Earth ‘nearing point of no return,’ greenhouse gas emissions must be cut: report

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The UN has warned that global greenhouse gas emissions must be slashed quickly and drastically to avoid reaching an irreversible tipping point.

The United Nations has warned that global greenhouse gas emissions must be slashed quickly and drastically to avoid reaching an irreversible tipping point.was released on Monday after a week-long session held by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which boasts some of the world’s top scientists and experts.

“Emissions should be decreasing by now and will need to be cut by almost half by 2030, if warming is to be limited to 1.5°C,” the experts stated in aAt the meeting, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that the planet is “nearing the point of no return” as the experts call for “deep, rapid and sustained greenhouse gas emissions reductions in all sectors.”

The panel first flagged the drastic measures needed to be taken to keep warming to only 1.5°C — the goal in the Paris Agreement — in 2018 and have continued urging nations to take more intense action. Experts blame the increasing scale of fossil fuel burning, oil drilling, deforestation and intensive agriculture among the extensive list of projects that produce greenhouse gases.“The pace and the scale of what has been done so far, and current plans, are insufficient to tackle climate change,” the experts warn, noting that “the choices made in the next few years will play a critical role in deciding our future and that of generations to come.

This comes months after the symbolic Doomsday Clock — designed by scientists to measure how close the world is to an apocalypse — was


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This is a repeat from every article for the last 30 years? Give or take. When are we going to the world end finally?

Bullsh*t .. tired of the LiberalLefts FearMongering

Yea right. I’ll except “climate change” when they stop producing plastic that is choking airy oceans and fresh water ways. Go back to glass, cans like we did back in the 80s and early 90s

Been finding all types of changes I could make to lower my footprint. I started taking more public transit, try to shop local when I can, ship my packages with Kaebox, use reusable bottles and bags etc. Hoping we can turn this around. 🌱

Won't Happen, so many living in the Nile.

So they show an environmentally friendly motorcycle in an Asian country, and a carbon neutral cooling tower for a nuclear plant.

I love you you use a picture of cooling towers from a nuclear reactor to scare people. That is water vapor you disingenuous cretins.

If true (it’s not), the world is doomed because China, India and the 3rd world are going to increase their green house gas emissions

CO2 feeds plants. Trees make oxygen. We breathe oxygen. Less CO2 means weaker plants, ergo, less oxygen. They want us DEAD.

we no it tell the werld the ball z in ther cort let gooooooo

Let me guess. Paying more taxes will end climate change.

Hahahahahaha Hilarious to think we have ANY affect on our planet. We humans think we are in control. We aren't in control. God is the only one in control. These Peasants in office think they have the power. Scum.

Let's say greenhouse gas emissions stopped, do you really think climate change will stop, let's say climate change is stopped, but, how they gonna stop earth core getting hotter, because that's the real danger to earth and they should find a solution for that very quickly.

Remember the hole in the ozone and the artic ice was going to melt and kill us all in the 70s? Yeah, good times.


That's not in the USA!

No problem be buys this crap lol

go preach that shit in china...


Well, if this IS the point of no return, then we should stop hearing about it any day now.

The fact that the West only produces 15% of the world's pollution. These stories are lost until countries like China, Russia, India and the African Continent consider climate a thing.


China pollutes more than the USA and Europe combined. Go after china.

Nuclear cooling towers produce water vapor. Your picture is a lie but you already knew that.

Talk to China and India about that 🤡

hope u like brownouts and power prices at a zillion dollars. will there electric mining equipment digging the lithium out of the earth? hat will the components of the electric cars be made out of ? im all for the environment but these changes come at steep prices /consequences

Cooling towers emit only water vapor. You are damaging the public perception of nuclear energy. Nuclear, by the way, is the current best source of energy that has zero greenhouse emissions.

I thought we were supposed to all be dead by now. What gives?

Lol! Continued lies

Do you think there will be mass euthanasia ordered by governments if the climate gets really bad? Which faction is most likely to order it?

They said the same thing in 1970. At that point in time they said there was a new ice age on the horizon. What a joke science - nothing but fear projected out 10,000 years. They’re just trying to control people. They can’t predict the weather more than three days out - wake up

3 months left. Right?

Eat shit

Okay, start with India and China then report back.

We’re going on 40+ years of being 10 years away from that “point of no return”

Somebody tell the Chinese, Russians, Indians and African countries that are still building coal fired power plants.


Stop shoving the nonsense down my fcking throat... we get it. Climate is the new plandemic


We’ve heard THAT before!

OMG….another hoax. Make this insanity stop.

Tell that to China and India

I walked outside. This is not true.

Crap, just total crap.

Here come the climate lockdowns. Resist.


The picture on the right is steam not CO2 you libtards

At this point we will be fighting china and Russia with solar power subs and ships and if it cloudy or rains we are done for

Aren't we all supposed to be under water by now?

Picture of water vapor from a nuclear power plant? Oof. You need better editors.

Stop farting in the ozone.

Stop with this nonsense

'The end of the world is in ten years' - reports over the past 100 years

Did this come out 10 years ago?

🤣😂🤣😂 As they show a pic of steam emissions from a Nuke plant that crates no greenhouse gasses. Just steam powering turbines to generate electricity. Classic. Great journalism

that’s been bandied about for the last decade

What a load of BS.... is that a picture of India or China? It sure isn't the United States. Where's your proof?

Why do you never quote scientists who don't espouse this theory?

Depends on what 'no return' means. We could be totally wiped out by an asteroid and the planet might come back as scientists claim it did before. We really have no idea how many WipeOuts Earth has gone through. Powers that be are $$$ hungry. Don't trust them.

no one believes this foolishness anymore, step your game up!

Good Riddens

Complete BS. Then you show a smoggy day and nuclear generator coolant towers both of which have nothing to do with CO2. In fact nuclear power is the only NetZero electrical energy generation method.

Tone deaf, generic and ultimately the same drivel we've heard for decades now. Go report on Biden and his failing faculties, infinitely more substance there 👍

It's a tribute to the scientific illiteracy of the media class that they show steam and claim it's smoke.

Huh...this you?

Send this message to part of the world that this picture is from.

They said the same 25 years ago lol

Ye! Tell India and China to stop!

The most abundant in the atmosphere are oxygen and nitrogen. CO2 is the least.

(Laughs in China)

Never heard that before. Jk....same story has been written every month since 1970

The only 'point of no return' that endangers us is allowing China to create more puppet states on the road to its goal of world domination.

Awww so scary what to do what to do

Lies lies and bullshit

sure go tell china, bangladesh and the UAE about their pollution levels

tell China and India.....if they don't stop then no amount of closing coal mines in the US is going to help anything

It’s water people, water

Bring it on!! China doesn’t give a damn and is over - polluting while we destroy our economy to “go green.” AMERICA is a Shit Show.

It's funny how the is talking about the environment like they didn't contribute to the massive deforestation for a shitty newspaper.

Lol riiiiiight

Greta Thunberg reading this:

Lmfao stop

Start with China as it's obvious this picture is not in the us

As someone born in 1987, everyday of the entirety of my adult life, has been described as 'urgent,' 'end of the world', or 'point of no return' and every single one of these has never been what the press delivered. News outlets are a joke.

Ending that war with Russia would go a long way towards reducing emissions.

Fear Porn 🙄


The picture is of water cooling towers! 🤣

Utter shite

Oh ffs

Talk to China and India.

Can’t read the full report. Only the summary for policymakers. Those two things are not always the same. Have you read the full report before reporting on this? Or the Cole’s notes that they slant for policymakers?

I’m good. I’m not completely changing my way of living because the sky and environment are angry.

Nuclear power plant cooling towers... producing greenhouse gases...

Al Gore already said that in 2000 and Greta told us in 2020. Think we are good.


Blah, Blah, blah. Because of vast horse and buggy use, In 1894 the experts predicted that in 50 years, every street in London and New york would be buried under nine feet of horse manure. The problem resolved itself without resorting to electric cars.

Send this article to china and india.


Nice picture of cooling towers releasing steam

Uh huh


You can take it seriously if people are worried about steam.

And china is building, on average, 2 coal plants a week! 🤣 POTUS

Account hacked

Stop it

Don’t use cooling towers spewing water vapor if you want to do a story on pollution.


Why are you reprinting an article from 1982? Give it up, doom and gloomers. China will end life on earth wayyyy before a degree or two warmer can.

Old song.

Lies lies lies

December 1973, Pepperidge Farm Remembers.

Lmao nice propaganda for cucks

Any day now

Haven't we been here before...

Ah, yes- yet again we are “nearing the point of no return”. If i had a dollar for every report saying that since at least the 70’s I’d have like $ 2,000.

Someone needs to talk to China and India about this.

Fake news!!

I read an article very similar to this over 30 years ago where it stated by 2015 the world would be done if we didn't abandon our use of carbon fuels.

Lol, recycled headlines are helping save the world!! MoreLies

Deception and sadism

This is literally steam. Those are nuclear stacks, the greenest energy there is. This is the fakest form of fearmongering that there could be.

Nice pictures of China.

Tell that to China


In the 70's it was the coming Ice Age! 🙄🙄🙄

Here we go…the great lie being pushed


The point of no return from what?

This has aged well:

Oh brother. Russia and China are building an alliance and the west is still falling for this?

Every 5 Years…. We Punt the no return Date 10 Years

Stfu we don't believe your bs

What can we, Middle-class americans do about it? Literally nothing. It's not our decision we just have to sit here and watch the earth burn and then the worst part.. they make is feel responsible

I’ve been saying every 10 years the world is gonna end. It ends in 10 years.

Heard this one before.

...Right. 🙄

How do people still believe this BS hoax?


Go read “the boy who cried wolf” = climate change predictions


All BS

Tell China


How many times have we seen these doomsday predictions over the years that have already passed? If I had time right now I could fill this thread with articles lol

We only had 12 years left 13 years ago

Enough. Stop it. At this point you're just embarrassing yourself.


Another fear mongering article? Someone needs to go tell India and China this. They are the biggest polluters


Same BS I’ve been hearing for 40 years.

China is building more coal plants, will that help?

It's really going to get warm when nuclear missles start flying.

🤣🤣 We've been at a 'point of no return' for decades now.

Run run the sky is falling.

Rabid_AU They've been saying this for decades, and we're all still here lol.


Is the my Post going full WOKE. You must have missed the major reports Human activity has no effct on our climate. The ice cap has healed and ozone layer has almost completely close up. So many Polar Bears tripled size used to be.


The problem is, people can clearly see thru the BS unlike before thanks to technology. You actually used a picture of a Nuclear Plant on a cold morning? Thats the pinnacle of desperation. Anyone gripping onto this propaganda needs to go outside. The earth is and will be fine.

They tell us this all the time but you never see them stop flying in private jets and they usually buy houses on oceanfront property. And does it cut down on harmful gases getting oil from other countries where they have to ship 🚢 it here then getting it from our own country. 🤔


No let’s keep going and see what will happen next

You do realize China is opening 2 new coal plants a week as we go broke

Only a few years, again?


Talk to China and India and leave us alone.

Cool let’s ban China and India and we should be all set

What a crock of lobbyist garbage.


Propaganda alert... climate hoax is another covid panic scare tactic.


It's all a ClimateScam

Sure. The climate scam is getting old at this point.


Nuclear reactors literally let off steam🤦‍♂️


This doomsday crap is being force fed to children in public schools. Add that to CRT, gender confusion, chemical & physical mutilation, it's no wonder so many kids are suicidal by the time they reach their teens. An alarming % of HS grads are depressed & functionally illiterate.

As you post a photo of an Indian man riding a motorcylce in one of the most polluted countries in the world, which has nothing to do with us.

Wasn't New York supposed to be underwater by now

Nobody believes this bullshit anymore

Is someone going to tell China?

😂 ClimateScam

We heard this one before.

I love how they post a picture of steam on the he right hand corner


The photos are of pollution. By all means do clean that up. But when you talk about stopping climate from changing, remember…

Imagine what a nuclear war will do.

How many decades has the left been promoting this BS?




We only have 10 more years 😱

Climate Lie! Nearing the point of no return.

Haven’t they been saying this for about 50 years now?


We are the carbon they want to eliminate.

Lol! The UN's IPOCC is a joke.

Garbage. CO2 is plant food and lags behind temp change by up to 800 years. ICE CORE RESEARCH. You never hear about it because it prices the climate crisis is junk science.

Greta warned us 😆

Remember when Project Veritas exposed CNN for their next big fear inducing story, the climate 'crisis'? Pepperidge Farms remembers!

I thought we were going to reach that point of no return 30 years ago. Then again 20 years ago. And then again 10 years ago...

Nuclear power would solve any concerns, but the fact that the left doesn't want that is a bigger concern. Because we all know they are only interested in reshaping the economy and political systems to their liking.

Why do they need to fake the numbers then?


Let’s start with the ridiculous new law in New York,that allows marijuana smoke to be breathed by everyone. Everywhere you go now you have to breathe in that smoke because someone is smoking it. Another lame brain idea by liberals.God help us🙏

You are literally using a picture of Nuclear cooling towers which put out steam not 'greenhouse' gases.

A lot of BS sited... but where are the facts ... ?


These turbines are definitely not the answer

Yeah right! What a scam

We've heard this before....🥱

Oh shut up

Nuclear stations smokestacks produce zero admissions that is all steam!!!!


Weren't we here 40 years ago. It's like a bad TV rerun.

Where have I heard this before…

Really? For sure? How are you going to stop volcanic activity? Humans account for very little on the global scale so please stop the climate terrorism.

How is this possible? I have been recycling my yoghurt pots and rainbow coloured dildos religiously!

I see Al Gore got a new job at the NY Post.

Well…guess we don’t need all those funding bills if all hope is gone…

This shit is getting real old real fast, just like the hundreds of times with these type of warnings before... Yes?

Lol we’ve heard this for decades. 2012 was the end too. It’s 2023. It’s still freezing in the winter, we’re still alive, and dem voters are still as gullible as ever.

Fear mongering. Anyone drive to work in this today?

Must be China, where biDUM is giving our oil to for the last 2 years.

What are India and CCPCHINA going to do about it 🤨

ClimateScam Enough said

Climate hysteria is the downfall of Western Nations.

To chyba Chiny tak wyglądają obecnie

Please, we hear it every year

LMAO, you do realize the pic here is water vapor from a cooling tower, Right?

Hey Chicken Little, is the sky falling too?

*Laughs in mandarin*


You'd think the sea level would be much higher if this assessment was correct. We'd see the global warming doomsday flooding by now on some coastal area. But nothing. So very skeptical.

Are these the same experts who said we would all be underwater by 2018 ?

They’ve been saying this since the 70’s, when are they going to get called out for their crazy predictions

World's better off without humans anyway. We are disgusting.

This is like our sixth or seventh point of no return.

Close down NYC


Greatest lie ever told.


Bahhahahahahahhahahaahahahhaaha tell that to south east Asia......

All those EV battery factories

Why didnt you use bill gates flying in a jet as the cover image?

Plant trees



Same tired photo of STEAM FROM WATER TOWERS

Not a single climate crisis prediction has come true. Not one



Complete rubbish ClimateScam

I’m reading shit like this from more than 20 years. Nothing happens.

Go talk to China and India. Until they are in board the rest is worse than useless.

Just stop already.

Say that to China !

It's gonna end up like Venus.

Are you unaware of the fact that it is steam emanating from the nuclear power plant, not pollution?

Wow. So cool…showing cooling towers with water vapor rising out of them. No greenhouse gas AT ALL!!

More fear porn. No wonder so many people are prescribed antipsychotics.

So even the great NY Post is now paid for by the WEF?

Deja Poo: The feeling you've seen/heard this crap before.

More bs

Fake picture, those are nuclear cooling tower, emitting steam

Socialist climate scam

Ohhh nooo. I better sell my place at Martha’s Vineyard this weekend!

Fearmongering again

So sad...for your kids kids, they'll curse their forefathers for their greed that led to their miserable existence. The future is looking grim.

Bulls hit

I read this article for the first time in 1973. At that time it was to prevent the Ice Age that was going to begin in 20 years.

Those are cooling towers in that inset picture and that is steam coming out of them.

Nature is perfect leave it alone.

It's truly embarrassing how media outlets continue to sell this bullshit. We see through it. You know we see through it. Aren't you ashamed?

Oh, not again

Plants need CO2 to grow

Gee, it’s almost like I’m reading a Liberal rag.

1989 👇🏻

Look at how far Oil shot our Civilization, from horse and buggy to iPhone and 24hr Big Macs in 100 years. ZeroPointEnergy NikolaTesla

Fake news

The CC alarmists are the most pathetic people, Al Gore, Greta, AOC, they're the worst.

The sky is falling too!

Looks like China or California

And there are several yet reports, confirming the ozone layer is about to be back to 100% within the next two years. OK sure. Look Up HAARP 👈🏼

Talk to China there, polluting way more than anybody else

Fearmongering murder hornets and Covid must have bombed. It's back to climate change.

Again with the photo of STEAM from a non-GHG generation source!!

Hey, why the motorcycle pic, they’re far less environmentally damaging than the average car🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

the 60s Earth ‘nearing point of no return 70s 80s 90s 00s 10s now 2023 now for sure nearing point of no return🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

LOL. Earth has survived worse than humanity. Just alarmism.

Nuclear energy does not pollute the environment. Why do y'all show a Nuclear power plant in the cover for your news report?

lol nah y’all not gonna distract us from Biden’s bank shit

Pure propaganda and fear mongering.


We should have a plan for natural disasters. I mean we did have a pandemic and looked how it affected our economies. IJS


Yeah bullshit

Tell China.

You're recycling headlines from 1972 - you need a new fear campaign bros. We're not listening, nor have any fucks to give about this narrative.

oh no i don’t care

Tell it to China and india. Grow up democrats.


Total BS. Read 'Unsettled' and 'Fossil Future.' Then stop the hysteria.

Just makes me want to get into a private jet and fly to my shorefront mansion. Now pull the other one.

More BS lies!!! IF people educated themselves they would know this is just all BS lies

Will China, India and the rest of the world comply. I don’t think so.

One major volcanic eruption would put things in perspective.


You have a pic of a nuclear powerplant which is the cleanest source of energy lol it’s not smoke that comes out of the stacks, it’s water vapor!!! Sorry, a person who doesn’t know this & use this pic, I don’t think knows what they’re talking abt when it comes to greenhouse gas

Near the point of no return since the beginning apparently. Climate clowns 🤡

God is in control of the planet. Humans won't destroy it. But the climate control crowd WILL destroy humans quality of life. You won't kill us all, God's in control of that too, but you can make us miserable.

When someone gets China and India to change their ways then maybe I might think they are serious about climate change

Go tell that to China and India.

Thats a man riding in fog. Lmao.

Remember when aerosol cans were going to be the end of the world?

I'm not giving up my 17mpg 2017 SUV.

Again? Seriously?🤡

Oh such an easy fix, just tax the taxpayers more money.

Unless China and India get on board these green policies only serve to neuter the Wests energy capabilities and be a financial drain.

Tell this to the ppl that fly in private jets. Not ppl that drive cars and use lawnmowers.

The sky is falling hahaha, shouldnt we all be under water by now ? Guess they’re granting themselves another 10 years to grift 😂

All lies!!!


Oh no! Look at all of that water vapor escaping from that nuclear power plant!🤡

Pure BS fumes.

How many 'points of no return' have we passed now?

Ah, c'mon Post. Ur beginning to sound like Thunberg.

Cooling tower causing pollution? You are foolish.

If we pass the point of no return, i take it we will just drop all the claimate change Measures and go off in a blaze of glory right?

How many more times? Because i havent been on earth that long and this has been said numerous times in my lifetime with different things.


For real this time. Seriously. Fact check true. The science is out.

Send your articles about it to India & China.

Tell that to China and India.

When y’all can get the China & India on board come back and we can talk until then it is just ruining our economy & dividing people.


Al Gore and others were saying the same thing back in the 70s and in the 80s and in the 90s and after 2000 and after 2010, same old BS, the elitists want to control everything including YOUR life

You 🤡s have had this same story on auto-retweet every 6 months for the past 10+ years

Another point of no return how festive.



I'm no Nuclear scientist, but isn't that just steam coming off a Nuke Plant?

Nope, gonna have to do more than that w/the REAL POLLITERS FIRST. Not up to us to pay every other countries massive pollution & Green house gasses. Go after them. Afraid or worried the $$?

According to who?

Yes in China India Aftican countries where China has influenced. Start there. Oh that's right THEY all get a pass. 'It's out job to pay & clean up their shit for everyone else.

Pure bullshit.

Yeah we hear about the end every year, 🤪🤪🤪still waiting and watching when Manhattan is gonna be under water 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣like All Gore promised us 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣what happened?! That was supposed to happen 10 years ago 🤪🤮🤪🤮🤪 bunch of freeloading losers !!!

Do you people realize most of the greenhouse gases do not come from the United States, but from India and China.


Not again.

Well, we must do something... take my money

Tell Bill Gates to park his jet then

Nice prop photo from China

My question is: once we're past this point of no return, will these people finally shut up about it? Just be resigned to the Earth's fate? Quite simply, I don't want to be poor and neither do the poor people of the world. So yeah, let's use oil & natural gas.

I remember when we were told Pluto was a planet.

Talk to the pentagon. They are the worst polluters on the planet.

Too late. Some care, majority don’t. It’s sad.

That's steam coming out of those towers.

arent these nuclear cooling towers?

Nonsense from nonsense peddlars

That train has sailed

Ok. Build more nuclear ☢️

We've been hearing this my entire 60 years

Ya'll jumping on the same bandwagon this week? How original and predictable.

Oh wait....all is well now. Carry on.

It's the end of the world as we know it.

The report can fuck itself.

That’s steam coming out of those towers nincompoops

Lay I heard we passed the point of no return almost 15 years ago. Every year we are told that the next couple of years is the end of it all. The only thing that happens is the date is pushed back for nth time!

This you?🤨 This plant literally saved the native American Crocodile.

“The polar ice caps are going to be completely melted by 2014” -Al Gore 2009

yea get china and India to stop lol

Democrats should stop talking their 💩

For those thinking it’s the US fault instead of places like China. China has wayyy more people with less regulations. The US had far less with more regulations.

How much more of this crap do we have to hear

the 17th point of no return in the last 50 years has been reached....story at 10!

Go sell it to India and China. See how that works out for ya'.

I don’t believe you

I hope you all realize that the closer threat is China, Iran, and Russia--all nuclear powers. If we are all nuked, there's no earth to save.


Stop it

Look at all the water vapor coming out of those stacks!

Again? This is like the fifth time


Go to China and India to preach your Climate Change gospel. They are the biggest polluters on the planet.

UN is corrupt

I love the fake photo. Those are cooling towers. That is steam being emitted from those stack. You know. H₂O That molecule that is required for life to exist.

More bull shit

Another prediction that will turn out to be complete bullshit just like all the rest.


Now the left is afraid of water vapor? Pathetic.

Stop fighting wars could help.

Reported for misleading info

Tell this to China and India.

I read this same article in 1977, 1983, 1988, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2022, and yesterday.

Just stop


And the Climate Change Pushers, Particularly Social Media think that they are doing good now. Wait until the Democrats take TOTAL control of Facebook, Google, etc. They won't be worth a dime.

Yep. It's definitely gonna happen this time

Should be a jailable offense at this point to lie about climate change. They have literally been lying about this since the 1800s. I'm going to provide some proof.

So your picture is the steam from a nuclear power plant which is not a pollutant, beside someone riding a motorcycle through a dust storm. Good job this is how to use imagery to stroke fears. Shutterstock would be proud.

Anyone with half a brain knows what a deceptive composite this is. Do better.

Tell China. It's not us.

We are always five years away from Doom every five years. It's not working anymore

Somebody please press the 'TRUTH' button. This is irresponsible reporting at best. They just keep lying and don't even bother to look at the geologic and atmospheric history of the planet. Hell, they don't even mention the Earth's Milankovich Cycle. Gaia is not God!


Never going to happen. China, Russia, India, and more are polluting non-stop.

This article could be from 2008.

Oh dang I thought it had to do with 99% of trees being gone/dead

That's a nuclear power plant in the pic. Isn't that basically all water vapor they put out? 😂 I think they picked the wrong pic

Nobody with super yachts and private jets seem to give af with their emissions or business emissions so.. were prob fine. We can just buy magic offset credits

Well it looks like scientific experiments and depopulation for the lot of you. Probable cut off line is having annual cost of a netjet or like $200k elite card.

What they say every 5 years. I’ve heard this since the 60s

Complete lie.

The inset picture is just literally steam from a nuclear plant…


Sure… 🤡🤡🤡

Go big or go home! Let's do this!!!

Wait. What? Again? 🙄

Perhaps on tv

The Earth is going to be just fine without us

Maybe India and China should get their shit together.

This tipping point idea has been debunked.

So what are we supposed to do about it in the middle of Wisconsin? Nothing.

Fortunately the U. N. Has no credibility, so no informed person will take this as anything but propaganda.

In France they told : no ice in Artique in 2016 🤡

LW bullshit.

100% junk science These articles are for shit

But this time we're super serial!

This narrative is grade A organic bullshit.

Ha ha ha ha

🤡 🤡 🤡

What a load of bull.

This article has been coming out since the 1980s.

This should be written in Chinese.


germany is burning coal and china is still building coal fired plants. talking to the wrong people

Same headline, different year. Still feels as hollow as it did 40 years ago


Get rid of the UN. That will take care of the problem.

Yep, just give the governments more of your money, more of your freedoms and it will all go away.

The walls are closing in on Earth.

Talk to China, until then ,stop talking

Nice. Tell China and India to cut it out...

Talk to China.

Same bs, different day

Propaganda lvl 3000, who believe anything from the media anymore ? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Tabaa! no

Lol. Same old song and dance.



How many final warnings is that?

BS Climate Crap


If greenhouse gas emissions were truly an issue, why wouldn’t governments around the world invest in planting trees?

Not this propaganda again. Yawn.

Imma hop on a private jet to talk about this IMMEDIATELY

It’s disappointing to read all of the Neanderthals deny global warming.


So I get confused...will it be getting hotter or colder? They keep changing it.

Been hearing this shit my whole life…blah, blah, blah.

Those cooling towers are emitting water vapor. At least use a picture showing actual CO2 being emitted.

Rich people have to give up all their toys, thats step one.

This type of fear mongering is criminal

Start with China and India.

Im 51 and have been hearing the earth is over since i was a kid. 70’s it was a new ice age, 80’s and 90’s its the melting of the poles.

Stop it.!

Remember when we were doomed back in 2009 and the polar ice caps would've all melted?

Love how the image is from India. Lol. If India and China want to cut their emissions, they can have at it. Doesn’t China control the UN anyways?

🤣 been hearing this for 50 years!

Finally, no one likes a long runtime

Ban private jets

Looks like China to me. Until China greatly reduces its use of coal, there is no point in America buying into this process, as the cost to our businesses makes them non-competitive with China.


Why would the they use a picture of nuclear cooling towers? Nuclear is the answer. If you are against it you are not serious about clean energy.

Oh do shut up. We're being sprayed like bugs. It's no wonder there's pollution and people are ill fgs. Read CarolineCoramUK substack. HINT: It may give you a clue sa to what's going on. Arsenic

Again. But for super duper reals this time.

Pollution must be fought but climate change is a hoax.

Make sure they tell the volcanoes and hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean that they need to be compliant as well.

😂😂😂😂 B U L L C R A P, only fools would believe this is true. Acording to this hoax we are at point with no return last 35 years. This is a lie.

I blame the unvaxxed

fear porn

Right on cue! cLIEmatecrisis

good choice to use nuclear cooling towers spewing water vapor as your click bait for pollution. remember when journalists researched a story before printing it?


How many 'point of no return' does this make? They been saying the same thing since the 1970s. They love playing the long con.


make more nuclear power plants then FFS how hard can it be for ppl to understand

Oh well. We had a good run. But what can you do?

America just isn't doing enough I guess.....


Frankly, I'd rather die from the Earth imploding than become a Gates' needle stat and know, he is tracking the data. climatelies

They said this ten years ago

'We want monopoly [of your] money (from energy).' Context clues saves so much time.

'The walls are closing in!' hahahahahahaha lying bast....d


That's water vapor coming out of those stacks


Good. Have you seen what we've become and let happen. Paedos dressed as women in our primary schools?

Oh give up


Pretty sure I’ve heard that lie enough times over the last 20 plus years. 🤦🏼‍♂️





70s new ice age will kill us all 80s acid rain will kill us all 90s hole in ozon layer will burn us all 00s Mayans said 2012 will kill us all 10s Rising seas will kill us all 20s Warm weather will kill us all…


OMG water vapor!!!!!!!!! 🤡🌎

What a pile!

I keep hearing this message ever since 1996, with much much more dangerous messages. Give it a break

Co2 creates more biomass. Which is up (total plants) like 13% in the last decade. More plants, and larger plants. Which means more wildlife. We're still emerging from an ice age. Worry about ground/water pollution via industry. Stop pestering civilians.

The ozone layer is getting bigger, and water lvls are rising....

I know.. the late night taco & burrito scene is getting out of control lol

Good grief

You mean like this prediction?

🤦‍♀️ Stop pedalling this nonsense already.

Nuke plant towers 👀. Clean is getting worse but c'mon now. Ask the Floridians moving.

Yeah no lol. Nice try meat haters


And you include a picture of a nuclear power plant emitting water vapor? Yes, there is no agenda here just people that have no scientific knowledge at all I guess.

Climate alarmists are no different than Christian fundamentalists. Both make end-of-the-world predictions that are proven wrong time and time again.

So what are 7,000,000,000 people doing about it?360,000,000 Americans cannot make a dent by ourselves! No trading with none compliance emission measures!

Biden and his crew will have us all in world war 3 long before we have to worry about this messaging.

Funny, they've been beating this drum since the 70s, but the only thing that's changed is our taxes have increased and the cost of living has gone up. That climate emergency though....not even a sniff of it, how much longer until the world wakes up and realises it's been conned?

Did you really choose a nuclear reactor and a highly efficient small motorbike for the “perpetrators” in your climate change narrative imagery?

Once we pass it we don't have to worry about it no more

Trees need CO2 to create O2.

Bunch of climate hoax whackos. The earth will always be changing climate. Growing up all I heard was an ice age now it’s gonna be to much heat. Pick one because according to scientists the world should have been over like 15 times In the last 50 years.

Tell that to China and India!


you can use this picture

I love that they always show pictures of nuclear energy silos when talking about pollution. Especially because that “fog” you see rising from them is nothing but steam from the water that cools the radioactive rods. It’s not pollution!

or not

if I understand things, nuke power plants only put out steam vapor.

They been saying that foe 40 years now.

There is a technology that can capture Carbon Dioxide & turn into Graphene, just ask IanCrossland

Quit lying

Talk to China and India THEN lecture us 🙄

Tell it to China and their increased building of coal plants

Those are cooling towers. That vapor is water, not greenhouse gases.

Plant some trees. Plant a garden. Reuse , recycle , repurpose, repair . Thrift stores. Stop buying the latest gadget. You can do it . The government with your tax dollars can not

The problem is certain groups have played the climate catastrophe song and dance to death. Is it true 'this time?'. Every other time we've had X amount of years to do something, that deadline has passed without incident.

Good to know you are following the WEF playbook. Unfollowing.

‘New report’… … saying the same thing countless old, “new reports” said before.

I thought the ice caps were supposed to be melted 10 years ago. 🤔

Oh well


If it were not for Climate Change aka Ice Ages...NY would not look like it does today!!!

So ignore the other doomsday predictions because this time this doomsday prediction is really going to happen?

If we could just get past the 'point of no return' we wouldn't have to go through this crap anymore.

Didn’t Greta already delete her post when it passed the deadline

Meantime 1000 scientists have said the earth is not warming and no climate change!


This is worse that than “beginning of the end of Donald Trump” we hear every other day for 7 years.


Start with China and India.🤷🏻‍♂️

LOL...You phony frauds. The guy on the motorcycle is driving through volcanic ash and smoke.

So scared 😱 Haha! Gtfoh with this BS 🤡😂

This was the excuse that ended up causing the inflation?

Fuck it we all dead


LOL… propaganda


I’m praying for mayhem. I’m praying for tidal waves. I wanna see the ground give. I wanna see it all go down. Mom please plush it all away.

🥱 🥱🥱🥱🥱

Not this crap again. 🙄


you can pollute as much as you want if you buy carbon credits not sure how carbon credits fixes anything to do with the climate

Uh huh...sure, sure

talk to Chy-na and the 3rd world


I'm calling bullsh!t.

How many points have we passed so far?


Nuclear is carbon free. That’s steam coming out of the stacks. You should show a factory in China building solar panels with coal fired power.

Same old clickbate, same old propaganda.

no one cares as long as you can make money; when you die it's the next person's problem


Fake news


Ridiculous. How many times have we heard similar nonsense in the past 30 years? Just stop.

BS fear mongering GARBAGE. They want 15 minute cities, people to live in pods, own nothing, eat bugs, not eat meat ever, never travel, not to use heat or AC, etc They want to use fake ass fear to push control over people. No. Don’t fall for it.



reported for false information

this isn't a point of no return. 65 million years ago when dinosaurs were on the planet CO2 levels were 5x higher than now. Which mean the earth was even more green and lush because more CO2 creates more flora which then produces more oxygen... hence why dinosaurs were huge

yes i know elections are next year so VoteBlueToSaveAmerica/vote JoeBiden/KamalaHarris.

Yeah, I remember when that happened all the other times they said it would happen.


Earth was at a point of no return once humans arrived

I don't care anymore, invent a carbon sucker/refiner or STFU cause we can't do shit about it anyways.

Don't worry. Canadians are pay for everyone else's world pollution. Our carbon tax is thru the roof.

Doesn't steam come out of those cooling towers?

So what

Utter nonsense

In high school, we were told that capitalist smog would block the Sun and create an Ice Age. Then it became Global Warming. Now, they call it Climate Change so matter which way the thermometer goes, it can be blamed upon the free markets and the Original Sin of private property.

We've. Heard. This. Before.



Dumb question but is clvod making icebergs sged and regrow on bottom?

But they will not go after the biggest polluter China.

They been saying this bull since I was born …

Such bullshit.

Sure, let's follow China's lead. Wait, they don't care.

This is quite alarming. I’m typing this from what used to be Miami. I’m underwater just like Al Gore predicted.

Lol sure


Bull shit!

Arnt we all supposed to be under water already?!! Well, that's what the 'experts' said 20 years ago.

So is this the one I’m supposed to believe? Because 100% of the doomsday climate predictions over the past 50 years have been spectacularly wrong.

Wish the Science FACTS were told👇 Read this 🧵for those brave enough.. skip it if you have a problem sleeping at night 😉(Spoiler alert, people & pollution AREN'T the root cause of Climate Change & we honestly can't stop it.. but there's good news in what's next)…


Typical leftist next move- impose idiotic restrictions on Americans when 90% of the pollution is coming from China, India, and about 5 other Eastern European countries.

Want to control the Climate. Reduce consumption . 60 pairs of shoes is the norm for a Regular middle class woman in the US . Reduce Consumption u control Climate change

No it isn’t.

Freddy41655488 China rah rah rah we wuild 2 coal fired energy prants ebery weak.

Population control In India. If not controlled it is the end .


Let's see, I think I seen this before.

We need to be far more concerned about playing stupid games with Russia and the nuclear weapons Putin will ultimately be forced to use. That nuclear winter oughta take the steam out of this nonsense.

Start in China and India. Until you have them on board, there is literally nothing the rest of us can do about it.

“Climate change” is not a scientific cause.

I feel like a steak.

Good then can we stop bitching about it after that

Anyone ever actually learn history in public schools?

The U.S. needs to get out of the UN, and get the UN out of the U.S.

Headline should read: 'Earth about to pass 'point of no return' for 843rd time'

What....again? Been hearing this since the 1960s.

No thanks. I already have a God.

Green new deal pushing bull shit


kill humans to save the planet!!!! 🤡

Will China cut them or just us

I can show you these exact same propaganda-style claims in print for the last 60+ years... and they have all been wrong. It's just more inflamed rhetoric to incite fear in the climate cult. The question is who is profiting from all of this propaganda?

Shut up


Total lies

We just got another 10-year false warning, which will prove to be false in 10 years. These are getting tiresome at this point.

Shut up!

Oh puhleeze…….not this again.

Teresa998877 You know that picture of the nuclear plant is just water vapor, right? .....right?

ClimateScam GreenNewSteal

I remember back in the 90s they tried to do this. Carbon dioxide has nothing to do with global temps.


I'm willing to bet the solutions coincide with Periods to make money!

Such a fricking bs story line.

Give us some figures, how much and what difference will it make?

That's a nuclear plant. Please replace with pictures of windmills on fire.

According to GretaThunberg, we have just 3 months before the doom. Hurry up, guys!

Thanks for the update


I didn’t read the article but let me guess, we only have 10 year before the damage is irreversible?

🤣🤣🤣🤣The propaganda is real

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

These 'scientists' are quacks trying to predict the real world based on man made, close system computer models. The great nntaleb calls this the 'Ludig Fallacy'

Send that report to China and India, they pollute a SHIT TON more than America does.

Maybe we could cut the communism?

The Climate Hoax Cult

Yawn.. it's pathetic now.. no one believes you..

That said that crap in the 1970s. Nothing happened.

Send all your money to AOC, she will fix it.

Why you got pictures of nuclear power plant when they literally create zero emissions?


Cool story bro.

Somewhere in China & India, they’re laughing their asses off


I'm old enough to remember that an ice age is coming, the ozone layer would be gone in 5 years, the ice caps are gone in 7 years, and there's many more I just grew numb to the scare tactics used by so called experts.


Climate isn’t what the emergency is that we’re all facing. It’s dishonest reporting and catering to WEF agenda 2030. The current corruption in politics that you seem to not care about is a way bigger threat to humanity than climate change ever will be!


The only reason this world is almost to the point of no return is because of liberal communists

Oh just stop it!

Yeah, still not gonna eat bugs

Tell CHINA..they are also on earth

Better go knock on China's door then, lol.

Yeah, for 40 years now... 🙄

I died already on the previous deadline, I’m done now

Where have I heard this before?

Blah blah blah

They're such liars




Hopefully the environmental elitist hop in their private jets and cross cross the planet to warn us this in pending doom!

Sea levels are raising we gonna all die!!!

Sponsored by: Democrats™

Ewwww, scary. Tell China and India. When they stop I'll believe it.

Pa-lease… As if “man” could have prevented historical Ice Age of eons past. I’m so thankful my parents taught me critical thinking!

Stop telling us. Go concentrate on the countries that dump 99% of the pollution and chemicals into the water. Go talk to the countries that emit 90% of the greenhouse gasses. Hint it starts with an A and ends with a sia

The world should first impose a heavy fine on China and India and use those funds to fight climate change

Earth is asymptotically approaching hyperbole!

That is so full of $h!t

Nice illustration. It doesn’t look like that where I live. Stop it with this nonsense.

We’ve been hearing this BS for at least 50 years now.

More lies


Lol give it up

How long have we been hearing this. Stop the BS

We’ve been facing annihilation since well before I was of legal drinking age. So Cheers to the next global annihilation 🍷🍷🥂🍻🥃🥃🍸🍸🧉🧉🍹🍹

😂😂😂 here we go again with the fear porn.


I call bullshit.

Let me guess, all you need is more $…

I kinda fuck’n doubt it. 🤣


Peak Oil. We ran out of fossil fuel in 1999

The population is so out of control in India, that they have a hard time find clean drinking water and food as well, as they are killing all the animals and destroying the entire environment. What they need is much better population control, because it's out of control

But, only in Western, developed countries. Not the real polluters.

Firstly the UN is no longer a credible organization. Rather a home for elites to pay themselves richly for doing very little actual work. Second because they have kept saying this for a decade now and it has become old. Every doomsday position they put out is never correct.

Doomsday prediction 235 that won't come true.

What a crock of bullshit

Please! It is all the chem trails, chemical spills, GMOs, and plastic in the environment!! Mostly intentionally caused by our government!

We only have how many years to live?!? Been hearing it for 50 years. Blah blah blah…


Yep ive heard the world was going to end in 2 or 3 years for the past 30 years.

Heard this BS for 40 years. Before that in the 70s it was global freezing.

For those who believe this crap, go hide in the basement while the rest of us live our normal lives!!

It’s almost as if Project Veritas exposed this scare tactic over a year ago.

Nuclear power plants expell water vapor, ao nice fear mongering I guess.

Nobody cares

Tell it to China

The horror

Someone tell China and India and all the people you want to keep poor.

We’ve cut ours, talk to China and India

elonmusk you seeing this rn?

Tabloid news.

Yet the highest output countries do nothing..


Was that report sponsored by the WEF?

Even if true I could not care less.

Whenever I see an article like this, it makes me feel this way about fossil fuels

So no point in any more regulations.



When you cry wolf….

It's from hunters crack pipe

I'll only beleive it if greta tweets about it (and later deletea tweet).

Plant more trees?

Now do volcanoes.

Are they taxing it? Then it's not a serious issue.

they say this every 10-12 years


Without buy in from China, India, and a lot of Southeast Asia that’s still burns it’s crops as is happening currently in Thailand, nothing we do in America will fix this.

I’ve heard this one before 🤡


We’re all gonna freeze! 😱

Wallets must be opened. 🙄🙄

Start with the Chinese non filtered coal powered factories and get back to US.

Earth will be fine. It’s a matter of the humans inhabiting it. Also, carbon dioxide is good for plants. More trees now than ever before!


No it’s not



Thanks Greta…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The man on the bike is probably in India where they still burn wood and cow dung for cooking. And because of this they have terrible air pollution. Co2 is a invisible gas.

Tell that to fricken China

Beachfront property is going for records here in Florida. Obviously this isn’t a threat.

Start with China. Biggest producer of gas emissions and pollution in general.

Total Bullshit. They need to talk to China first then

LOL, it's 1970 all over again, again.

How many years left this time? Lol


Tell that to India

But I thought we were at the point of no return in 2005? And then 2010? And then 2015? Oh and then 2020? Stop with this fear mongering garbage.

picture insert is showing Cooling Towers, so that is steam coming out, not greenhouse gases - cred

Add this to the list. 😂

Those are rookie numbers. Let’s get this bitch up by 5 degrees!

GriftGriftGrift for money and power.

Piss off.

Let me guess….it could all be solved if the US pays someone trillions of dollars.

Why do we show other countries, these are the countries that are guilty. Get on their ass to clean up their act , not ours!!!

Again It's like the Jehova's witnesses with you people.

Lmao. With a picture of cooling towers from the worlds most efficient energy technology

Typical bull shit if any of it were true all the elites wouldn’t be flying private they’d be making zoom calls to save the planet they also wouldn’t take the world’s biggest yachts & cruise around for fun or buy $30+ million dollar homes on beaches either right Obama?

Earth 'nearing point of no return', communist tyrants and global elites must be taken care of. I fixed your headline for you.

Bull crap

Lol no

Just saying!!!


God said we should've good stewards of the Earth. But I side with Conservatives -- there is no God.


I call BULLSHIT. wef2030agenda



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