Emboldened Trump fires 2 officials who testified in impeachment inquiry

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United States Headlines News

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Sen. Schumer calls firing of Lt. Col. Vindman 'a clear and obvious act of retaliation.' 'The president even fired the brother of Lt. Col. Vindman for the crime of being related to someone the president wanted out. How vindictive. How petty. How nasty.'

President Trump on Friday did not deny reports that his White House planned to force out National Security Council expert Alexander Vindman, who testified in the House impeachment inquiry.President Donald Trump on Friday fired a U.S. ambassador and a White House national security aide, both of whom testified in the Houseinquiry, as the newly emboldened president took retribution on officials he believed wronged him during the impeachment process.

Vindman and his twin brother, Yevgeny Vindman, another Army lieutenant colonel who worked at the NSC, were escorted off White House grounds Friday, their lawyer, David Pressman, said. "On the battlefield when he earned a Purple Heart, and in the House trial when he spoke truth to power. His brave testimony showed America that right still matters," Pelosi said."President Trump is impeached forever. The shameful firing of Col. Vindman was a clear and brazen act of retaliation that showcases the president's fear of the truth. The President's vindictiveness is precisely what led Republican Senators to be accomplices to his cover-up.

Sondland added,"I am proud of our accomplishments. Our work here has been the highlight of my career." Asked if Vindman was going to leave -- and if he should leave -- Trump responded,"They'll make that decision."A day earlier, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Fox News that"maybe people should pay" for subjecting the president to the impeachment process.


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Schumer is talking about the Democrats...they are petty vindictive & nasty!

We don’t care it’s his cabinet he can have who he wants

Oh, I guess politics isn’t nasty?

Yup. I fully agree. Bully behavior. 😕😡☹️

They had to go . Traitors

SenSchumer Why do you keep lying to the American people, he was not fired, he was reassigned back to the Pentagon, try telling the truth once in awhile

Not fired fake news reassigned

Except he wasn’t fired

Has Schumer accomplished anything in his career? Or is he just that guy that complains about everything?

Trumps just cleaning out more swamp rats.

Chuck is disappointed because the President is on to their strategically place spies, therefore drying up their information highway!


But, can he prove it? Or is he just speaking BS. I hear a lot of BS opinions being spread around...non of which are back by proof.

President Trump's only mistake so far was not cleaning out all the trash Obama left behind.

wasn't it Obama who said elections have consequences & also I'll reward my friends & punish my enemies. As president trump can fire whoever he wants. Vindman made it clear when he supported a party attack against his commander & chief he couldn't be trusted.

You know what, if someone lied and tried to get me fired, I'd probably fire them. Kinda how that works.

Guess what Chuckie.... He can fire more if he wants.

Of course it is, anyone with half they senses can see that.

They work at the discretion of the president. He no longer need them so they were let go. It is just that simple.

Vindman is a traitor

what else is new

He wasnt fired tho

Every word he says applies to the democrats...so sorry for being nasty chuck, but its what you deserve...

And how criminal.

Get it right. He wasn't fired, he was reassigned.

Telling the truth under oath with your hand on the bible now is considered an act of treason by this President and his followers. WTF has happened to the GOP?

Yeah, he should've just charged them with the Espionage Act.

It is hilarious to watch scumdemocrats going berserk as their own corruption is exposed while they try to take out innocents. Keep talking-we'll keep indicting. LunaticLeft LiberalismIsAMentalDisease DemocratsHateAmerica DemocratsAreScum

How many people would keep someone in their employ who did everything in his power to discredit and do harm? Vindman is a fungus.


Can Trump remove this waste of a suit? And his sister Nancy while he is at it? They both clearly hate America and they can't get over the loss. Horrible.

How disturbing. If you're not disturbed by this, you don't actually believe in democracy and the rule of law.

How privilege as President of the United States works.

Ole Chuck Schumer 'everyday'.....

A real 'Wicked Witch of the West' attitude. and your ...

Schumer, Schiff, Biden’s, Pelosi & all others will be LOCKED up Soon!!!

Its all words and feigned horror All they do is complain nothing gets done he is untouchable and he is empowered. Its time for action

Trump is ripping the USA apart

Never in my life have I seen people obsessed with a man like they are with Trump....Morning, Noon,, and Night 7 days a week since 2016 it's been Trump,Trump,Trump....All of these people really are sick and disturbed...

This is the end of America as we know it. Sad!

So what ?

You tell us if YOU would keep someone in your employ that talked against you. And don’t f— lie.

Deplorable, Bible, Gun, Flag Short Sleeve T-shirt

He lied leaked and was a player in attempted coup where he should be is the brig

if it wasn't retaliation then what do you call it Trump even had his brother

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