Fact-checking “2000 Mules,” the movie alleging ballot fraud

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A film debuting in over 270 theaters across the United States this week uses a flawed analysis of cellphone location data and ballot drop box surveillance footage to cast doubt on the results of th…

Plus, experts say cellphone location data, even at its most advanced, can only reliably track a smartphone within a few meters — not close enough to know whether someone actually dropped off a ballot or just walked or drove nearby.

True the Vote has said it filtered out people whose “pattern of life” before the election season included frequenting nonprofit and drop box locations. But that strategy wouldn’t filter out election workers who spend more time at drop boxes during the election season, cab drivers whose daily paths don’t follow a pattern, or people whose routines recently changed.

CLAIM: In Philadelphia alone, True the Vote identified 1,155 “mules” who illegally collected and dropped off ballots for money.No, it didn’t. The group hasn’t offered any evidence of any sort of paid ballot harvesting scheme in Philadelphia. And True the Vote did not get surveillance footage of drop boxes in Philadelphia, so the group based this claim solely on cellphone location data, its researcher Gregg Phillips said in March in testimony to Pennsylvania state senators.

“I did no ballot stuffing, but over the course of time, I literally probably account for hundreds and hundreds of their unique visits, even though I’m a single actor in a single vehicle moving back and forth in my ordinary course of business,” Street said. The anonymized data True the Vote tracked doesn’t explain why someone might have been present at a protest demanding justice for Black deaths at the hands of police officers. The individuals who were tracked there could have been violent rioters, but they also could have been peaceful protesters, police or firefighters responding to the protests, or business owners in the area.

In fact, the AP in 2020 documented multipleexamples of COVID-cautious voters wearing latex gloves and other personal protective equipment to vote.


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Fact Check: This is just the AP piece. I do think the movie is conspiracy stuff. But I don't like the term 'fact check' applied to someone else's work since it implies you have all the data. It casts reasonable doubt - sure - but not pure facts.

Without any evidence, the Denver Compost claims that this movie is flawed.

So glad the Denver Post is “fact checking” for me. Now we know the truth. Thx so much guys for helping me think!

You can fact check all you want!! This 2000 MULES is a must see!! It’s outrageous! Intelligence, surveillance fact check all you want WE HAVE PROOF!!

Fact Checkers are the AntiFa of social media! Bought & Paid for by Democrats Intent on Distraction! They call an obvious truth a lie! Democrat=Communist= Activist=Socialist=Fact News=FakeMedia! This is. who leads out country today! Frightening!

If they Fact Checked the movie you know it's true to the end. Fact Checkers are just an opinion of someone with a left wing radical narrative.

These thousands of people, and not one whistleblower. Not one person on the inside, who got greedy and came forward with evidence to sell their story that could be worth millions...

“Fake Checking” and “DenverPost” in the same headline is super funny. How about instead of writing an oppo paper you go and INVESTIGATE instead of covering up We’ll be doing our own fall checking from now on as all those fake news “reporters” are nothing but political hacks

So where is ' your' evidence that this isn't what they say it is?

Stop the NatC party of traitors wanting to bring back slavery.

You claim the tracking data isn't accurate except they show it was able to identify 2 suspects in cold cases. The CDC also used this data to track if people were social distancing. That combined with surveillance would rule out any poll workers and prove if they went to a box.

The fact is that there was massive fraud. Anyone who doesn’t see it has to intentionally believe a lie.

VoteLatinity VoteBlue VoteProLib ProgressiveLiberals ConstitutionalSocialists ForWeThePeople Latinity LatinoPolitico HispanicMag HispanicCaucus WhiteHouseHPI NHMC HispanicFed HHFoundation 😎😉😎

Thanks for bringing this movie to my attention, hadn’t heard of it before. After watching it, out of curiosity, what I once thought to be a crazy idea, I now believe could actually be true

Doubt anyone from the DP actually watched it or is fact-checking the doc. They are just repeating what some other liberal source is stating. I suggest you watch the documentary and do some checking of your own.

There's no FACTS in your fact-checking, it's only partisan bias against exposing possible felony voter fraud. You really don't care about Democracy, you just want the corruption swept away.

Another conspiracy involving tens of thousands of people and nobody is talking?

Article-'experts say cellphone location data... can only reliably track a smartphone within a few meters, not enough to know whether someone actually dropped off a ballot or... just drove nearby.' If you are within meters of a ballot box multiple times, intent is pretty clear.

Did you watch the official government surveillance footage and review the mass accumulation of data?

Those dumb enough to still believe the election was stolen also think all news is fake & only Trump can be trusted to tell them the truth Their brains are broken. They won't care about fact checking, nor appreciate the irony that director D'Souza himself committed election fraud

You're fake news + Trump Won + ratio + find god

Flaud according to the Denver Post - now isn’t that silly

Part II should be called '2000 Arrest'

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