed?


So he insulted them by serving them fast food because he shut down the government? Okay....

That’s what YOU wanted!! I highly doubt YOU paid for it! You don’t seem like the kind a guy that walks around w/a Wallet because you are cash poor so you wouldn’t have any credit cards or cash laying around that you could use…Which one of your agents actually paid for the lunch?

THE BUFFET OF CHAMPIONS! Alabama has been on the Big Stage many times. They are pros at it. This is prolly one time they are proud to be 2. 🙌🏾Roooolllllll Tide!!

realDonaldTrump OMG then Trump & staff leave to have a decent lunch. Why invite them there & then leave the room without eating that crappy food with them. They could have just gone through a McDonald’s Drive Thru!

They should've left it right there for him in protest of the TrumpShutdown

Mr. President, Maybe you could do the same each day for federal workers who are not receiving an income check due to your government shut-down?

The kids eat healthier at school. But he’s a billionaire...why didn’t he fly they to Mira Lago?

Class Act

They were better off going through the drive thru

realDonaldTrump How awful must that food have been after it sat there for awhile? It couldn’t have been hot any longer. Yummy, room temperature burgers & fries. What a treat for a young college student; YUCKY FAST FOOD! Bet this was Trump’s idea!

Why couldn't the CHEAP A.. had the food catered in?

Love it! realDonaldTrump Great idea! foxandfriends

So instead of congratulating the team on winning the National Championship you decide to tell them why they have fast food and the need of the 'wall.' This is ridiculous!!

Cold Mc Donalds. Disgusting.

Trump needs a mental test urgent!!

And in real news:

He didn’t finish the sentence. The reason we did this is because of the shutdown...that I, Donald Trump, created.

The reason he did it is because he prefers fast food. We all know this.

It would have been a little nicer if Trump didn't speak.

I can’t wait for nbcsnl this weekend!

excess damage, trumpshutdown


Class Act

Sad.. they can get this any day of the week. Why not treat these young men to something special? And why is he talking politics with them? Sad

Propaganda stunt. No class!

I don't see a microwave. All this stuff is cold and McFries are nast when they're cold.

So the cooks and serving staff etc., at the white house were furloughed?

Is this what he fed Clemson? That's crap~ He could have had his hotel bring something in~ He runs the country like a business & he can't cater a meal?

Donald would make a great Hamburgular. He’s good at lying and stealing and likes to eat burgers.

Good business for MacDonald's free advertising

No realDonaldTrump YOUR favorite food.

He looks like the fool he is

U need to stop the shit down

He couldn’t have hired a caterer? Christ the guy owns a hotel- isn’t there a restaurant in it? Cheap bastard.


You getting people mad


This is trashy. If I was invited to the White House, I’d be so disappointed to be served McDonalds. He can afford better even if it were just catered formal appetizers from a local business.

Man who tells whoppers eats them.

I’m lost at why they didn’t have Steve King visit with an order from Papa John’s, which would seem to be in order from the White House.

I was gonna comment on the matter but I rather have a nice day.

No credit for coping with your own crisis. Canada is sending pizza to our air traffic controllers, now there's a good deed.

Could be worse, he could’ve brought in a Michelle Obama school lunch.

StevieW4 Have you ever heard of caterers?

What, no freezer burnt Trump steaks to share with these champs?

President Trump would rather ditch the chefs, entirely. Trump would rather eat fast food 24/7.

Lovin' Sarah Huckabee Sanders' salivating and sad look back towards the food like she's thinking about an old friend🥺

Ich bin ein Quarter Pounder

Can we now call him President Mc Donald Trump?

How sad...😕

all about the silver spoon ass hole in the room an it looking like his deep pockets on the table

He’s a billionaire. Buy the kids a good meal. He got what he likes to eat as well as what he thinks of them. SMH.

This video is even more embarrassing than the pic of Trump standing in front of his 'feast'.

You voted for him South Carolina. Enjoy!

Wimpy From Popeye liked his burgers too. From one cartoon character to another!

What’s this supposed to be, some weird Trump PR stunt? If he did pay for it ( it’s doubtful) how cheap. Are there no caterers in DC?

KTULNews Coaches and bus drivers eat free at MicDs. So that will save some money.

Then postpone it until After the shutdown to give them a lifelong experience

Wao what food fast food really 😳

Did he ever acknowledge the players' accomplishment, or only his own?

Lol... Mc“Donald “s

Why is Captain Lardass wearing an overcoat inside? Was someone standing out of camera range with a tranquilizer gun to keep him off the food?

No way


He has a damn hotel just up the street that could have catered it.

' ... many, many french fries ...'

Why are they wearing coats? Heat shut off?

The team didn't seem upset about it, so why is everyone else?


Nope he was craving crap food. I bet the left overs are in the fridge!

Someone needs to tell 'Trump' that their 'The Apprentice' show is over for years now. He continues to mediate and tries to teach others what should be done in his own way. For example we could say: You're fired 'Trump' ...

A terrific illustration of what this man thinks of this country. When hosting the Natl Champion Clemson Tigers, Trump hosts them with fast food (that he paid for.) Fast food... in the White House...Fast food...

So it's not about honoring the players with a fine and nutritious dining experience so when they get NFL salaries they can make Mexico pay for the wall then? Whew for a minute there I started thinking it was about corrupt cronyism poor marketing. Smelling pay rise for brainspurs



Can a ordinary person afford such thing during this Shutdown in US? Get over your Ego Trump

What in the hell is wrong with guy

Who in hell wants a cold burger and fries What a cheap ass.

it'a a joke ... 😉 a bad joke ... 🙄 very bad joke ... 😬 Wtf ... that's not a joke ... 🤦‍♂️ what a crazy president ... 🥳 ... stupid man ... 😂

Mmmmmmm nothing better than a cardboard wrapped cold burger.

And to think for the price of One of his trips to Florida he could have honored these young men properly instead of using them as a political prop.

Must be happy, he is not alone anymore. Finally got a sports team to show up. Next week the third place, peewee badminton team from Tulsa


Oh my god that’s awful, why not feed them something healthy? What a disgrace

What’s wrong with people?

How much lower can America sink? Mcdonalds burgers served at the WH.

your president, ladies and gentlemen...

Because guys that are in training and wanting to make it to the NFL want nutrition empty fast food?🤦‍♀️ what a moron! trumpshutdown losertrump

I guess catering doesn't exist in Wash DC PLEZ MAGA = Moscow Agents (Trump) Getting Arrested. Stop the TrumpShutdown

Trump's favorite food = fast food

This is unbelievably insulting.

wow, candellabra and Big Macs. our leader is so classy!

So embarrassing.

Or’s a great excuse to bring in all his favourite foods..

Why is trump wearing a trench coat indoors

'The reason I served you garbage instead of decent food is because of the shutdown. Enjoy.' TrumpShutdown

You don’t visit the White House for the food.


He couldn’t have supported a local restaurant and had them cater instead? This is so trashy. Also you know he didn’t pay for this. I’m sure he took it out of his campaign fund or something else like he always does.

This was hideous. He used these kids as a pawn in his shutdown game. They didn’t deserve this. He could have waited. I hope these kids got a real meal after this. I’m sure the cold burgers tasted great! 😠

So he invites them for a meal. Orders in McDonalds. Bangs on about the wall and how cohesive the republicans are, then leaves. What a deranged individual 1.

Wtf is wrong with trump rich no class having azz serving people that bs they need to be eating shrimp and lobster not fast food they could go to any drive thru and eat that bs!

இரவுள்ள உள்ளம் உருகும் கரவுள்ள உள்ளதூஉம் இன்றிக் கெடும்.- திருக்குறள் 1069 meaning⤵️ The heart melts at the thought of begging And dies at the thought of denial. - Thirukural 1069 Happy Pongal Morning World 🌾🌾 Day 25 TrumpShutdown

If this wasn’t meant to be an insult, realDonaldTrump would be eating too.

Please the center taper is crooked. WH burned before

Million dollar question: Did they just just played

Kids look like they had a blast.

And people wonder why American are sterotyped the way we are. He thinks that is good American food. For elite level athletes. With fine dishware and candlelight.

Trump's shutdown comedy ! Washington's FastFood dinner !

Lmao what a joke!

What are the plates for?🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

Always reward the jocks the future SS

Who wants to eat a cold burger?

Hey Donnie. Use your own money to build that wall, Maybe Mexico will pay you back....

The Gettysburger Address

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President Trump serves fast food to Clemson football teamClemson's national championship football team went to the White House to be honored for winning the title. Trump had an elaborate feast ready for them: Wendy's, McDonald's and Burger King. lol Fake news. He did not serve Burger King. How tacky!
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »

Trump welcomes Clemson Tigers to the White House with 'American fast food paid for by me'President Trump welcomed the NCAA national champion Clemson Tigers football team to the White House with a shutdown smorgasbord of fast food offerings he called 'great American food,' including piles of pizza and fries and more than 300 burgers. Slow news day? Oh my God, what am I thinking you guys are still at Starbucks LOL. OH, beautiful Pres Trump, please sent left over cookis to me. I'm hungry...Can I work in WH kitchen, please...hire me asap. I love food & sweet...❤️❤️❤️ This ain't over until the fat guy sings....from prison
Source: NBCNews - 🏆 10. / 86 Read more »

Fast food fan Trump chows down on burgers with Clemson football teamPresident Donald Trump hosted the national champion Clemson University 'Tigers' football team with a spread of McDonald's, Wendy's and other fast food delicacies. McDonald Trump This is a meme waiting to happen. He’s so classless.
Source: ABC - 🏆 471. / 51 Read more »

Trump treats Clemson Tigers to 'great American' fast food shutdown feastPresident Trump welcomed the national champion Clemson Tigers college football team to the White House Monday evening for a fast food feast whose menu was inspired by the ongoing government shutdown reason to celebrate with the ultimate celebration feast. TrumpShutown Too bad the cheap a.. didn't know a restaurant and caterer in town. He is truly the WhiteTrashPresident
Source: YahooNews - 🏆 380. / 59 Read more »

Reggie Bush after President Trump celebrates Clemson with fast food: 'Huge slap in the face'Former NFL running back and college star Reggie Bush called President Trump's honoring of Clemson, which included fast food, 'disrespectful.' Reggie Bush Who cares Will the offense ever end? nopunintended Honestly, who gives a rats a** what RB thinks! Whatever he served would have been wrong.
Source: USATODAY - 🏆 100. / 63 Read more »

Sarah Huckabee Sanders blames Democrats for Donald Trump serving McDonald's, fast food to Clemson Tigers“Because the Democrats refuse to negotiate on border security, much of the residence staff at the White House is furloughed,' White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. PressSec, you can’t blame the Democrats because Donnie’s momma didn’t raise him right. You of all people should know that. How’s your brother doing, by the way? More importantly, how are your dogs doing? Blame? I thought he said the guys preferred fast foods, so there is no need for blame. Does she blame the Democrats for Michael Strahan offering lobster dinners? Ummm. No.
Source: Newsweek - 🏆 468. / 52 Read more »