Experts explain how the Inflation Reduction Act helps fight climate change

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

After decades of congressional inaction to curb climate change, advocates and experts are calling the Inflation Reduction Act one of the country's most important steps to address the issue and potentially decrease energy costs for households nationwide.

The bill offers $4,000 in tax credits for low- and middle-income drivers to buy used electric vehicles and up to $7,500 in credits for those drivers to purchase new electric vehicles.

But the bill doesn't get the country all the way to its goals of reaching a point where no new greenhouse gas emissions are being released into the atmosphere, also known as "net zero." Under the Paris climate agreement, the U.S. and other countries have committed to reducing emissions as quickly as possible to try to keep worldwide warming below 1.

"It contains provisions that would expand oil and gas leasing, both on shore and offshore, in ways that we think is actually quite unhelpful. It's unnecessary from an energy standpoint and, quite importantly, they can impose significantly more pollution on already overburdened communities," he told ABC.


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RepMcGovern Where is all that green fraud money going? To your buddies. Meanwhile there are 3 'green' line items on my electric bill driving up my costs. Only registered Democrats should pay those. I'm not falling for your con game.

It'll do nothing more than make poor people poorer by making energy cost higher.

In Singapore they passed a climate change bill taxes were raised jobs were lost the cost of fuel + food went up the economy colasped this is what democrats want to bring to America

Just as effective as the covid vaccine.

RepMcGovern You damn well nothing you state is the truth? The cost will be passed on through those of us who work. Our electric bills will go up and we pay for Medicare drug controls. We already pay for socialist countries universal health care. Why don’t you jerks just be honest for once

I fully support this act. A great investment that is both paid for, and will save us more than we spend

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