Don Jr. to attend 6 rallies in 1 day for House Republicans

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The president's eldest son will headline a half-dozen rallies on Monday to give Republican candidates a final election eve boost in battleground races


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No one gives a shit about Don Jr except maybe Don Jr himself.

The beard is obviously to compensate for his rapidly receding hairline! That's hereditary too!

That’s all the Republicans have for a ringer is DJ Jr? 😂😂😂

Who is paying for this? It damn well better not be me


And what is his real job?

well, 300 only showed In betting 30 on this one who's w me?

Is it just me or does he look like he's been crying?

What kind of outfit is that, nothing matches

I assume the intention is to provide a boost. Whether there is a boost is another matter entirely.

“boost” as in remind everyone of the grotesque nepotism of the Trump regime. THANKS

You mean 6 klan rally’s

Who cares


Wow the kid without a brain, perfect for Trump rallies

Shouldn’t he and Eric be in uniform and guarding the Southern border? StephenAtHome

There’s nothing better than a lackey son of a billionaire who’s never done anything on his own and who meets with Russians to get dirt on a fellow American to fire up support from middle class, blue collar Americans.

Spreading thin. Perhaps he’ll simply disappear?

He is afraid.

'Top Surrogate for GOP candidates'?! Wow, that is a lot of sex!

Is that al-Assad?


Dum Donnie jr on the stump is good news for Democrats. He can’t keep his foot out his lying corrupt mouth.

Jr. runs Trumps businesses producing a conflict of interest. Yet another line the Trumps cross without hesitation nor legal or moral character. Dubious, above the law conduct. Vote back in the checks & balances to guide this nation away from such inappropriate governing.

That should help!

Republicans will lose the Races.

What is with the Karachi look? Sorry- he is as credible as a marshmallow not the Arab look he is trying to emulate.

Hope DonaldJTrumpJr enjoys his last trip before his indictment. Can't wait to see all the Deplorable Trumps in their Green Jumpsuits!

Please let him speak. Thanks. I love seeing him search his empty head for words.

He’s a legend in his own mind. And does anyone else see a HUGE conflict of interest as the head of the Trump Crime Organization AND campaigning at the same time?

This dude is really trying to stay out of jail! I don’t think it works either way

Can you sense how scared they are? I see them traveling around with hackers again like 2016 to win.

Oh wow!! How exciting! We have a chance to listen to tRump Jr.’s LIES and BULLCRAP. Yeah, he’s the one who arranged the “adoption” meeting with the Russians at tRump tower!😆😆😆🇺🇸💙

LOL Lying junior 🤥 LOL

If this guy can actually get more votes for Republicans with his foot in his mouth then have at it - only trump base would listen

Soon this sob gone..the better the world will be...needs to be gone from politics and in an Orange SUITE with the rest of the Trump Crime family...


This is definitely a waste of time. The Republicans must be desperate; this JERK had no power or influence. I just hope tax payers are not paying for his travels. defeated VoteDem

Hope they all lose

Ahhh those are called JUNIOR LYES!!

He will probably get lost.

Stay home We Got this Vote Blue Blue Blue

Hopefully the day before he is indicted! 😀😀😀

People know who they are voting for by now.


If things are looking so grim for you that you actually think a visit from Junior will improve your chances, you might as well throw in the towel.

I am breathless at the thought. God save us all.


luzianalady Great Father, great kids.

That’s a kiss of death

“The prince” won’t be hunting today

Incredible energy and passion. Thank you Don Jr!

Not voting for anyone Trump endorses.

Can someone still be undecided. And if so, Donnie junior. Really?. God help us

All detrimental to the cause, Fredo's already a dead man walking & he can't hide from Meuller on the campaign trail.!😎

Boost of deceit? Boost of fascism? He's done essentially nothing in his life, but I hear he's an ok bartender.

LeslieMarshall Please bring him to MO also. Everytime they come they drop in the polls.

DonaldJTrumpJr...Nothing to see here-PASS!

As if the grungy beard is going to help? No.

Probably letting him travel because he won’t be able to when he’s in jail for colluding with Russia. Js

Who cares well he be acting like this lol

So much for the bullcrap separation from the business, amiright?

LeslieMarshall TrumpCrimeSyndicate

Uday or Qusay? Which one is rallying

LeslieMarshall Is 'boost' the right word?

Boost? Jr? Seriously? VoteBlue

Why does Don Jr always look like the sleazy villain character in a C grade movie?

The Fonz wore it better😆☺️

Hey junior.......

Haven’t we suffered enough?

Looks like someone just asked him what the square root of 4 is.


Donald Trump Jr. has no credibility at all. He's a lying, cheating, treasonous Benedict Arnold. He probably doesn't know who Benedict Arnold was. He cheated on his wife and deserves no respect from moral and law abiding citizens.

Looks wasted in that pic

Before he is arrested

Six then an indictment........all on Monday?

Ipecac for the masses.

DonaldJTrumpJr dressing up as Crockett miamivice

Hilarious... to be so desperate to have to have Don Jr at your rally. Dumber than dad.

Says a lot about any candidate who wants this scumbag campaigning for them. But if that's what they want, they better get him now before he's forced to wear an orange jumpsuit every day. Not good optics, to put it mildly.

Don Junior’s last weekend before Mueller indictments.

My sister got one of his robo calls. And that's all I'll say about that. What she said wasn't nice but it was true😁

Trump Jr. is no different than his Dad - a scandal ridden thug. Is this what the GOP and their supporters have become - willing collaborators in Trump's corrupt, barbarous ideology? Stay home Jr.

That's cool. Who is picking up the tab?

More Trump lies.... it’s their only tactic.... lie, lie, and more lies!!

What’s with the beard? Ugh. You can’t hide ugly.

Yewwww. Who wants Gross lockdonjrup to show anyway?

That should help the dems!! 🤣🤣

Who is this hobo with the burnt cork smeared all over his face. Halloween was four days ago. Wash up, junior!

This should truly tell you all you need to know about the current GOP. 'Nuf said.

Boost? In what sense?

At $250k per rally. Grifters don't work for free.

Hahahahahahahaha yeah...that’ll do it.

Donnie JR now looks like ‘Hector the Garbage Collector’. GettaShave

He's a 3rd world thug! Don't vote Republican.

Are GOP candidates sure that guy is a plus ? Pretty sure he is not.

What a wonderful representative! Another traitor!


Oh yeah, that should do it!


it you think this dead-ender will inspire anyone to go to the polls I have a bridge to sell you

Boost? Oh please.

You guys need to stop

So, Eddie Munster aka trump son, coming to a town near you to talk 'Republican' HATE! The largest Hate Group in America! So-called, white people's party! They're REALLY 'pink' not white! VOTE HATE OUT!


Because he’s so likeable...

Watch out the FBI Don't arrest you there. Traitor.


boost? no, blow.

And Tuesday INDICTED

G☠️P love this idea


Jr is an a hole, like his father

Who cares? This guy is a little mini me of Trump. Nothing but lies ..

Great! Three with each wife

Why not. Another wife cheater Trump and racist.

Who is he?!?!

Don Jr. Is going to jail.

It won't help. He's as slimy as his father.

Well, don’t follow his appearances then. The less we see or hear him, the better.

Anyone else see the strong resemblance?

Probably spreading hate

I really don’t understand the need for rallies. Town Halls and debates makes far more sense.

He can cogitate on it in prison for tax fraud.

Don jr was Anchor baby.

VoteBlue TrumpRepublicanNaziParty RepublicansAreMurderers MAGABomber SynagogueShooting YogaShooting

Arthropods are an invertebrate animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as an insect, spider, or crustacean.

Idiots bound

Was she an American citizen when she had the three knockoffs?

Wasn’t he born to an immigrant mother.

You mean the cheating son.

That's a boost? Only for the faithful.

Those candidates are doomed for sure not boosted. What family values will he promote.


You'd think that would be a negative.

Christ, if sending that halfwit out is their idea for giving a boost I’m feeling pretty good about Tuesday

And how much is all of this travel costing the American taxpayer?

What is DonaldJTrumpJr going to talk about at these rallies . the challenge of remaining faithful to your partner or the challenge of shooting animals like Giraffes , that don't even run away from humans ? He does barely qualify for that category .


I sure hope he is paying his own way for this because if not he is breaking the law.

That’s safe because GOP voters don’t care about the House, otherwise they’d have a heavy hitter covering.

If you like a monstrous deficit and paying billions of dollars in interest to China, vote republican. It’s our children, grand children and great grand children who will be paying for Trumps lavish spending.

A boost from Donny Jr? They are fully delusional. If I were running I’d pay the little shit to stay away, very far away!

This will be a boost for Democrats

Cheater just like his father

How inspiring!

Has DiaperDon been drinking again? Does anyone care what he has to say?

Should read “...try to give Republican candidates a final election eve boost.” Try and fail.

They're expecting a lot if they plan on Beavis (or is it Butthead) to boost their votes!

A chip off the old block for evangelicals to choose between Ten Commandments & letting Trump be Trump😡

Don the con Jr in 2008 said he got plenty of money from the Russian because no American bank would lend money to his con artist four time bankrupt pappy.

Lol..he’s worried about jail 🤣🤣

Air head

Regardless of Party, every intelligent person in the US needs to VoteBlue to offset the vote of anyone daft enough to be swayed by this toon.

Lol. Showing up somewhere to listen to Trump Jr speak = lostinthewoods

Let’s all guess just how much taxpayers are paying for the secret service that follows him around, renting cars, hotel rooms, food and just who is paying airfare. Does he fly commercial?

Tuesday is SO IMPORTANT!

Can’t wait until the Trump Family is finally indicted...Watch who flips next!


Why would that give anyone a boost?

Imagine, Don Jr is a get for a political campaign!

“To give Republicans a final election eve boost” quite the assumption there

He looks high in this pic

DonaldJTrumpJr a noisy? Hopefully, a drag on them. VoteBlueToStopThisMadness

Who would listen lying woman chasing addict who as never had to work for a living how can he relate to anyone other than to put enough republicans into office to protect his own rear from being prosecuted for collusion and obstruction in the Mueller investigation

Well that is great news for the Democrats.

On taxpayers dime

Nope. Don Jr promised he was going to leave the politics and look after the Trump business. He wouldn't lie, would he?

Gross me out.


When is the moron going to prison

DonaldJTrumpJr Before you go out to campaign on Monday, shave the attemtped 'hipster' beard, it really draws attention to your incredible weak chin! Just sayin'.

That will seal the replicas coffin great job jr

He’s fighting for his life....he knows it’s over if Democrats win!

imagine listening to Trump JR. and thinking what ..... he is Smart Now that’s funny

They don't get FAUX SNOOZE in prison.

I guess he thinks he’s helping them, when in fact the crowd is just disappointed.

So a traitor to the United States is going to promote GOP candidates? Does that mean those candidates are collaborators?

I thought the reason we were given for why Trump didn't have to divest from his companies like every other President was required to do was because his sons would be running them & they wouldn't have anything to do with the White House & politics.

When is he finally going to prison?

Someone forgot to tell him his daddy has a facial hair phobia.

who's minding the store? Eric? good lord, I hope their are tapes.

Make sure you tell the republicans to vote November 7th. Diaper Don DonaldJTrumpJr

Racism and bigotry is what he’s offering through anger and hate. Boooo

Hellers finished

In other words, Don Jr. will help the Democrats defeat six Republicans on Tuesday! Thank you Dopey Trump Jr!

He should just go ahead and get that swastika tatoo on his head. The Posse Commatatis is gonna be his only chance to survive prison. dumpgop

Are we still paying for this ignoramous to have Secret Service protection?

📳 Visit 📊 WHY: It sorts the tweets of your Midterms2018 candidates into 9 issues: immigration, race, gun laws, education etc 🗓️ You'll be informed to vote on 11/6 👩🏾‍💻 Built by a WoC engineer 🗣️ RT!

Besides a secret meeting with Russia, what has Jr. done that makes his political opinion important?

If they aren't already discussed it enough by the HateSpeech I need to hear more VoteBlue VoteThemOut VoteBlueToSaveAmerica votebluetosavedecency CountryOverParty

They call that look cannibal chic.

Hahahaha sending in the clown

The more the merrier. Best person to help the Dems. Like father, like son.

I can think of just a few things that could be more painful to participate in than listening to this Baby Moron...🙄😱

Why is he a headliner anyway? At best he is a back-up singer, clapping his hands behind someone who knows how to reach an audience. Is American Football a Religion?

Good. He is a handicap.

Thanks for sending so many to blue!

Can’t wait till 11/7!

-- and to give OrangeDotard a break (because he's unfit, in every way, to hold the office).

Donnie Jr really wants to be a Russian stooge just like his dad.

Really! He knows how to talk but what about talking the TRUTH for a change! Like father like son.

I wouldn’t want Don Jr. anywhere near my campaign.

Are you sure it's a 'boost?'

Look who's desperate now... interesting.

Is this his farewell tour before his indictment and a jail term?


Would t it be great if Mueller could arrest him at one of these racist rallies. I would be chanting for sure.

Crook Jr.

He won't be able to do it next election when he's in jail

You know as much money as this family is supposed to have you would think they would buy Don Jr a chin and maybe a spine to.

Fighting for their lives . Repent

Is he going to be the next president or is the daughter still scheduled to follow her father ?

You'll have to put all six rallies together to get a complete sentence.

Conman Jr

He will be in prison within a year.

Too funny

Don Jr? 😂😂😂😂 I'm sure the lines go around the block.


Awesome. As strong a fighter as his father. AmericaNeedsTrumps

The dumb leader the dumber. Every time the Republicans are in power they screw up the country. History doesn't lie.

Will DonaldJTrumpJr be bringing his new girlfriend with him? FamilyValues adultery

Looks like Jr. Is growing a beard , hoping not to be recognized in prison ... wishful thinking buddy boy ....wishful thinking !

Get out all the wackos

Poor Donny Jr still riding on daddys shirt tail for fame & daddy's approval-Failed Again

Shouldn’t he be in jail already?

So 45 will not be supporting his allies? Hmmmm...

Family of cheaters &liars

He looks even more shady and dishonest with the beard!

Remember when they said, he was going to run the Trump business and stay out of politics?

Is he high in that pic


well, that will surely sink them all! maybe he's trying to line up people to visit him in prison?

Wouldn’t it be great if he was indicted on Monday?

The TrumpS only concern is that one or both branch of GOVERNMENT under Democratic control WILL INVESTIGATE THEIR BRAZEN, UNBOUNDED CORRUPTION!!!!!!!!!

Do Republicans really think he and his FoxNews girlfriend are going to help! What a joke!

Who is going to get a boost out of Junior?

By the wheel barrel

I guess this means Republicans are just throwing those in for free. Because Junior couldn't rally his ass

the pre-indictment tour

Too busy to shave?

NEED LAW & ORDER against total fraud Trump squandered $400M tax fraud inheritance on Business rip offs and RE failures cheated & lied to win the Presidency. Broke in 90s during casino failures, broke today. REMOVE THIS EMBARRASSMENT. VoteBlue VoteDem TrumpTreason barbedwire

Where do these people get the audacity to still go out and speak. It’s beyond belief.

The lights are on, and the roaches are scurrying around the kitchen.

Where's Eric?

With indictments looming against the TrumpCrimeFamily you would think Trump Jr. would want to make the most of the time he has left as a free man

Have we completely given up on the separation of the trump family business and the presidency?


Corruption and money rule theirs lives, two peas in a pod. Reprehensible twosome. Vote Blue, Make it about the way you want america to be. Not what they want. Vote Blue


An heir apparent with more genetic defects than his sire.

Hey Jr. who’s better in the sack The girl from Fox or your wife.?

Well… Isn’t that special!AllTheTrucksAreIdiots VoteBlue

This ought to be good. Him and those ill-fitting veneers are going to be cooking a bunch of new lies.

Go get ‘em Donny! Empower the Republicans. Even the Dems realize they are on the wrong path!

it was only the white house is family run business, now the house & congress too


Ask him if he had told Trump that he was going to meet with the Russians downstairs in trump tower

The fact that Republican voters think Jr. is a good guy PROVES without a doubt how stupid, ignorant and what horrible people they are. The man lies like his father, cheats on his wife and children and MURDERS AND MUTILATES ENDANGERED ELEPHANTS AND LIONS FOR FUN. 'Nuff said.

Where is Chachi? ScottBaio getting snubbed this year?

Six rallies? Wow. I suppose he doesn’t stay long at any of them. A little Pomade Boy goes a long way.

Desperate much? 😂😂😂

Are the Saudis paying for this?, he is looking like them, check the mood, the bullshit, the arrogance and the deplorable and distinctive tone of his words... this piece of human excrement, just like his dad, can’t tell the truth, the entire family just can’t...

Isn’t he supposed to be running the family crime syndicate that’s in a trust ?

CORRECTION: DJTJ will “headline” rallies on Monday to give CorruptGOP candidates some final boos! VoteBlue

Oh Lord no one mouth piece enough

He is a good face for the Republican Party. Never worked a day in his life. Entitled like some Prince of an oil rich Nation. But at least he has twice as much honor and integrity as Daddy.

hahahaahahhahaa one GOOD WAY TO LOSE.. considering he's going to Prison

It seems that new beard of his, he's starting to look like one of Saddam Hussein's Sons

Who care s he will be in jail soon!

Trump Jr will be discussing him observations regarding politicians as 'garbage', through projecting his and his families history of remarks and actions.

Looks like the testosterone injections are starting to help.

Love it...Don Jr. Rocked a rally here in Michigan last month! Live Music from Kid Rock, and Ted Nugents famous Guitar Only National Anthem!

.DonaldJTrumpJr, Enjoy your freedom, while you can. Traitor Usefulidiot LockHimUp iLoveIt

Lol can’t wait for the boost

Too early for d**kpics. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Love seeing the crazy son of the crazy racist hit the 'campaign' trail. Junior is becoming the Hillary of the radical GOP. LOVE IT.

They’d be better off inviting Boost Mobile

That is not going to help at all.

Good news for the dems.

I can't even stand looking at his chinless face let alone listen to him

Another reason to vote Dem.

Hey, Junior! Robert Mueller is closing in, dude:

What a gift to the Democrats!

Jeez. Get your shots before you go..

Don Jr. will do more harm then good. Bring on the rallies Donnie Boy!! VoteBlueNoMatterWho

Good Trump

Keeping the house Red is his stay out of jail card.

Donald Trump Jr. should not be involved in politics since he is running Trump's businesses. This is a violation of the law. Put Don Jr. behind some of that 'beautiful barbed wire'

Is he bringing his hunting rifle?

IVotedEarly Go Blue!


would that really be a 'boost' ?

If the ignorant want motivation, what better source?

Why would anyone go see him?

God bless DonaldJTrumpJr

Dosen't jr have some video tapes to return?

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