Facebook won't censor political ads, is that good for the Constitution or bad?

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'Think about what Facebook is saying here: If you hide and lie in a political ad, you can get away with it on Facebook, for a price. And Facebook can get away with its responsibility for disseminating it.' - ChuckTodd


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chucktodd Facebook has a moral responsibility it seriously needs to reevaluate!

BobCorvid chucktodd Seriously...think about it, who would even give a fuck if facebook was gone tomorrow? And Markie is free to go steal his next big idea.

chucktodd yet facebook block users from expressing their opinions with friends on the platform...

chucktodd Zuckerberg smell bad.....

chucktodd That tonsure cut look Zuckerberg is working on ain’t working.

chucktodd Zuckerberg looks like a mannequin. A corrupt mannequin.

chucktodd All of this is based on the delusional idea that Americans can’t think for themselves. We can & do everyday, without the momentary input of the government.

chucktodd All ads should be illegal

chucktodd Hellooo~are there any media people, (once called investigative journalists)left or is everyone too busy playing Nancy Drew and drinking Schiff’s koolaid? Because looking into this sort of thing is Your job.

chucktodd FakeBook of Vanity .. The Mud slide ..

chucktodd Is it my imagination or just because we are in the Halloween season but doesn’t Zuckerberg look more & more ghoulish? Must be all that time without his soul.

chucktodd That’s why I left fb

chucktodd Deleted my FB account years ago . DeleteFacebookNow . Clearly another one who desires Russian real estate , even if it’s ‘virtual’ FireZuckerberg


slpng_giants chucktodd DeleteFacebookNow DeleteFacebook

chucktodd Maybe we should start censoring fake news MSNBC, CNN, and NBC.

chucktodd I've got bad news about your relationship with facts.

chucktodd Hahahaha what about your lies MSNBC? The hypocrisy of this post is palpable

chucktodd He looks like he's made of plastic.

chucktodd Which is why I went on Facebook and posted that Mark Suckerberg is conspiring with LeningradLindsey to flip the election so that Farty5 can win. I haven't logged on to see if I'm suspended 😂

chucktodd BREAKING: MSNBC suddenly against lying. Here’s Rachel Maddow with an insane conspiracy theory to talk about it. Al Sharpton to follow.

chucktodd How is Chuck this dumb

GeriRuth chucktodd People ought to boycott fakebook!

chucktodd Because campaign ads on television are certified truthful. Gtfo

chucktodd Like this is what makes you fakenews !!! I watched it and he never said that. I am so sick of your meaningless assumptions and fact-less reporting. You are threat to our freedom of speech and your end is near!

chucktodd He is a Trump supporter..I thought you knew

Denise62523907 chucktodd Get Joaquin Phoenix in full Joker mode to star in “The Social Network, part 2”

chucktodd It’s why he is 100% biased against democracy And this too Chuck- YOU need to talk about senatemajldr more

chucktodd All ads on MSNBC are vetted and rated to be true. So feel free to turn off your critical thinking skills when you tune in and buy everything they’re selling. 👍

chucktodd You get paid for lying, so why shouldn't they.

chucktodd The👏 burden👏 to👏 verify👏 the👏 information👏 lies👏 with👏 the👏 reader👏. A👏 social👏 media👏 company👏 should👏 not👏 decide👏 what👏 you👏 can👏 and 👏 cannot👏 see👏

chucktodd They need to be enforced like TV commercials are! Disclosure disclaimer- Facebooks time will come!

chucktodd Why does that Facebook guy look wet and waxy in this picture? I’m scared.

chucktodd MSNBC hides and lies for the DNC and gets away with it.

chucktodd DeleteFacebookNow

chucktodd Every election season candidates and special interest groups fill the airwaves with half truths and falsehoods in campaign ads on ABC CBS FOX and NBC.

JuddApatow chucktodd I would say he is ret*****, but I will get censored nedsegal; facebook may have even been the one to suspend my personal account, currently under some review process, because I am calling Mark Zuckerberg as I truly see it, 're*****'; we need open discussion on functional autism

chucktodd MSNBC spews out false and misleading propaganda on a daily basis, as bad as anything at Fox News. How are you this self-unaware?

chucktodd Are you holding television stations across the country liable for lies/half truths in political ads? Why is Facebook special? There are media, fact checkers and opposing campaign ads that do this job.

chucktodd Zuck only cares about $$$$$. He also sells your personal info without permission. Delete FB acct. There are other choices for social media. I don't miss Facebook at all.

chucktodd Why does he look like melted candle 🕯 wax?

slpng_giants chucktodd It’s simple. We delete the Facebook.

chucktodd Done w facebook

chucktodd DeleteFacebookNow

chucktodd Facebook is bullshit anyways. Zuckerberg is not a moral man.

chucktodd chucktodd you really want Facebook to control your thoughts don’t you... sad really


chucktodd This is why I dump facebook

chucktodd Basically Facebook told us we can all go to hell. If you got money Facebook will let u do anything u want.

chucktodd Chuck Todd was at the top of his game with this. Excellent work!!

chucktodd There needs to be a story on the mismanagement of Facebook

chucktodd Maybe MSNBC and Jeff Zucker, president of CNN (exposeCNN) can petition Facebook to be the arbiters of what are 'fair' ads on Facebook. CNN and MSNBC are the only legitimate political outlets left on this planet.

chucktodd Facebook needs to be held accountable for the ads it disseminates.

chucktodd He’s a Russian jackasse who’ll sell his momma

chucktodd I’m sure every political ad in history that NBC has aired has never contained lies....

chucktodd The problem with Facebook is that it is a catch all for everything. Facebook needs channels based on subscriber’s interests. If a grandparent just wants to share photos, they should subscribe to a channel for that. If they want politics, they should subscribe to that, etc.

chucktodd I am currently weaning myself off of Facebook, to be followed by a full removal.

chucktodd It's freedom of the press, not freedom to lie there's a big difference!!! You should be held accountable!!!

chucktodd MSNBC lied for three years about Trump being a Russian spy while calling it 'news,' then gets upset about lies in political ads?

MaxBoot chucktodd Zuckerberg is greedy and unAmerican. Too many malleable, uninformed people on FB don't question or recognize fact vs lies or fiction.

chucktodd Not Facebooks job to tell you what is true nor should they be allowed to. You have no idea what youre asking for.

chucktodd Let's crowdfund a whole bunch of Facebook ads about how Mark Zuckerberg is running a child pornography ring out of a pizzeria backroom and see how fast their policy changes DitchFacebook ProfitsOverPeople

chucktodd Only if there was some way I wasn't forced to use facebook.

chucktodd Facebook is not a source of education guys... NBC and other news outlets air Donald Trumps commercials that are full of Bullshit. It is up to the American people to decipher what they choose to believe or not. I don’t agree with facebooks decision or NBC CBS to air false ads

chucktodd Facebook should run all the political ads they want.

chucktodd FCC action necessary

chucktodd Well. Democrats? When do your ads come out on fab? Time to fight fire with fire.

chucktodd I hear teenagers say “FB is for old people” and they see it as full of trolls and ads and old people sharing photos of grandkids. The young people have moved on and FB profits by keeping old people pissed at each other.

chucktodd Facebook is gross just like trump. Spreading lies and deceit

chucktodd Money and corruption.

chucktodd Does this man ever look like anything else but a 23- weeker just out of the birth canal?

chucktodd Mr Zuckerberg should have finished college

chucktodd The crowds they have makes them powerful.

chucktodd We all must be held to a baseline of truth, whether as an individual or a corporation.

JuddApatow chucktodd DeleteFacebookNow

chucktodd MSNBC lies everyday and tries to pass it off as news. Bwahhhh

JuddApatow chucktodd Zuck doesn’t want a Democrat as POTUS because his company - which has already ruined the world - will be broken up into pieces that don’t pay as much.

chucktodd I am purposely spending less and less time on Facebook for exactly this reason.

chucktodd Side note, Zuck looks a little waxy, is that him? Sweating?

chucktodd Funny watching Dems scream about Facebook ads 'lying.' While Durham simultaneously investigates how Dems operatives 'lied' by using the Steele dossier in order to obtain spy warrants on the Trump campaign.

MaxBoot chucktodd Chuck does this every week, both siderism often means one side is lying.

chucktodd This is so wrong. TV ads are not allowed to lie, so Facebook can do the same thing - if they want. But he is afraid of losing some $$&? Outrageous 😡

KevinMKruse chucktodd awww...free speech is a hard concept, I know. but hopefully you all can sort out how it works and abandon the premise that people are stupid and can't think for themselves.

MaxBoot chucktodd Knowing this, why not get off of facebook? dumpfacebook.

chucktodd MSNBC, you are upset that someone takes your trade.

chucktodd That works out great, we love it. Now we can do just like the democrats and media. Hallelujah

chucktodd Makes me want to delete Facebook

chucktodd The constitution has nothing to do with it.

MaxBoot chucktodd They live very comfortably the only way they will change their way is if you force them to be uncomfortable and with people that powerful and rich you have to go after other people and unfortunately make their lives so bad it makes waves complaining and/or fake boycotts dont work

chucktodd Facebook is a social network, not a news platform. Nothing on Facebook is true. However, sexually deviant nbc is supposed to be a news organization, but the report false news all the time using unnamed sources. Chuck Todd is a democrat

chucktodd firemarkzuckerberg

MaxBoot chucktodd Boycott!

chucktodd I agree that Facebook doesn’t need to police anything that appears on its website unless it breaks the law.

KevinMKruse chucktodd I’ll be deactivating my FB account today.

chucktodd Money money money money....money


chucktodd 😡🤬😡

chucktodd *yawn* private companies can do what they want. At NBC I would be more worried about the Lauer situation

chucktodd Well your definition of lying is different than the rest of the country!

KevinMKruse chucktodd Chuck is missing the big picture here. FB allows companies to discriminate when posting job ads targeted to certain individuals and only those targeted will see the ads.

MaxBoot chucktodd I’m not sure where I come down on this issue. There are plenty of misleading or even lies in ads by PACs and on billboards. Trump flat out lies at his rallies that are aired on the networks. There’s a lot of lies on Twitter. If we know we can’t believe FB ads, then we know 🤷‍♀️

AngryFedupVtr chucktodd FU FACEBOOK

chucktodd Not sure NBC/Comcast is in a place to be critical of another company doing anything and everything just for more money.

chucktodd Sellout $$$

chucktodd He’s working for trump.

chucktodd What about reporting and lying? What about news channels and 'journalists' being agents of the DNC?

chucktodd MSNBC reports biased and fake news all the time. And somehow they think that have some sort of moral high ground? 😂

chucktodd U don't have to be religious to know that lying is a sin

chucktodd Anyone who truly needs FB for contact w/loved ones etc can still REPORT ALL ADS AND BLOCK THEM. (one small fist in the air)

chucktodd Holy crap, just like wapo nytimes CNN !

chucktodd Sounds a lot like Trump, this one.

chucktodd So let me get this straight. I can say any BS I want as long as I pay for it? Trump does it free.

chucktodd Always hated Zuckerberg. This is just one of the reasons.

DeeDash49 chucktodd DeleteFacebookNow

chucktodd No he’s just a greedy oik that wants more and doesn’t give a monkeys about the ppl using Facebook which made him his money in the first place!


chucktodd All this promotion of calling for FB to censor ads is about Trump putting up an ad talking about Biden's corruption in the Ukraine. The media says that accusation is false. But Biden is ON VIDEO twice admitting to it.

chucktodd Only MSNBC would consider it a serious question whether a private company in the business of communication should be allowed to offer freedom of speech.

chucktodd Everyone always wants facebook to moderate the lies, and not one person says anything about holding the people running for office accountable.

chucktodd Facebook First Amendment then decide between free speech and propaganda

chucktodd Shut Facebook down!

chucktodd WeThePeopleStandWithTrump see through the BS.

TheEliasRework chucktodd We have freesom of speech...but this has become a propaganda machine and it is out of control. There is a moral factor as well as responsibility when we become adults. Are we teaching our children to lie? And that it is okay? YEP!

chucktodd If Trump is allowed to use taxpayer dollar to lie, why can’t Mark make money out of lies? Trump’s mouth costs lives and we’ve being OK with that. We need to clean the WH first and stop asking others to do any clean up.

chucktodd It’s time for Facebook to go away

chucktodd Facebook is begging for government regulation.

chucktodd All media platforms do this!

chucktodd Totally irresponsible! I don't like SuckerBird! He is only looking out for profit, and doesn't give a shit about what this will do to the citizens! Making people dumber and keeping them ignorant! Shame, shame, shame! I am blocking all ads that appear on my page!

chucktodd Russia! If you’re listening.🤯

chucktodd I think Facebook is a scam two bit fake news outlet. Tell a lie over and over and it becomes the truth. You can buy the TRUTH ON FACEBOOK. I’m running for POTUS. I won’t be advertising on FB. I want people to search for me. HOLTON2020

chucktodd Only gullible naive democrats are fooled by fake ads. Like they were fooled by Russian bots We don't need gullible naive people running the country. Democrats are that certain group who are attracted to tabloid journaism. The type that believe National Inquire sort of stuff

chucktodd Nothing different than what you, JoeNBC and the rest of your clowns do daily... FakeNews

chucktodd It's amazing that BSnbc is complaining about anyone. You lie, you misrepresent, you put out opinions as fact, and now this Chuck Todd moron wants to complain? Check yourself, and then come tell me about someone else.


chucktodd There are limits to free speech: would it be ok for a TV station to broadcast, 'Take cover, bombs are on the way.'? 2/ More attention is needed in educating folks to distinguish propaganda from the truth, because lies can be found anywhere.

chucktodd Yes, we know and the incredible duplicity of Facebook is slowly dawning on people, it's a money machine with profits as the only driver.. talks of free speech are only a cover to ensure the dollars keep rolling in.

chucktodd IF we don't look at the actions of our POTUS to what's going on in the world with our allies as our enemies which clearly shows enemies here in our nation freedom as any hope for our future r kids is going to be gone quickly. It's not hard to see how were played & democracy taken

chucktodd DeleteFacebookNow

chucktodd Truth to the highest bidder. What else is new?

chucktodd I'm starting to think we the people need to teach Mark a little lesson about being CEO and about the company that's made him a billionaire and that as fast as he amassed his fortune we can also destroy it. Don't screw with us Mark. You won't like the outcome.

Damn Zuckerberg is really out here trying to get us back for the alien memes of him

chucktodd Time to break FB up. They are getting too fucking scary. Time to impeach trump. He is getting too dictator.

chucktodd In that picture, he looks devoid of human soul. Wait, he already IS...

chucktodd That photo. He looks like a troll-bot. So glad I took one look at fb-unfortunately, I HAD TO JOIN to do so-& turned it down. Too much work. I find it interesting everyone tells me “I only use it to connect with...(high school past, family etc). So fb is the Xmas letter all year?


chucktodd This is so dangerous. I cannot imagine the disastrous consequences this will have. Facebook needs to be shut down if they continue to put peoples lives in jeopardy.

chucktodd Then they are no longer a public forum but a news feed with regulated public opinion.

chucktodd The trouble with this argument is the rest of the Internet can fact-check, as it is right now, so making any bogus claim at all is a hefty risk.

chucktodd Wow

chucktodd Facebook has a lot of 'ad integrity' people. What the fuck do they do?

chucktodd He's actually defending Trump.....cause they did meet in the oval office a while back..... .

chucktodd Facebook is for grandmas. Don't lie to grandma.

chucktodd Why is anyone suprised that private enterprise puts its profits ahead of the public good? Thats why we need laws.

chucktodd So the next question is why is ANYONE still on Facebook? Everyone sees what’s going on but still wanna use this platform! DeleteFacebookNow DeleteInstagram too

chucktodd I deleted my account. How will I live without pictures of people’s food, vacations&dancing cats? Fakebook had run into a wall with its bad business model young ppl were leaving the site they needed a new business model political lies seems to be the new one 2016 forward facebook

chucktodd well, it's the same for television ads -- there's no meaningful regulations

chucktodd ....and think about all the conspiracy theorists out there like the ones who have claimed that Sandy Hook never happened; they get to post their lies on Facebook. Bottom line? How do you think Zuckerberg got to be worth $69 billion? By taking the money and running.

chucktodd you guys lie everyday about AndrewYang standing in the polls and his grassroots donations. You have no credibility to talk about this YangGang

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