Driver crashes into crowd at Pride parade in Florida; 1 dead

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

UPDATE: One person has died from injuries after a driver slammed into spectators at the start of a South Florida Pride parade. Another victim was seriously hurt after a truck driver accelerated at the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade, officials said.


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The gop is radical. Time after time their supporters attack and too often kill people they don’t agree with. Trump let us know he stood by Putin. They are silent. Horrible!

REALLY A 77-year-old who can’t walk, but you let him drive a 2000 pound truck And really-grown adults-grown adults who think they need a fucking parade to justify themselves in this world-grown adults 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄….. there are no words.


Shouldn't you be doing something about your tweet since your updated article explains it was an accident?

I don't mean to be rude, but does anyone have a super lifted mudding truck i can borrow? Also, unrelated, does anyone know when the next Proud Boys rally is?

ananavarro, ACLU, RonDeSantis, Can a State legalize Assassination? Isn't it time to sue the nuts off DeSantis, the State of Florida, & the driver & anyone else appearing to be liable, Ashley Moody or even the Republican Party? Is this a Hate Crime as well as murder?


How quickly this story died when all of the hypocritical bigots found out this was a gay man

This just makes me so mad!! I’m SICK of it!!! What the hell is the matter with people…and why is it so easy to take the lives away from people who haven’t hurt anyone, just because they’re different from you?!?

What is wrong with people?

The footage being shown really seems to imply that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ran those people over.

You are not supposed to become violent and react that childishly... So he is doomed for doing this... The Soddomites are doomed on average eternally either way so there is absolutely no need to do anything... Our Eternal Father has dealt with this before... To the extreme...

what the fuck. people need to chill. hitting someone with your car ?!?

They must not of been a very good driver because they missed Wasserman Schultz

Why don’t you have more outrage over real tragedies like how you and the lying media is destroying this country By Causing division and hatred with race but swoons over a corrupt president who doesn’t know what he’s doing and a vice president who’s totally incompetent . I digress

Humans killing human. It's nauseating🤢🤢🤢

PEOPLE READ! The driver was part of the parade. It is illogical to think this was anything other than an accident.

Its not been described as a 'terrorist attack' so i take it the perp was white and non muslim?!

Poor headline and status. Should have replaced driver with parade participant. But got to rile up the LGBTQ+ community knowing that 80% of people who see a headline never read past it. You're the AP. We know you know that stat. Writes misleading headline anyway.

DeSantis like Trump has given them the green light to commit violence. And we know DeSantis wants to please Trump in every way possible.

Don’t lose your minds it was an accident.

Officially reported as an ACCIDENT- you should too

Looks like Florida took the lead as the biggest shithole with Texas a close second.

Well that's too bad, a couple of queers got run over. No sympathy for them.


Florida do better this should not be happening republicans must be stopped ! 🤬

Crap. Looks like a tragic accident. Not a hate crime. Now what’s Twitter going to do?

Sad days coming if atitudes and laws permit

In Florida they can drive into people attending events and protests?

Time to stay at home till the pandemic is over and , or, the shooting stops

This is so sad. Don’t go to pride parades if you hate gays. Do something else. Watch something else. Surely you don’t spend your whole life observing the activities of the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 community?

This is encouraged by the government of Florida. Good job.

This is sad no matter what. side u are on. I don’t know anyone who would even consider doing this to their worst enemy muchless some random group of people. Screw all of the politics talk. Answers are needed. Because no matter what side uare on, this is never the answer. Prayers.

How sad/infuriating is it that we don’t even have to ask what political party they support?

these people need to be removed from society, any of them who instigate this behavior or carry it out. Their religious entrails eradicated.

Maybe I’m mistaken, but didn’t they pass a law that it’s OK to run down people in a parade or who are peacefully protesting?

Florida is now a banana republic, and if you aren't a klan member, it's best to avoid.

Well...that person has the full support of the Florida governor. No surprise that someone took him up on his permission to mow down people.

By the logic AlanDersh used in defending President Trump there should be no investigation re: this tragedy. As long as the driver was operating the motor vehicle with a valid driver's license, registration and insurance this was a 'legal act' because (1/2)

All on GovRonDeSantis. Driver will claim no fault as it’s legal to run ppl over now

That’s so sad,am sorry and my condolences to the family of da victims.Reading some comments I can’t believe that closed minded people right way generalize and go for “Republicans”just stop! We as a society has to take a deep breath or we all gona end up dead

This is maga,soon it will be twisted into Antifa posing as a magateer.

Trump desantis pact. DeathSantis The Pact of Steel (German: Stahlpakt, Italian: Patto d'Acciaio), military political alliance between Italy and and Germany. Galeazzo Ciano, Adolf Hitler, Joachim von Ribbentrop at the signing of the Pact of Steel in the Reichskanzlei in Berlin

The driver and the victims are members of the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus, according to a statement from the group's president Justin Knight, who called the incident an 'unfortunate accident'.

do another update

Sounds like they’ll need to be extra security at pride to insure our sanctity and security to be the Americans we are. 🌹🌈🌹✊🏼🌹🇺🇸Sounds like the prideful will have to show up and we will 💗🥰🌈oh and our allies PFLAG 🌹

WiltonManors Pride Parade Motorist Not Terrorist Part of Gay Men's Chorus A man was killed and another seriously injured after a driver hit spectators at a Pride parade in South Florida on Saturday evening was an accident.

How is dws still around

Sick. Just sick.

Read the story everyone. Driver was also a PART OF the gay chorus. In no way does this diminish the loss of life. It’s possible it was an accident.

ChetPowell so much fear & hatred... why?

Any update AP?

Are we no longer civilized? Barbarians?

Sifill_LDF This sickens me!

Using a motor vehicle as a weapon should result in minimum sentencing regardless of the outcome. Someone dies = death penalty, anyone injured = 10-20 yrs (to help you get over bigotry, racism, and anger management issues).

'Justin Knight, the president of the Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus, whose logo the suspect wore on his t-shirt, said that to his knowledge it was a “tragic accident” and not an attack on the LGBTQ community. The suspect was “part of the Chorus family”

Sifill_LDF These are hate crimes & I hope they’re prosecuted that way.

Sifill_LDF did the driver say he mistakenly thought they were protesters, yet? didn’t florida just make it legal to mow down peaceful protester’s?

Since won't report the actual story this is what really happened

.GovRonDeSantis okayed this.

It's unclear what this was, accident or malicious. Hopefully we find out today.

If this was in Canada the PM would be screaming terrorism!


Thank you Ron DeShitstain. Your work to advance Satan's hold on America is taking hold. Next, pass legislation to allow the eating of babies of undocumented workers. All Hail Satan!* Management is not responsible for misinterpretations by the sarcastically impaired.

How unfortunate and I was thinking it was someone who did it that was against it when it was an accident. Twitter trends need to be more careful but that will never happen.

Hey DeSantis made things like these legal. How does he think kooks are interpreting his law? Yes, like this.

What is wrong with America? 281 mass shootings in 2021 alone and this type of homophobic attack.

Make sure to keep this story upfront. They must be held responsible. You must also push the FACT that Deathsantis promoted this agenda. So many in this state were killed by his lack of Covid policy. He's helping kill more people who disagree.

DeathSantis has to go!

Wasn’t this just made legal in FL? Using your car as a weapon to mow down people you don’t like?

DeSantis made running over protestors legal. He owns this.

For the white GQP Govenors passing these crazy laws….. minority and gay people drive too. Careful what you wish for.

Must be all that economic anxiety the driver is going through.


Why not? LGBTQIA LGBTQ LGBT LGBTI LGBTIQ LGBTさんと繋がりたい LGBTQI is disease. It should stop immediately.

Let me guess, he was having a bad day and suffers from mental illness!

You people jumping to conclusions need to read the article. This has nothing to do with DeSantis' law about protesters blocking the street.

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Muricans love running over pedestrians and bicyclists these days. “It’s my road, dammit! Outta my way so I can get my Chipotle burrito!”

Does no one read the article?

They know they will get away with it due to the law RonDeSantisFL put in place to protect cretin who drive into crowds/protesters etc

“homophobia doesn’t exist in the United States”

Quoting hysterical ass-hats stating this was 'intentional' seems like good journalism to me. Wouldn't you expect more victims in a parade if this was intentional?

Of course this was going to happen... The Florida governor made it legal to do so. Governor DeSantis should be charged with accessory to murder.

Murder, attempted murder. Throw the book at those idiot drivers

DeathSantis fault.

I hope it was a straight person

This is What happens with DeSantis makes it legal to run over protesters. DeSantisNeeds2Go

hate crime

RonDesatan DeathSantis Thankful for the FauciOuchi

DeSantis should be indicted on this

Vroom vroom mother fucker

Read rondesantis Twitter handle. Says he stands for safer communities. Safe for who? Safe from what?

WillieGeist Needs to be charged with murder. He did it on purpose. That is murder.

Operation mockingbird.

When are you people in the USA are going to start fighting back and using deadly force against these people who are using deadly force against you. By shooting and driving their cars into crowds of people. They should have been shot dead doing that

So sad....

You Floridians; who keeps voting people in office? I didn’t vote for Abbot but he’s on his way out.

Geez. Why would anyone do such a thing? Horrible

The verdict is out on whether it was an accident or intentional

accident or attack? Could you please update?

GOP has encouraged this with bills that give immunity to people that run over protestors

Appears this is war.

GOP GOPLeader GOPChairwoman RonDeSantisFL caused this. Bills making 3 or more people a 'riot' & making it legal to run 'rioters' down, plus his anti-LGBTQ hate & fear-mongering directly caused this. He is dangerous & needs to be stopped. CancelTheGOP or they WILL cancel YOU!

At least it's Florida; with luck, they'll break out the needle.

cpttrashpanda Desantis made driving into people legal.

GovRonDeSantis this is what you wanted, right?

I'm Single Text me on my number (315) 400-1829

Have you noticed that ONE SIDE of America’s political divide is resorting to cheating, lying and violence? A logical extension of their worldview.

This criminal needs to be caught and properly punished!

America will never understand the damage done by Donald Trump as President. The once beautiful, all inclusive America was turned into a bigger version of African dictated countries. They should ask us from countries run by dictactors and we will tell them Trump is a dictator

There are a whole lot of posts here by folks that don’t know what happens when you assume apparently

Well , the governor made it legal.

It’s very hard to comprehend to what we read and hear these days on the news. So angry and selfish, what a very sad world we live in. That is just sickening. People are so miserable and ruin other peoples lives! Tragic & completely unnecessary! Please stop the madness people! ☮️

Horrifying. What’s wrong with people in Florida? How could so much trash end up in one state?

Tf wrong with people


This s what movement conservatism voted for. Pure evil.

Prayers to the victims and their families ♥️🙏🏼♥️

Freakin’ White ISIS!

You better not be anywhere close to the street in Florida ..if someone doesn’t like the way u look it’s legal to run them over with your car..3 people is all u need and people r swarming everywhere..not a problem at all..Deathsantis

Charge him with murder, attempted murder and no bail.

I’m sure they had a trump flag on their car. This is so so sad!

Like a lot of gunowners, we also have many drivers who lack brains as well.

GoAwayWithJae Why can't people just let other people *be other people*? Why attack them for who they are, or who they support? What the f*** makes them so threatened by difference that they get murderous?

freelina HelpSaudiExile

A hate crime against the LGBTQ during pride month on Juneteenth is peak American Culture—& that’s sad.

Shapiro was right. We forgot to ban crime.

What in the fuck?

hate crime. throw the fucking book at them.

IBJIYONGI Have the drivers been found? Arrest and jail, no bail allowed for intentional murder by auto.

EnoughIsEnough Gov DeSantis gave these killers the green light to kill by car.

Apparently, such vehicular attacks are now legal in Florida.

The worst part is this is perfectly legal in Florida.

Now can the driver go home and sleep.. Stupid think the law allow them to run people over.

Florida and Texas are not safe to live in. Republicans do not care about their constituents.

Intently drove into the this why👇🏾👏🏽

Plot Twist: He was Gay.

Florida and Texas are really dueling for worst state ever....

Someone who hates man/man sex is going to get introduced to man/man sex in prison.

Hopefully Florida won’t declare the marchers protestors and then arrest and charge them for their injuries

Vanilla Isis trash strikes again.

Biden’s America

Didn't DeSantis legalise hitting people with cars if you feel like it?

Gosh so much

I sincerely from the bottom of my soul hope you intend to run a deep story on the Florida GOP passed law that says you can run people over at protests, because now we've got Trump supporters running trucks into parades. These two things are not unrelated.



No worries. Deathsantis made this legal

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