Director and activist Rob Reiner calls for impeachment inquiry

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Director and activist Rob Reiner calls for impeachment inquiry.

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Well, if meathead says so.

Another 'bartender' giving advice on constitutional issues ? great.. What a meathead

Let's turn our negative into a positive and support those that are on our side to impeach Trump!

Its about time!

Notice that Trump blew this off the front page by meeting with Putin, crossing into N Korea, kissing up to Saudi guy — sound and fury, signifying nothing. Presidementia reigns, and frenetic, shallow trips make sense strategically. No mental acuity required. He is not well.

Impeachment! Get over losing the election. Also, Hillary Clinton could not influence the voters but Russia could? sorelosers

What's new?

And robreiner (meathead) matters why? He’s an awesome director, that does not make him an expert on anything else. My garbage man is fantastic at his job, but I do not ask him to clean my teeth.

The Hague is patiently waiting.

Does he understand that it won't make it through the US Senate because of the majority GOP and McConnell? There is NO POINT. All it will do is make Trump look innocent when MConnell stops it. We look crazy and Trump looks victimized. WRONG STRATEGY! Vote him OUT.

There’s a sicko running scared.

I do too

Dems won't ever try bc they know their corruption & attempted coup will be revealed. Keep falling for all the Dem lies. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

janettwokay Rob is a very impatient person. Who knew?

Can’t stand him is he is doing what said he was going to do they don’t like to it because I have banned movies to many REMAKES

I really don’t care what they think 🤔 President Trump is doing a great job and doing everything he said YOU KNOW the is why Hollywood

Well that us Hollywood for bunch of nuts haven’t thought to much if Hollywood last few they need to revamp they’re not good example

Reiner should run for the Democrat nomination! He’s every bit as insufferably arrogant and abjectly ignorant as Inslee, or Booker or even Beijing Joe Biden.



Director and activist, robreiner, who’s calling for an Impeachment Inquiry has fewer qualifications to do so than SpeakerPelosi has in her pinky toenail clippings. That dumbass can take a seat at the back of the room and turn & face the corner.

After all this time he’s still a Meat Head.

Soooooooo many bot's on this feed. They don't want to hear from an actor but they elected one … hahahahaha

I totally agree with your calls for impeachment hearings to start. When the American public actually either reads or listen to Mr Mueller’s testimony they will see clearly Trump won with Russian interference which he requested to interfere with.

'Im peachy peach Fuzz' From 'All in The Family' This note is LegA-L tender for ' All INTHE FAmily' And private too ' ALL IN THE FAMILY' ALL DE BTS PUBLIC Nebraska And ILLinois No Bra's President but A miner in hopes of Finding ONE

You sir ! Are a hero of our century .

Agree with you As well.

President Trump is the Greatest President in the 21 Century. Robbie is still a...

Blah blah blah

Meathead is a nobody thus his asinine request will be given the time it deserves...ZILCH

I guess Rob's tv didn't show Korea or Japan this weekend. Sad.

Yawn fakeNews ratingsFreeFall

Still 'Meathead'

Your news stories are one side. I know you are a liberal news organization so you are liberal bias. Our you the propaganda arm of the Democrats part? walkaway


Who better to go to for political advice than a 2nd tier Hollywood actor?

Who cares

Whew..thank God. Almost thought no one was going to call for it.


Still a meat

robreiner 😂

Lmao... impeachment is just the 2019 catch word... just like the 2018 group of over used trigger terms ( narcissistic, misogynistic, sexist ) it goes nowhere and serves no purpose other than to incite the libs ... laughable

Pelosi, the grim reaper.

Trump is a disgrace to his Office!

robreiner Impeach him, I dare ya lol

rogerhw Keep up the good work!! A true lover of democracy.

Nice they let him out his assisted living quarters for a day.

I am with him !

Is this new?

Bob is not a smart man

Someone hit this guy upside the head!

robreiner Me too.

ImpeachTheRapist ImpeachTheMFTraitor

MarlaWeezie That ship may have sailed now that worldwide media gave trump just what he needed! A staged Kodak moment in the DMZ! Boy were you people played! Orangeman got one up on you all!

robreiner activist? More like Antichrist

One of Rob followers asked a while back, why don't Rob use all that energy & run for Senate or Congress etc. Ranting, throwing hissy fits & acting like a stupid crazy buffoon on Twitter, doesn't change anything. I said, Rob is a chicken since running from Arnold Schwarzenegger

robreiner 5 more years God bless our great President Trump

what would Archie Bunker do?

He says it daily. Who cares

Who cares what meat head thinks. Where's Archie when you him? Trump2020 KAG

Ummmm - a Hollywood elite cant call for impeachment anything- he’s an actual nobody in this case... thinkintoomuchofyourself

Until Nancy Pelosi calls for impeachment I'll just sit in the corner. What Rob Reiner believes is totally irrelevant and is nothing but a headline to generate clicks. Pathetic!!

robreiner The headline should read Meat Head calls for impeachment after finishing a huge breakfast


LilfaeLochgelly Resist. It is important that we can see some action taking place.

Old goat

Why does this matter?

Who is Rob Reiner to call for anything? Guy is a complete turd.

I think you misspelled “exorcism”

🇨🇦 Shame on Republicans.

Who is this guy? What part of government does he represent?


Nobody cares.

I call for a boycott of everything that Rob Reiner ever did as an actor/director! But who gives a f-ck! Same with Rob’s opinion, who gives a f-ck what another HOLLYWOOD person has to say! Why don’t y’all Hollywood Types fix California before you start preaching to the rest of us!

robreiner All of them

Only the 1,212th day in a row meathead has called for impeachment. At least he remains relevant to the global marxists(D). DomesticEnemyDems

Rings hollow.

Unreal is how this Muthafucka is still President considering all the evidence that would prosecute him otherwise .. cowardice n complicity on both sides in so many unfathomable ways. ..the founding fathers would know what ta do in a heartbeat, they gave them the rulebook.

As long as I can remember (I call him Rob cause I don't care) Rob has been an anarchist. Even his charactor on 'All In the Family' was way too far over the top. Hell the leading activists of the day didnt want to hang with him. Even when he agrees with you he fights you on it.

robreiner Ron’s Obsessed with President Trump and he needs to seek professional help.

Has .robreiner become Archie Bunker.

robreiner Unfortunate the just caring about what happens to your country makes you an 'activist'. I don't see the redhats being called activists, terrorists yes, not activists. ImpeachmentInquiry

robreiner Meathead has no substance like low rated MSNBC


Fill in the blank MEAT H _ _ D

Of course he would , the leader of liberals


1027pink ImpeachTrump!

Still 'Meathead' after all these years. We need Archie to set him straight!

All the more reason to support POTUS

Well if a Hollywood director asks for it

A sanity inquest would be more appropriate for Reiner.He does keep us aware tho on the status of that Hollyweird lunacy so prevalent today..



Part of the angry wackjob squad, along with Tom Arnold and Rosie.

Hello MSNBC, word in Europe is that you are biased news, are you biased?

robreiner Is this before or after the inquiry into Rob's pedo ring?

As long as Mitch McConnell is Senate Majority Leader, nothing will happen. He us sitting on 100 bills from the House. He wants to be a SCJ so impeachment won't happen.

robreiner Since late term abortions are what you support is it to late for you.


robreiner Geez rob move on


That Mueller report will sink him. Just wait. Then we will get that guy.

I call for impeachment hearing!!!

robreiner We all call for it!

BlaDel3 It's PAST TIME for an impeachment inquiry. I don't know WTH Pelosi is doing. I was patient with her in the beginning, now she is just being ridiculous.

Who cares what some Hollywood limousine liberal “calls for”? Who the hell is he to dictate to anyone what to do? Irrelevant

Oh right...because his guy is a Constitutional Law expert?

Since when do we have to listen to an unelected meat head?

Meat head says what

W h o c a r e s ?

robreiner The voice of MSNBC has spoken! Yes, Rob Reiner is calling for an impeachment inquiry! Coming up next on MSNBC, Britney Spears explains 'Global Warming'. - 'It's gittin' mighty hot, y'all!' followed by Screech from 'Head of the Class' reviewing the two recent Democrat debates.

Same dude who led the fight from Hollywood for gay marriage. I think we need to stop listening to him entirely.

Excuse me for asking but why do you ask for the opinions of actors on real life topics?

Well, if Rob Reiner calls for it, then we must do it. Isn't that how Due Process works?


He would get out of it he got many standing with him then against him you I don't care how dirty you are but if you are Trump you get away with everything and that go to show you how bigger fool some peoples are they can see the wrong in a good person but can't see it in Trump

Well, if The Meathead wants and inquiry, Nancy Pelosi needs to make it happen ASAP.


robreiner Nobody cares what that delusional has been wants

robreiner Oh shit... we’d better do something then eh? 🤣

robreiner Rob Reiner is a dope. He thinks he knows the story. Not once does he show outrage about HRC colluding w Russians.

Stick to making shitty movies leave the ploitics to the politicians

Seriously! Yu mean a liberal celebrity called for impeachment (gasp) I’m shocked!!!!! But also who get a crap what he wants or thinks!

robreiner Good

robreiner Rob is the man. For years.

robreiner Rob For President!!!

Impeach Urself! Jealous

robreiner Who? Shits given about what you call for = 0

Regarding Impeachment I watch and learn each day here ► ► from LyndonLaRouche LPAC World old & new NWO MIIC News for all citizens on Earth & in Space who are now as Pro-Life Right Democrats & Republicans Ready for IDWP & The New Paradigm Mankind


robreiner Thanks My Mom would have followed you If she was still here I miss her wisdom and grateful for your strength

So does my neighbor, Carl.

Inquiry? By who? The Dems? Seriously? They can't even figure out how to enforce a subpoena or hold a public hearing! I'm starting to think Nancy is a part of this nightmare because she can't possibly be this incompetent, can she? Bottom line? We're fucked 😨

robreiner I agree

Why is this news? I’ve called for Impeachment Inquiries too.

robreiner IMPEACH TRUMP!!!!

robreiner Doing great work Rob. America needs more high profile citizens to get the word out.

robreiner Will someone please deploy the hook. The play is over

Trashtruck MSNBC delivers.

In plain sight. That is how they hide. Not many groups of people can do this kind if cover, and get away with it.

robreiner First, I want to see Meathead's income tax returns.

robreiner That's because he's a certifiable nut-job. 🌰

robreiner ASAP!!

robreiner Nobody cares what this washed up actor thinks about politics

Hollywood, the liberal media, and the democrat party still in an incestuous relationship. Shocking.

He calls for that repeatedly every day and no one listens.

. Mr Reiner, your singular qualification is being the son of a talented comedian. You've exploited his name, and financial legacy. Have you left no sense of decency?

Once a meat head always a meat head....

We don't care what this meathead thinks or believes. Go back to your fantasy life and leave the real world to the people that live in it

Lol Meathead!

robreiner needs to call a cardiologist

You have not seen the reports, you have not been in the committees yet you supposedly have enough evidence to know they should start. I did not like you on All in the family. That has not changed.

Your entire organization should be ignored. A propaganda mill loosely disguised as news. Manipulation, censorahip and deceit is NOT journalism. Disgusting.

I second this emotion!

Well if a has-been celebrity says it we better get going

How many has been Hollywood hacks are the left going to dust off to push their anti American agenda?

Who gives a $hit what that insane blob has to say?

I am THERE, now. We MUST start the impeachment inquiry, then proceed from there! We did NOT have a swamp prior to Trump. Trump/Republicans have created an EVIL, CORRUPT, TOXIC, POLLUTED SWAMP! Save our democracy! VOTE DEMOCRATIC IN 2020!

The guy who picks up my trash calls for the same inquiry.

Oh man it's Saturday night in Los Angeles but I'm gonna drop everything just to listen to some celebrity opinions

SpeakerPelosi It’s time! It’s been time! It’s past time! Get it together and do this thing!

Watch out Meathead has the podium

Why does the dufus keep showing up on MSNBC.

.....and the American people should listen to a Director and activist?

Meathead doesn’t realize you can’t impeach a president just because you don’t like him!!

Not news

Gramma and all around fun person calls for impeachment inquiry too.

It’s long overdue

When you spend more than 3 millions dollars on an investigation and still find no evidence but you still want impeachment

Who cares what that burnout has to say.....geez MSNBC will post just anything, how sad and they call themselves a legitimate news network!

Do us a favor - go away and don't come back.

Imagine caring what meathead says.

Well, gee... if Meathead says so...

I call a survey to ALL Americans to vote to hog tie this fucker and ship him to Israel. He is an American traitor in the worst way.

Be kind to Rob and advise him to get back to normal and rekindle his career. He was a great Director and story teller but its over because of his rediculous anti trump fetish.

He’s a nobody, his call is worthless.

I agree, but can we stop letting uneducated people talk on national TV about delicate matter just for the reason that they are famous.

Who the hell cares ? Rob who?

And no damns were given.

Now that Biden has turned into James Stockdale I think Pelosi’s only option is Impeachment which will bring the Greatest Circus ever in The History of Mankind to America


Oh. Well then. If Activist loon Reiner calls for it then sure, why not.


Cool. I call for it too. So now Congress will ignore BOTH of us.

Impeachment? Lol, more like a firing squad. The Trump family is global stain on humanity.

robreiner meathead needs to be quiet.

big fat hairy deal.

Agreed !!!

Rockatansky calls for banishment of Rob 'Meathead' Reiner to Newark.

Yeah yeah yeah

Yes well, a four eyed chunk o'meat that thinks it can think is calling for all other meatheads to SIT DOWN, and SHUT UP.

This fat guy is insane. Needs to exercise and get his stress levels down, worries too much about this amazing President.



Who cares? Akin to a dog turd calling for an impeachment inquiry.....

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