Exclusive photos reveal children sleeping on the ground at Border Patrol station

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

EXCLUSIVE: Photos show migrant children lying in rocks and dirt, covered with Mylar blankets as they waited outside an overcrowded US Border Patrol station

A baby bottle filled with milk can be seen in one photo next to a child sleeping outside on dirt, and in another, a woman is seen sitting on rocks leaning against a wall clutching a child.In others, migrants are seen seemingly wandering the premises, which has four temporary tents to accommodate the swell of migrants approaching the US-Mexico border. One photo shows an agent holding a megaphone in a sea of migrants outside of the station.

'The flow is coming faster, frankly, than we can process it'Border Patrol stations are designed to intake and process migrants who cross the border illegally. But stations have been stressed with overcrowding. When agents get backlogged with processing, indoor holding areas get full, forcing people to wait outside.


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Sad but where can you put them them our country’s are bursting with refugees and our people are homeless on the streets these people already get first priority in housing and benefits there countries taken over by greed and racism and we are expected to provide safety for them

Are we sure that’s not California it is from fakenews CNN

The measure of a society is how it treats women, children, seniors, and the vulnerable...

They have too go back where they belong and yet there's no crisis.

Their parents/relatives should be ashamed of themselves for bring them there and putting them in this situation. That's where the ownership belongs.

Don't make it more hard for them, bring them back where they belong. Asap.

Reminds me of when I was a kid waiting for concert tickets! I was always hoping they wouldn’t run out before I got up there! Same or no?

Politicians want to cater to non citizens to pander for their votes...after they get them mass citizenship. Catering to them like LGBTQ groups. Tell me POS politicians, who is next after the immigrant block gets voting rights?

The crisis is that the Mexican ppl allow that weak government to exist. Then US politicians use them as a narrative to get votes and even try to make them citizens...to get their votes.

The dems are to blame failing to do there job and' Lying' to the American people saying that it was 'manufactured'!!

It’s time for people to start lining up & sleeping on the streets in front of Nancy Pelosi’s house – maybe then she’ll pay attention.

cnn is very much concerned about those illegals'lying in dirt and rocks'.why don`t cnn take them to a hotel and pays for their rooms? deport them right away!

' A N D ' ?


America at itsfinest, especially when you have oligarchy in charge and it sycophants who live by rules they make as they wake from their luxurious slumber.

And what happened to her home can still happen you yours in one way or another so I pray that people have mercy on others, in my country Uganda we have over 18million refugees and others are still coming.

Nobody's daughter or child deserves to be in this state, just think if she was yours I think you would do everything possible and the best to fight the situation , when times like these come ,they are a test for us check ourselves in the mirror and see if we are humans.

That is absolutely shameful.

Most child psychologists have agreed that Trumps suggestion to use cattle prods to electrify the children might be harmful to their overall well being.

CNN seems to be sympathetic to the millions who if and when they invade this country, and millions more will come. So instead of showing us all the suffering that they put upon themselves. Why don't YOU CNN, CBS, ABC, FOX and NBC foot the bill. Move them into your neighborhood's

Not our problem they are illegal entry into the fucking United States is our problem!

CNN photos shown on CNN as exclusive photos intentionally made to create emotion by using children as political ammunition by CNN and the Leftist

This bullshit! Report on the poor LEGAL black kids in Mississippi Alabama living in squalor no electricity, houses, food parents have no resources. The illegal aliens get help from catholiccharities SalvationArmy food dental and health, that’s more than I the taxpayer gets

Republican outrage = 0. And they claim to be the party of family values. Apparently, only when the families are the “right” color, ethnicity, or religion.

I don’t see dirt and rocks.

Please tell me there is more than this photo..

It looks like nice soft grass, not dirt and rocks. Ever been camping? Shame on you CNN for trying to incite anger with some completely random, out of context picture.

I know right can you imagine the shit hole they came from?

People should be upset with their parents for putting them in that situation, not our government.

Send all them back to their country, family and culture

They could’ve and should’ve been in a bed back at their house 😏

Shame on their parents.

Trump started this whole ball rolling. With all his “build a wall” and “close the border” gibberish, it’s no wonder they are coming as fast as they can before trump stops all asylum & immigration. We didn’t have caravans until he started flapping his flabby gums.

Diano una mano a questa gente i politici !!!” Hanno bisogno di aiuto !!

How do we know y’all didn’t tell this child to lay there?

Omg these poor people.

Let them go back to their homes

One of this days you will asked to count your blessings.....and what have you done to better others who were born without them. And how the blessings will be taken away and given to someone... because God's love is equal to us all.


Send them back across to Mexico where they illegally crossed.

The parents fault not ours

Did anyone tell the AlabamaSenate? No doubt they will be ready willing and able to protect our most vulnerable. Guest rooms? Money? Food? healthcare? You on this Alabama?

And one fake news photo drives stupid people completely insane in the comment section yet again.

You said there’s no crises and yet.....there it is.

CNN encourages them to come and then cries when there are not sufficient resources. The problem is the liberal media!

Didn’t these people just spend months sleeping in dirt and rocks .. but our tax dollars should change that. CNN really sucks

Jail the parents!!! This is NOT the fault of the United States! Stop trying to make it appear as though we're cruel, we're not! But we WILL secure and protect our borders. The world knows that. Blame the selfish parents because they KNOW they won't be let in!

ReinventUrWork Oh they’re sleeping on the International Bridge just outside of Weslaco TX too. Weslaco is just outside of McAllen. I was there a couple of days ago. Just families and young adults searching for a new beginning.

One Universe. One human race. No boundaries. No walls. No immigration. 🙏

Children's rights are violated from the very moment when parents decide to take their children in that long and painful journey together with their respective governments and where no journalist shows images of that long and dangerous path. That's child abuse

Psst! You may want to dirty their clothes and starve them if you want actual smart people to believe your crap. If you just need liberals to believe you then by all means, keep being idiots. Less work, same outcome. Eh.

Do not come to America illegally. Period.

Where are the Democrats: do something! Force and enforce for human conditions. Don't expect dirty don to do anything! Help better these bad conditions!

This is insane!!! It’s a damn shame that stuff like this wouldn’t happen if they’re parents didn’t break the damn law and illegally enter the country!

Trump should be charged for crimes against humanity.

Good for trump, keeping us safe from 4 year olds

CNN’s solution? Numbers please in the age of AI? How about more foreign aid & less American drug use vs endless responsibility at the borders? Jorge Ramos solution on your network was, “it’s America’s job to absorb these workers” vs fixing their economies! That’s not sovereignty!

Shame on the Republicans! You are selling your souls to the lowest bidder. Will it be worth it in the end?

Shame on the parents for bringing them there

No crisis here

Clothes look pretty clean. Almost brand new. Guess she just laid down for the photo op.

Build The Wall And none of this would happen.

Rats should stay in the their country not come here with their diseases and their hands out for a hand out stay the f$ out not welcome

Wait....so there is a crisis at our border?!? Dang CNN you confuse me.

How much are taxpayers paying for ground beds?

Only in this country you won't be shot or arrested at the border. Try entering Russia or China even better Saudia Arabia. Congress can not fix this problem.

But there is no Crisis? Got it!

Told not to come...and yet they come. Who’s fault is that?

Does anyone really trust CNN any more for the truth? I think you guys have lost the faith of the general public. So sad

How long did it take for the CNN shills to set up this photo op~ at least they have brand name clothes on th kids. Wish I was still able to be active duty instead of retired would love to volunteer for that boarder duty

A good solution is not take them in......

RockpathWV Just so wrong in soooo many ways

The trump effect. donnys real good at making America miserable again.

Then don’t come here. You get the treatment you deserve. They are invaders.

Maybe they should have stayed home! They are illegals!!! Who the hell cares about them!!! Not me!!!

See this POTUS no mercy no heart!

Send them back, problem solved. What’s the next faux outrage?


This is very very sad. I assume POTUS would say this is fake new.

But that’s trumps fault and not their parents right

This is the way America makes itself great now. America is no world leader now only a world leader in how to make a dictator.

This administration is garbage for letting this happen.

This is not the country I spent time in the military serving.

We do not have the infrastructure on the border to care for families. They are doing the best they can with the resources that they have.

O well ....what do liberals want us (the wrkg tax paying Americans)to do ? Put them up at a 5 star hotel for who knows how long.

There are plenty of celebrities that are aware of this. How much “aide” have they personally sent down there?

Stop baiting illegals with the “Free Stuff”, welfare, drivers licenses, housing and free medical and they will stop coming.


Lol I have sat on worse at concerts

Actions have consequences

Despicable to see children at the border laying in the dirt. They didn’t ask to come here!!!

USA has lost its way. No longer leader of the free world. EU has taken that over

And why is that a US problem? The parents created this problem bringing them...there are thousands of homeless vets, families, children in the streets here inUS .. drug addicts ...

They should be the poster for how much trump and his supporters care about people.

We wouldn’t have this problem if the Democrats would actually do some work and fix the laws and quit harassing our President

I lay in dirt and rocks all the time. What’s special about these rocks? The kids were just dragged 3000 miles across hell to get here. They’ll be fine camping another day or ten

Tell them to go home and it won’t be like that

Should be sleeping in Mexico 💁

This is horrendous. This administration is pure evil.

Social media has shown how down right nasty some Americans are, even against children.This country will pay for the hell she caused in many of those countries, becaise of greed ... You people need to wake up and start caring. You may be on the other side sooner than you think

I'm sure the life where they came from was identical sleeping on dirt and rocks. Why else would they be coming to the border?

Should have stayed home

This would be horrible had they stayed in five star hotels the whole trip,then was treated like this once here. Truth is,they've slept on dirt or worse the whole trip,and we sure didn't invite these invaders. I feel for the kids,but the parents and their gov is to blame,not us!

cnn on full blown anti trump today,,, must not be any thing else to push? Wait,, they only take the day off trump bashing on the SECOND Tuesday of each week

Now show the parents who brought them there

That why we need a wall. The walked hundreds of miles sleeping in the elements but now it's awful?

Is that what freedom is suppose to feel like....?

As if they haven't been doing that the whole journey there...

How do you lay “in” a rock?


We had abt 150k illegals rushing the boarder last month alone. We can’t take anymore on asylum. Maxed out. Stop sending them the message to come here illegally. It’s dangerous and wrong for everyone.

But the media and the Democrats insisted this was a manufactured crisis? Well? Now you’re busy showing sympathy attention getting pictures?

Change the laws then!!!

What's the big deal it's not like it's a crisis right

In OUR name . Proud to be an American ? Then you have no idea what being an American stands for !

Outraged that Mexico is not doing their job.

And the American people are supposed to foot the bill?

If we built a big damn wall this wouldn’t be happening and the parents of these esssss hole countries would actually have to take care of their kids instead of exploitating them ( with the help of fake news cnn of course )!

Are these the same photos from 2014 you never paid attention to?

this too

meanwhile in america as well, happening to our citizens

According to Fake News CNN and Democrats ! There is no problem at the border ! nothing to see here !

Would you bring your son to cross Mexican border ? I wouldn't !

How can we live happy

How is this breaking news cnn? I don’t suppose there is an alternative motive for putting this picture out, is there?

That is really sad for those children to have to sleep out there in the dirt but isn't that the parents fault for having them out there not the US...ijs

Build the wall and change the laws!!!!

Then why did they leave their homes? Don’t seem to care about their own kids

Makes me sick, it could be your kids, think how good you have it.


Fake news

Shame on this country!👹

Every large city in America has homeless children on the streets. Not that you will cover that.

We should sent trump’s grandchildren there

Congress has not passed Immigration Reform in 33 years. Put the blame where it belongs! Include the parents, who subvert the existing laws and the Democrats who encourage it. Not because they are being humane but rather they believe this will be their new voting base.

Border emergency.

They should've stayed home I guess.

Like the sneaky headline: “dirt and rocks” also known as “the ground”

Because they are brown.

And no one is doing anything to help these children. Shame America. Shame.

POTUS has made it clear via social media, news outlets, TV, etc. that he does not want Mexicans/Central Americans illegally migrating to the US. These are the conditions awaiting these innocent children. Parents please think of your children's needs before yours.

And whose idea was it to use these people to overwhelm the system? Which NGOs were paid by whom to encourage masses of uneducated people to come? BTW, this began during Obama admin.

Shame on their parents

You mean more staged photos

They could've been home in their beds.

But I'm sure the dems told me we don't have a crisis. Everything is fine right? But those tax returns are more important. 🙄

They had many stops along the way, but they chose to sleep in the dirt outside our borders.

But there's no crisis at the border, huh? It's amazing that people watch this channel and believe the crap you spew and all for ratings.

Watch the gum ball video on immigration on youtube

So sad poor children sleep on rocks

WillieDLIVE RealDLHughley

Well that’s what happens when the Democrats refuse to give funding to the border crisis. Two ways to solve the problem. Find the border or all those people stay in their own country.

Keep in mind that they volunteer for their experiences.

It's their parents actions that put them there. Not ours. Shame on you for trying to shame US. Our border is overwhelmed. That's all.

Hurry up and get them back over the boarder...there are homeless Americand who could use those blankets

Can’t believe their parents would subject them to this environment. Glad CBP could provide blankets and care. realDonaldTrump

America greatest nation in the world (not)!!!!!

They should have let the kid roll around a little first. Come on guys this stuff is not hard.



When they run out of the space blankets then that’s a crisis! BorderCrisis


More than what they came with, obviously.

Here we go again with 'oh but the children'. CNN still pushing the agenda.

I just can't imagine what this kids are going through it sad and devastated to see this 💔 images . This Administration Have Done More Damage to USA image then any other president of the United States and all you who Supports This Kind of Behavior Shame Shame Shame .Shame 🥺🥺🥺

Poor babies.

cnn why don’t you show “exclusive” photos of our homeless Vets? Our homeless children? Let’s take care of business at home first.


And who’s fault is that?

Go back then.

Poor parenting


Congrats CNN and Liberals this is your fault!!! Remember there was no Emergency at the Border!!! Well your lies helped make this emergency worse.

This looks like Roswell all over again! They aren’t aliens, these are Mexicans from the future! It’s a liberal science experiment to force socialism on us!

Alyssa_Milano jimmykimmel please do something about this! Take them in!

Desperate times ask for desperate measures.

A wall and isolationism won't stop this. (don't bother me, life's too short, blocking)

Many American kids are sleeping outdoors like this too and what do fat mouth celebrities do about that?!

Than go home freeloader

That's what their parents knew it would be like. They knew how to get there. They knew what to expect. Child abuse cruel and unusual punishment by parent if they're even the parents. Mexico tries to help and they refuse.

This is the result, of Democrats open borders policies.

Don’t come to the boarder don’t bring your children! Fill out your paperwork and wait in your home until your ok’d to come to cross

They left there country, because Democrats promised then free everything.

Simple answer to this - DON'T COME!! No one ask them to come to the US border and it is NOT OUR PROBLEM!! We are humanitarian when a real need exists and the problem should be fixed at the country where they came from using the money that the US gives them every year, our taxes!!

I suppose this has nothing to do with Democrats limiting the amount of beds border patrol is allowed to have?

Exclusive on CNN, the father of fake news.

The homeless kids in CA look a lot worse than this. No one provides them with free medical care & food daily.

Is this part of the First Lady's Be Best program? What a fine job she is doing!

CNN's sympathy campaign.....😂😂😂😂


I’m sometimes sick to see what my country is doing..... it’s heartless and it’s ALL REPUBLICANS

You do realize there would be similar pictures around our country. Of our citizens. But isn’t posting those.

Maybe their parents should keep them at home.

They’re used to it already. Mylar is an improvement from being covered in shit blankets in Honduras

and Congress could FIX THIS is 15 Minutes. BUT they WONT!!! So, ask Every Dem in Congress when they will Join LindseyGrahamSC and FIX THE BORDER CRISIS!!!!

If you would insist open the border, should open your house and pay all the cost for them.

Imagine you have 75 people sleeping in your 3 bedroom house and 75 more show up at the front door. Where u gonna put em Now, add about 3 more zeros to those numbers and tell me there’s no crisis at the border.

Thanks Dems for not funding beds.

So I’m sure your photographer offered this poor child and the family refuge in the cozy hotel, right? I mean come on, who is so inconsiderate that they would snap a pic of a child sleeping on rocks and dirt and not offer help. Certainly no one with an ounce of empathy.

There are no such things as “christians.” FAKE FAKE FAKE EVERY evangelical or self-professed christian who supports trump, his administration or the spineless GOP will burn in hell. For you have blasphemed the holy spirit which is unforgivable. Your god loves little children

Where's the pro life crowd


bordercrisis !!!!!! Close the border until there is a solution.

This could be avoided if Congress just allotted the money for a shelters and a wall, but instead they argue for open borders.

Alternate headline: Border patrol does what they can to provide care for kids dragged to our border by criminals. CNN complains and takes pictures of sleeping children.

And homeless american vets do the same without blankets inside our borders. Priorities

Maybe their parents shouldn’t have put them in that position

Shouldn't have come here in the first place. Plane transport back to wherever they're from will be cheaper than keeping them here. realDonaldTrump should list PuebloSF Sin Fronteras as a terrorist group for using these poor people to invade the USA.

WHERE are the pictures of HOMELESS Americans CNN?! Your organization is nothing more than propaganda written by enemy nations... you think Americans are unworthy of help, but those illegals, they get the first class media treatment, I'd say be ashamed, but CNN knows no shame.

But, Democrats are ok with America’s homeless

Should have stayed in their country

Shame on their parents/guardians for putting them into that situation.

No fake news here. Climate change and bad dictators have thst affect. Is science. The bullets hurt more than the peace.

The US Border Patrol stations are overcrowded because Democrats won't fund them, nor will they fund a border wall. But please...look at this photo and tell me again how illegal immigration isn't a crisis.

This is a crime. Those responsible should be prosecuted.

Do the photos from the cages again too... ...you know...the ones from the Obama years.

Just glad CNN is NOT reporting it as a made up emergency....

Do the heartbeat laws cover actual children with heartbeats?

The POTUS and Border agents have been telling you all that there’s a crisis at the border! You’ve called them crazy and played partisan games. Worried about collusion that didn’t happen. Get to work and fix our problem at the border!!!!!

You spelled Reebok Sweater and Adidas shoes wrong.

Also take shots and photos of the homeless Americans in California

“Overcrowded” yet there is no crisis....riiiiightttttt


It’s probably an improvement from their old living conditions! No worries, SpeakerPelosi said they can stay at her house!!!

Still a FABRICATED crisis CNN ?

We don’t need this GOP and Administration preach to us about other 3rd World Countries treatment of human beings. Just look at our Southern Border. No one believes your lies. You only know how to break things. Don’t have a Heart to create or build. Everything you touch Dies

And the answer is offering free healthcare so more make the dangerous journey.

CNN trying to rally up the libs against our president...

This is who we are now. 😒😒😒

Unchristian and Evil, that’s what America has become. If you’re fine with this don’t call yourself a Christian, because you’re not.

It’s over crowded. Do you know what that means ? This is what happens when unwelcome people show up and you don’t have enough beds. CNN wants you to think the US is the bad guy for not accommodating everyone. If you’re reading this and you’re legal, welcome to the United States.

Thousands are homeless in San Francisco but you don’t report on that because it doesn’t fit your narrative. God forbid they change the channel on all of the TV’s in airports and doctors offices, your entire audience will disappear‼️

So! Mexico should help them. Their own country should care for them.

This breaks my heart 💔💔 I can only guess some Republicans have no compassion for innocent children.

Thank You CNN for sending the fake news out that has SO much to do with this...

Mylar ?

Damn, only if they had come over legally. Suxs to violate the law an get caught. Who is responsible for criminal acts in violation of American sovereignty ? BUSH ? Congress ? What about American kids living in city ghettos no Mylar blankets, no heath care, food, Where media ?

Because their degenerate criminal welfare begging scoundrel parents committed a crime to put them in the dirt. Enough is enough.

Go back home problem solved

Imagine this is USA border!

They don’t have space cause the Dems won’t pass villa yo make more. They are more worried about investigations then providing space for these peopl

Oh shit!!!! not cool.

send them back

An American disgrace.

Children, these are children. THEY didn't chose to come here, their parents did, and our treatment of these CHILDREN speaks volumes of America's character under Trump's influence

That looks like one kid. It’s almost summer. It’s not cold there. Stop

It seems everyone replied are from a tribe or they just got lucky when there for fathers landed here.

Yes. This is indeed a crisis. Why can’t you people understand this

Cnn is just garbage. You guys love abortion and killing unborn babies. So wassup with this

The parents r like.. It's ok if v r poor n jobless.. We'll hv kids n sneak in illegally into our neighbouring country.. Yay 😊😡

I missed the part where Trump forced them to walk 1000 miles to break the law...

100k flooding in every month and democrats obsessed with fake news

Poor kids

Awww. I see the msm is still ignoring all the single, fighting age men and gang members coming over the border with the kids.

Tuff darts... parents are the ones subjecting THEIR CHILDREN to this... NOT a US problem, there is a system to use and these folks are not 'entitled' to anything else...

Then don’t come here expecting to enter illegally. What part of that doesn’t Clown News Network understand?

What happens in the middle east is America's problem, but what happens at it's border is not.

Democrats want them at the Hilton?


This is our fault

Change the law!

The optimal word is 'overcrowded'. Why is it overcrowded? Because there is a CRISIS at our border. The agents/facilities can only handle so many people in a safe humane way. CONGRESS DO YOUR JOB! Write legislation to fix this problem NOW!

You called for em. Why did CNN make people suffer, and beleive something not true.

And instead of focusing on the corrupt Central American governments you sit in your ivory tower passing judgement. All CNN anchors need to take in hundreds of these people

I'm not from US so I don't know whether it's legal to open the gate and let people in?

CNN you think this shit will make your TV audience come back

Maybe not come?

Not welcome ... Go away.

Maybe if they had responsible parents their children wouldn't be cold right now. How the hell is their parent's irresponsibility suddenly our responsibility?

Overcrowded you say? Well lets send another 20k. Liberals/democrats are the evil in this world.

Really nice of you to pull these pictures from the archives from when OBAMA was our fake president.....good job CNN. You always set the bar to it's lowest....keep it up loosers.

verify it!!!

So what! Their parents are at fault. Not our problem.

A shame that parents and children trafficking puts illegals in that position.

Teach humanity to people of the places these children are sent to US borders. One of the best country like US can not be thrown to anarchy and turned into orphanage. Agenda_Driven_Presstis - FAIL

Should have stayed home.

Shame on their parents.

UnAmerican. Treat these people with dignity.

Shameful their parents put them in that spot :(

Go. Home.

Do u have a solution Dems Because the President does

can only keep the finger in the dike for so long......get ready for parabolic numbers.....this is nothing yet

I hate Trump. He broke into my house and farted on my pillow. Now I have pinkeye

Shockingly, when you intentionally overwhelm our border there might not be enough accommodations for everyone when you get here.

Stati🌄stics of Operations by the Khilafah Soldiers in Kabul City in Khurasan for One🔥 Year From Ramadan 1439 Through Ramadan 1440 Round 7 LindseyGrahamResign

Probably one kid was sleeping like this and CNN had to quickly send their photographer over to get a photo. I'm so sick of FAKE NEWS. I have a friend who doesn't even believe the little clock on their screen.

And if you watch YouTube Americans are driving through Mexico with no issues? Why did they come here and not stay in Mexico?

This is sad. I am a Democrat.... but I am curious... Was this not going on during Obama's presidency also?

So much for right to life when their actions display hate for children. HumanRightsViolation

screw them

Sad but looks comparable to the homeless situation in Los Angeles and surrounding cities. The government doesn’t give a crap about that either.

The important thing is that the cameraman got the shot.

Yes, when democrats encourage this, and record numbers of migrants begin flooding the border, we quickly run out of room. What exactly should we do? Build enough housing for all of Central America? Democrats refusal to acknowledge the crisis is why they will not get my vote

Disappointed but not surprised

Donald Trump is filth!!! This is disgusting!!! He needs to be thrown out of office NOW!!!

But there's no crisis. Pick a narrative.

At least there isn't a crisis at the border

This is so sad!!!! Treated like animals 😪

Why did they come if we are overcrowded

But u keep reporting there is no crisis ?

This is horrible

So what? They’re taking a nap while waiting for processing! Looks as if the BP gave them blankets. That was pretty nice

If they didn’t come they wouldn’t have to sleep there....

No crisis at the border...

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Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

U.S. border agents apprehended nearly 100,000 people at southern border in April: dataU.S. border officers apprehended nearly 99,000 people crossing the U.S. southern... Legally or illegally apprehended? Dem Dems don’t care... That's one month. But, it's not an emergency.
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Southern border crossings by asylum-seeking migrants kept rising in April, set new recordThe flood of migrants has overwhelmed Border Patrol stations and other federal facilities, forcing immigration agents to release migrants directly into U.S. border communities. This sort of language (dehumanization with 'flood,' 'overwhelmed' and the overall tone) will some day be in the history books as part of what's leading us to concentration camps Yeah let’s keep fighting over this investigation/report is this a crisis yet?
Source: USATODAY - 🏆 100. / 63 Read more »

Sri Lanka soldiers patrol areas hit by anti-Muslim violenceSri Lankan soldiers in armored vehicles on Tuesday patrolled towns hit by sectar... Let the people of Sri Lanka sort the Muslim out. Once it is anti Christians.. then anti Muslims.. humans just like to hurt one another.. why
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Officer escorting Mike Pompeo's L.A. motorcade injured in collisionA California Highway Patrol motorcycle officer helping to control traffic for the motorcade of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Los Angeles was injured in a collision Saturday afternoon, authorities said. 🙏🙏 🙏's TO THE BRAVE 😥
Source: NBCNews - 🏆 10. / 86 Read more »