Fact check: Trump claims Biden called him xenophobic for travel restrictions

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President Trump claims Joe Biden called him xenophobic for imposing travel restrictions. Facts First: This is lacking context. Debates2020

From CNN's Betsy Klein

President Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden clashed Tuesday on the legitimacy of election results, with the President continuing blatant efforts to foster mistrust in mail-in ballots on the debate stage. Trump baselessly cast doubt on the outcome and Biden said he would abide by independent certification of the results.

Biden noted remarks from Trump’s acting Homeland Security Sec. Chad Wolf and FBI director Christopher Wray, asserting that “there is no evidence at all that mail-in ballots are a source of being manipulated and cheating.” In his response, Trump initially invoked his 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton, before going on to sow doubt in the 2020 results, calling ballots “a disaster,” drawing a distinction, as he often does, between solicited ballots, which he said are “okay,” and unsolicited ballots.


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We all like to listen to this song, if it is a Hindi Song then there is no talk..We all like to listen to this song, if it is a Hindi Song then there is no talk and the new song updated automaticaaly...

You are FOS


Really CNN? Do better!

You are lying. Biden said it was xenophobic to restrict travel from China. He opposed it, and would have caused many thousands more deaths if he was President.

Yes, he did

How is this lacking context? He literally said it and tweeted it. This is why no one trusts CNN.

It’s on film you nut jobs. There is a video of Biden saying this.🙄

Liars. Fact check: You're wrong. Biden condemned Trump's response to the coronavirus in a speech in Iowa, calling it 'hysterical xenophobia'.

Hack. The “fact checkers” at need a fact check.

Well done CNN Chinese News Network 🤝


Now, everyone should recognize that biden and CNN have recieved money from .....

Maybe you fact check needs fact checking. Its unbelievable how willing to blatantly lie when the evidence is a couple of clicks away.

You’re a biased media. Shameful

Please fact check your fact check 😅

We need to fact check CNN’s fact check. CNN is FAKE NEWS.

Haha Fake news again...

shame on CNN

Fu*king fake news CNN !

No. Joke Biden did. You are fake news. Shame on you.

No you are fake news.

Biden didnt even know what he was talking about. So do CNN

An interesting tweet. A fact-checker got caught in spreading fake news.😂

I feel sorry for your malfunction fact check system which make This tweet fake. fakenews

Fake fact check😂😂

No actually, it's not lacking context at all.

How can you all so nakedly lie? How can you sleep at night? Do you really think it's honest to try to control the Democrat narrative, and so important that you sell your soul and help destroy our country in the process?

Fake News living up to its name.

He tweeted about it. Do your job!!


Yes! I heard Biden call Trump a Xenophobe with my eyes and ears on TV.

Haha reverse all that and you’ll have it right.

He did.. read your own posts..

This alone proves you are FakeNews

You have more than earned you spot at the top of the FakeNews pile... Anyone with a brain knows how laughable it is for CNN to even claim to be a fact checker

BS, we saw the tweets & heard him on TV. U r truly the enemy of the ppl

You don't say.....

Here’s an idea 🤔Maybe choose a Fact Checker who’s not a hysterical , rabid anti Trumper. ddale8 CNN solidifies it’s 1 Fake News status.

it’s not a claim it’s the truth

If you were actually “facts first,” you’d be saying he was correct. There are multiple photos.

Biden insinuated the travel bans were racist because that is the Democrat ideology!

FactsFirst is a product of so of course it is just an extension of the same old CNN FakeNewsMedia Joseph Goebbels would be very proud of CNN. They have taken propaganda to a whole new height.

This is gaslighting. I heard him say it with my own ears. I saw the video with my own eyes.

He did

Pretty amazing that you could spin this to this extreme.

He did. So did media outlets. Check yourself

You are enemyofThePeople

It should be clear by now just read below 😂🤣😂🤣

You guys are absolutely ridiculous. He literally tweeted it at the very tweet Trump referenced. There’s no hiding the truth. FactsMatter Election2020 FakeNewsMedia EnemyOfThePeople

PSA: If the “fact checkers” said it was false, it’s more than likely true👌🏼

Facts First: Biden then confirmed his statement on Twitter. Replying to Trump. About the corona virus. Honestly , could you just try to pretend journalism?

CNN lies

There is NO context needed. He LITERALLY called him xenophobic in a quote retweet. JFC

All of CNN is lacking context

Your reporting is trash

This from the man who still refers to the virus as the CHINA VIRUS

And here is EnemyOfThePeople cnn Politics LYING again.

Your fact checkers aren’t very good.

Obviously your fact checking sucks.


Just change your fucking call letters to DNC already 🙄


Y'all really falling for this?

CNN is Joe Biden’s record player. It only has broken records.

Your biased reporting invalidates any opinion you spew forth

Fake news

A bunch of people have already posted this. So I'll do it again. Because we can't call you liars enough.

Holy shit the irony is palpable, y’all are really going there?

Who fact checks the fact checkers?

What? This is totally wrong. Your fact check is false. Do better.

There’s a tweet for that

Fact check

Shut up.

Lol there are tweets you incompetent hacks.

CNN is not a serious news organization.

C’mon get real

CNN is very funny. What context?

Garbage fact checking

LIARS!!!!!!! Enemy of the people

FakeNews It’s on tape where Joe explicitly stated this.

Now do Hunter’s money.

Why lie when it’s easily disproven

The lies just roll so smoothly for you guys.

Facts first my ass. When will you correct your statement?

HAHAHAHAHAHA greatest home I've heard all year. Defund MSM

So, your claim for this being false is Biden is senile basically. He may or may not have known about the restrictions but you can’t prove what someone knew when they knew it. This is how CNN fact checks.

Lol...now do the continuously perpetuated lie about 'good people on both sides'...

Here is the tweet. Any questions?

LOL you guys are a joke😂 Here, I fact-checked your “fact check”

Fake news

. be like, yea we used to do news. Meh, not much now.


your fact checkers are biased

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen from CNN, and that’s saying something. Lol. Propagandist, not journalists.

Do you ever wonder why people hate CNN and heckle your reporters with calls of 'FAKE NEWS!' when they broadcast live on the scene?

Fake news is lying again

CNN keeps proving President Trump right. It’s like they’ve made it their goal in life to be Fake News. Way to go, guys


What you are doing is not called fact checking, that's called spin doctoring...

It's true

Context? Did trump need to say the date it happened? It happened. Fact check: true

😂😂😂 how are ya'll tweeting this...

'joe didnt know what was going on' is not the own you think it is.


Does anyone really believe these lying fact checkers anymore?

Trump may have been confused about when he was called xenophobic. Could have been about Mexico Could have been about Guatemala Could have been African nations Could have been the Ukraine Could have been Puerto Rico when he didn't know it was part of America. Syrians?

Bbbaaaahhhh. That’s what you came up with!! Biden lied for 90 min non-stop!!!

no one cares what you say...it's always a lie. Joe did say that and we all know it.

CNN is an inspiration for me. Absolute proof that 'professionals' who totally suck at their jobs can continue to make millions.

I think we need to work on your definition of the word fact... and possibly check. Neither implies spin, which is what you are doing. WE all know he was called worse than xenophobic for the travel restrictions, in fact SpeakerPelosi called us all racists. No one is buying this.

This fact check is hilarious. C'mon man!

Congratulations this is the dumbest fucking thing ever written

CNN is FakeNews We literally have Biden on video saying it You are the EnemyOfThePeople

How DARE Trump assume Biden had a single clue what the hell was going on for two months?! Biden is CLUELESS and never had ANY idea what was going on! 🤨 I think we did it boys; we covered for Biden by claiming he's the dumbest person on the face of the planet... Hooray? 🤡

“lacking context”

Comical from a lying network. Wouldn’t know a fact if it hit them in the face.

So its true

CNN is to news what 'fluffers' are to porn.


You deserve this damn ratio

You just gotta look it up

There's literally a tweet from Joe Biden calling Trump xenophobic, you vile hacks.

I can't believe I have to FACT CHECK FAKE NEWS CNN, BUT I DO!! In this video from Bloomberg, Biden calls President Trump xenophobic over Chinese travel ban!!

What does this look like?

You fucking clowns, he sent out a tweet in January and said it all and we know it. Not only that Joe kept campaigning IN PERSON THROUGH MARCH so he wasn't that alarmed by COVID. STOP LYING Debates2020

The shithole of fake news talks about facts 2020 is a weird timeline

you do not know facts, here is Bidens tweet... 1st Feb

Lacking context does not indicate true or false

CNN pathetic

Lol what clowns

You guys gonna pull a muscle with these kind of gymnastics.

It...was said in a quote tweet where Trump talked about the travel ban.

Lol, nice try!

lAcKiNg cOnTeXt

So as usual JoeBiden is talking about 💩 he knows nothing about! Thanks for the clarification.

Lacking context? That's a weird way of saying it's true.

Biden wore a wire during debates. Cheater

You’re an enemy of 🇺🇸

The thing about facts are doesn't know what they are.

Is This a Joke? A Parody? Of course He Did! We All Saw It!!! Stop Lying!!! 2020 ÷ 666 = 3.033033033 Vote Joe 30330

Uhhh...then there’s this... MSM - all major outlets, none excluded - are the enemies of the people. They ALL present a slanted, biased narrative. Debates2020 FakeDebates FoxNews FakeNews

You really want to stay a distant 3rd new network And you wonder why Cartoon Network and the Food Network consistently beat you in the ratings P.S. It's almost Christmas time, so Lifetime and Hallmark will be passing you by too

Fake News!


What utter nonsense.

What’s this?

He did. Here you go.

Liars!!! Why keep lying!


Holy gaslight Batman

I’m starting to believe that does absolutely no research before they post anything

'well he did, but he didn't know what he was doing'

Others have heard the xenophobic line. They played it. He can't deny it.

Why is propaganda allowed to be called a news outlet?


Liars. He called him hysterical, etc

So it's true but your leftists propaganda pushing network can't fully admit it.


Disingenuous CNN. TYPICAL.

Idk right here?

Really? So the timing of the statement coinciding with the ban was pure coincidence? You guys must not have any faith in Biden's mental acuity.

Banana Republic, Third World media stuff

Remember, there's a big difference between 'the truth' and 'CNN/Democrat truth' CNN knows their viewers are useful idiots and will believe anything they put out there.

“Journalism” at CNN is truly dead.

cnn using the Jedi mind trick....

Biden literally tweeted about it.

He did say it he was literally recorded saying it We were all watching when he did say say it this isn't going down the Memory Hole XiNN.

You are not a news organisation. Your ‘facts’ are not facts.

Facts First: CNN is fake news.

Come on man. Get it right. CNN always wrong.

Poor CNN. Biden DID call the Chinese travel ban xenophobic at an event in Iowa on Feb 4th. There is even VIDEO of him saying this. How desperate and pathetic you are.

He absolutely did, liars!

seniordogzrule He did.

Oh my God, this is embarrassing.

Biden is a serial liar

How do you still dare call yourself journalists?

He said it on video what is so hard for you to understand

Total bullshit from the official water carrier of the Biden campaign.

Cancel Cnn

No, Trump is right, I remember. Your programming promoted similar shit too, featuring folks like Nancy Pelosi telling her constituents to go to Chinatown for lunch

Over 600 idiots liked this without reading it

This is just fabrication. It’s not even spin.

He said it is lacking context. Thanks

Lol. Nice campaign work for Biden. You’re doing great sweetie!

Lol. Never campaign work for Biden. You’re doing great sweetie!


Remember when fact checking was about checking facts?


No it’s not lacking anything lol.

He did call him that pull the video and watch it


It’s amazing to see such obvious lies by “journalist.”

Wow this is utter garbage.

Such bullshit!! He called Trump xenophobic, as well as many outspoken democrats & media, as soon as he banned travel from China. Someone check the so-called fact-checker!!!

'The Campain' corroborates facts.... ...anything else to serve on the plate?

You don’t even pretend anymore. Shameful. He tweeted it out.

Joe Biden called his President a clown on live TV.. a shame for him and the US and a win for China and Russia.

You guys are seriously setting yourself up... your fact checks don’t mean a damn thing in a digital age, where millions of people have taken screenshots of his statements. I’m not surprised you continue to dig your own grave. Keep in mind, you are losing.. and FAST!!!



Fake news gonna fake news

CNN with fake news. Biden is on tape calling Trump xenophobic for banning travel from China.

They know their readers only read the headlines they put out, so they know they can get away w this fat lie!

Holy ratio


Is this a Parody Fact checked 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is no longer propaganda its way beyond that. A man's campaign is base on lies and lies by omission,helped by msm.

CNN... you need to find a new fact-checker app. Yours is broken!

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? You can't honestly believe this...

is a propaganda network.

CNN is a circus full of clowns. Give me a break

Fluff a little harder why don't you?

He absolutely DID call the President xenophobic for shutting the door to Chinese travelers.

Facts First: This is bullshit.

So he DID call him xenophobic For imposing travel restrictions. And then tweeted it as well You have lost yourselves CNN.

HE TWEETED IT! Damn y’all will stop at nothing.

You are so full of 💩

CNN 😂😂 Biden has a unhealthy obsession with sniffing children’s hair and touching them inappropriately.. True or false ?

True, the context is he has no clue about where he is or what’s going on.

This is why nobody but a few brainwashed crazies watches you.

CNN is FakeNewsMedia

Enemy of the people.

Wow, even for you guys that one is off the map.


What a load of Crap!!! Hope you go out of business one day and the sooner the better!

Just wondering if next you’re going to say the “fine people” comment lacked context? Because that one is a blatant falsehood! Waiting..... EnemyofthePeople

Pure BULL shit CNN. He called the travel restrictions hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering. Biden is a lifelong SERIAL LIAR. Tell everyone why he dropped out in 1988.

Your kidding me

Cnn is fake news

Great example of why no one with a brain can stand you.

You are liars.

Can't wait for the context you'll be allowing his opponent.


Nice try

You’re so full of shit wow 😯

No one listens to cnn for facts so why are you trying to fact check anything?

That is a lie! He specifically called him that over the ban!

The enemy of the people is lying again.


So the fact is it’s not clear What a way to muddy the waters, then what was he talking about if not that We apparently need more facts, to confirm the facts ,we just stated were the facts🤦🏻‍♂️



Wow! Unbelievable!

This is a joke.....right. Right? .......guys.....

It’s actually exactly what Biden said and meant.


No CNN. I believe Trump erroneously stated he *banned* travel from China.

When will people realize TRUMP'S A NATURAL BORN LIAR with a silverspoon up his a$$, who couldn't care less about anything or anyone else but himself. Trump hasn't a clue about the average man or woman's lives. ALL THAT TRUMP KNOWS HOW TO DO IS repeat campaign slogans & LIEs.

Anyone who values politics over the NFL is a clown

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