Fact-check: 5 things Trump got wrong about wind turbines

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President Trump touted his knowledge of wind power and turbines during a speech this weekend. However, several of his claims were false or misleading. Facts First: Here’s a breakdown of five things the President got wrong about wind turbines.

Washington President Donald Trump kicked off his holiday week with a speech at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Florida on Saturday. Speaking to the crowd of young conservatives, the President touted his knowledge of wind power and turbines, saying"I know windmills very much. I've studied it better than anybody I know." However, several of his claims were false or misleading.

Here's a breakdown of five things Trump got wrong about wind turbines. Bird DeathsTrump referred to wind turbines as"a bird graveyard" telling the crowd that if they"go under a windmill someday, you'll see more birds than you've ever seen ever in your life." Facts First: Research suggests that while wind power does contribute to bird deaths, more birds are killed by cats or other types of power plants.


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One fact that is UNDENIABLE!!! Wind turbines are inefficient!!!

You mean last weekend. You keep repeating the same pointless story. Obviously you have no confidence in the impeachment taking him down, so you'll just keep 'fact checking' him. Of course, CNN and 'fact check' in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

Let's get this clear: Trump lost a lawsuit against a wind farm in Scotland that abutted one of his golf courses. This, in true fashion, is his way of getting back..at windmills. Crazy, huh. . .

au contraire, cnn is fake news

Misleading ? You mean like CNN

Nice try CNN. Twisting facts seems to be your forte.

BFD. As long as any technology that is supported by the government and does not make a profit cannot be sustained. If renewable energy could sustain itself corporations would be majorly investing. We would not need the government to subsidize it in order make it work.

Trump hate for turbines is probably due the fact that they were installed close to one of his properties in Scotland. He sued and he lost.

From the newsroom that fact checks, we present spell check while drinking

“However, several of his claims were false or misleading “. CNN, your whole news platform is false and misleading..

CNN talking about false or misleading claims.... 😂

Only 5 things wrong ! Congratulations Donald a new record ! All those hours colouring in has really paid off , now to master the pencil sharpener , guy is as bright as a blackout !

goshofar Doesn't it start with 'nobody knows as much as I do'? Should that phrase be considered the same claim as 'I've studied this' or shouldn't be a separate lie?

Its a dangerous path we are on when leaders of the world twist facts for their liking. Normally this is called propaganda used to align masses behind a state driven cause.

All your news is FALSE.

How is yours true .. just say you hate trump for no reason

KarlieInCali They were freaking lies!

Wind is 6.5 percent of our needs. When it’s blowing. Point people are missing is the cost passed to consumers. If it were 50 percent? Your power bill would be about 4 times more then it is now or more. And.. when you put materials out in the elements for years Well..🤑

ricball Wait. The prez got the facts wrong? I’m so shocked.

Once again CNN can’t tell the truth... he mock the ppl against fossil fuels. Can CNN’S ratings go even lower?

Ain’t no one got time to read everything he says wrong, I have a job... and kids!

This is a very simple answer, that I'm absolutely shocked that most of my fellow Americans don't seem to care that our president although it's nice to have someone with some fight or spunk in them, besides that, mainly our president is an idiot..100%💯💯💯👩‍🦼

Every thing he says is false so why would congress except all his false hood but cry during his reality check which is impeachment!!

I didn’t hear it, but if he said it sucks and is hopeless he’s correct.

Don J Quixote chasing windmills again. Has been inhaling fumes.

You forgot to list the lie that he knows more about the subject than anyone else. Plain and simple realDonaldTrump is an idiot.

The man has no knowledge

As usual, the Windbag is spewing (toxic) fumes, not facts. LiarInChief windmills WindFarms wind

Just more of unhinged deranged coup & cover-up agenda in dishonor. a clear and present danger to national security.

Trump is nothing but hot air.

His renewable lies and hot air blustering, accounts for his sum knowledge on sustainable energy

He's a president. Not a wind turbines worker. Get on with it.

Sameold sameold


We are well beyond stating facts!!! Move on!!! BS needs to be countered with BS!! Windmill

Start using the word “lie” or stop pandering

They were misleading. They were flat out lies.

your fact checkers super accurate. At least when they're fact checking your misrepresentations or outright misstatements POTUS' claims.

Idiot denier of climate change.

LeaHaller55 I’m not going to bother reading it because like a large portion of the worlds population I have already realised the America’s President Trump is a lying pos with a below average IQ. I treat all his ramblings as bullshit and that works out pretty right

They're ugly and ruin our nice view of the chimney canyons and bluffs we have near our home. I've watched Golden Eagles fly right into the damn things on windy days. They're junk! Oilfield nearby is barely noticeable with hell of a lot smaller footprint than those blow sticks.

Trumps ignorant tirade against wind turbines is just a blatant attempt to promote the oil Industries interests. The oil industry is the only asset Russia has, it’s a one dimensional economy. I can’t believe that Trump has gotten away with walking this tightrope for three years.

Lol, the story writer's work consist's 99% of negative Trump stories. To demolish a turbine cost's about $200K, then you have to get rid of the used materials. Fiberglass ends up as landfill. The bulk of your facts were said to be true, but false with journalistic spin, fuck off.

The man doesn’t know shit from clay.

Start with complete English sentences....

CNN are a dud. The sooner they close the better

This can’t possibly be correct! Trump says “I know more about wind than anyone” and has he ever told a lie?

Even you missed the most obvious one. The president was talking about windmills not wind turbines. Wind energy is converted into mechanical energy. Wake up!!!

Fact check CNN has no facts just hate for the president

I hate CNN news on they can say anything good about Trump

realDonaldTrump 'According to the US Fish & Wildlife Service, collisions with turbines kills between 140,000 & 500,000 birds annually. Other energy sources, such as coal, oil & power lines, contribute to millions of bird deaths. However, cats remain the biggest threat to birds'

Fact check your own channel

Don’t forget that they apparently cause cancer according to trump like wtf dude 😂

When are you going to do a break down or fact check on your own channel but don't worry his fact check is coming


He got this right!

This is the news that is going to change the world !!!!


Old Indian classic serial

Well, let's hear it: which of his several claims were not false?

Fake News CNN. How can we believe ANYTHING you report? You have been shown that you can't be trusted.

Not false or misleading. Just lies and shit he makes up on the spot.

Trump’s a pathological liar

🙄 as Always!

False or misleading? You must be kidding! How about STUPID?

Oh you ppl at cnn are hilarious. You lie through your teeth, double down and get caught again. What I want to know, how do you manage to stay in business?

He touted his knowledge, which was none.

Newsflash: CNN reports something negative about President Trump. Yawn ... I’ll get my news from unbiased sources .. thanks.

When is MSM going to start using the word 'lie' when referring to what he says?

The Fact that these things do kill birds and eagles should be alarming no matter how many killed. But you make it sound like thats ok.

So he didn’t lie.... your fun facts agree with what he said minus the property values. When will you do this for a AOC or SenWarren speech. I find it odd you never tell truths about the liberals.

Also pretty sure cats aren't killing a bunch of Eagles. I was shocked at the amount of Eagles turbines are allowed to kill. This is unacceptable.

Coming from fake news network?

Going through your 'fact check' it appears President Trump was not too off base. Also appears you are defending turbines regardless of all the problems.

Not only did he get things wrong, but his dementia was on full display. 25thAmendmentNow !!

He lies about everything. Why would wind power be any different? He’s all about protecting the oil industry, because it’s all about the top 1% who control every aspect of our country.

Every claim by CNN is false.

Happens when your science advisors come from the flat earth society

CNN purchased by the Disney Channel?

They also kill bats without touching them, Wind Farm At Dusk But this belies wind farms' very real danger to migratory animals. Wind turbines kill a rather staggering 600,000 to 900,000 bats every year, according to a new study. ... These species include the hoary bat

And lets pay farmers to beautify their land with thousands of acres of solar panels. How nice.

🤣🤣 This guy is demented.

'Got wrong' 1. is not wrong even if other powerplants also high bird deaths. 2. is simply right, you're not even disputing that, turned off = shut down. 4. your own source is saying it's not economically feasible to invest in old equipment and didn't make the 20 year mark. /1

The moron not Don Quixote has been sniffing windmill fumes. His comment about how much he has done for 'religion' was the weirdest during the last few days.

Has Trump ever say anything that is correct.,,

The President was right that the turbines ruin the landscape and they kill thousands of birds.... that’s a fact

He’s a damn dummy.


Wow. Imagine that. Trump got his 'windmills' facts wrong. Hmmm.

The only wind he is familiar with is the wind coming out of his blowhard yap.

Fake news😜😜😜

realDonaldTrump 'knows wind turbines more than anybody in the world' and he is so wrong about them. Can you imagine how he is running the country when he is truly suffering of dementia and Alzheimer's? The question is how is it possible people do not see how insane he is

trump, do u know anything about technology

Tell us more FakeNews

Trump hates wind farms because the Scottish government put some wind turbines by one of his golf courses

Would it just be easier to truth check at this point?

Windmills aren't efficient enough to make any credible impact on US power consumption, especially when the amount of land each requires and where they would have to be built. Whatever Trump said that ties into that is just extra. Innovate better tech, what we have now isn't good

But he knows more than anyone. How could it be that he got so many things wrong? Very surprising. 😄

Always research for the truth. It makes a difference to know all the facts. Don’t be the uneducated.

CNN now reports on people making false claims haha!!! What a joke !! Imagine wasting your money as a CEO on CNN? You would be fired for burning cash!

Basically everything CNN printed in this article says Trump is correct....they just use questionable stats to minimize Trump’s claims. And then they top it off with the usual “Trump lies” routine.

For gods sakes, don't bother trying to explain that unhinged rant. The only real response to it is Article 25. Now.

He right. If they weren’t there they wouldn’t kill any birds. The oil industry pays heavy fines for killing eagles. So should the wind industry.

From what I’ve just read , his claims are actually very factual and you support each one although you wish to add a little more context . Doesn’t make what he said wrong though .

You mean LIES? Stop this BS. He lies. He lies all the time. Big or small, he lies about it all.

Lies Lies

Solyndra was stolen taxpayer money under Obama. Liberals fall for this everytime.

They are ugly bird blenders.

Not turbines. Windmills. Like the things that (spoiler alert) ....killed Frankenstein's monster.


'several of his claims were false or misleading'-You mean several of his claims were idiotic.

To say that he 'touted his knowledge' is to suggest he has any. He doesn't.

I used to think Putin and Kim Jong Un were the scariest men in the world but this guy frightens me more! He has all the codes and the power to use them, it scares me where his big ego, big mouth and small brain will lead the free world! Forget the wind, stick to the toilets!

No. YOU are Wrong. President Trump is CORRECT.

Wind mills kills massive numbers of birds unacceptable

“Trump touted his *LACK OF* knowledge of wind power and turbines during a speech this weekend.” - realDonaldTrump is an imbecile and a liar.

hahahaha...the five 'facts' you quote are half truths! Wind power is stupendously inefficient, around 30% only. The manufacture of them requires a lot of carbon energy. They are all heavily subsidized by taxes. They are an eyesore and cause unnecessary bird deaths

after Trump leaves the White House, Professionals will analyze for many years how an ignorant person managed to control one of the 2 parties on a country like the US

CNN is suspect a false claim it’s a lie

And Mexico is going to pay for the wall. He doesn't care about birds! He's destroying the environment policies that would save animals. I'm sure it's about a deal with donors or Russians. Didn't he just get back from the Maralago? Maybe it helps a generous member.

Little known fact but in high wind conditions when the turbine blades are rotating at their maximum speed they are actually splitting oxygen molecules which can lead to asphyxiation if your are near one of them. SCUBA certification is required to work on these turbines.

This is not news.

One more: the President claimed “virtually no” windmills are manufactured in the US. In fact, GE produces 5% of the world’s wind turbines, the fifth biggest wind turbine producer in the world

Fact==== it takes more energy to build one windmill that what it produces during its life. Fact===== if the wind blows too hard it needs to be shut down. Fact===== windmills have a life span of maybe 20 years. Nobody can say that for sure at the moment.

Seriously. You guys felt the need to fact check? Was it a class? Were people taking notes besides CNN? I know ...why don't you impeach him? Oh yeah that was the agenda before the election. Trump2020

Most were outright gibberish.

If an elected president say something, show some respect

It's not what Donald Trump says, it's just that he says something

I didn’t vote for Trump but these constant attacks pushing all of us right. I Know is not your intent but we see through you.

CNN fact checking 😂😂😂

This isn’t even about windmills. It’s about his buddies in the fossil fuel industry. If we use more free power it is taking money away from his fossil fuel buddies and he’s not going to let that happen. Rick Perry just got his friends big contracts with a fossil fuel company

They’re not worth a fuck. Did he mention that?

Unreliable sources for fact checks! Full of hypocrisy and hate 🙄

This dude is so full of crap. This isn't the real sad thing though the saddest thing is all the people that buy his crap and repeat.

I hope they put many by his resorts to shove it up his ass. Trump just wants coal fired power plants. If thats the case let’s build a few by his golf courses. He’s still stuck in the 60s. America needs to put a progressive president in office to lead not follow old habits

Killing bids✔️ Lowers land value ✔️The “carbon footprint “ is large✔️ President Trump is again points out how the Globalist have hi jacked logic

How many false or misleading info has Schiff or Biden pass on this past few years? Where is your fare and informative journalism. Right now you are no better than Access Hollywood.

Not only is he smarter than the Generals, he is smarter than scientists and engineers. 'Ignorance and arrogance is a toxic combination.' Fake election. Fake President.

Trump is 100000% right.

It’s called lying.

Are you sure humans aren‘t responsible for the greatest bird kill with the amount of chicken and turkey we consume?

Hair care, hair care, hair care, hair care and damm hair care !!!

Last i heard, he thinks air comes from cows farting.

Check out this man from Orthios / he and trump would get on great for story times both full of wind

Here is a fact. Your ratings suck. Merry Christmas 🎅

False claims from a certain point of view, also true claims from a certain point of view. CNN brought in a pointdexter to wheel out stats that proves orange man bad.

How in the flying fuck can CNN call out ANYONE for false news SMFH.....

Wind turbines are an environmental nightmare. They’ve destroyed our northern plains. Unfortunately, the masses that live in the cities don’t care about flyover country.

Donald, digest these facts and get yours straight...realdonaldtrump

JohnAvlon Wouldn't it be easier to list the claims that were in fact correct?

President dotard

Facts about bird deaths Habitat Loss - Huge! Cats2,400,000,000 Trump Plaza & Building Glass599,000,000 Vehicles214,500,000 Poison72,000,000 Electrical Lines25,500,000 Communication Towers6,600,000 Oil Pits750,000 Wind Turbines234,000 Other6,584,012

Trump is generating his own wind power.

Oh ok, we’ll believe you on this one. NOT!

Actually, I think some of the stuff he says is (partially) true. Nevertheless, the fact that he says that he knows more about windmills than anyone he has talked to makes me wonder who is defining energy strategy in the US. Not sure whether this is hilarious or really worrying.

CNN never likes to present the full story on anything. Not turbines, not vaccines, not immigration, economy, or politcal agenda’s.

And we care why?


You said Trump was a Russian agent! A racist! stormy would take Trump down, you thought Avenati would make a good President! Mueller was going to get the President! You said President was not spied on. You never apologize or retract , you just start more lies! Give it a rest

Trump Towers & Trump building glass kill more birds than all the windmills in the world Bird deaths: Cats2,400,000,000 Trump & Bld Glass599,000,000 Vehicles214,500,000 Poison72,000,000 Elec. Lines25,500,000 Comm. Towers6,600,000 Oil Pits750,000 Wind Turbines234,000

As usual lies lies lies

Wind power is currently useless. It’s more costly than its worth.

Stop being so damn politically correct and call it what it is. Trump went nuts over windmills during an unhinged rant and was being completely false and misleading.

I have nothing against windmills except they are the ugliest thing on the landscape. One or two not bad, but when you get a farm of 20 plus it just ruins the landscape. They are damn ugly.

Says the fake news outlet. Lol. Yeah, Trumps information is unreliable 👌.

President? What President?

He's a complete liar

Just like your previous article on the same topic your headline is incorrect. Trump did not get the bird killings wrong. If your fact says 500,000 birds killed in a year, you can’t then conclude that Trump is wrong because cats kill more birds. This is laughable ‘journalism’.

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