Facebook aims to help voters, but won't block Trump misinfo

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Facebook is launching a widespread effort to boost U.S. voter turnout and provide authoritative information about voting -- just as it doubles down on its policy allowing politicians to post false information on the same subject.

This image provided by Facebook shows screens of Voting Information Center. Facebook is launching a widespread effort to boost U.S. voter turnout and show authoritative information about voting, even as it doubles down on its stance to let politicians like President Donald Trump post misinformation about voting.

The social media giant is launching a “Voting Information Center” on Facebook and Instagram that will include details on registering to vote, polling places and voting by mail. It will draw the information from state election officials and local election authorities. for not removing or labeling posts by Trump that that spread misinformation about voting by mail and, many said, encouraged violence against protesters.

Facebook’s free speech stance may have more to do with not wanting to alienate Trump and his supporters while keeping its business options open, critics suggest.


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FB is POS app anyway!

Delete facebook and it goes away.

So you’ve decided to be blatantly propagandists? At least it’s honest but I’d stop pretending to be journalist.

Correction: Facebook is trying to put it's thumb on the scale

BudGothmog44 Hmm 🤔 I would encourage Trump & people who intend to vote for him to “READ” the 13 virtues of “Ben Franklin” then honestly cast your vote for the most virtuous one. If reading is a challenge then ask a friend to read it to you.

BudGothmog44 OkayMark

The voters are to blame if they know that the stories may be false and yet vote.

I thought you were better than that


Facebook has become toxic.

Hey, come out & vote! Here are some lies & deceptive materials to help you come to a misinformed opinion! No! No! Don't look over there, keep your eyes on FB, we will tell you everything you need to know!

Dear left-wing fruitcakes and censors. It's called FREE SPEECH. Something dumb, biased journalists should know about.


Translation: Zuckerberg thinks Trump is going to lose. DeleteFacebook

You ever get tired of carrying water for socialists? Hack frauds.

Facebook: trying to have it both ways. As usual.

What could possibly go right?

Facebook just wants to have its cake and eat it too.


I'm so glad I left Facebook four years ago.

is now officially the voice of the Democrat party. Shills for $$$ 🐸

More fake news. This will be an effort to soak the web with propaganda in an effort to pull Biden into the Whitehouse. Legislation won't be kind to Social Media if they continue to exert political influence for the progressive left.

Is Facebook a Russian propaganda machine? Any media outlet that knowingly publishes false information can be nothing less. Boycott Facebook!

Too little, too late. Cancelled FB account yesterday.

And the Boris Bots are free to run amok.

why would i want to vote this election

We’ve uncovered more than one occurrence in the last two weeks where mail-in absenteeism ballots disappear in the hands of mail carriers. We endorse a White House Executive Order requiring all mail ballots to be sent with barcode tracking to ensure voters can track ballots.

The AP is bias fake news

For what, how, and ok fine.

Great, so all the people reading misinformation on the platform will go out and vote based on that information.

Thank you for having the most accurate headline in my feed

people are use to false information since all they've had was the media while growing up

AP Gaslighting Big Tech for more Election Interference.

Anti-Conservative no doubt.


Headline should use the term disinfo not misinfo - there's a difference and what Trump puts out there is disinformation. You'd think the Associated Press would know this.

Just fuck off! Makes it easier for everyone.

Fatherless black children are at the highest in history too, over 75%.

Fk Facebook.. they’ll block you for calling out republican lies but let you call black people thugs and criminals.. Facebook



Facebook sucks.

But the otherside never promotes misinformation, they are holy and righteous. ap is such garbage and bias it has become an utter joke


Be sure to vote for the lies you like the most!

Facebook is a communist propaganda outlet (A branch of the a Democratic elite).

Sometimes you hit the bull’s-eye and sometimes you completely miss it.

what a crock, lol - fb doesn't do anything that isn't designed to push the left agenda!

😂😂 ya no thanks!! DeleteFacebook

Jesus. Russia's gonna be allll over this. DeleteFacebook DeleteFacebookNow

AP, Facebook is a direct information pipe line for the DMC. You guys should take a few lessons, from FB your desk isn't too far beyond them.


You mean Facebook is launching a widespread effort to boost ONLY DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. Because FB is way to busy getting rid of Republican voters


Got a better idea, everyone delete Facebook.

Facebook is another right wing media site. The new Fix News. Disgraceful

I have a Facebook account but I dont use it anymore for this reason. It's not just trump they refuse to act on, it's all right wing misleading content

So then maybe Facebook is actually just intent on helping Trump.

Will Facebook help people to get an ID to vote?

Ol’ Zucky wants to be a political gear! Duh... FacebookWalkout

Look, I know y’all hate the fact you can’t completely control the public narrative yet. Stop bitching. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah? More lies. Prove me wrong.

Why would Facebook care so much about this?

It won't help. Biden or Trump will not bring those who are disenfranchised with politics back to the voting booth. It will be the regular between 55% and 60% of the electorate voting

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