Election 2020 - America's Finest News Source | The Onion

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

‘Hunter,’ Biden Immediately Blurts Out After Catching Glimpse Of Paper With Only Word He’s Not Supposed To Say Debates2020

This is really inspiring, gamers. With the coming election less than five weeks away, we need all hands on deck to.

This is really inspiring, gamers. With the coming election less than five weeks away, we need all hands on deck to


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YourAnonNews Guess I was suppose to be dead

YourAnonNews Uhm he should be dead tf isn’t he like 100?

That's funny since it's actually about 100 million white supremacists that should be dead. It's ok for me to say. I'm white.

It took me a minute to figure out what part of this is supposed to be untrue

toastoz He’s lucky he’s not the one dead, after not taking covid seriously and getting sick. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got it again. They say it’s worse the second time around.

The Onion bordering on real news again.

CElriince Politifact rates this as True.

This is a good one lol

Goddamn that's funny I needed that!

Including you

YourAnonNews Honey. I wish I was dead So I wouldn't have to experience your bullshit. We as in America would like to kindly ask you to Leave. I mean, you said you would. sooooooooo. like. bye bitch. 😁👋🏽 BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! you big, fat, bigoted, orange chimpanzee-looking load of bullshit cunt.

What a 🤡

0wasco i wish he wasn't such a sore loser cause i really don't even dislike him but this is embarassing

Thought this was real for a second

dammit_not DUMB with a capital Trump

YourAnonNews Loser 🙄👎👎👎

YourAnonNews realDonaldTrump is a liar and number one liar in chief.

14 million fraudulent ballots.


The trump-show continues 🤡

I thought the Onion was supposed to be satire...

YourAnonNews so he’s saying he wanted to kill those ppl? but he couldn’t? poor lil baby is crying lol

YourAnonNews Now he wants to be thorough? 🤨🤨🤨🤨

YourAnonNews Wow!!! We knew you were a racist but damn

YourAnonNews More like 70 million he hoped were dead!

YourAnonNews Because he thought his pandemic response would kill them?

Doesn't mean they are,just he thinks they should be huh?

YourAnonNews Is he saying that Democrats and some Republicans and Independents should die because of who they voted for. He didn't say they were dead but should be dead!

YourAnonNews See, he had reasons for withholding how serious COVID-19 is. He wanted to kill off voters...

YourAnonNews How did they even vote for Biden? Didn't we sent enough police to kill them, and take away healthcare from people with deadly pre existing conditions? Technically, he's right. They should be dead

Bolsonaro norte-americano

The one he dug up then?🙄

basically, they should've been dead...he's such a dumbhitler

Trump, all your votes came through Russian interference and hacking the Biden campaign.

thought you guys were telling fake news



YourAnonNews Guys, I guess I'm a spooky ghost 👻

We're still not dying fast enough to suit him.

YourAnonNews 😂

YourAnonNews He's grasping at straws 😭 It's actually sad to watch, like as a classy business man should.. go in grace. He's so concerned about his image Well a sore loser never looks good on anybody 🤷‍♂️

YourAnonNews 😂😂😂😂😂realDonaldTrump ! Is this the best you’ve got?

YourAnonNews C-mon You can come up with a better headline than that.

coffeespots The sad thing is I didn't realize this was an onion post for several seconds. All I could think was 'yeah that sounds about right'

YourAnonNews He tried his best


YourAnonNews I almost didn’t even notice this was an onion article 🤦‍♀️

YourAnonNews Provide proof...

YourAnonNews Same here on Balkan, just saying¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

YourAnonNews And he knows this how exactly?


brkdy_ So 70 million zombies tossed a vote in huh lmfao even the dead dont like orange donny

YourAnonNews This is basically real love that the onion is on this tho

YourAnonNews YourAnonNews You do realize the is Satire right? They’re known for joke news? Unfollowed.

YourAnonNews Ah kau

YourAnonNews The crazy thing is, this is exactly what Trump is saying.... Either the year is 2020 or the Onion is no longer satirical.

You had me at the first part. But to be honest he would probably make this accusation.

YourAnonNews thank you very much for your work

U mean I could be dead? Damn


Yeah, that makes sense, they died under his horrible control of COVID-19.

dammit_not Trump :” are you lookin’ at me?”

Given that he resisted or refused coronavirus stimulus to blue states this isn't satire lmao

ElectricChimp And satire roars back to life! I missed you, buddy

It’s this the msn we want in office. Disgraceful.

Every Trump vote came from people who should be dead.


And, 99% of those are descendants of immigrants. So that’s a double whammy.

This is not satire ...

I also sometimes think we should be dead


VaushV At this point I don't know if this is satire or prophecy.

ok is this real or fake now?

Trump said he gonna spend his last days attempting to break the masturbating in office record. if you wanna have an idea of time, this is where Washington's cutting the tree myth came from. and enjoy your last democratic election, because gerrymandering will destroy the internet.

This sounds like it actually happened.

VaushV Why does this seem real?

A little too on the nose.

Oh how the great have fallen

Dang I could totally see him saying something like this

And the same number of Trump voters are brain dead.

Omg Trump is such an idiot😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂

Trump's new reality show, he has 70 days to kill 70 million people! Can he do it?

He cheats at golf

“Trump Blames Loss on Democracy - Vows to Fight” ... there’s your next satirical headline.

Oh, this is very good.

Are we sure this is satire, because he probably thinks this, and I'm shocked he hasn't actually said it.

VaushV you need to do satire better, that's 100% believable.

I'm very much alive Fuhrer.

And if he would continue to be President they probably would be due to Covid-19

It’s funny AND sad 😭

This is too close to reality to be an Onion headline.

It’s getting weird that I can’t tell what news is fake or not lol

But, that's just what he actually said......

Be careful, republicans have been using the Babylon Bee and Y’all as real sources 😂😂

He could be right, it's been done before many times across different countries. Public opinion doesn't matter, at all. Votes should be recounted, or even redo the entire election if necessary. First time in the US, but nothing new compared to the rest of the world.

sativasuhos the voting dead

lol Conservatives unironically think this

VaushV Fuck, I can’t tell if this is legit or satire at this point.

60 million of trumps votes all came from one huge family.

Ouch! Zang! 😂

That's what happens when you have a travel ban that saves lives. 🤣😂

What does Trump plan...a mass execution?

Next Trump will claim they are dead and their votes should not be counted. If true he wins by 66,000,000 votes. 😎

Well he's technically correct, he got votes from 70M who are brain dead

Dang does that mean I’m dead too? This was a hard way of finding out right now.

When The Onion goes back to actual, and not plausible, satire, will things once more be well in the world.

He just didn't kill them fast enough with TrumpVirus

VaushV Ironically, the states hardest hit were trump districts and he lost by relatively slim margins. Trump may have won if he didn't bungle the pandemic so badly because he mostly killed his own voters lol


VaushV I thought the Onion was satire?

VaushV the funniest and saddest part of trumps 4 years has been that the satire websites can't for the life of them surpass the satire of the real world news... like i can see this happening, no questions great fuck i love america

Trump: 'I saved millions and millions of lives...they were just the wrong ones.' 🤣 Womp womp.

VaushV Bro but there's only 7000 people on the planet

He as told the situations very Grave . 🤪

Could've been an actual thing tbh, wouldn't be surprised.

just proves how big of lies Trump can make wake up America or you will find America will not be the greatest country in the world just the biggest joke

It's not for a lack of trying.

I was going to comment on this because I thought it was real. That awkward moment when The Onion is closer to factual news than Fox News

Are y'all even satire anymore? 🤣

VaushV what's sad is that this is believable.

VaushV This year has been wonderful for you guys, I bet

VaushV I didn't know the Onion was reporting real news now. What a twist.

LOL And LOL is planning an inquisition of those who refused to die, and voted for Trump instead.

Even Covid did not kill that many people

Ironically, Donnie two-scoops would be dead too if weren't for all the health care he received for $750 in taxes.

Actual news now.

☝️disinformation disguised as comedy. And I'm using the term loosely.

so that's why he was downplaying covid!

'I tried to kill as many voters as I could,' said President Trump 'but the doctors kept saving them. I shall be going to the Supreme Court to have these life saving treatments overturned.'

“i tHOuGhT tHe oNiOn wAS sAtIrE”

they 'are' dead... it is voter fraud... oh that's right, you're a spoof site....

Lol loser.

Buy your biden victory gear here!

They would have been aborted it it wasn’t for the pro-lifers!

11:57 PM · 9 нояб. 2020 г.· КАК ТЫ ХОЧЕШЬ ЭТО СДЕЛАТЬ ?

Trump is so useless he couldn’t even defeat an army of the undead.

You can't report the President word by word and call it satire. Be more creative :)

Look the onion you can't just keep taking actual news and labeling it as satire

Clearly, Biden is a man prepared to defend what is right. His support for the UK during the 1982 Falklands War, in the face of an invasion by a murderous dictatorship, was appreciated. The Falklands had been British since 1765.


And then the ZOMBIES came with the ballots and Bigfoot and Nessie brought some too... and then Aladdin all took the ballots with Trump on them and flew to Neverland and gave them to Captain Hook who is a deep state operative for Biden.... Ask Q...this is big, YUGE! I won...I did!

Is Rudy still standing in front of the 7 Seasons?

You Pretend Liberals! The USA will now only elect those who better organise the theft of postal votes. The USA once the great defender of democracy can no longer claim to be democratic. This election is a genuine tragedy for us all - sad days indeed.


Aren't we all dead?

OR, maybe they can still become dead... they should think about that!!!

Well, I felt dead inside for the last 4 years. It's true.

I was wondering if The Onion would go back to being satire after the election. Looks like the answer was no, they are still doing straight stories. ☹️

1-888-503-3526 to report voter fraud, this is the official Trump hotline for voter fraud so no crank calls please! Crank calls only take away from valuable time that hard-working investigators need to find this fraud!

I read that and thought it was real.

But most of Trump voters are walking dead zombies 😂😂

People are dying that have never died before

Not satire, Onion

Who should be dead? The people that don't like you? Or the people who believe in Coronavirus, y-you cheese puff in a wig? I dunno who he really thinks should be dead. I-it's kinda crazy, this world.

Biden got 290 votes vs Trump 71,000,000.

Trump you need to watch pete santilli . Please it's very important . Please do it for the people and your self


Dune buggies hahahaha!

The fine line between The Onion and reality becomes thinner by the day

He once retweeted a video that said “the only good democrat is a dead democrat”, so this is literally accurate

For a second, I thought this was real. But then I saw the .


What word?

Well tRump mentioned it first... lol

This aged well


bruh why are you guys too accurate

How the fuck y'all so fast for real

Biden is clowning on Trump

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