Facebook Lifting Political Ad Ban For Georgia Runoff Elections

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The company will only allow ads to run in Georgia.

confusion or abuse” as President Donald Trump draws out the election by refusing to concede.

The ban will still continue nationwide, but starting Wednesday, the company will allow “advertisers who are authorized to run ads about social issues, elections or politics to run ads specifically in Georgia,” Facebook announced in a blog post. Facebook will continue to reject ads that are trying to run outside of Georgia, are not about the runoff elections or “that includes content debunked by third-party fact-checkers or delegitimizes the Georgia runoff elections.”

Facebook is also providing Georgia voters with information about voting on Facebook and Instagram and will take steps to combat voting misinformation, including by labeling posts that “[try] to delegitimize voting.”


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Seems odd to pick and choose when the ads can and cannot be used. I get ads can favor either side but why? it’s their business but if they are so concerned with integrity sending the wrong message here IMHO.

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Please (!) don't subject us to any more political advertising. We are already way past the saturation point, everyone already knows who they are voting for (the % of undecideds is 1-2%), and the only question that really remains is who actually goes out & votes, or does not.

Facebook throwing it’s weight and money behind liberals in Georgia. I trust Georgia citizens do not want Facebook deciding on political decisions in this state

They'd never do this if it benefited the Republicans....

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