Dr. Fauci: Wear goggles or eye shields to prevent spread of COVID-19; flu vaccine a must

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Dr. Anthony Fauci to DrJAshton : 'If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it. It's not universally recommended, but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can.'

Currently, the United States is the worst-affected country, with more than 4.3 million diagnosed cases and over 150,000 deaths.Fauci called out four states by name that are struggling to get the virus in check. He and Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House's coronavirus task force coordinator, addressed these states in a call with governors Tuesday.Dr. Anthony Fauci appears on"Good Morning America," on July 28, 2020.

"That question came up at the task force meeting yesterday and we asked the same thing and we said there's no real recommendation," Fauci said."I would think that five [days] is good. I might even go a day or so early because the incubation period of when you get symptoms is about five days."Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr.

He said two circulating respiratory viruses really"confuses the situation" since symptoms of the novel coronavirus and flu are so similar.Fauci on his personal life Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases throws out the ceremonial first pitch prior to the game between the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals at Nationals Park, July 23, 2020, in Washington, D.C.


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Life 2020 and till the end of the election

He could say it next year : (

It never fucking ends!

If you’re experiencing foggy glasses or face shield our anti-fog products work. We’ve been manufacturing in the US since 1977.



MajorPatriot Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that American teachers should consider wearing more proper equipment when handling their students homework in order to prevent spreading or catching COVID-19. It'll also look cool Remember we're talking abt a virus with close to 0.009% death rate here

Once again no mask these people are wicked

Next will be walking around with your thumbs up your ass “stops the spread”

ToddQuinones 😂😂😂, what next armor

Not a fucking chance.


This is the start of our cyberpunk regime. The air will be noxious and generally unsafe

Why does ABC keeping putting this story in their Twitter feed? I’ve seen it probably 8 times.

... doing those things that are not convenient... You have rejected Truth, America, over and over again. Truth

Could we just go ahead and say this is what we should be doing?

Many restaurant workers who deal directly with customers are wearing face shields.

If its so contagious we have to wear goggles to the store then were all gonna get it

Forget what he says - he is crazy!

Oh, I thought he was just talking directly to the rioters... you know... to cover their faces completely so they can't be recognized and charged with felonies. Coronavirus isn't the real pandemic we should be talking about. SaveTheChildren

Winner 2020 Con-Man of the year 🏆

Man is complete joke

MajorPatriot How about some spinning hats too? Then those in charge can REALLY laugh at how stupid the sheeple are?

Like how you wear your mask?

No, go to hell

I'm still waiting to catch it.

Ya ok. Not. Havent had a flu shot since college. Have yet to get the flu since. Thanks but no thanks

Who cares what this control-freak “suggests?”

That guy is a idiot

He need to put on a muzzle and practice what he preaches



That’s a major swing, from they’re worthless and don’t work, to now a face shield!?!

The useless media was told what we had in January. They did not even bother to call us a lie. They just allowed people to die and then pointed the finger at Dump 45. None of you listened.NBC NPR BBCBreaking nytimes newyorkworldd nypost And none are listening now!

Suggestive but not definitive ways of tackling the WUHAN COVID19 virus.

150-200,000 years of humans on this planet and now we need freakin’ masks? We are sel-repairing organisms by design. This is absolute nonsense. Fauci is a Fukin’ Fraud.

Yes wear googles and a mask to the polls so you can vote multiple times 🙄🙄 same dude who told us NOT to wear masks in March/April bc he knows masks don’t do anything but make people feel good


Let the dumb ones get sick, enjoy long term effects or wish for death WearADamnMask

We have been doing that since March


Nobody believes that guy.

Yeah we all want to look like aliens 👽

We are where we are because people (potus) ignored his advice on masks, but he hasn’t even won that battle so a new front seems likely to be counter-productive.

This guy is insane!

I just pull a condom over my head. We are all fucked anyways.

He is scammers

Eff this idiot

Next Fauci will get his jollies out of telling us to wear Garlic necklaces to ward off the virus and garlic will become as scarce as toilet paper was in April.

He is showing just how senile he is. He should be removed from his position, the sooner the better!!!

Listen to him especially if your vulnerable to contacting COVID and can’t social distance!

Dumbest Doctor Ever.

If it helps prevent me from catching a DEADLY VIRUS - I’m fine with that! Why is this a debate?

This man is a nut job!! Next he is going to say wear body armer

Yeah, even most mask wearer say no to that one.

Also stop breathing. Anyone who breathes is a murderer.

This guy didn’t say shit during H1N1 all he said was cover your mouth and let’s hope for the best it doesn’t get worse 60 million infected.What would the death rate be if Cuomo didn’t send people to nursing homes or if people that died of heart attacks didn’t count as covid death

No thanks

How the fuck is everyone gonna get a face shield . This country can’t even get masks

The politicalization of coronavirus (and everything else really) is truly disgusting. A lot more people would be in agreement on how to deal with covid if they weren’t trying to defend the narrative their party already adopted.

Not going to happen. People are weary, but do, of wearing masks. Speaking for myself, I'm battle fatigue with this virus. Im tirered of staying home, Im tirered of not socializing, Im growing depressed. Humans were not create to isolate.

This guy is a complete asshat...

MajorPatriot I would recommend these instead, the 💩 is getting pretty deep out here.

It’s another good idea that Trump and his cockroaches will undermine.

To hide the faces of Antifa?

Seriously? They won’t even wear a MASK!!!!!!


If Dr Fauci was your stockbroker, you would be completely broke

MajorPatriot Uh. Hell no! Not listening to anything that little lying troll Faux-chi says or suggests we do!

99.74% chance of life, despite inflated numbers due to 5 governors stuffing covid 19 patients into nursing homes, accounting for over 40% of deaths.

You want me to wear this one, Tony 'Jason' Fauci? FauciTheFraud faucithekiller

Dr. Fauci doesn't wear any PPE while his speech. So, the rules are just for ''other'' people ?

Medical Tyranny

I double down on rubber gloves, i wear four face shields (head is completely surrounded), scuba goggles, three N95 masks, cloth overalls and flip-flops. Every hour I change out. Can’t be too careful I say.

Fauci should consider vaccinations in his eyes so he can’t spread more BS

Criminal Twitter has been bribed by Nazi China

Nice try ABC with fake info Fauci is a criminal now

And then hopping on one foot!!!...


You wear them you clown!

This is nuts! Two months ago with didn’t need masks! Pay attention ! This is a slight warning

So mask don’t work?

News flash: no one believes anything he says anymore. Or you for that matter, ABC.


better to use fashionable sunglasses with face mask than face shield haha

How about we ward off the dreaded Covey-viri by burning shredded fragments of Dr Fauci's old underwear in a upside down bleached wolf's skull ? It would probably be as effective as any advice he's given us in the past. This event and you Fauci are over.

Why are we still listening to this guy......he been wrong since day one

MajorPatriot POS

This dr fauci?

No shit!

The turd keeps adding to his prevention modes!

Masks don't work goggles aren't going to work either.

Fúmate tu dosis diaria paleto!!!

This is next The man is a total moron...

Why isn’t he ever wearing a mask or goggles? Do what I say not as I do huh? Shut up!

Improve your health, immunity, eat garlic, ginger, nuts, honey, lemons, lots of salads and enough salt, less meat! do not eat sugar and soda fast food! Keep your PH 7.2 and everything will be ok!

MajorPatriot Anthony Fauci wants this for America 🙈🙊🙉speak no evil, hear no evil, and see no evil. Just do as you are told.

They just mock people! They make people angry and depressed. it's all just because of the money, they want to sell the vaccine for a higher price! Just Ignore these silly recommendations!

MajorPatriot Fuck no

Can this get anymore crazy? In the height of the pandemic the man says no mask. i am done with all lies. I found out Lyme can be cured! Pissed off as the Jack ass knew it. I know a lot more who died from suffering. I know nobody with covid in FL. $$$$$$$$$ is all they want.

We are days away from mandatory hazmat.

Is this the same guy who spent the first two weeks of March telling us not to wear masks?

Fauci you are but a silly little jester!


He’s a joke! And you guys should be ashamed for promoting! How about you give the real truth!

Should we be taking advice from a guy who sat between two people at a baseball game with his masked pulled down?

Should a muse for the democrats

Whats next? Body Armor?

It's no longer mask

Maybe we should just enclose ourselves in a bubble. FireFauci

MajorPatriot This guy said that?

This is a time of natural selection. Evolution will write the history. Logical people that protect themselves will prevail.

we, as in most of America, thinks the Fauci needs to wear a muzzle to stop the spread of BS. truthmatters truth FauciTheFraud fake

Well, the masks haven't been working, so...

Time we got rid of all face coverings and let the chips fall where they may!

arrest that medical mafia Lt., fake science like fake news is the enemy of the people

He’s starting to sound paranoid. 👮‍♂️🗽🇺🇸

Yeah thanks to him hospital workers no matter what must wear goggles or shield. Waste of money, waste of PPE, and detrimental to our environment.

except in a stadium with your family xD

Lol Gfy you dbag

So you say...

Fauci is such a little worm

Kids are not wearing mask and shields/goggles

Ok Dr. Fauci. You have now gone beyond silly. I'm starting to see that all this is to see far we will submit to conformity. When the people wake up. ALL you mfs are either going into exile or worse. You visited the Islamd too. Yes, we suspect that.

I'm so glad I wear glasses.

Next it will be...”if you cluck like a chicken, it will scare the virus away” 🐥🤪

lollllllllllll 😂

And tell me why I should believe that charlatan?


Fauci needs to go home.

Don’t think so Fauci 🙄🤬

The same doctor that hasn’t treated a patient in 40 years? The same doctor that told everyone not to wear a mask because they don’t help? Just trying to keep this snakes story straight.

Time to roll out Fallout style!

The only shield I'm going to have on me is my M&P 👍👏

He knows that eyes are a way into the body.

MajorPatriot This guy is full of S___t! He knew this back in 2005!!! Gitmo has a place for you!

Omg I’m not wearing fucken goggles

Everyone wearing a mask is brainwashed Nazi Event201 ID2020 Plandemic2020 CommonCold

I do already. Here in Florida, the state of denial, people either think it's weird or want to know uh where can I get one of those....

Why truth heisgoingtojail

Dr Fauci isn't MY doctor.


Doctor Death


Of course he does. He must own stock in one of the companies that manufacture them.

This is true however, this comes a bit too late for some who can't even acquire a face-mask nor certified hand sanitizer or 70% Isopropyl Alcohol

At first I thought this was a joke. But no, he really wants us to wear goggles.

Dr Fauci likes his power he’s found 😏Hell w/his whispers to wear shields or goggles! He’s trying to make Americans into hospital workers 🤣I love America’s fresh air, sunshine ☀️ on my face!


Go away


People talking shit about The worlds for most authority on this matter need to STFU. As he said before, his job is j no it worry about the economy or your “freedom” his job is to adivse the government on how to keep everyone safe and then the government makes the decisions

Interesting. He probably realized he could no longer sell the whole 'masks work' narrative w/o getting getting called out for it. Just put him under congressional oath and see if he sticks with this new narrative.


next month he would 'suggest' to wear burka...bcz damn mask or goggles NEVER protect from virus that called 'pandemic' ...seems he not in the same dance with CDC

No cares what he says anymore , he blew all credibility. He should step down

Wear a bubble. That’s what he is going to say next

Can’t get 1/2 of them to wear a mouth/nose mask! Good luck getting the. To wear goggles or full face shields!!! 😂

The man lost all credibility with me frien in the beginning he said we shouldn't wear a face mask And Now we are supposed to I will pass

WTF! Enough of Fauci, let's hear from more other infectious disease doctors, other knowledgeable people!

Ohh for fucks sake

Take your vitamins or send your immune system into battle on an empty stomach.

What would help Americans more would be for Fauci to wear this...

This dude is an idiot.

Why is he being such a piker? Why not just tell everyone to wear a hazmat suit and be done with it?

And condoms when having sex?

Fruck that dumb ass he have us all in a body condom or hazmat suit

MajorPatriot I will not.


...especially if one doesn’t have availability to hydroxychloroquine.

MajorPatriot Googles FauciIsAFraud MediaVirus

Masks and face shields work. Canada proves it. Spacing, washing hands, small groups only, masks. We have less than 9,000 dead - mostly Seniors and you have almost 175,000 now?

They also went on to say instead of a face mask dems are free to wear their klan hoods

MajorPatriot Fallacy Fauci what a nut job to think I would place ANY truth into you web of lies

Literally every liberal in America this week.


En otros países ya lo están haciendo, sobre todo en Venezuela.

Next it will be bags over your heads, to completely take away your individuality. Which is what they want.

This is old - he said if you have them and want to feel more secure. He said however the nose/mouth covering should be sufficient.

MajorPatriot 😂

I have taken to wearing goggles whenever Trump speaks on tv....because everything that comes out of his lying mouth is shit.

MajorPatriot Pretty soon Fauci will suggest exterminating the population to prevent others from contracting it and half of those people will jump to be exterminated.

Do you have stocks in company that makes goggles

What’s next, a protective suit ala Silkwood?

Hahaha haha.. Yet he and his staff....nope.


I shall do both


And who is going to pay for it all?

to protect terrorists from being tear gassed


What's next DrAnthonyF ear plugs


You can fuck right off with this bullshit.


My God....Its time to shut this joker down

Don’t forget ear plugs as well. Oh and don’t forget to cover all of your skin too since you know, absorption. Such a joke at this point🤦🏾‍♀️

Anyone notice that in the beginning, the left contradicted everything he said, now he's suddenly on their side? Sounds like he's been bought.. Anyone who argues is blind.


MajorPatriot Isn't it curious that Dr Fauci et al talk masks and goggles and distancing but never about building our immune systems? Do they really have our best interests at heart when they continually recommend covering up when sunlight is best for building our immune systems?

do as he says. not as he does.

250,000 maskless bikers at Sturgis. What could go wrong?

MajorPatriot Don't forget ear muffs/plugs too!! I read an article a week or two ago, that it *might* can go in your ears too! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️👩👈👩👈😂😂😂😂 FireFauci fauciisafraud wakeupsheep

Nearly 20,000 fake US driver's licenses from China and other countries seized at Chicago airport

Fine, just go straight to hazmat suit. We are heading in that direction anyway.

Honestly, if Dr. Fauci knows something about research connected to the eyes being a point of entry for the virus, he should come out and specifically say that. Recommending anything to 2/5ths of the people in this country registers to them as 'optional'.

Dude is just seeing how stupid he can make people look now. Bunch of y’all going to follow suit because you’ve become robots and refuse to think. One man got hundreds of millions of people doing what he’s saying just because he has letters behind his name. Sad.

While he won't even wear his mask at a baseball game...


MajorPatriot Really?

Apparently you haven't seen the photos of him at a baseball game, NOT wearing a mask or faceshield.. Do as I say, not as I do I guess.

How about an astronaut suit

MajorPatriot Idiot! 🙄

He also said that even with a vaccine the virus will exist. Sounds like the flu

Ummm. That’s a big No.

👍These be better!🍻Cheers🍻

Maybe we should also wear contamination suits.

Dear God.

Find a cure and stop making experimental suggestions

This man is nuts! Doctors all around the world, epidemiologist are saying masks don't work and now he wants goggles. NO

Tell him to shut TF up

ABC = FakeNews

MajorPatriot Yup. Take extra precautions, folks People are dropping dead in their tracks. Be smart

And a Complete Set of Flippers 🙄🙄🇺🇸

Don't forget your ear muffs!

Why not just recommend hazmat suits or giant hamster balls?! Covid

Yeah..... No.

I wear a football helmet w/ eye shield, usually have mouthpiece in & am mic’ed up as well. Follow action on Monday night at 9 ET, Howard Cosell on call

So inconsistent with his advise!!!

Stand up to evil

MajorPatriot What fraud. When will he be arrested for crimes against humanity and executed. I say now.

What is going to happen on the next pandemic. Every one thinks that he o she is more important and the rights are untouchable. We are not going to survive the next one . I think on pandemic season all rights are suspended

People are so gullible, if he said wear a bag over your head, walk on your hands, while chewing gum, will prevent virus, people would do it, too many idolize him as the only doctor in the country.


MajorPatriot Noperdoodles Trump 2020

Just catch it and go on living, this is would be going back millions of years and placing masks on the worms coming out of the ocean.

MajorPatriot Does this idiot have an off button...

No thanks.

Per CDC testing positive may mean you have the COMMON COLD! People who fear a virus with a 99% survival rate should stay the fk home forever. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder 👇🏽

Lets all wear astronaut suites! I suspect it won't be enough for Dr 'I changed my mind again' Fauci

Seriously. Why? Fuck ABC and what you push

MajorPatriot Thank Jesus I can’t catch stupid . . . Sure, it’s spreading . . . but I have the antibodies . . . WWG1WGA TruePatriots

Says the man not wearing a mask

Fauci can go to hell. Masks don’t do shit . But I love how our population is being brainwashed and conditioned into a socialist commie society. America is being destroyed thread by thread. Wake up America

Like he did when he went to the baseball game? 😂🤣😂 Not

This is getting old! FireFauci

MajorPatriot How about everyone just start wearing helmets too.....it's more likely something falls out of a tree and hits you on the head than die from covid

Please go away, Dr Fauci

Can’t wait for all the articles “grocery store patron confirmed to catch Covid 19 through eyeballs waiting in line at deli, sources say”

I haven't seen the Dr. wearing goggles or a face shield yet! That should be brought out in your reporting!

It's incredible that realDonaldTrump doesn't realize that the reality is that everyday is like 4 airplanes crushed and kill all the pasangears, 1000deaths everyday because OF Covid19. And still denying the fact.

I wear a hazmat suit to the store and always got looks and even laughs. Who’s laughing now?


Dr Anthony washing face Clean mouth throth and nose 4 x during the day. Changing Unhealthy lifstyle into healthy L-S will make a big difference ! Testing by fever influenza etc. For now a bit overdone ! Social distancy as kuch as Possible. Most important proper use of masks !

Does wearing regular glasses help?

Got my suit and goggles on fam!

Don’t forget the bubble wrap

Guess glasses don't count...

MajorPatriot I'm looking forward to the day our nation learns the truth about him.

Fauci should consider a butt plug to stop talking out his ss.

STICK YOUR GOGGLES UP WITH YOUR MASK'S I cured this in 45 min the first time and 3 min the second time with just my nebulizer when my throat started closing shut with the same stuff I make for the seasonal flu. and it's easier to cure than the flu So suffer your own iniquities.


Open up our schools , small businesses and churches .. covid rates are NOT high here .... this is unnecessary .

Fauci suggested that Americans should consider wearing goggles or a face shield in order to prevent spreading or catching COVID-19 or we could just separate ourselves from all human contact from now on

Hard pass on that

I suggest fauci shut up and stop all this bullshit and let everything get back to normal and live their lives free again...only people with a lot of money can get by with crap that they say everyone else shouldn't be doing....

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At the beginning he urged everyone wearing masks,because only masks can stop the spreading of the masks aren’t good anymore and should be replaced by face shields and much he is payed for all this BS? He should resign asap.

Ummm NO.

Great ... whatever . A string of garlic around the neck ... and send them back to work and school

I call this the Full Fauci. FireFauci

MajorPatriot Last time I checked, I didn’t sneeze, cough or spittle out of my eyes!

MajorPatriot Holy fuck what is next.

MajorPatriot fuck your mask and fuck your goggles. I'm going to go get more ammo. I'm out of here

Makes sense. Eyes are open mucous membranes

MajorPatriot How long before he recommends a burka ?

ErinAstrosFan Wear a whole Hazmat suit and jettison yourself to Mars and you’ll be safer from Covid.

MajorPatriot When he will I’ll think about it !! Lol

Get bent.

Good grief.

Play with George

yeah like he kept his mask on at the baseball game, oh yeah and the woman next to him. GTFO

Well America and the rest of the world are now living in a real life Contagion's MEV-1 movie

This is what I recommend. It's all about the kids...I mean Grandma and Grandpa....If you save just one life it's totally worth it!

Fauci should be thrown in jail he’s killed millions of lives with false information.

coronavirus 6 months in🙄... 5mill infected almost 200 000 dead and counting, now ya'll want to be serious about infection control?

Little too late to try and implement this bullshit. I get data is discovered constantly, but so is the data contradicting this. This should have been standard back in march and people may have bought in during the mass locked downs. 0% chance this works.

May start wearing a vizier next. This autumn will bad. I say whole world locked down again next too.

2 words: Mucosal membranes.

Fauci in his demented state, still spouting random contradicting 'suggestions'. Is he treating patients? He needs to reread his suggestions from 2005 touting hydroxychloriquine for Sars-Cov. He doesn't even wear a mask... unless of course the camera is on him

What goggle company is he 'recommending' so I can buy stock ASAP!

Went from saying masks do nothing to wearing goggles

MajorPatriot I don't think so. I'm sure he is sitting comfortably in his jail cell well taking hydroxychloroquine.

There are open areas on masks and goggles. I wear safety glasses at work and still get stuff in my eyes. I’ve worn a mask and still got stuff in my nose and mouth. How will these things stop a microscopic virus from entering?

This will be his next recommendation.

He is full of shit


Yeah the same guy that refused to say definitively that protests are a contributing factor to Covid-19 🤔

If they want people to wear those they need to step up to the plate and buy them for the people

MajorPatriot ..or we all just take HCQ and get on with our lives.

So masks don't work?

MajorPatriot So now your not just spreading viruses by breathing on people but by looking at them. Could it get any more ridiculous. Fauci is a fraud, we get it. Please take him to jail. NoEyeContact

Doctor Doom just stepped off into the deep end.having trouble getting people to wear masks they sure as hell aren't going to use the rest of that


This guy is not trustworthy, Masks don't work ... Mask works...WHO is a reliable source....Oh WHO was wrong on that...In2015 HCQ works against coronaviruses...In 2020 HCQ doesn't work.

MajorPatriot Where is his mask and face shield?

MajorPatriot Family of essential workers, they haven't worn face masks in the beginning, b/c the WHO & CDC kept claiming not necessary. Then they flipped to mask wearing. None of my family who have come in contact with hundreds, has never gotten ill. They now wear masks after mandate. Smfh

this is how tyranny works slow and gradual first the push for a mask and when they realize they an get away with it they push more and now want goggles to be forced and if they can get away with it the will add something else

MajorPatriot Why? To protect their eyes from pepper spray? This is preparation of a large 2nd wave of rioters. You watch it take a massive increase. Watch it spill into the suburbs. You watch!

Dr Fauci should be in jail

MajorPatriot Let's just go ahead and wear a hazmat suit while we're at it. Will that do the trick? Huh, Dr. Fauci?

This is getting more and more ridiculous everyday. The most non deadly pandemic ever in which death rates are exaggerated and tests are called positive when people haven’t even tested.....lies!

We can’t even get people to wear masks!

MajorPatriot Prob to protect antifa wussies from the pepper spray

When should we believe Dr Fauci?

MajorPatriot He should do it to spare us from his vulture face.

Somebody needs to put a mask... rather, a muzzle on FauciTheFraud 👎 He is so compromised and corrupt, it’s not even funny. God help him!

MajorPatriot 🤡 🤡 🤡

MajorPatriot Dr. Fauci Funded 'Illegal' Wuhan Lab Coronavirus Research with Millions of Tax Dollars, then told everyone a pandemic was coming!

MajorPatriot FireFauciNow

They will want us to wear this soon

My bet is that face shields are the unsung heroes of this crisis. Maybe more-so than masks.

MajorPatriot No

Use Germicidal UV-C light ... REQUIRE Amusement Park, Malls, Nursing Care Homes and Schools, Restaurants and Gyms with NEGATIVE Pressure VENTILATIONS FANS, MERV13 AIRFILTERS to reduce VIRUSES in Air Circulation like in Hospitals WEARMASKS MASK4ALL

There is literally nothing we can believe to be true at this point. Not tests or death numbers. Nothing.

MajorPatriot I wish you well, Dr Doom.

Why is he not wearing any off what he mention .

The new normal by Anthony Fallacies

arrest fauci, HcQ works

maybe we shd stay home till 2030 and just give us a stipend. after 2030, we can lockdown for the next virus.

But if you take hydroxychloroquine, likely won’t need to use those things.

I see...

Another way of scaring the sheep. How about opening up the country and letting the virus take its course.

V hb

I'll wear a face mask but not goggles and a shield. I think that is a little to far



Just wear a Mask

Screw that!

spacesuits !

Fauci can wear my nuts on his chin.

He's not wearing them! Enough said!

Don’t make fun of Dr Fauci. He is an expert. He knows what he’s talking about. You want to die, go ahead, nobody’s stopping you.

Hell No!! We’re done with your advice Fauci!! It’s all lies!! C’mon Man!

TimInHonolulu Common sense is the best defense. How would you protect yourself against a mosquito? A handgun? A machinegun? A net?

I consider putting my size 12 triple E up his A..


I am 100% sure I can cheat death by doing what the cdc or who says.

I am afraid if the pandemic stays longer, he will require us to wear condom lol

There are transparent masks available now on Amazon. I'm waiting for competitive offerings to see which Fauci recommends, for instance. For goggles, I have a pair of dark glasses, off the shelf, which seem quite effective.

So we’re transmitting the virus by looking at others now? Damn that’s powerful

This guy should resign immediately for all the wrong information he spreads.First he made people believe masks were the only way to protect,now he touts for goggles or /and face shields.This face covering business seems to work in $ favor of him.His sheep hang on his every word.

News media is like a broken record, just trying to stir up controversy for more Likes. Again. Again. Again. Again.

HARD TIME: International activities of the Latin America states in combating drug trafficking in the XXI century:

Dem operative

Dr. Anthony Fauci was a great scientist who was used by politicians,I hope the United States government will take such an honorable man seriously,Stop more people from losing their lives, rather than becoming cold-blooded for political gain.



Wearing a mask can filtrate only 95% of the novel coronavirus droplets floating in the air, Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested wearing goggles or a face shield to get away from the pandemic in view of the severe death toll from the pandemic.

Hahahaha! Nope! Nope! And another nope on top.

Guys, Fauci is saving lives. We should listen to him.

Covid-19 has a 99.6% recovery rate

Fauci is crazy. He should be locked up in the mental hospital!

Go jump in the lake Fauci.

Why doesn't he shut up

Well, if not everyone wants to lock down or follow stay at home orders or even some of the simplest personal safety guidelines due to political or lack of supply reasons then he could only suggest other options to curb the infectious virus otherwise his hands are probably tied.

He's a liar.

And let me tell you. I’ve seen an uptick in stupidity. Everyone is wearing those face shields.

Fraud fauci

Goggles?! 🤣🥽 is this a joke?

🤣 what a joke

If it was up to him, he would for us to be on lockdown.

He’s doing a great job wearing his while recommending that we wear one 👍

My child’s pediatrician wore goggles, a paper surgical mask with N95 over

crazy i have been to myrtle beach and to these hot spots and ppl not wearing mask and im fine i looked up deaths from the flu and it close to non existent wonder why because it being reported as covid they dont know it all or tell the truth wear mask and stay clean ppl

I’m ready

Lord Fauci at it again!!

that's scary. so its airborne. Just heard the migrant workers that are cleaning all the Maryland crabs and picking sweet corn went to a big party and now alot of them have corona.

Why isn’t he wearing goggles then

I’m assuming he’s long face goggle stocks

What’s next? Earplugs? Elbow pads?

How much denero is this dude making off this shit

Stop just stop

No, actually it’s better to wear a space suit 😂

How about a Haz-Mat suit? Idiot

H1n1 in the first year 60 million cases. COVID-19 is at 4 million. Fact.


Gotta wait for that $500 million windfall vaccine to roll out

Because he is finally admitting that masks don’t work? Must be, since there is 0 scientific evidence (You know, the only kind we should be listening to.) to show that COVID19 is infecting people by their eyes.

Alright all you mask pushers, I expect to see all of you in goggles at the grocery store tomorrow. If not you're selfish science deniers 😂

Good idea 💡

How about Dr Fauci wear a muzzle.

Hey dr. Fauci. Blow me

Exactly my thoughts even before....

What's next? Plastic bubbles? Man it so hard for people who are drunk with power to give it up cold Turkey!!!

Stop!! spreading the fear

America you are free

Give us a break! Don’t wear a mask, wear a mask, don’t wear a shield, wear a face shield... MAKE UP YOUR MINDS! What a joke! No wonder no one trust what’s happening!

Circa May 2020

But, he had no problem sitting at a game with no mask on at all. This guy is a fraud

Just take a roll of Saran Wrap and wrap your heads up good and tight .... problem solved... 🙄

Fauci 3000 MGS of vitimin c 150 MGS of zinc and include a supplemental vitimin Take twice daily it prevents and combats Corona viris

I started wearing a face shield and mask in stores.

What a clown. Yet the sheep will still obey...

SweetExoticAng1 😂😂😂😂😂 Get the fck outta here!!

We cannot even get people to wear a simple mask... Literally, Americans are killing other Americans with their stupidity. This virus is going to go on forever here...

Eff him. No effin way. Draw the line.

You mean I can wear my motorcycle helmet to dinner?🥴

How about no.

He’s out of his fucking mind



F%^&k off Fauci

Lmao people still listen to this little weasel?


This is about as funny as it gets. Next we will be walking around in hazardous suits.

I’m not wearing goggles got me fucked up

What a joke he is first he said dont ware a mask then ware a mask now 6 months later ware goggles. Now also he is saying 10 feet not 6. what the hell man..


Tell faucet to go home

Unmmm no to the goggles.


This is just crazy please stop the insanity

The unspoken reason is because maga zombies are rude and spit on people.


This doc just became nuts, my taxes are paying for this? Bull$hit, fire him.

Go away, faulty Fauci

This guy is an idiot.

Is a hazmat suit next?

No thank you


Idiot, no fing way

Fauci should consider sticking a “sock in it.”

Enough Dr Fauci, you are a victim of Covid 19 you didn't get it but have lost all credibility with the goggles and face shield. seanhannity TuckerCarlson DonaldJTrumpJr realDonaldTrump WatchChad mitchellvii


This is what Drs. Fauci and Birx should wear from now on:

Why is this dude still a thing?

Well, a face shield might have prevented the accident I had yesterday: After coming home from the supermarket, I started to wash my hands. And as I lathered up, a bit of soap suds accidently flew off my left hand and hit me right in the eye!

make up your dam mind and come out with a universal recommendation.

Yeah, we ain’t listening to him anymore.....

This is old news. Slow news day?

How about BLM protest and riots

Buy This Asshole A Space Helmet!🤢 😇🇺🇸

Over 20% of mail-in ballots were rejected in the June 23 Democratic presidential primary. Over 84,000 mail-in votes were disqualified, according to a New York Post report.

Either one will do BUBKAS! There is NO actual Science that a very tiny virus IS stopped by either! Heard immunity by time passing ...

Another thing for the “stable genius” to mock


Maybe he should consider telling all the millions of people trying to change the world to go home. There is a pandemic going on? Seems reasonable.

Now, hold the F Up! Bad enough you can't get people to wear a mask BUT NOW, add on a damn shield and goggles? OK. I was already wiping 2020 off the books but I will add 2021. Can't get a straight answer from nobody the whole pandemic. Gesh! What's next 🤔

FUCK Faucci

Key word, SUGGESTED. Senseless, mindless trolls, MASK ON, so we don’t catch your virus.

Yet, he doesn't wear one. Loser


We are wearing these freakin masks. When is it enough?

Because masks done work? Because he has 0 scientific evidence that this virus enters through the eyes.

KennethHowardC3 Dr. Fauci Kevorkian needs to stop giving interviews. He plays to his crowd, invents his commentary as the words are coming out of his mouth and has given our nation terrible advice and guidance since January. The man is a pox on our country’s mental and physical health.

How woke will you go. How woke will you goooooo! Flash mob take it and run!

So, lets get this straight.. You all agree with him or not? Because he obviously got us to this point with recommendations

Or you can just keep your hands clean and not touch your face. It’s not that hard, people. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Dr Fauci is a fraud & he needs 2 get out of the way of the real doctor's who know the truth!!! Wake up America, why r the real doctor's being censored who know the scam put upon the earth from Fauci & the globalists!!!

Enough already!

This is a story from over 2 weeks ago you are recycling to cause fear and hysteria and push An agenda. It didn’t work 2 weeks ago and it won’t now STOP TRYING TO MAKE GOGGLES HAPPEN!

Bahahaha!!!! I don’t even wear a mask! Walk into stores and no one says a word! 😊🇨🇦

Asian countries mostly wearing face shield when they go out for example here in this photo that taken in one of Indonesian Customs

This 🤡 needs to self-isolate, permanently, AND LEAVE EVERYONE ELSE TO GET ON WITH THEIR LIVES!

Fake news tell him we know about the scamdemic its not pandemic

This good enough

For a virus with a 98% survival rate?

People are gathering for BIKERS parties and calling corona a hoax...still.

And maybe he should stop funding lab that make these viruses

Fauci can kiss my ass.

Stupid does as stupid is.

Airport Testing in JFK needs to be in all Airports! xprescheck


Goebbels? I mean goggles, great idea doctor.

I can protect my eyes without goggles. I get the mask but this makes it sound like we'll be going into hazmat suits next.

I have an old Mark Mosley one bar helmet I’d be willing to wear around if it will help.

That’s it buying a bubble istandwithfauci


Yet little kids who will not keep their masks are going to shool. The death toll will continue to spike. Mark my words.

How I wish Sweden's chief epidemiologist instead of Fauci.

“He noted that goggles and eye or face shields are 'not universally recommended' at this time, 'but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can.'


I can hardly bare to watch this. Childhoods destroyed. Devastating health implications of continued oxygen deprivation. No laughter, no hugs, no bonds of friendship to sustain the soul. As adults, have we lost our minds to consent to this child abuse?

He said eye shield. Don’t make people think face shields alone work

That's how Antifa dresses!

Cover all your holes. Wear a booty plug...

Love this guy! He wants to get fired so he could speak the truth!!!!

Should I put the goggles on before the clown shoes or after?

uhm Dr. Fauci, i can't even see out of my glasses while wearing a mask, how on god's green earth will i see with goggles on?

“It’s just a mask”

Why don’t we all just wear bubbles ? Come on

Why is this a surprise? You could always get Covid through your eyes.

I'm pretty sure he's pranking us

He also wants us to take a vaccine that he says won’t work. Why the hell would anyone still listen to this man?

Full face respirators and plague doctor masks are very effective.



Hazmat suit next Dr Fauci? It is just a virus with a less than 0.1% mortality rate. So why the hysteria? COVIDisnotfatal

Lol...the cdc said a face shield is not effective Though everyone knows that's false and now he's coming out to change everything.

I think Fauci doesn’t know what he wants and we are suppose to be like children and obey!🤣🤣we already know that once we re opened this thing would come back stronger!No more lock down! We have treatments, let’s use it all, no banning anything! Treat right away not 5 days later

CarlosJosQuant1 Dr. Quant a qué número le puedo llamar? En qué clínica atiende ?

So... when are we gonna just get our Covid Helmets? Cuz, ya know that's coming.



Corona virus is not so contagious as they claim it to be,you hardly see someone around who have contacted it because it’s just like every other malaria and the likes,fauci should go and sit down somewhere .

Hello, are you interested in importing some products which is goggles from us? We are offering high quality/Anti-fog goggles and face shield with good price. PM us for more info.

He should stop lying about his stake in Pharma vaccines

One minute the doctor said one thing now he saying another I'm wearing a mask that it HE NOT GOD

This fools didn't even wear his mask!!!

How about we say fuck fauci he lied multiple times and has a done a horrible job. We move forward knowing the virus is out there. Less than one percent death rate come on what the hell are we hiding for?

Along with a big red clown nose! Lol count me out. This is mind numbing. I’ll stay home thanks anyway- hold the space suit adventure

I’ve been.

This Dr. Is confused

It’s going to f***ing spread, no matter what we do or do not do. Live or die with it!

Next week it will be hazmat suits.

Gas mask next

I suggest firing Dr. Faust whose inbred relationship with the Clintons, Obama, and the Democratic Party taints his objectivity.

luv11301427 Traitor and liar

Or we should use hazmat fresh air suits like virologists do. You know... so it’ll do something.

Does he just make this up as he goes along? He wasn't wearing a mask or face shield when at a baseball game talking to people in the empty stands

Next future Fauci recommendation, SPACE SUITS

Why do you need face shields in public when the Coronavirus is supposed to be droplets. Fauci needs to stop giving mixed messages. Droplets can’t go through an air conditioner as the fall to the ground. Smh

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Cannot Fix Stupid!!

Fauci is a con artist , a crook and contributes to ongoing economic damages.

This guy is a 😈 demon. Looking to Distroy our country

No thanks. Also, I will not be wearing a protective suit, or bubble, or never leave my house. I will, however, wash my hands, and go about by regular business.

I have face shields, haven’t started using them yet, guess I’m going to have to.

This headline is misleading. He specified that the goggles are ONLY for certain high risk situations. I thought was a bit better than that.

Well Dr. half the country won't even pull there pants.

How does one spread covid 19 out of their eyes

Who is Faucci?... 🤣🤣🤣

Is this idiot for real

realDonaldTrump is it time for a national plan yet?

I suggest Fauci just have a seat!

I suggest Fauci shove those goggles up where the sun don’t shine! FauciFraud ❌ LiberalismIsTheRealPandemic ChinaVirus Democrats FakeNews FakeNewsMedia ❌ Trump2020 KAG 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙

Yeah...I will get right on that.


Dr. Fauci next week: “I recommend every America live inside a sterile bubble suite - that Bubble Boy film was really onto something!”

😂🤣😂🤔any other country doing this

The people suggest CBS wear a bubble of silence and never be heard from again

Fuck The P.O.S...

The sheeple are gonna sheep!

Remember people it’s just a suggestion. Remember this will go away by summer, the summer of 2021.

This is insane.

Good one!! Tell the USA people to wear these goggles and face mask 😷 too during the non stop protesting 😝

Lol. Put your muzzles and blinders on when you go out to scream for the cameras in Democrat controlled cities about Democrat policies and Democrat controlled police forces.

If you're not running or the wind blowing hard and are considering this, think about a ball cap(not a maga 1 as they have been pre poisoned with hate)and sun glasses. Regular glasses if you wear them.

This ass hole is the reason why nobody listens. He says one thing and doesn't do what he says to do

✔ check.

Best way....especially for those who are very anxious but need to shop etc...

Can’t get ignorant people to wear face masks and you expect them to wear goggles or far shield just let the crowd take care of themselves I know that’s dumb because the infect innocent people as well. But it thins their base from our society

Haven't seen him wearing goggles!

What about working on getting it gone


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

why not just not go out at all for 3 months. let the virus die out

Lie he is a joke. And it is a big fkng hoax

Bullshit .they know there is nothing spreading.

Fauci is a political hack. I would not take a vitamin pill on his recommendation.

They are all full of sh%t. Covid 19 is Airbourne



None of this is needed for a virus with a 99.6% SURVIVAL RATE

Does NASA have many old space suits kicking around?

Astonishing that only governmental scientists always take a stand for face covering, there must be a reason for it!

He we now do 1000 more tv interviews to say this same thing

They should

Where are Dr. Fauci’s goggles?

This is why our world is falling apart from listening to this For eyes idiot Why do you think the president don't wanna listen to him anymore he thinks the protesters is OK everything else can shut down but not the protesters would a freaking joke

Whatever it takes. I am sticking with the Doc. I guess Tucker and that group of gang bangers figure you can just go ahead and dial up a Medical Degree at anytime from Trump University.

He has lost it .... check with the drs in white on the front lines!

The average age that perished from this coronavirus 78yrs old! Most all had another life ending illness like; diabetes, or heart disease! The actual total death toll for all deaths hasn't registered a growth in total deaths! You have to ask, was it the illnesses or the virus?

He’s old he needs money I’m not wearing goggles F Him

Aaaaaaaaaah fuck. We fucked up y'all.

No fing way, not happening!

Look here Dr. FUCK OFF im not putting nothing else on my face

This is the problem! Other countries trusted their leaders, and heeded the advice of that countries experts. In the U.S. we have a million thinking they are virologists and epdimiolihist's! While other countries are having just afew cases. We lost the battle.

He didn’t say that. He offered it would be an additional line of protection against the virus...

Yeah right. Hahaha what a joke

This is for those who don't wanna WearAMask nor SocialDistance and go out and get drunk. You know the type.

You took what he said out of context. He was asked if wearing eye protection could help prevent spread and he said yes. This does not equate to recommendation.

Which one of these photos complies with what Dr. FUACI recommends? Anyone?

My glasses are fine. Now you’re going too far

Look like fake

No sorry a mask is enough .. we’re tested enough

Just stop......

He didn’t say that... he mentioned it can’t hurt but it was far from a recommendation. SMH this is why people get frustrated with the media.

And for his next magic trick he will have everyone wearing a snorkel and hiding under their beds. Bite me Fauci the fraud!

I found a great treatment for C-19, it's quite simply to live in a country where you're at risk of getting malaria.

What about Space suit?

Based on? Bet he didn’t elaborate. Is it technically possible for SARS-CoV-2 to be spread by a droplet with a massive enough viral load that happens to land in an eye? Yes. It’s also possible to catch HIV from an open-mouth kiss. That doesn’t mean it’s probable in the extreme.

Duh. Look at how health care workers equip themselves. Mucus spreads through us touching our eyes nose and ears as much as the mouth in the history of disease

Your health is not even an issue America this is a big pharma game, money over your health! Do your research and wake the fu*ck up! AmericaWakeUp

Look online for face sheilds.. they are not expensive.. most are adjustable for drinking as well with exercise ..easier to breathe.🤗👍

0.00% chance I will ever do this!

Fauce just want to make some money! And AmericaWakeUp American schould KNOW!

I’m holding out for the snorkel and swim fins. Then I’ll comply!

Heard and moved on

✝️ I am of Jesus Christ.. My messages are of Peace Respect, love, Life and Hope. I am against any kind of violence, These people are causing fear, and destroying our city. This is not Freedom of Speech ✝️ I am of Jesus Christ / I am of God ✝️ My messages are of Peace. 🌎💚

Fauci can fuck off. Im not snowboarding in August.

rappublicist Such Virus Confusion!

Not going to happen!

Let’s do this!

How did this idiot manage to stay in such a top job for so long? But then we had presidents like Clinton, Bush and Obamba

Can we go to church like the democrats did for Lewis Dr Fauci?

Fauci will have us wearing hazmat suits to grocery shop by the end of the month. goggles and masks COVID

everything you can do to prevent infection will help.....and, it sure won't hurt......i prefer to err on the side of cautions......you don't get second chances if you're dead..

Last night I had to put my dog to sleep with a rifle because I couldn't tell if he coughed or sneezed and didn't want to take any chances of him infecting someone's grandma. Dr. Fauci would be proud.

I think we should all just put on a space suit and crawl under our bed and stay there until we die. This nonsense is beginning to sound more and more like a childhood game Simon says, Fauci says Fauci says .I have no more confidence in Fauci than I do the man on the corner.

My sister is a art teacher in Connecticut. She mentioned the other day about getting a face shield if they go back to school. TeachersLivesMatter Heres what CT districts have planned for fall.

You might as well lock yourself in your house at this point

I got all mine .

Basically a hazmat suit

Everyday this gentleman has a new North

Why is he not wearing them ?

This man is gonna have us in body bags before it’s over.

I already do this. My mask protects others. But I need protection from the spreaders. With no laws in place against it, they argue and sneer and assert their perceived right to spread a deadly pathogen. When I put on my face shield they stare...and back away. Desired effect.

Tell the damn truth! He was talking to teachers

Everyone should have known that the eyes are a direct route to the inside of your body. How could you not know this? When I use eye drops I can taste them at once.

Mask yes. I’m not wearing goggles or a face shield. Sorry

What happened to not touching your face and hand washing

I truely believe DrFauci. I was washing my hands in the public toilet and some water splashed in my eye from the hand dryer. I’m thinking 🤔 about wearing my scuba gear in public...this and social distancing may help😏...On a serious note, Respect the virus and show some love

Eyes are open areas where germs can enter. Common sense.

How about we get rid of this fraud

A Yale study concluded that the overall coronavirus death toll in the United States is a “substantial undercount” of the actual number; White House coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx suggested in May that deaths are being overcounted by 25%.

Not gonna happen

He can shove his goggles Where the sun doesn’t shine

Hahaha, it is very funny Doctor!

This guy is a total MORON.

He clarified that - not exactly the right story

You listen this guy?

The whole shit is by pieces. Now goggles? What dat fack! After so many death you are advising to wear goggles? Unpredictable!

Bee ell oh me!!!

Anthony should cease picking his nose on camera. Nasteeeeee

lbanter1 No excuse not to wear your glasses now.

We do that.. at work... and have since the beginning...

And he also thinks it’s ok to protest but not go to the gym.

Bwahaaa nope. Fauci is a fraud in the pocket of Bill Gates.

Ok! DO IT!

This is not a joke this guy created the virus and need to come forward with the solution, which I am sure he already have it. I am sick and tired of his games,

I don’t understand why when he wants to force our kids in the school is he going to tell them they need to wear goggles?! I’m getting to the point that I can’t even trust him

Easy to make one or buy one for $4...but must be worn with mask! 😷

As a Canadian I can tell you honestly your Dr. Fauci is ISANE 😂😂😂😂😂😂

was that invaders from mars or body snatchers 1960's, how about start decon all cities with a fumigation of fog or wiggle things to cleanup. and start elimation of germs. Dr Fauci still in phase 1 cant believe it, I am on phase 5 kicking to fire

To the people acting on his recommendations are you taking his vaccine when he says it’s ready?

Next month motorcycle helmet!

Hey at least if you see someone your romantically interested in with a face shield instead of a mask, you'll be able to make sure he/she has all/most of their teeth when they smile!

why doesn't he have any of that garb on

First time in my in my life I'm happy I'm wearing glasses!

Does he reccomend the matching hair covering?

Biggest loser in medical history firefauci

Including mace for me in case a crazed trumper tries to attack me. I'm serious.

He is a fruit cake and working for the democrats

I heard nurses talking about this a couple of moths ago, skiers donated ski goggles to the front lines workers. So he is right

Wait i understand the 'catching' part. But HOW DO YOU SPREAD IT FROM YOUR EYES? Wtf ?

You have got to be joking 🙄

Says the man that was around orher people with his mask off. Has he been wearing goggles? Report on some real news.

Maybe he’s just screwing with everyone to see how far it can go. Face masks, goggles, ear plugs....and everyone should wear an onion on their belt.

Fauci has lost all credibility since it came out he’s in bed with Big Pharma and Democrats in general.

Why don’t we all become hermits. We won‘t catch any diseases. We will just starve to death. truth

This guys lost his mind. It’s a virus guys! We literally can’t hide

eff this guy. sweden got it right.

Lee_in_Iowa Yes ask Dr Fair as he contracted the virus on a flight! He said he thinks he got it their his eyes as he was wearing a mask and gloves the whole flight! He was hospitalized and was struggling! He also refused a ventilator! He was rely scared!!! Dr Fauci is spot on!!

Fauci has flipped/flopped on so many issues, what will be next? This virus changes protocol each day. It’s like a pendulum!

Right on Fauci's website!

Sooooo when are we going to hold China accountable ?

What startup did he just get invested in that produces goggles? Did he buy Speedo stock? I CANNOT WAIT for people to wear goggles in the supermarket. Can’t wait. Thanks Dr Fauci for this gift

Haaaaaaa!!!!!!! Now it’s full face shields and goggles? I’m so sick of this stupid bullshit

Yeah, no

Interesting. It’s the precise opposite of what he said six months ago. Was he lying then, or now?

that's no fun I GO AROUND LICKING DOOR KNOBS AND GROCHERY CART HANLES JUST SO I CAN GET IT AGAIN AND HAVE THE FUN OF KNOCKING IT OUT IN 45 MUN EVERY TIME I GET IT. and My Dr tested me for antibodies and I don't have any so I can still go around licking door knobs

Does China already have a secret coronavirus vaccine

Order your full body hazmat suits now! Beat the Christmas rush- he keeps stepping the gear U P!

🤔This should work!

Didn't he say no need for masks?

Hairdressers been told about wearing something for eyes from day one. Common scense ... That was coming from other agencies for our mandated , new protocol for reopening.

And yet the MSM will not report the real story on Fauci! Go figure!


This guy!

Everyday this guy changes what he suggest!

all the trumpists and NO NO-people: READ THE ARTICLE. there is: He noted that goggles and eye or face shields are 'not universally recommended' at this time, 'but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can.' USE IF YOU CAN!

The longer this goes the more the Communist are exposed

Yea I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work your glasses will fog up


If you're worried about getting covid wear a mask. If you're worried about giving covid, wear two mask. CovidHoax

I believe that he’s at that point where he’s just f*cking with people.

I’m ready for my day!


And when was the last time you saw Fauci in goggles or a face mask !

Trump needs to fire this goon.

Just wear a hazmat suit and add on a decontamination chamber before entering the house/apartment and removing gear.

Peeps walking around Manhattan:

So is it plague doctor mask time 👉👈

Says Fauci while declaring immunity!

It’s not going to happen.

He actually didn’t

This guy doesn't know what he is talking AZ about. He only wants recognition ...my opinion

I trust that he is an expert but he has no idea about this virus. He was first mask on then mask off. Can get better advice from Future.

when yall realize Muslims been wearing face covering before corona virus and they have it today it make u think where are we going with masks?

Poor Dr. Fauci, he was placed in a lose-lose situation, as he was asked to join the a dishonest task force and when he told the truth, that very dishonest task force attacked him. The Trump administration is full of low-class trash.

LOL still with this? No.

MOPP4 next week!

So it’s getting worse in the US? covid19

He can kiss my ass !!

And just like that, every person who wears glasses laughed out loud from all over the world.

I think here Dr. Fauci, too has problems with reality. Face mask is more than enough trouble for most people. They can't be made to use a face shield or protective goggles without severe penalty, because those simply are not practical in everyday life.

Why is he not wearing a mask or goggles lol? Do as I say and not as I do?

DrJAshton Whats next Fauci? Butt Plugs to protect us from infiltration through our a**, Or would that be penetration. The governments already making us feel violated, but after all I'm not suprised its an election year after all.

DrJAshton Meanwhile is Sweden, never a lockdown, never a mask

DrJAshton Sunglasses work or eyeglasses

DrJAshton Hes not even wearing a mask himself

DrJAshton This man has lost touch

DrJAshton Ya okkkkk! 🙄

DrJAshton Just like he did at the ballgame...when are we going to stop listening to this guy?

DrJAshton If anyone believes what this man says message me. I have magic beans for sale that grow money.


DrJAshton Why don't we live in a bubble then it is to laugh

DrJAshton Hes a joke!!!

DrJAshton For the lazy and didn’t read the article: “You have mucosa in the nose, mucosa in the mouth, but you also have mucosa in the eye,' he continued. 'Theoretically, you should protect all the mucosal surfaces. So if you have goggles or an eye shield you should use it.' 1/2

DrJAshton Is there one single case of covid that has been proven to be contracted through the eyes? We must follow the data and the science ya know.

DrJAshton What about those who wear glasses? This is getting completely asinine. At this point, supply every American a hazmat suit to wear whenever they are out in public.

DrJAshton Fuck Ratafauci. I’ll wear a mask.

DrJAshton He is no longer fit to be the lead doctor, what’s next, a tampon up everyone’s ass?!?

DrJAshton Wearing trash bags all over our body will be next if we have to go out. Everyone just stop working for a year unless you are essential workers who will eventually slowly die off and their family members with them TrumpVirus TrumpVirusDeathToll150K plus


DrJAshton It's fake news. Halotek of MorganStanley created the virus as fake news

DrJAshton wow here we go now we mush wear goggles now and get a flu shot against covid and the flu what is Fauci not telling us. Makes ppl wonder because WHO CDC and Fauci said it highly unlikely we get it thru tour eyes now we need goggles. and do the flu shot work against covid?

DrJAshton Fauci: If you have a mask, don't wear it. Fauci says: No Masks.

DrJAshton Sure rioters keep your face hidden

DrJAshton Fuck you Sr. Faust, you satanic acolyte of the devil! You should be fired by Trump!

DrJAshton Holy 💩. Here we go. 3-stick a banana in your ear? 3/4 of Americans would do it

DrJAshton But if you go to a baseball game take off your mask.

DrJAshton Fauci ADMITTED he lied when he said we shouldnt wear masks- claims he told Americans that to STOP Americans from buying up all the PPE that health workers desperately needed. We cant ANYTHING this man tells us. Why doesnt ABC try reporting IMPORTANT news Americans should know?

DrJAshton Please comply

DrJAshton Pull a condom over you from face to feet. It protects against viruses, sexually transmitted diseases and life itself. Bunch of morons.



DrJAshton Uh huh..

DrJAshton Next They Will Say Wax Yourself !🙄🙄🧐 Still Haven't Seen Anyone Speaking About Prevention's!🧐 I Wonder Why Not ! Maybe Because It Makes Governments / Corporations & Scientist's The Topic ?🙄🧐 Instead Of Protes.. I Mean...Riot....Terror... Citizens!😬😬😂


DrJAshton Uh huh. 'Okay. We got them to go along with masks. Let's push a little harder to see what else we can get away with.'

DrJAshton He is scammers

DrJAshton Yeah right...

DrJAshton Rofl

DrJAshton Arrest this disgusting fraud now FireFauciNow

DrJAshton I am not sure how that would help but I do wear face masks and I wore my sunglasses in the doctors office yesterday and they treated me strange with them on.

DrJAshton Wear sunglass's if you don't want to use a shield. Not as good, but better than nothing!

4lisaguerrero DrJAshton put a sock if fake fauci fat mouth!

DrJAshton Hahahahaha gtfoh w that shit

DrJAshton Fauci know we should lock down he scared of trump americans dying

DrJAshton They should not go here. May be better but they must stop. I keep my sunglasses on in stores.

DrJAshton Let's do this

DrJAshton Is he the nation's best or one of the nation's best?

DrJAshton FauciTheClown gatesfauci ControllerGang

DrJAshton 🤡🤡🤡

DrJAshton waiting for Fauci to recommend bubble suits and dems to be savvy enough to wear one.

DrJAshton The person in the picture is very similar to the priest in 'The Godfather 3'😁

DrJAshton Under the given circumstances, body lamination appears to be the best option.

DrJAshton My middle finger works pretty well.....is now the time to use it?

DrJAshton I think Fauci ment to say SOME people should wear goggles. It's was a simple mistake.

DrJAshton I will do what I’ve done since the outbreak began. Nothing. Yet, never had the virus and hence never transmitted it. I’ve done my job 😎

DrJAshton Funny that I proposed this a week ago:

DrJAshton U need to bebetter in your headline writing. Your agenda is obvious

DrJAshton They’re so on top of this

DrJAshton Right

DrJAshton Its sad that top heath experts have to go out of thier way to go around POTUS to get the message out 😢

DrJAshton He's nuts. Why is anyone still listening to this guy? He killed enough people with AIDS, he literally should be in prison.

DrJAshton Yup.

DrJAshton Aww hell yeah let's get cyberpunk

DrJAshton Stop trying to scare people Dr Facui. If your old stay home


DrJAshton Goggles? I'm on board with masks, but what's goggles got to do with all this?

DrJAshton Y’all really trying your hardest to keep trump in office

DrJAshton This guy will have us all wearing hazmat suits if he could.

DrJAshton Thiis is the same way they started with mask it isn't recommended but soon will be

DrJAshton This dude smiling like a puppet master pulling people strings.. He is a fraud a actor playing expert. Mask spread the virus because people are constantly touching them then other surfaces. California mask mandatory over a month and number still rise..

DrJAshton How much longer is this fool going to be in the public eye?

DrJAshton Anyone else troubled by the constant shifting & reversing course? no masks, then masks, no gloves, now gloves, googles and face shields are now a yes and you also may want to stock up on hazmat suits.

DrJAshton He needs to stop!!! ✋


DrJAshton .....then they head to lunch to die laughing ...

DrJAshton If masks work there should be no danger of contracting through the eyes. Good grief they went from masks don’t work in the beginning to wearing a hazmat suit 🙄🙄🙄

DrJAshton The guy is a deep state satanist

DrJAshton I just ordered new glasses but I guess I should’ve gotten a prescription face shield instead 😫

DrJAshton Ears not likely but still why not be 100% safe ?

Anthony_Fauci_ DrJAshton Do wearing regular glasses help?

DrJAshton from no masks to goggles !

DrJAshton He forgot to tell all that a butt plug will keep it from entering your arse due to the BS they pushing🙄

DrJAshton This guy and is scientist cronies have gotten trillions of dollars and still no results on this virus, but yet we keep giving them a pass. Does he ever work. He is the top scientist and yet with all the trillions thrown at him and his buddies we have no result on this virus.

DrJAshton Don’t forget to plug up your ears and all your other orafices too.

DrJAshton Fauci is the new Il Duce!

DrJAshton Just wait a bit, next step is ear protection. You easily can get infected via ear canal. That crook of a doctor should just suggest a hazmat suit and to be done with all this BS. They are pedaling this crazy agenda for a while. It is getting crazy day by day.

DrJAshton For once wearing glasses is a good thing


DrJAshton Perfect for Antifa

DrJAshton So if the face shield isn’t airtight, won’t the virus maybe get in through the sides? Or is he just saying to block direct droplets like from a cough?

DrJAshton I agree. Never too much protection


DrJAshton Oh my gosh! Let's just do a Joe Biden! Go into our basements and hide! On the day you are born, the day you will die is set in stone! Only God KNOWS that day! NOTHING is going to change that day! Until that day comes take care of your body with common sense & enjoy life!

DrJAshton I’m primary caregiver for my elderly parents as well as a critical first responder, so I already do! I’m doing everything I can to keep them safe.

DrJAshton Perhaps Fauci should have added, “...and if one is taking hydroxychloroquine, one really doesn’t need it.”

DrJAshton Just SHUT IT!!!

DrJAshton Percentage of people popping off who watched the clip? 12%. Percentage of bullshit by ABC for pulling THAT quote? 105%.

AVechera DrJAshton

DrJAshton The next time you arrange an interview with SO much important information, can you make sure the connection is solid before you start?

DrJAshton Dude just shut the hell up

DrJAshton Wouldn't it just be easier to stick our heads up our asses?

DrJAshton 😂😂😂😂😂 Who is listening to this knucklehead? He needs an audience.😂😂😂

DrJAshton 🖕🏼

DrJAshton Fauci is really pouring on the fear mongering. I’m not worried. I take HCQ. ZERO side effects.

DrJAshton This guy isn't good

DrJAshton This is a legit question - do glasses help?

AndiJohnson1 DrJAshton I bought face shields. I got tired of getting coughed on by people not wearing masks.

StevenTDennis DrJAshton i bought a face shield to go with my daughter's (Teacher) mask, that she can wear if they go in classroom

DrJAshton I don't want the advice to be wrong in two months so I'll wait before donning any goggles.

DrJAshton Someone make this tiresome man go away.

DrJAshton So i just heard Donald Trump say he doesn't even know who Dr Stella Immanuel is ha...

DrJAshton Fauci: 'Might I recommend my signature brand of 'protective' eye wear.' This idiot is all over the map. First nothing to worry about... Then go on cruises.... Then 20 million will hospitalized... Then masks don't work... Now they do... Now this... The guy's a putz.

DrJAshton How do they keep a straight face? They have to laugh their asses off at their sheep herding when the camera turns off.

DrJAshton Has Fauci ever given us any accurate information?

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