Eric Trump complains that 'every family in politics enriches themselves,' saying 'it is sickening'

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'It can't happen in politics on any side of the aisle,' the president's son said, despite widespread concerns about his own family's business interests around the world.

President Donald Trump's son Eric Trump complained about families involved with politics enriching themselves, saying"it is sickening."

"It can't happen in politics on any side of the aisle," Trump, who is a vice president of his father's company the Trump Organization, lamentedDuring the interview, Trump and Pirro complained about former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden serving on the boards of numerous companies and international organizations.

The president's son argued that he'd"be in jail" if he was behaving in the same manner as Biden's son."Why is it that every family in politics enriches themselves?" Trump asked."It is sickening." Critics of the Trump family would find the president's son accusations quite bizarre, as the family has widely been seen to use the White House as a way of enriching themselves. Donald Trump, going against long-standing precedent, refused to step aside as the sole-owner of his family-run business when he took office. The president delegated day-to-day management responsibilities to his sons, and has insisted that he's not involved with decision making.

Eric Trump attends the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit at Union West Events on October 10 in New York CityBut the president and his family have been accused by ethics experts and legal scholars of violating the Constitution's, which prohibit the president from using his office for self-enrichment. Foreign governments, such as Saudi Arabia, have spent large amounts of money booking hotel rooms at the president's hotels.


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Your family is sickening.

Get off the gravy train, then, sonny boy.

Mirror! Mirror! On the wall.....

Especially the trump family

This guy is the biggest dweeb in the trump family 🤪🤪

So says the 'rat faced motherFer' who enriches himself off his criminal father's political office.

That's what he says when his father is stealing 100s of millions from the tax payers just to play golf every weekend. Eric is projecting again. At least the rest of them waited until they were out of office. The trump crime is doing it while donald is in still in office. Grifters

Mini me

Poor baby!

Really? No. I mean.. Really Why would Trump Jr, Jr put his family in the line of fire as part abd parcel of the swamp? Dumber than a box of Trump's...

Problem; Trump family had to cease most foreign business dealings. Problem !, Biden, Pelosi and Kerry's sons all entered into high paying foreign salaries after parents attained political positions!!!

Wow, lots of inciteful comments here. Do you guys read the news? Or you just prefer to re-post insipid memes?

Yes Eric, it is. Why don’t you and your siblings stop it?

The Trump family had billions before he took office. Bidens, Clinton's and Obama's made theirs after. Check out 'Secret Empires'by Peter Schweitzer for more details on political family self enrichment.

Eric is the Mister Moseley of politics.

Surely Dumbo you jest 😂

That’s why he’s called the dumb one

Yeah, some do. Some don’t. Because some do doesn’t make it right. Never was right, never will be either. “ Everybody does it” isn’t a legal defense either.

He was definitely dropped on his head as an infant.

Lol this mf is fn stu..special, isn't he? All this offspring are apparently

Id like to hear Biden and son in the Senate under oath.


Yo maybe he’s tryin to tell us something


Just when you think they trumps can't get any more hypocritical they level up 😂🤦‍♀️


Hahahahahahahaha STUPID GUY.

And how much did his siblings & in-laws earn from their businesses outside of the WH positions they held last year?

Ladies and Gentlemen the face of dumbassitis

How clueless can one family be?

He and his family made their fortune outside of politics. What exactly is the problem?

They don’t in the United States. Maybe they do in Donnyland.

A confession?

Sickening, and in your case, illegal, EricTrump ;)

The lack of self awareness is palpable!!

From the most unaware and sickening family in America. EricTrump get a clue!

they really are a special kind of stupid

No family to my memory, has enriched itself like the Trump family. None. So if anyone has the right to talk about that it surely isn't a Trump.

EricTrump Yes, your family is making us sick. Please stop the insanity-tell daddy to resign!

This guy is a joke.

He really IS a dullard isn't he?


What an ass trying to stand above the crowd and hinting at the Bidens when his whole family screwed America and is continuing to screw the world while they’re at it.

jg1514 🤣🤣poor Eric! Maybe he should try leaving his allies in disgrace because his father is a mental case! See how that feels, I’m thinking it’s pretty sickening!


So Eric got a dose of the truth serum, too?

Why would you even tweet this? Why would you play into their hands and spread their lies, deceit and their views of being the victims? Please don't continue to give them a platform to spread their lies


Really he said that? Hahaha! Just as his father!!

AFTER Eric - AFTER the President has served thier time in office, they may be able to leverage their experience and expertise.

Especially when it comes to the Trump family. Such hypocrites

Not surprised by this blunt lack of shame. That is the Trumpy brand.

Is it ever.

The Trumps were already rich.. How did Pelosi become a multi-millionair?

Surely, not the Trumps.

has Eric met Eric?


Oh the shaman speaks...


I would ask EricTrump about realDonaldTrump’s golfing costing Americans over $100M. And he ONLY holds at his own properties. That $100M goes in Trump Org pockets. He has to MAKE himself look this dense!

These people are so oblivious to reality its shocking!

Did Eric appear in the movie Deliverance?

Eric Trump straight faced describing his own families. Grifting and corruption in the Trump family is just 'family business' to him. 'Everyone does it' is how he was raised and he sees nothing wrong. The Chinese re-education camps come to mind. Trump brains need reorientation.

EricTrump lack of self awareness is staggering.

No sense of irony, hypocrisy nor self reflection here.

There are two reasons that the Trump's 'so - called' presidency is such an unmitigated disaster: 1. Trump hates anyone that's smarter than he is, and 2. He's run out of people in Washington that are stupider than he is.

Lol, the irony.

Is politics any different than business.....I believe that is the story his father was peddling when running for presidency with no political experience......Eric don’t be a hypocrite

I'd listen to Eric Trump when I see his father and family tax returns.

The Trumps and Kushners don't seem to have a problem with it plus they add nepotism then try to act like they actually had to earn or work for their position, when all they did was show up or not pay their bills

Like father like son !

EricTrump DonaldJTrumpJr realDonaldTrump TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison

GusHinostroza $80 million in a year seems like a lot more than $50K/month.

Pot meet kettle!


Extremely sickening to see the trump kids in the Whitehouse.

EricTrump have you looked in the mirror lately, you have nepotism, emoluments, self dealing, corruption, charity fraud, written all over it

People in glass houses!!

EricTrump IvankaTrump DonaldJTrumpJr realDonaldTrump receive dividends from TrumpDC a hotel leased to them by the US Government the lease stipulates that no Government Employee or their family may benefit from this lease as the Center of the Swamp it is the exact opposite

MondayMotivation MondayWisdom MondayThoughts MondayFeeling

Then Eric Trump should be sickened the most by those closest to him.

First scamily hypocrisy

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