Facebook Pledges $10 Million To Racial Justice Campaigns

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Facebook has committed $10 million to anti-racism groups, announced CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook has committed $10 million to anti-racism groups, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Monday, as protests continue nationwide and companies speak out on racism following the death of George Floyd in police custody last week.Zuckerberg announced the money would go towards supporting the work of “groups working on racial justice.”on Monday: “The pain of the last week reminds us how far our country has to go to give every person the freedom to live with dignity and peace.

He added: “It reminds us yet again that the violence Black people in America live with today is part of a long history of racism and injustice. We all have the responsibility to create change.” Like a number of corporations that have released statements in recent days, Zuckerberg said that Facebook stands with the black community “and all those working towards justice in honor of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many others whose names will not be forgotten.”

The 36-year-old added that the Chan Zuckerberg initiative he founded with his wife, Priscilla Chan, invests around $40 million annually in organizations “working to overcome racial injustice.”the CEO’s “do nothing” approach to President Trump’s post threatening violence against George Floyd protesters that read “when the looting starts, shooting starts.”

Design manager Jason Stirman tweeted on Monday: “I'm a FB employee that completely disagrees with Mark's decision to do nothing about Trump's recent posts, which clearly incite violence. I'm not alone inside of FB. There isn't a neutral position on racism.”, Zuckerberg expressed concerns over Trump’s “tone and rhetoric” in a phone call with Trump on Friday.


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theopinionist__ I personally think his heart supports anti racism, at least in business, because his wife and many employees are from China and India

Really? Compared to your compensation package it's a spit on the bucket! Attn: Shareholders and STAKEHOLDERS RemoveMarkZuckerberg as CEO!

F$$k facebook

We are proud of you.

Too little too late Facebook. You can’t just throw your money around and think it’s ok to allow lies and censor other groups. Shame on you Mark Zuckerberg


Bravo , but it needs a few zeros on the end..

Fake person...

MelissaOnline That’s like me giving $10 bucks.

Better give for development of Corona vaccin

Delete Facebook

Will they fund African American groups that represent African Americans that are discriminated against by other African Americans/African American groups or networks?

This is great news. I’m hopeful a group that represents me is selected for funding. I grew up not seeing color/race & see discrimination against some minorities for not hating non minorities. What does it mean to be African American? How black is black enough v. Not black enough?

Basically zero money for him. Meanwhile he gladly steps out of the way and lets our divider-in-chief foment violence on his platform. He's an AWFUL human being.



The same Facebook that has lukewarm condemnation of white supremacists acts..and racism

This meager half ass 'donation' is insulting. Facebook made almost 18 BILLION in the first 3 months of 2020. Yeah, that eight billion. 🖕🏽

How much did he give to the racist groups? You know they always play both sides, just not equally.

Zuckerberg gets facebook to donate a few cents to equal rights groups while paying female employees less than males How does that feel ?

I'm not racist, can I have $10 million for being like the 99% of the US?

Thinks his fucking money helps the cause?

A nation should never see such a bad day ! NoRacism

How do I get a piece of that? DMTCorporation

Zuck added: “It reminds us yet again that the violence Black people in America live with today is part of a long history of racism and injustice'. He blindly ignores that 99% of that violence is one against another within the black community.

It's exhausting, hearing about the ten million dollars Zuckerberg found in his sofa cushions. Wanted: measurable outcomes, not pablum. How many trained? Over how long a time frame? Via which institutions? cthagod, please tell these people about TheDreadAgenda RacismTheDisease

Too late mate. You are out. No influence whatsoever.

Had to wait until he was called out.... dumbass

But doesn’t fact check...hmm.

But they won't pledge to stop the spread of misinformation and fact check our political leaders.... WHO ARE ACTUALLY RACIST! Mark, you have become the elite and lost a sense of what it means to connect to people in the ways that further humanity.

Keep your money and get racism off of your platform


Stop the trump lies and racist retoric . Police the hate

Lizard person who everyone hates donates the bare minimum to make people forget that he is a libertarian conspiracy theorist who tried to force indg Hawaiians off their land, acts like a sociopath and refuses to spend money to moderate his site that is sometimes used for genocide

Zuckerberg announced the money would go towards supporting the work of “groups working on racial justice.” He wrote in a Facebook post on Monday: “The pain of the last week reminds us how far our country has to go to give every person the freedom to live with dignity and peace.

Minds does it better $Minds

We don't care about ur little $10 million Mark Zuckerberg RacistFacebook RacistZuckerberg RacistInChief

Not enough


Do more. blacklivesmatter

F*ck him and his dirty money! He's directly responsible/complicit for the cultural war that is happening in the U.S. right now!

Would be easier to stop the nonstop racism on his lousy site, but, he’s not about to mess with his money.

This is not enough. Mark needs to sell all his Facebook shares if he actually cared to end racism.

The world doesn't need money, the world needs facts. Compassion. Humanity. Stop to the madness. All lives Matter.

A few pennies if you will

Fuck Facebook

so? he allows them to proliferate on his site. Its meaningless

Profit from racism then give back 10 cents on the dollar to help anti racist groups fight back. Something does not add up. It would be like a parent letting their kids say racist BS in the house and make up for it by giving money to anti racist groups.

Fock Facebook and Fock MarkZuckerberg!


These people don't seen to appreciate you contribution, Mark. Can you give 1 million? I will apreciate, VERY much.😙😄😘😘

Too little too late

It's too late,de damage is already done.

Funny how I got banned for 30 days for responding to some racist in the comments but they didn’t lol Mark Zuckerbeg is the biggest closeted racist

Facebook runs on user data. So if you want to see a change, take back control of your data. The VETRI Foundation intends to give users the ability to monetize their data and thus help play a part in data sovereignty. ValueYourData blockchain

But will still allow racist shit on their platform.

F... off!

drop in the bucket...and doesn't salvage Zuckerberg's worstening reputation of violence by NOT standing up to removing hate speech on FACEBOOK

They make that in about an hour. [slow clap]

But they won’t stand up to Trump, one of the biggest racists.




Gee. The arsonist graciously allows someone to borrow his watering can -- DeleteFacebook

They probably spend more on coffee for their offices, but ok.

Все будет хорошо


$10 million is a drop in the bucket for that bullshit company - this number is insulting.

China is yet to send soldiers to Hong Kong rioters who were also burning down things and looting for months. But just in four days Trump managed to do that to BLACK PEOPLE who are already being killed. What country is the dictatorship again?

No one stopped you from protesting cops killing white people and you’re truly pained by it. The fact that you decided to be mute at injustice doesn’t give you the right to mute others.

You think money Issa solution RN?

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