Elon Musk’s Twitter Buy Exposes a Privacy Minefield

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The social network’s user data and more will soon be at the whims of the world’s richest man. Who's worried?

things like the number of government information requests it receives or legal demands to remove content. Musk has indicated that transparency will be a priority for him at Twitter, but it remains unknown which areas he wants to focus on and what his stance will be on issues like government requests for user data.

When Musk talks about “authenticating all humans,” it's possible he's referring to a plan to reduce spambots by having users, say, fill out captchas before tweeting to prove that they're human. It's unclear how feasible a system like this would be, but in theory, privacy and security advocates say, this is a best-case scenario and could actually be useful.

Musk will presumably share more details and specifics about his plans for Twitter soon. In the meantime, the situation serves as a cautionary tale of the uncertain and unpredictable path all private platforms are ultimately on.


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Twitter is about shouting, nobody cares about inbox anyways. I see lot of 'pointed guns' on the most valuable person on earth and Mars :P. Stop distract him. He is building our legacy elonmusk

I would love to have my tweets sent to the government to smarten their current idiotic stupidity. If they will listen another attitude would improve instead of perpetual decadence.

pdougherty The deal hasn't been approved yet.

BORING!.. unfollowed

Id trust Elon over the past owners anyday.

What about the former Kings if Twitter. Couldn't they do the same things you mention. Why are you only calling Elon out and no one else. You think people are stupid, don't ya! Your right, most of your audience is!

Where will raise my voice against the_eatfit

No he isn’t

Martina Except he doesn't own it yet. Stop with this bullshit. Republics fear monger, are you a republican?

Time for you to leave. Wired. Just delete the account

Lol settle down

Now this is an issue? This is pure gaslighting. One billionaire controlled this platform now another one does. Where was the fear mongering when Dorsey was in control? Ow yeah, Dorsey didn’t promote free speech.

Question… Trust Elon or trust the current board? I would pick Elon every day of the week.

The 'previous king' could not do this?

Hey , you should read these comments and make some adjustments.

This is very thin.

That’s quite malicious assumption. No half serious conspirator or spy, will disclose on public platform anything remotely associated with task at hand. So if you are one of 99.999%of public, don’t worry, just tweet! Plus Musk will not do that anyway.

Data people, it’s about data

I am worried...that this article is what passes for quality at Wired.

Lol there was nothing to stop the people before him! Lol you guys are trying so hard to slander him. He’s got multiple companies trying to advance humanity, meanwhile the writers at wired are literally just posting clickbait articles to get paid… lol

Earlier that power was with Jack !! I guess Mark Zuckerberg have more spicy messages and chats at his disposal. Don't know who penned this article but they don't understand the legal process and owner still have liabilities regarding user privacy. Nonsense article.

Lmao, you gotta be shitting me.

This was the case earlier. Did you think that twitter and the people who ran it were moral or ethical before?


And how is this different from before? Can't remember Twitter asking me who they can sell my data to...

Wired has been compromised.

Why this Musk hate? He's just a private owner of a company, like google, facebook and so on. Why is he so much worse than Zuck? Are you saying social media should be annexed by the government?

It’s baseless propaganda against China, indirectly fabricating speculations on elonmusk who definitely better knows the ethics of business. Nothing but the Sinophobia of the cunning west.

Who revealed Khashoggi msgs? Do you know how it ended for him? Who was owning it then? Who flagged Hunter laptop story as disinformation, suspended NYPost, flagged tweets? NYT waited enough for Biden to settle, & then confirm what RaheemKassam kept telling readers for months!

this is why nobody reads wired

Twitter’s lack of encryption isn’t Elon’s doing. So how is this any different than Jack having the same access?

Is there really anything in your dms that are secret

Elon says some dumb stuff but there wasn't anything stopping people snooping before.

So the owner of a bank can access your account and take all money?

Whoever is worried, should be more concerned about facebook or even Apple

When a technology magazine get political you know what to do.

Twitter already does this.

one person regardless of role would never have that level of access to data

as if the previous owners couldn't have done this...

Lol. You mean the thing that Google, Microsoft, etc have been doing for decades? Man, I was way less offended when it was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Blackrock who had all those shares.

These Elon hit pieces over Twitter just keep getting more out there.

I'm sure he has time to check every message personally. It's not like he's busy doing other things. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Well at least now we know who is snooping on us, before they were faceless.

Wait, people actually do private messaging on Twitter?

sociogeeks_ this tweet shows that either has an agenda, or just plain stupid and ignorant.. 😂😂

unlike gmail, cloud servers (Bezos, MSFT) or FB, Whatsapp. And of course lets not even worry about TikTok from CCP. But yeah Elon he really seems about bad things. Wired or Tired - I think we all know. Thought you closed up in the 90s...still here/relevant?

there's always somebody who can access your messages, either in Facebook, twitter, Instagram, or whatever. why now it becomes a big deal just because it's elonmusk ?

Finding the best direct message will take time, there're billions of users or millions. How is he figure there out that fast which one which

You mean, what Twitter has been doing for Democrats this whole time?

Have you lost your minds?

I hope elonmusk get access to my direct messages and sent me 1 BTC you 🤡🤡.

Questions people asked below are very valid, don't know why you are targeting at him and not the others. maybe WIRED is part of the fake-news franchise?

I prefer mr Musk instead of a Saudi prince every day of the week!

This is true of any large data organisation why single out one. Clearly you have an anti Tesla bias.

Hope so

This has always been the case. I trust Elon a helluva lot more than I trust fucking Jack.

Oh no, it’s like every other social media and review platform they record our every text, lol the fear y’all try to push lol. Is it a problem that someone other than the elites can control the narrative, even in defeat they are poor sports lmao!

Not accurate. NSA can and already does this - without a warrant


That's total bullshit! He absolutely cannot do that without the act getting leaked and lawsuits raining down on the corporation. Remember when Uber was watching folks in 'God Mode?' That stopped pretty quickly once a lawyer or two found out about it.

Again, why are YOU GUYS so WORRIED?

Jokes on you. I don't DM people on Twitter that much. All he would get is a bunch of spam I received.

Could you imagine that? A social media platform having access to my private messages.

Based on your statement, what other companies aren't doing the same. They can only disclose what you provide.

I love Twitter NOW

I don't care, I've got nothing to hide and if he does use our comments for market research then it's a small price to pay to retain freedom of speech on social media.

The deal is not done. But this habit of getting ahead of oneself is ingrained in the culture of stupidity. 'It's done,' he said when he had not yet started.

Soo.... what stopped the previous owners from doing so? And why were they not transparent about it, or the shadowbans?

Paranoid, huh?

That statement is so incredibly ignorant.

What the former owner/s was doing , you mean to say ?

Twitter needs eyeroll emoticons.

When a bunch of investment groups own Twitter no one bats an eye When one man owns Twitter everyone loses their minds

I'm cool with any champion of free speech controlling my messages. Is the worst case scenario that they're shared as freely as those who disagree with me? ThankYouElonMusk

Better him then that corrupt board!

Spoiler alert the government don't have to ask Elon for anything if you think they don't have the means to move about as they please you need your head examined

Who gives a shit

Not everyone has something to hide

Apparently MDS (Musk Derangement Syndrome) is a thing now? And Wired writers have it? Twitter has been a propaganda machine for years, now it's free for the other half of the country. Take a step back and do some independent thinking, your brain needs it.🧐

If they are saying this now..that's what they have been doing all along now they are scared because elonmusk doesn't play by anyone's rules but his own...and I'd trust him more than the old regime running it

But he's advocating for End TO End encryption. Something the previous owners didn't seem to care about.

Um… you do realize that you are making the point that that was possible the whole time, right? I’ll take Elon, who respects free speech and transparency, over a hand full of cloak and daggers who would sell peeps out to the gov for a snickers bar

Not worried at all. As a Christian, God knows more than Elon Musk. God knew Mr. Musk before the foundations of the World, and knew his time had to be now. I do not think I've heard Mr. Musk cuss.

There’s one thing stopping him. He has scruples. He has a desire for all sides to be able to express themselves

Lol! Why did you not say this to the overzealous board of directors who censored free speech before Elon buy? They were all working in unison against half of the population

How is that any different from Google and facebook?

Where was this article regarding Jack Dorsey and the decision makers at Twitter pre Elon Musk?

This is different than any other tech oligarch, how exactly? There is a pretty simple solution. Build your own or use another. These types of platforms are ubiquitous nowadays.

Why is journalism becoming so irresponsible and biased?

Wired can shove their opinion where the sun doesn’t shine. Stick it!


Cuz FB wasn’t doing that?

Somewhat paranoid?

Except the board of directors, shareholders, company policy....

But Dorsey etc al were better. No way/

Really he trying make the dm like signalapp end to end encrypted

That would really only matter if you had something to hide and have something worth a fuxk to hand over. Let's not get outraged over literally nothing. Take a long hard look at the ones in a panic. Why would they be so outraged over an unbiased platform?

This is fearmongering. The same would have happened if Twitter hadn't been bought

Fine with me. FB banned me 8 times because I don’t agree with their far left crap

Nothing to stop him from totally censoring Wired!

What privacy?

The closer we get to midterms the more desperate Liberals will become. Joined Twitter just to watch the meltdown. So glad I did!

Regardless of what Elon Musk will allow on Twitter, ultimately the public will decide - like choosing to not use Twitter and find a different platform. There’s no shortage of them.

That was already happening and then some

What a shocking admission! Elon Musk will have access to our private information once he takes control of Twitter? Taking over from the people accessing it now?

Be afraid if you are criminal and relax if you are not. Easy peasy!!!

really - this is what you want to get across

Journalists like you are worthless to the world. As if Twitter was so safe and respectful of user data and the last billionaire in charge could be trustworthy.

We have Taylor Lorenz to dox individuals.

😂😂😂😂 what a spin factory wired has become. Do you really think this wasn’t happening already?

You're making the assumption that Google, Apple and Meta haven't done this already.... Quit being naive.

Elon owns a rocket company too. He could program the next rocket to 'go off course' and wipe out Facebook, then he could rule the world.

I'll gladly take my chances with elon compared to the jack dorsey propaganda machine

As he is an ethical and honest man, the only you immoral or relative morality types who use lies as a tactic are worried, and you should be.

Is this company really so FAR left that you are making shit up to scare people into disliking someone because you don't like them. Making random fears from absolutely NO evidence?

Like that wasn't happening already with the Twitter board you twitter. Everything that we've said about the left has come out to be true. Their fear of misinformation comes from the fact they've been putting out misinformation since Twitter's inception. Getting worse always.


The only ones who are worried are Dems and Liberals. They have hidden and had things covered up for way too long.

I trust him more than you

Wired IS disinformation

I have no issue with Elon seeing everything I do on this platform in fact I welcome it.

You mean Twitter hasn't already been handing all your 411 to the government.Stop being so nieve are you brain washed.This is the response of an individual who lacks common sense.Elon Musk isn't going to hand over your 411 unless Democrats force him to.Think people!!!

What stoped the previous board of directors/ceo from doing this? It’s obvious your just trying to rule people up.

And they were prevented from doing that before?

lol ... the desperation.. I think a lot of people would rather a person like EM had that power than a bunch of ideologues enforcing their will upon others... which one do you think is the bigger 'threat'. (they will accuse you of everything they have done)

Bizarre fear mongering.

Like they were not already doing it. Big tech used to stand for privacy. Now they are all tools of the government

Scary because Microsoft, google, apple, and Facebook, definitely never hand over your info to anyone.

Wow! Never realised was a gossip monger!

How does this go again..again... you shouldn't worry if you have nothing to hide!! Lol

Sounds like nothing has changed over there. Only difference is that Musk wants to make their censorship policy public.

So scary, but ya know, it was OK when some censor would doxx you if your views differed from its. Amirite?

'There is nothing stopping [Elon Musk] from accessing your direct messages or handing them over to a government.' Yes, and this was the case *before* the purchase, too.

Pfffff..i doubt that

I do not believe that. He is a good person fighting against the evil villians to makes thing right. You need to stop your negative propaganda.

Wait, I'll go find the article they wrote titled 'Jeff Bezos is now literally the king of WaPo, there is nothing stopping him handing over your purchase history to a government—perhaps one in a country where Amazon is trying to do business.”. Hmm...I can't seem to find it.

Conspiracy theory!

I have nothing to hide I don't care

Except elonmusk don’t got time for that…

Man's talking like access to this information is only exclusive to musk... People are going to fear that which they do not know, so be it. This platform is now allowing free speech, it also allows members discern between true speech, folly and also misinformation.

The Government already has all of your information,and believe me when I say ,that they can and will do much more damage than Elon

HAHA!!! This was a TheBabylonBee story, right?

This isn’t a minefield y’all are just trying to push a false bs narrative. All the guys wants is people to say what they wanna say and everyone to have a voice. Something the left preaches about is everyone having a voice within our democracy.

I don't do messages

what prevents microsoft, apple, facebook, tik tok or any others from doing this exact thing and why are you not talking about it? Why bring this up now?

what was preventing any other company from doing this before?

I’ve only been on Twitter a few days and haven’t seen more communist bullshit spewed than at . But I don’t think the ministry of truth will be too interested in taking action!

The government has access to any information it wants!

No one believes you.

I was more worried with the previous owner(s)

wasn't a issue when the alphabet crew abused it to control speech... so stop crying because your control was lost?

Why is this a concern now and not before?

Leftist. You just can't fix it.

They are gonna be all over my cats of Twitter likes!😂

WOW! The stupidity is boundless.

Here we go again. The far left creating fear out of nothing. Musk has no live for those in government (especially the current administration). I trust him more than the Twitter board who will soon be out of work.

You guys are hilarious! 😂 conspiracy theories anyone?

Too fucking bad, WIRED. The fact that you have come out and attacked this acquisition validates the benefit of it.

And who was getting this information before Musk - the CIA, China, terrorist groups - all for sale to the highest bidder - just like Wired.

That’s terrifying!! We’d never have to worry about Bezos or Zuckerberg caving to foreign interests

While we here Mr. elonmusk could you also buy SMTOWNGLOBAL and stock all the SHINee contents again WITH JONGHYUN? release their unofficial content? Just pretty pls? I mean BarackObama is a SHAWOL and JINKI invested all he had in TESLA 👉👈 come be a shawol with us too 🥺

Ah more orchestrated anger. I'm surprised you guys didn't say 'isn't there anything better to spend 40 billion on?' Since you're obviously incapable of original thought.

I have no reason to believe yet that elonmusk will do bad things with Twitter. I’m looking forward to the improvements Twitter 👍

purplemoon1117 Tae_mintflavour Elon Musk reading our dms “Who is Taemin and why are these girls so crazy about him?”

So sad to see how far have fallen, I should unfolow but there demise is like car crash TV. Make you wonder who is currently. Propping up the company.

And Twitter was just protecting our data?

FEAR MONGERING. This isn't the only private company owning social media and/or news agencies! That his purchase of Twitter has so many piddling themselves points to their fear of freedom of speech being supported & ending of imposed censorships than that of any potential treason

Same for all the other big tech companies...I trust Elon more than Zuckerberg.....

MSM is so butthurt over this thing

Wired: cool stories about tech and gadget reviews. Tired: Elon Musk is the devil

Shows you how much power the liberals have lost. That's what they get for believing in diversity and equality as we all know is complete BS. Got to love the liberals thinking people are equal and thinking the wealthiest are suppose to support their failures.

That’s different than before he bought it? Get a life.

Who let this go to print?

Musk better remember that the First Amendment does not go beyond the US. Many countries throughout the world have laws against falsehoods and hate speech. If Twitter goes that route, the Twitter stock will drop like a rock as advertisers walk out.

Maybe but what can we do🤔

Wow... Wired is getting a little pissy.

I don't know, but he tweeted this:

Which Google has been doing for years to advertisers and who knows who else as well as tracking your location every way they can.....

I'm too boring to worry about that

in my friend's situation, verification codes from Twitter sent to China are automatically blocked by the censorship department here. The current Twitter policy would mean that dissenting voices from China are suppressed both domestically and on international platforms like Twittr

From a friend in Comm: Now, could someone pleas ask Elon to withdraw the requirement to provide a valid phone number for setting up an account on Twitter? This requirement is communist. People should be allowed to speak freely without being required to reveal their identities.

I’m more scared of Wired magazine bringing back Matt Honan than I am of ANYTHING Musk will do. At least Musk understands technology. Wired used to be such a good magazine..in 2002.

No company is perfect but I trust a publicly traded company that is held to a modicum of checks and balances than a private entity with a single voice and say. Especially a soc media company.

True, but the risk has always been there

Just fine

That sounds racist.

Congrats, the lion and 🦁 ❤.

Scary delusional woke faux journalists

BS. He already stated he wants them encrypted. The previous was way worse than Telegram.

Your message is .. not getting through to me. Do you have another setting?

Just sad,

Woke Wired Wank.

Nothing stopping the board from doing that either in the past

It was .elonmusk who just yesterday suggested that DMs on twitter should be completely encrypted. You must be getting paid good money to suggest something like this on a headline and scare your readers.

Man, you guys are really nervous about Elon getting access to Twitter's logs and code base. I wonder what he will find? Hurry up with covering up the evidence and rebuilding the git history.

Oh, good thing i have zero interest in doing business in China 😂 As if this wasn’t the case with the previous owner 🙄 Pearl clutching is all this is, this problem has existed since Twitter was born, and it’s never surfaced.

Yeah no. For the previous leadership it would have been much easier to scapegoat someone for this purpose, but now, it's Elons own reputation on the line, he is not going to risk doing anything shady.

As opposed to how it was before? I also fail to see the difference with FB, Amazon, TikTok, etc.

What stopped the previous billionaire owners of doing so? Did anyone stop Facebook, Google owners of accessing direct messages and handing them over to governments?

Hey wired you got a beef with elonmusk seems like it from the articles your posting

Another anti-elonmusk article. 😅😅 You guys are obsessed with him.

get a hold of yourself, youre ok, take a few breaths to calm your nerves, is there anyone i can call for you?

'literally the king' maybe look up these words you used to see what they mean


He’s always been the king of Twitter though?

wow wired, i guess you cant make this stuff up, oh wait! maybe i was wrong. your reputation is wavering.

I don't think people chat here rather tweet out their thoughts. So what information are you talking about the government doesn't have already. Please talk about WhatsApp, Facebook that people have personal conversation already. Alot of Twitter users has gone beyond propaganda

moorehn He doesn’t even own the site yet. Good grief y’all. I’m still the king of twitter. Trigger happy lunatics.

What about his tweet that said he wants to do messaging on Twitter so no one can see it? Conveniently ignoring that for the headline?

NOW you think of that...

Till now he is saying the opposite of your insinuations. If he at all he shares data with govts, all of us can move out. Its just an info sharing platform afterall. We know that 98.7% of twitter employees funded Democrats. Hows that for biasedness that you didnt comment on. 😂


In this logic nothing stops Bezos from doing the same with the data that runs in it's servers.

Can you do a similar story on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp? Interesting that 1 person has controlled the above platforms and even though public companies the share structure results with uneven control.

I think the world has passed peak 'Elon'.

they are all run by wealthy people in the first place didn't anyone notice?

they're making it sound like Twitter couldn't do that before Elon...

'new boss same as the old boss'

I was worried when the woke TWTR board and employees were in control. Having elonmusk in control instead made me start using Twitter again after many years in absence. Musk is the best thing that happened to TWTR since it was founded.

Oh c’mon, you make it sound like all Facebook-Instagram-WhatsApp data is not under Mark Suckerbug.

Being rich does not infect your brain. Do not worry.

Chumps that's who...

I've seen this movie. He gets stabbed by the android he programmed to be mute and not understand English.

Me and about a billion other outspoken users. OURTWITTER

Twittr has been the definition of arbitrary and capricious, whims all around. Who’s responsible, no one knows. Thank goodness for Elon Musk, who’ll make content moderation open and regular.

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