Dumping migrants, unannounced, on Martha's Vineyard? Rep. Andy Biggs is a fan

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Opinion from LaurieRoberts: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis flying immigrants, unannounced, off to Martha's Vineyard was a cheap political stunt. Naturally, Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs and state GOP Chair Kelli Ward loved it.

Governor DeSantis sent 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard with no prior communication or coordination with local leaders.The pictures are hard to look at. Images of bewildered looking men and women and children, even, shipped off to posh Martha’s Vineyard and dropped off outside the gates of the U.S. Naval Observatory that is home to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Imagine their surprise to land on a small island playground for the rich, dumped, unannounced, at the airport with no one to meet them and no one even to tell them where they were. “We are not a sanctuary state, and it’s better to be able to go to a sanctuary jurisdiction, and yes, we will help facilitate that transport for you to be able to go to greener pastures,” DeSantis said on Thursday. “Every community in America should be sharing in the burdens. It shouldn’t all fall on a handful of red states.”GOP has a point. But why treat people like props?The border is being overrun, and the Biden administration continues to be in denial about the scope of the problem.


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LaurieRoberts Sending 50 illegal immigrants to the one of the wealthiest, safest and most bucolic spots on earth was necessary to wake up the admin. and the media to the humanitarian crisis at the southern border. It shouldn't have been necessary, but Biden and the media have failed the nation

LaurieRoberts Don't remember you caring about this during the 600+ flights from the border to various cities in the middle of the night by the Biden admin. Your selective outrage is bogus.

LaurieRoberts This just in … desantis flying immigrants to Prescott. News at 11.


LaurieRoberts Best thing that ever happened, give them a taste of their own medicine, and they said the border was secure. Lol

LaurieRoberts And I support it, send all illegals to Democrat liberal led cities

LaurieRoberts The illegals were trafficked up here by the cartel. The political stunt is the Dems . Why should the burden fall on border states to feed, house and take care of these people. 50 is a far cry from thousands daily. Talk to a border agent to get the truth on how bad it really is.

LaurieRoberts Can't we get them all on a plane and fly them to some desolate area? After all, they are 'illegal aliens' themselves. Spawned from who knows where and invaded our country. They certainly are not Americans.

LaurieRoberts It seemed to work. Now ship a few hundred to white Hollywood and let's see what real racism looks like.

LaurieRoberts Remember the time the Biden admin dropped off illegals at a park in Gila Bend unannounced? You didn’t have anything to say about that one. When you don’t hold everyone to the same standard it shows you have no standards and your readers notice.


LaurieRoberts Until the rest of the country shares our pain, they won't care.

LaurieRoberts It's not just a stunt. It's multiple crimes: kidnapping, human trafficking, fraud and misappropriation of funds.

LaurieRoberts Remember this one?

LaurieRoberts KelliWardAndHubbyForJail AZGOP

LaurieRoberts 'How about showing some real leadership?' IDK, why don't you pose that question to Sen. Kelly and Biden and ask why they don't enforce the existing laws?

LaurieRoberts MV is beautiful. They will love it there

LaurieRoberts 'Wouldn’t it be nice for Republicans ... to work with Democrats to fix the clearly broken immigration system...' Yes, as part of the solution. Ironically, shoring up the economy in northern and southern Mexico would help. So would trying to solve the reasons they arrive.

LaurieRoberts It's borderline human trafficking. But instead of being related to prostitution, debt, or forced labor, it's political clout for an otherwise impotent governor to get his poll numbers up. As for Keli Ward... LockHerUp DeSantisHumanTrafficker DeSantisIsAFascistGhoul

LaurieRoberts One would think most people in AZ would applaud this move to bring some light to what's going on at the border here....no? Pfffft...cheap political stunt my ass.

LaurieRoberts But Biden flying thousands of illegal aliens all over the United States under cover of darkness was an expensive political stunt meant to punish areas that didn't vote for him.

LaurieRoberts Please get it right, my god you’re a media source in AZ, horrible, but still a source. They are legal asylum seekers!!

LaurieRoberts Let's fly Biggs and Ward (and Gosar, and Finchem, and Lake) off somewhere, unannounced. How about, to the moon?

LaurieRoberts Laurie roberts is a clown show 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

LaurieRoberts Good for DeSantis!


LaurieRoberts I love it too! It’s not like they dropped them in the middle of the desert! They dropped them in a high class neighborhood!

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