‘Dilbert’ dropped by The Post, other papers, after cartoonist’s racist rant

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“Dilbert” creator says his reputation is ‘destroyed’ after racist rant

“Scott Adams is a disgrace,” Darrin Bell, creator of “Candorville” and the first Black artist to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning, told The Post on Saturday. “His racism is not even unique among cartoonists.” Bell compared Adams’s views to the Jim Crow era and more recent examples of White supremacy, including “millions of angry people trying to redefine the word ‘racism’ itself.”In fact, Adams did exactly that on his YouTube show Saturday.

defense of his comments, which he said were taken out of context, and seemed to define racism as essentially any political activity. “Any tax code change is racist,” he said at one point in the show. He denounced racism against “individuals” and racist laws, but said, “You should absolutely be racist whenever it’s to your advantage. Every one of you should be open to making a racist personal career decision.”“Most of my income will be gone by next week,” he told about 3,000 live-stream viewers.

The National Cartoonists Society declined to comment. Andrews McMeel Syndication, the company that syndicates “Dilbert,” did not immediately respond to a request for comment.. Since then, he has identified himself with increasingly extremist viewpoints.to the victims of a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California for a tweet in which he used the tragedy to advertise an app he created.

His comic strip’s reach declined simultaneously. “Dilbert” was dropped last year by Lee Enterprises, a media company that runs 77 newspapers in the United States, though that decision appeared to be part of a larger overhaul. It nevertheless continued to run in many major publications — at least until this week.

Asked to comment in more detail about his remarks and the mass cancellations, Adams initially declined. He later told The Post in a text message: “Lots of people are angry, but I haven’t seen any disagreement yet, at least not from anyone who saw the context. Some questioned the poll data. That’s fair.”


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Telling the truth is alway s difficult..

That’s racist? Really? We are really going off the deep end.

Hate is not allowed

No it isn’t “OK” to be white. It is awesome! You get so many advantages!!! That is an example of how people can interpret that question differently.

The poll question makes little sense. It is unclear. If they had polled me I probably would have said “not sure” because I am not sure what they are implying.

What a Dilbert.

The media will never stop stoking racial tensions. They the people fighting each other, they want a race war.

But they are.

Instead woke up msm before it’s too late

He didn't say anything wrong.

Out of all the different ethnic groups in America, why are black people hated the most Is it because we stand up for ourselves and refuse to take any bullshit from the white man, or is it just jealous and envy?

Good for them!!

We have seen significant violence against blacks due to their race-Charleston and Buffalo.

We don't have honest newspapers that report news anymore. We have DNC operatives working inside media perpetuating half-truth, smearing people DNC disagrees with.

business humor is the least funny material on earth anyway.

More misleading reporting from WaPo. The guy quoted polling that stated a large percentage of Blacks hate Whites. What's racist about that?

who had animal experiments with puppies where the dogs lost their skin..? what drug was given to the dogs..? What does that have to do with the sick people on the street..?

Good riddance

The majority of White Americans think just like him and they are clueless… they dont have the foggiest notion of what Black people think or feel… and they NEVER have.

Pretty Sad

Dishonrst analysis

Should probably listen to him and not the lying WaComPo

Hard to argue that.


what happened to Free speech? why is it if you are black you can say what you want but no one else can? Lemon the tv anchor is an example of putting down women for aging. Dilbery should be allowed to state an opinion.

Again the woke societies taking of our country

This is just the beginning of the pendulum back-swing. . . WTF did you think was going to happen. . . It’s unfortunate but inevitable . . . This dude is no more racist than the thousands of folks on social media shaming white folks . . . For just being white.

The end of Dilbert

cancellors of free thought and free speech will be canceled. we will not tolerate you Washington Post. We see your lying asses.

— Washington Post () June 8 2021

If anything, Adams stirred up a much needed, difficult conversation and I'm glad he did.

Who the hell is Dilbert

Post as usual misquotes and lies to promote its woke narrative.

Hey everybody look… I'm White and damn proud of it. Have a nice day.


He went out on a limb and touched on subjects which are taboo to the left. He knew the risks of so doing.

Great! So when are they dropping the ones terming whites as supremacists?

Adams was horrified that a poll of black people showed only half believe 'it's OK to be white.' He called this hate and recommended white people live far away from blacks. WAPO verdict: Adams is a racist, but not the 20 million black people who think it's not OK to be white.

Is he wrong?

No worries. Run to your grave fake news!

This is the best thing to do!

No wonder you are going out of business.

This guy gets a pass!

The ugliest part of this is that he expresses what many Americans feel. Which should concern all of us who aren't so ugly.

Did anybody what the clip he commented on? I get what he is saying. The post is no advocate of differing opinions.

I think I'm going to create the Black Dilbert and call him Delbert. His hair is going to be dreads, too. And he'll be hard working, gainfully employed and funnier than any of your comics. How you like them apples? ScottAdamsSays

Everyone is a hate group. That ain't exclusive. But hey rather than provide a sensible solution why not generate more click bait? If it bleeeeeeeeeedssssss it leaaaaaaaddss gotttapaythebilllsss That's my.singing voice


I love Dilbert. If he is cancelled he must be a good man.

You should drop yourselves 2 ..

He has a right to make these comments. This ridiculousbcancel culture will be the death of America

No more free speech?

We don’t need his racists ass in this country please go back to Europe

And then this appeared:

Maga's got to him, the brainwashing..makes America go backwards...

Could he have meant, BLM is a hate group?

Was that comic strip based on Drew Carey?

Mmh who isolate me because of my colour The greatest fuck I ever know

He's obviously been a big fan of the A&E hit television series, The First 48hrs, if that too was what I stayed home all day and watch the reruns 24/7, I probably would feel the exact same way.


Funny how some dudes will scream fire in a packed theater then cry censorship. It seems to be a pattern these days, and they all think they are being persecuted. This guy is a jerk and always has been. Just ask his exes.

I never read it anyway it will be no great loss. Bring back Peanuts.

*ahem* There are many good comics, especially those reporting on Important News of the Day. I’d love to see this one in the Post. (Note: Lupin is pink because he got into the Spaghetti sauce.)

Did he call blacks a hate group or was it really BLM? There IS a difference.

Now shut down your whole paper in recompense for your own racist content, which you publish every single day.

So what took them so long?!!! Didn't they know this guy was a racist long ago? Why not?

I have been discriminated against by black people on many occasions.

It is funny, people want things removed just because they don’t like it, what is it going to accomplish?nothing that’s it, you are just pissing people off, a lot of things you try to cancel are coming back or still around

Lying racists

He is as Amerikkkan as apple pie. As I’ve said. Amerikkka hates black people When people finally realize that maybe they can make some progress.

Nowadays, there’s so much truth in what he says, but then thats what freedom of speech is and I’m guessin’….that is exactly what they’re afraid of.

Thank you! There is no place in the United States for racism or treating anybody like they are 'less than' everyone else.

The more we empower minorities the more we discriminate

Your paper sucks anyway!

MAJOR POLL: 75% of blacks polled think that it's at least somewhat not OK to be white. Scott Adams: 'I believe them and will behave accordingly.' Wapo and media: 'HE'S A WITCH!! BUUURRNNNN HIM!!!'

No more stories on banning books please!

These blacks seem to hate as a past time.

It's a comic.

They have become a hate group

Isn't the Washington post a hate group since all they do is spread hate and division?

About damn time...

Awesome. Now I hope people drop the Washington Post in droves.

Well it’s true

For all of you co-signing his bull💩if black people were in fact a hate group we would have ended all this racist stuff along time ago. Queue the F around and find out video…✊🏽

Virus, vax programme, food shortages, war, shutting independent businesses, censorship, destruction of family values, inflation. ALL crafted by the same evil! Slave or useless eater? The latter has no use to the *slave masters (Faceless Zionists -not real Jews)

Enough already

lies. He referred to black Americans who believe that it's not ok to be white as a hate group.

Does anybody care what WaPo does? Does anyone still read that propaganda rag?

Only White Americans can be called a “hate group” by newspaper cartoonists.

Some blacks have been locked out of knowledge and social capital. When the crappy people who think they are good promote each other for all the wrong reasons and exclude good people this kind of behavior should be expected.

Racist upset he said racist things and cancels self. Fixed it.

Unfortunately, his comic strip was in the “StarTribune” today.

I think the decision is correct because the post doesn’t want to affiliate with him. I also know that most of us black folks grow up being taught that whites are a hate group and we are taught to hate them. So there’s hate both ways. Oh well. Dilbert sucked anyway

This is the full interview with the context.

A hate group created by Leftist media.

no one is allowed their own opinions anymore? unbelievable

Everything he said is the truth. He’s just giving blacks what they want by avoiding them like the plague

Oh brother.

Cancel culture says that this guy doesn't have a right to his opinion. According to 'The Post' only liberal opinions are acceptable. To hell with The Post and all liberal tabloids.

Racist prick

More misinformation I am sure.

Goodbye Washington Post!! Take your selective racism views and shove it…

See this before jumping to conclusions Washington Post!

Wow. Way to spin his comments.'If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people -- according to this poll, not according to me, according to th is poll -- that's a hate group,' Adams said Wednesday on his YouTube show 'Real Coffee with Scott Adams.'

ScottAdams is a racist.

I don’t read your paper anyway.

His new career is guest hosting for Tucker Carlson.

Perhaps WaPo readers should make up their own minds instead of being fed WaPo propaganda.


Republicans and Democrats are the lying parties of the US Government, we are the winners Diversity Visa 2020-2021 Program have not seen any support from you!!!We are legal immigrants, the US government has let us down, Shame!!!


The context of his statement adds more to the discussion than this hit piece. He was responding to actual polls

what I don't get is this, what about all the black folk that have helped him... like black police, black fire service, black military, etc, etc.... next time his house is on fire, maybe he should ask for only white fire personal? Or white officers if his house is broken in to

He's done placating...

Except what he said in the full clip is entirely accurate.

Dilbert was literally the only reason I often opened a newspaper. Guess I'll just have to read it's online now.

Canceling Scott because he is speaking an uncomfortable truth is typical of this newspaper. This is canceling of free speech is anti-democratic and typical of this Cancel Culture newspaper. Pathetic

A bunch of racists defending a racist 🙄

No one can have an opinion anymore. Cancel hypocrites alive and well at the Post.

Unfortunately he's not wrong. I have seen too many videos lately full of hate. A lot of entitled people because of their skin colour all over the place. Treat people as individuals. Problem solved.


Like the Washington Post however media outlets who take sides rather than reporting the facts, a process that allows readers to form their own opinions won't be around in a year or two anyway. If 1/2 the blacks are white hating racists and 2/3 of them support BLM Scott's right.

Granted it was a horrible poll. But Adams frustration with MSM like WaPo that stoke the hate evidenced in the poll, he points to the majority of respondents saying it’s not okay to be white. He chooses to no longer confront the new Klan

The Democratic Party has not changed. It is still the KKK Party. It just figured out that handouts, addiction, and hateful, separatist propaganda are more effective ways to continue enslaving black people. Go to any black community in any blue state and see for yourself.

Now Jimmy Kimmel?

They're hating on the Latina Beauty Queen.

I would simply note that the same white liberals who are apoplectic about whatever was said, are the same white liberals who instantly dive into a Starbucks when they see a couple of brothers walking down the street. And there they stay until they perceive ‘the coast is clear.’

Instead of a discussion. Let's cancel him.

Sounds Stalinist, maybe you can erase him from pictures too. Is this really how leftists pick art? By the artists politics?

He didn't say all black people. He said the ones that disagree with the survey. You are spreading misinformation.

So if you don’t agree with a group calling all whites bad/evil you are not allowed to call out their racism because you are the racist one? We the people are making it WAY to easy on the ones in power to divide us 😞

Yet I am sure none of these people were canceled.

So this is what the Washington Post wants front and center in my mind today. Cool

It is interesting that so many prominent figures claiming they are the victim of undeserved political correctness criticisms turn out to in fact be a full on racist

He was denouncing racism, but do the virtue signaling thing I guess.

I don’t agree with WP - he spoke the truth. I am 3 minorities, but Black Lives Matter are 3 times more hateful.

WAPO with its daily race baiting divisive opinion article.

Well deserved; bye bye racist ass !

Blacks are extra racist because they hate white people and black people.

Most privileged (white) people live in affluent nimby neighborhoods, send their kids to expensive private schools and work in high paying jobs. Living in a world they hardly meet underprivileged POC. A world Adams “recommended” But they are smart enough to keep their mouth shut.

No he called the 47% of a poll that literally hates white people a hate group.

And nothing of value was lost.

Sooo you don’t see the daily hate from blacks? Violence and racism against Asians by blacks, BLM, robbing white owned retail stores daily, resisting arrest daily…yeah he’s correct.

susanbordson So, the stuff he said before this didn't count as racist?

Imagine canceling 'Dilbert' while still employing Taylor Lorenz

Just dropping this right here so you NOW have the context. His point was, if 47% of one race thinks it’s not OK to be another race, then that makes that race a hate group. Not to mention a little less than half Democrats polled also felt it was not OK to be white. My my….

Ok, fine. Now, can black people explain to me why half of them think I shouldn't exist and why I should feel safe around them knowing that?

So, the DNC memo has reached all the editors' desk.

Wait, how was it a 'racist rant' to point out the increasing normalization of anti-white racism?

If you say the same thing about white Americans, the elites will give you a six figure salary

Scott's evidence

Do you hear that noise? That's the sound of ya'll getting sucked into the rabbit hole.

Excellent decision. WAPO is no place for truth and honesty.

Well in many senses thats just tit for tat 🤷

Would comment, I don't pay for bait and switch.

Who cares. You’re racist who exacerbates this racial divide. You protect black people by not telling people the truth about how horrible they are a sponge off the rest of us. Done with them! He’s an American hero and you won’t shut him up.

We don’t care. Move on.

White Americans are called the same thing and often worse.

& still at OttawaCitizen SHAME

Pay attention to the people in the comment section defending Scott Adams. They are revealing exactly what they are.

No, he didn’t. The data he presented did. This demonstrates why WaPo is failing. Constant lies don’t work.

Fake news. It was an observation.

Good job.

Heres the thing...a majority of white folks concur with Dilbert guy. The guy dropped a nuke on the 🤡 white liberal left ruse of 'white supremecy'. I mean...d0y...it was a 🎯. More to the point...Dilbert guy highlights some stark realities.....

About damn time.

Joke is on him.


The rule of woke and the loss of freedom of expression. Of course, no 'group' can be possibly hateful, apart from white people. Right? Another self-flagellating and self righteous 'guardian' of free speech. LoL

How about you focus at the actual poll which shows a startling number of blacks are racist.


Self inflicted wound. Why though ?

Hard to disagree when you see clothing and drug stores looted daily.

State media, tweets pay walled hit piece... where have I seen this before?

Don’t take much to know the WashPost is a hate organization

The “He’s the victim” framing is some of the most white ass BS I’ve ever seen

cancel culture strikes again some people unironically believe this lmao

Publish the tape of what he said

Love how narcissists dissociate, like his reputation is a thing floating in the sky apart from him and his behavior 🙄😒

oh i hope so

And you only have yourself to blame.

It's only racist when you hate blacks more than you really need to.

If half of Black people hate white people because of the color of their skin I would say they are hateful and it safe to call them a hate group.

FrankMikeDavis1 He made his bed and now he can lay in.

Freedom of Speech comes with consequences.

I recommend everyone watch what he actually said and not the propaganda.

The Washington Compost pile

Boohoo 😢


Good riddance

Self hate for the guilt caused by death of step son

An 81 yr old relative of mine announced she is of the age where she can say what she wants. Sure…but there will always be consequences. Consequently she has alienated herself from family and friends and is lonely and bitter.

Dilbert creator destroyed his own reputation. Isn't this the second time he's done that?

Should be destroyed. Hope to see you drawing caricatures on the street begging for food


Just drop the entire woke news rag, nobody will miss it.

The system finally worked.

Who reads paper news papers anyway ?

= cancelcultural and woke. FACT: is Communist China’s public diplomacy.


Funny how that works! You a racist you suffer consequences!

Repackage context and sprinkle with earnest then watch all the guppies have a feeding frenzy. Wapo is the undisputed 1 fish food manufacture, well done people!!

Probably had nothing to do with Elon’s new visibility algorithm. Probably.

Wild that it took them this long to do it, Scott Adams has been a public garbage fire for more than half a decade now.

“Dilbert” creator’s racist rant destroyed his ‘reputation’.


Get diversity training and help urgently

Man shocked that his reputation is ruined after ruining his reputation. More at 6.


He be igh

there’s a big difference between “my reputation was destroyed” and “i destroyed my reputation”

It was the fuckaroundest of times, it was the findoutest of times.

You fucked around and found out. Good for you



Who wrote the lede? How about, “Dilbert creator’s reputation destroyed after racist rant.”

He pretty much did it to himself so no mercy here…

I’m guessing he did his own “research” and the algorithm showed him what he wanted to see, hence he felt justified? Now he’s baffled by the reaction, but doesn’t see he did it to himself. The “He’s not wrong” crowd are part of this pathetic, dangerous mindset

That's a shame. Like ... he didn't know that was going to happen? '*boo hoo hoo* how could I have known people would call me a racist after I racistly and publicly vented my racist spleen? *sniff* It's so unfair!'

His reputation as a hack remains untarnished.

Well duh

Image actions actually having consequences

And it’s hilarious!!!!! More please, more!

Yep, that’s generally how that works.

Too bad. So sad. Anyway …

Congratulations racist d**k

He’s been saying crap like this for years. It’s about damn time he was cancelled. 😑

Passive tense is not justified here

No suit, dude. No shit.

Where was Laura ingraham to tell him to “shut up and draw”?

That nasty little thing called accountability. And a needed reminder that actions, including his hateful racist speech, have consequences.

Brought it upon himself. It’s called consequences.


Perhaps it was the being a racist which did it?

What these people want is to be able to say whatever vile thing they believe in and to be accepted by everybody. It's not about not being censored, it's about having their racism normalised.

I'll fix this for you - 'I've destroyed my career because I'm a racist.'

Well, well, well. Looks like the consequences of our actions popped in to say hello.

He didn’t say that at all. Liars. He’s right In everything he said. White people should avoid black people they don’t know. Blacks hate white people but don’t have a problem sponging off them.

I would say he made his own bed.

“washington post come out as racist shocker”

White Washington Post workers should move to S.E. D.C. Go ahead. Leave the north... If you're even in D.C. ScottAdamsSays

Cancel culture is out of control if that man can’t practice his freedom of speech and be a racist out loud. :-/

Deserved, so it seems.

How long til he announces his GOP Congressional campaign ? 😏

Yet still no one talks about the fact that Dilbert's tie is always erect.

I just went and read some of the new comics and I don’t think we’re losing anything of value. I used really like Dilbert back in the 90s. Bummer.

As well it should. Undoubtedy.

Awe... all out of sympathies for racists.

Given all the antiwhites swarming around him after stirring the beehive I guess we should not be surprised.


UGH, not the consequences of my own actions again! Surely the must be the fault of wokeness somehow!

Another proud moment in history.

Fuck around and found out 😆

He destroyed his reputation. Of course a hero to the republicans

Mr. Scott Adams crossed several lines, but he made that decision for himself. He has to own up to what HE did and said.

And I wrote my Master's thesis on Dilbert... Forgive me Father for I knew not what a monumental asshole Douglas Adams was.


Perhaps Scott Adams and Orson Scott Card can collaborate on a cartoon strip based on their racist and homophobic rants. I’m sure National Review, Washington Times, The American Catholic Quarterly Review et al. would carry it.

His reputation is destroyed? No fella. YOU destroyed YOUR reputation. Don't try that victim shit.

'Racist rant'

Maybe don’t be a racist ?

Hmm… well fancy that.

Oh boo hoo.

I forgot this mfka existed.

That's what he thinks. It was destroyed long before his latest racist rant. He's just coming to terms with it himself. We saw who he was a long time ago.

My heart bleeds purple piss for him... It isn't the words he used this week... it's that he has built up to it for years. His veiled racism in the cartoon (first black character identified as white) was pretty obvious. Good riddance. Off to obscurity racist.

What a strange phrasing in the headline. It uses the passive voice ('creator says ...') and it clearly states that he was actively and willingly responsible ('after racist rant') for what happened. It's like saying 'Hitler says reputation destroyed after starting World War Two'

Good. Maybe he'll have more free time to reflect on his choices.

Axiom no. 234b : 'If you go on racist rant, then, you are a racist and you shall henceforth have the reputation of being a racist' ...I can't see why ScottAdams says his reputation is 'destroyed', he HAS a reputation... he's a racist

Filbert isn’t funny anyway!

Well deserved.

Dude needs to learn the difference between 'destroyed' and 'earned.'

Tough shit.

joncoopertweets Good


As they say, 'You made your bed, now you lie in it.' Half-assed apologies will get you nowhere.

Oh well.

There's always pig farming.

I guess he is not as good communicator as his idol Hump

'Dilbert' creator says he found out after fucking around.


That's kind of what happens when you let the racism out...

Yeah those things happen


Another FAFO moment.

FrankMikeDavis1 It was definitely in the toilet before his rant.

And now will be a martyr.Will you never learn.will you never win? Do you want a win?

Good! It should be.

Hey guys, I’ve done the research and sorry, but racist rants…just stay away from them.

Nothing like ruining your entire world for 15 minutes of owning the libs 🤦🏽‍♂️

Guy complains his reputation is destroyed after deliberately shitting himself in public.

Good. It shouldn’t be normalized and accepted

He fell prey to the advice of that nefarious paper clip:

Maybe don't be a racist jerk. Learn how to not be racist and maybe you won't lose.

One can hope. He earned it.

The Devil…I mean Donald Trump…made him do it.

Lol who could have predicted?

Funny how that works.

Cancel culture is a stupidity and in America everything is racist . Hus reputation aint destroyed. Soon the cancel culture will be canceked amd mamy nazi activusts will discover they destroyed them selves

No insight!

Haha, stupid bigot conservative. Serves you right

Hmmm, there might be a lesson here for someone if they'd stop whining and think about it for a minute.

This article is shit. Maybe don’t be racist.

Deservedly so

You seem to have misspelled 'Dilbert creator ruined his reputation with his racist antics' 🙄

I like the passive voice, like he wasn't the cause of the event.

Captain FAFO here complaining he’s been cancelled.

Fake news is fake

He was the agent of his own destruction and worse, he still has no idea how much of a racist he is.

Sow, reap, etc.

His reputation has been destroyed…by himself

I am just guessing because you hate him that that is another garbage lie. Do you a holes ever tell the truth?

That's what is supposed to happen after your racist rant...

Fine example of cancel culture.

“Local man experiences consequences”

Damn it sure is telling when saying 'i hate white people' isnt the racist remark but saying 'maybe avoid those people' is Something something roles reversed or whatever

Dilbert should have been pulled much sooner. He’s a racist MAGA clown.


He was right....why do I want to be around people who don't like me? Life is too short.

Hmmmm free speech is weird like that, it’s almost as if you can say whatever you want but you have to deal with the consequences of those words… funny how that works.

And he has only himself to blame

Probably just a liberal media driven narrative, right conservatives?

He’s too out of touch to realize it’s been destroyed for year

Geee, that's too bad...🤣🤣

He ruined it.

Who destroyed his reputation? We may never know.

Solution: Don't be a racist.

He should read Where Do We Go From Here: Community or Chaos by Martin Luther King Jr It would show him some much needed perspective on the plight of black people in America. And maybe he wouldnt be so angry. He probably went down some rabbit hole. lashing out at perceived slight

highbrow_nobrow He’ll surely be made the “official cartoon of America” by MTG and Bobo

He has no one but himself to blame

Gee I wonder why?

Well, duh.

Common Scott Adams L

i wonder how long he'll live now believing black people and white people who like black people are responsible for his already lame legacy being actually shameful for the rest of living memory.


He should have framed his thoughts differently, what he said sounds unacceptable. I kind of understand those papers cancelling him, it's kind of a preventive measure in today's hisreric world.


He destroyed his career. His career wasn't destroyed by some nebulous force. HE did it to himself.

Duh. Yeah. Perhaps he should have kept his vile thoughts to himself.

Another fragile white guy.

Wait, y'all still had Dilbert? We all learned he was a bigot years ago. This is hardly his first racist rant.

Could always try not doing racism 🤷‍♀️

Passive voice an interesting choice. If he didn't himself destroy it, who did?


I know right?!?! It's lit!

Finally some good news!

Hateful opinions were expressed; feelings were felt by humans. Stupidity was made evident. A price was paid. Coming soon: Regrets will be had

Waaaaa! I have to face the consequences of my own actions! Waaaaaaa!

White man suprised by the consequences of his own actions.

Um, k.


Oh no, how sad 🤷

Dilbert creator now

I'll be cancelling my Washington Post subscription then. Fk all else they have worth reading. 🤷

Quick tip- don’t be a fucking racist. He deserves everything he gets

Oh well!


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.

What reputation? He just said out loud what everybody with at least one ear and/or one eye already knew about him.



Good, he definitely earned it.

Don't worry. There was no reputation left to destroy. This was just confirmation.

Delbert was never once funny or clever or insightful.

Decent people do not endorse racist behavior. Those who spend their lives writing satire need to know this.

Now in the ‘Find Out’ phase.

Where’s that video/song about consequences?

This is the way.


He destroyed his reputation a long time ago.

Okay — and?

Adam's rant sounds a lot like white replacement paranoia: The irrational belief that racial equality is a conspiracy against whites.

What did he expect?🤷🏽‍♀️

Oh look, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.

GHenderson62 If you want us to read the story, my advice is to, y’know, let us read the story.

Good. 🖕

You think? Lol.


Congratulations! You earned it sir!

Now he can be the James Woods of crybaby bitch cartoonist Twitter ❤️

Did he consider *not* doing racist rants?

Crazy to think that actions won’t have consequences.

Guess he F’ed around and found out.


Consequences meet actions

I’d like to solve the puzzle.

I find this hard to believe Not that he went on a racist rant But that someone as dull, stubborn, and narrow minded as scott adams could actually recognize the consequences of his own actions And not just endlessly blame someone else for his shortcomings

Passive vs. active voice matters here: His reputation wasn't destroyed; he destroyed his reputation.

Well well well..

Well, yeah. That's how it works.

The 1950s called. They want Dilbert back. Good riddance.

Racist tears are nutritious. Cry, swine, cry.

For the sake of argument ignoring its legality in any particular place, is pirating ever ethical, & if so under what conditions? I'd have thought there's some threshold where you no longer want to make someone financially better off, but do want to consume their goods/services?

Thoughts Prayers.

His “rant” was hate speech. Decent/sane people don’t want to be associated with it. I hope he has savings , because no sane paper will want his stuff again. Fortunately open racism is bad for business.


Self-inflicted injury, so no pity there. Also, his reputation was clearly at odds with his true nature and beliefs, so it deserved to be corrected.

It didn't have far to go.

Man who finally reached the “find out” stage has the sads but still doesn’t realize he did it to himself.

Alternative headline: Dilbert creator plays victim after racist rant

ScottAdamsSays discovered fucking around and finding out

Maybe don't be a fucking racist 🤷‍♀️

He said a good percentage of blacks hate whites and whites should get away from them for their safety... what part of that is untrue?

He’s absolutely right.

Oh well.

“Well, well , well…if it isn’t the consequences of my actions…” —the creator of a shitty cartoon

Accurate, his reputation isn't destroyed it's accurate

How long before he appears on FOX?

Creeps like him always worry about their precious‘reputations’. Too bad!

Man shocked after loaded shotgun he pointed at his own groin effortlessly destroyed his dick and balls

I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. He has been spouting this type of bullshit for a while now. Looks like enough people noticed this time.

What the hell did he thought was going to happen? Almost seemed intentional.

Lesson: don’t be an unbelievable racist.

Que se joda. Please accept my apologies for such vulgar language.

What, after years of this shit he thinks *this* is the rant that did it?

He was auditioning for a spot on Fox 'News' ...

Well naturally, he thinks he's the victim here. But it's been pretty obvious for a long time that he's even more appalling than the appalling characters he makes fun of in his strip.

Except when you are poor. That is a choice they say

joncoopertweets That’s great news

Good! Where’s the link? Missed it…

Actions have consequences, crazy.

This is such good news. I'm glad that there's still a line.

Too bad, so sad.

Won't somebody think of the lazy entitled cartoonists?!?

The audacity!😒

Good - don’t be a racist. Consequences?

What reputation. The only reputation you have is a Trumper racist.

Too bad, so sad.

Dude caught alt-right memes like venereal disease; kept fucking around until got fucked.

There has been a very really, very violent black Supremist rise over the past couple of decades. I would like to see the cartoon to be able to decide for myself if cartoonist was racist towards poc or paper towards a united USA.

So.. it's not okay to be white?

Maybe don’t do a racist rant then. I’m just brainstorming here.

Kankaym Oh well. 🤷‍♂️

If only there were some kind of really blatantly obvious lesson to be learned from this repeatedly happening to older wealthy white folk.

Have you tried not being racist? Idk it works for me in not ruining my reputation.

The fact that you stayed on for so long is a reflection on the integrity of those publications ... you are a racist no matter which way you turn ...

Well, there ya go


Sucks to be you.

Womp womp

Did he try *not* being a racist?

ethanjsacks Maybe if he hadn’t gone on that racist diatribe, his career wouldn’t have been deep sixed. Bottom line: he effed around and found out.

Poor guy m. Not.

Hes a dilbert.

Fucked around, found out, ruined his own career by running his racist mouth. Here we thought he was Dilbert, when he was really the pointy haired boss all along.

He destroyed his own *reputation*. Now he will play persecuted victim like all MAGAts.

....aaaaaaaand who destroyed it?

We're doing passive voice for cartoonists now?

POC: We need spaces without white people. WP: YES! Adams: White people should keep away from black people. WP: That's racist!

Man decided to racist around, got found out. The world still turns.

Welp, consequences for bad behavior is how things typically work

He destroyed his own reputation and honestly who care about him? ScottAdams hasn’t been funny in a long while.

Good. Except I doubt it'll hurt him that much, sadly


Fake news at it again.

hahahaha dude fucked around and found out?


Play stupid games.. 🤔

Damn that’s crazy

How it is possible to destroy a reputation he never had?

His reputation has been shit for a while. This racism is totally in character

Good. Sad, though. Dilbert is a great comic.

Passive voice is doing a LOT of work here.

His reputation simply caught up with his 💩 character.

I like how they always narrate the consequences they experience from the fucked up thing they did, as if it will somehow get them out of it.

Um. Good.

He's blaming the 'woke' gang for his reputation being damaged and will gain sympathy from the bigots who will torch-bear for his 'right' to free speech. Routine process - The Talk or GMB will employ him as their 'artist in residence', and they'll love him.


The dude doesn't have a racist bone is his body but go ahead and call him a racist. As if that means something today.

Scott's current location

What the fuck was he expecting? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Journalists aren't people


Is his reputation “destroyed” or merely “accurate”? His reputation is a result of something he himself actually did.

It is dangerous to be right where the established authorities are wrong, keep being robbed and beaten around by savages like the sheep you are to alleviate your 'guilt' all you want, I've not a shred of it anymore and I will do and say what's right no matter the cost.

In other news, he just discovered fire is hot and water is wet.

Got what he deserved. Good riddance.

Well, maybe don’t have racist rants yah know.

Destroyed? Cemented, confirmed, established, settled, acknowledged, verified, recognized There's a lot of plausible words, destroyed isn't one of them

This nazi finally had it coming for him

It’s sad that seemingly intelligent people can fall down this rabbit hole. That having been said, actions have consequences.

Can’t read without an account 🙄

If it's any consolation, let him know that a lot of us have thought for years that his rep couldn't possibly get any worse.

no he doesn't think he did anything wrong. complete reptile

Good. Bye Felicia


Nah, it fell right in line with his rep

Oh well. Shit has consequences.

Oh look! Consequences

Why did he not just do a cartoon, where an African American says 'I think it is OK to be white.' And the manager calls him in and says 'You know Lemarcus we are in tough economic times. We are going to have to let some people go.'

Weird how that works

Yes. Yes it is.

He seems surprised that his speech on racially segregating the American population was not more well received. Perhaps it was his tone that was the cause of the public disgust. Perhaps it was the content. From his perspective it is a mystery.

So the newspapers cancelling him today were okay with his earlier subtler racism? They needed him to be explicit first? Okay.

He's been destroying his reputation for around 7 years, amusing that he makes it seem like a bolt out of the blue.

Took too long for that to happen imo

Imagine being mad at facts...


So it should. If you do a racist rant there’s going to be unpleasant consequences. So boo to him and his thoroughly forgettable cartoon.

How long before he says he’s being “cancelled” or “silenced” by the “woke mob”?

He's been heading to this point for years - this just accelerated his demise

So what did he say and why? Just throwing a buzzword in there is irresponsible and bad journalism.

...and claims he is the victim in 3...2...1...

A genuine apology might help. However his bigoted selfishness is fighting against that.

He's going to become a hero to the maga crowd now. Hell, he could probably launch a political career and run for Congress.

IAmSophiaNelson Hmm, am I supposed to cry b/c he ruined his career himself? Ahhh that will be a huge NO. At times when people behave like garbage humans they get what they deserve a hella lot faster than they ever thought. Enjoy your self destruction alone. Ugh

One never knows when Karma comes or what it will do, but surely those who are engulfed in the hatred of others can expect a visitor at any time.

“Some people questioned the poll data.” Given that it was Rasmussen, which always skews to the right, you should have too, Scott…you should have too. (But since you’ve become a rightie yourself now, I guess that would have been too much to expect.)


Fucked around.. .

I stand by Dilbert... shame on you all crazy inquisitors

Gee it's almost as if consequences exist.

So he ruined his own reputation. I had pasta for dinner. How about y’all?

So what..... we dropped all of these papers long ago because of their racial bias.....

Being cancelled for speaking the truth. Is that how people engage in this information age? 'We don't like the truth, so we'll just cancel the cartoon!' Crybabies! The guy was speaking truth.

He did the destroying! s

Give the space in papers that his comic leaves, to a Black cartoonist, PLEASE!!

People judging him harshly for sharing his inner and most ugly thoughts. Kinda works like that.

Didn't have much of one to begin with.

Where’s the Maga/GOP defense of racist rants? That’s their lane, right? Embrace The darkness? Some Millersque gnome in some Bannonesque think tank comes up with the genius idea that the GOP should embrace Nazism. Word has it DeSantis is growing a toothbrush mustache

Now he and James Woods and Scott Baio can rant over breakfast at the diner

“In light of Scott Adams’s recent statements promoting segregation, The Washington Post has ceased publication of the Dilbert comic strip,” Are “affinity groups” still ok though?

It took long enough.

I've found this guy incredibly distasteful since he got some publicity during the run up to the 2016 election. Screams narcissist, but isn't as loud as the kind trump is. Just pompous, and less obvious about seeking adoration.

Almost a year ago he was talking about sticking his fingers in his dad's ass, his reputation has been destroyed for a while

shooting the messenger will of course fix the problem

This one goes out to Scott Adams.

Maybe don't do racist rants. Just an idea.


Joke is on him, WP staff loves living in predominantly black neighborhoods, so more space for them as he moves out to some racist enclave like Boston.

As it should be!


Aww. Trash does trash thing and faces consequences. How sad.

It's almost like publicly uttering every stupid socially unacceptable thought that comes into one's head can be detrimental sometimes.

Maybe he should just move to a newspaper that does not have a Paywall

Better, less wishy-washy headline: 'Dilbert' creator says: I 'destroyed' my own reputation with my unsurprisingly racist rant


I'm black but mixed, and I look Middle Eastern. I endure so many racist comments from the people the media deem the victims, and never from white people. You'll never see any of the cowards in the media show this though. Liberal or conservative.


finally some consequences for the cooker

The passive wording is misleading. When you say shitty things you ruin your reputation


Hope so.

It is not that he said it. It is that he believes it.

His reputation was already in the shitter.

where s the source statement?

I listened to the rant. It's indeed a bit f'd up. When he talks about the poll it's sort of whatever, spitballing, but at one point he just calls all black people a hate group, white people should stay away from them etc. Can't blame a company for not wanting to deal with that.


'My reputation is destroyed'.


So 'Doing shitty things might have unfavorable consequences for you' is now news?

His reputation was destroyed a long time ago. Consequences were just a little slow in catching up to his foolishness.

Cool story. Guess we won’t see you again until the CPAC conference as the comedian?

Maybe he should’ve kept that shit to himself.

When he found out actions have consequences


Good - he’s one sorry excuse for a human being!

'The Post' and the other papers dropped Dilbert for no reason

Nice…a “got to pay to read article” thanks Jeff ✍️

He fucked around and then he found out.

dismantlegop dilbert creator destroys his own reputation with racist rant. there, I fixed it for you.

why did it take this long to drop him? he's very openly been a horrible bigot for a long time.

Find Out phase initiated.

why dont you mention why he said it? 50% of black americans said they hate white people


joncoopertweets It couldn’t happen to a more thoughtless sarcastic jerk. Yeah I’m sarcastic too but, also thoughtful.

Oops. So sad. Ok, not sad at all.

“Dilbert” creator ruins his own reputation after his racist rant goes public.

FlowerGirlBaker Actions, meet consequences.

scottadamssays What is hidden will always come to the light. I’m loving it!!

Well, well, well... if it isn't the consequences of his actions 🤷🏿‍♂️

what reputation

That'll learn him‼️‼️😡😡😡😡

Welp! 🤷🏽‍♀️

He should be in a frozen gulag for suggesting that whites move away from Blacks. White people are never again allowed homogenous communities, thats how you get nazis.

You NPC's are hilarious.

It's crazy how doing something disreputable negatively affects your reputation

As it should be.

Love to see it.

He destroyed his own reputation by being a racist.


We are sick of far right BS in general. And we have zero tolerance for racist BS

don't let the doorknob hit ya in the ass on your out

But he thinks he's 'canceled,' right?


Those darn consequences!

Good to hear.

Canceled = getting fired People lose jobs thru no fault of their own all the time. Pick yourself up & get another job When rich White men get fired for their racism/sexism, they whine & blame the libs, Dems or media Cry more, Scott. Truth is, most people don’t like racists🤷‍♀️


Yeah, that's kinda how it works

You reap what you sow.

If it makes him feel better, I've thought he sucked for years before this.

His dare he faces consequences to his actions

Yes, that’s how it works

aw ...

The system works


Racist rants have that effect.

My kids would call this a bruh moment.



He's more powerful than your dinosaur newspaper.

Aw, did somebody fuck around and find out?

Could have done it any time the past 30 years for his misogyny.

Scumbag ScottAdamsSays has a reputation?


Maybe don't rant then

TuckerCarlson will see you now...

F*ck around, find out.

Nah. I think his reputation is exactly what we thought it was.


Oh no, it's the consequences of my own actions.

So the racist is upset that he’s accountable for his racist tirade?

He does know he didn’t have to film and post his racist rant, right?

Pretty tame compared to Michael Richards. :) More like reverse racism affirmation than racism.

He did that all by himself


We have now reached the “and find out” section of tonight’s program

Really? How sad for you…🙄

I l Based on everyone's shocked comments I thought he dropped the N Bomb or something. Geez. Everyone trippin. That pole question is what's ridiculous

0 self-reflection here.

ScottAdamsSays WeHopeSo

I can't imagine he expected to survive his hateful rant. Especially since, given the opportunity, he doubled down on his remarks, 'Lots of people are angry, but I haven’t seen any disagreement yet...' Clearly 'yet' was shortly before every newspaper in the country dropped him.


No shit.

Don't know what he's talking about, his reputations been gone since he jumped on the Trump bandwagon grift, he's got tons of new followers that couldn't understand one of his comics.

Who could have predicted that going on a racist rant would have tarnished the reputation of your family friendly comic strip?

Blatant action has consequences.


He did that….all by himself.

The most surprising thing about all of this isn't his racism, which has been out in the open for a while. It was learning that Dilbert was still being written and published. Frankly, I'm so used to digital newspapers now that I forget the comics page still exists.

highbrow_nobrow His reputation now better reflects his actual characteristics. It has been corrected, not destroyed.

Being a racist will do that.


What little was left of it, yeah.

Dude destroyed his reputation a decade ago. It just took you a long time to catch up.

Thank you for dropping him.

which one

I don't get it. It's been clear who Adams is for years now. He's been saying awful things for ages


joncoopertweets Your cartoons were turning to crap anyway. Seriously out of touch. Maybe Elon has a spot for you.

Which he destroyed. Himself. Just him deciding to be so openly racist. Needs a scapegoat does he? Tell him to look in the mirror.

i’m amazed and frustrated about how quick people can turn on a dime on someone when they don’t even know the whole story or haven’t watched the whole segment and thought about it intellectually. If you’re stuck in a hole, you’ll never get out without thought.

Deservedly so. What did he expect?

PlayStupidGamesWinStupidPrizes FAFO

robertjlundberg Good

It will only be hours until the pumpkin praises this 'Great American that I've read my whole life'

rothschildmd Said creator should have used active voice and started his thought with I...

His successful capitalist delusion is destroyed. His reputation has been gone for twenty years.

It should be destroyed

amazon BNBuzz time to follow suit. Pull his merch snd books.

He wasn’t on a rant. Watch the whole thing before you judge.

Maybe keep that s**t to yourself?

Well. Well. Well.

The only person to blame is the only one he won't.

Oh no it's the consequences of my actions

Don’t feel sorry for a racist millionaire.

Blame the Ambien...

Buddy your reputation was destroyed long before that

AccountabilityMatters Dilbert

Oh well.

...and he probably blames everyone but himself.

You duck around, you find out. Karma has done its job. Dilbert

Tends to happen when you go on a racist rant😂

About time.

Me when my reputation gets obliterated for saying incredibly racist shit (people don't like me anymore)

Well, duh. What did you THINK was going to happen?

White guy finds out consequences do indeed exist. There’s a headline I could get used to seeing. What planet are these people from? I mean I’m not a white guy so maybe I just will never understand but I’ve known a lot of them and thankfully they weren’t like this.

Well then, actions have consequences.

Is there an incredibly pale and white version of that GIF meme where Eric Andre shoots Hannibal and that asks who did it?

Wow. Imagine that.

Wtf did he actually say? I'm sick of only hearing about how I should now hate someone without any details as to why. I mean maybe it was terrible and deserves the judgment, but maybe not. I want to freedom to choose that for myself. I can't read the article, it's behind a paywall

*shoots self in foot* “this is so unfair!!”

highbrow_nobrow I’ve always wondered why his strip was popular in the first place. Never particularly funny or insightful, only one lonely white guy who was ever right. All women were ugly, rude, illogical or hateful. No thanks.

Thank God it's a monetized WP article, so no one will even read it! whoCARES dontbeRACIST

highbrow_nobrow He really needs to own it. He made the decision to let the world know he’s a racist, now he has to deal with the consequences. Yay, freedom of speech, without freedom from consequences!


Hey Dilbert…

You don’t fucking say, Scott.

why, what did he say, it couldn't have been that bad --

Not destroyed enough. Keep chipping away.

Well done!

My bro. My guy. My dude. What reputation. No one has read Dilbert since 1997.

It’s second, not connected time, I’m using this quote this week and I’d be happy to dig it out as many times as needed.

Dude wanted to quit. We’re all tired of Dilbert

fontainetricia1 Awww.

did he have someone holding a gun to his head forcing him to go on a racist rant

He fucked around and found out. No one's fault but his own

Fuck around and find out.

Oh well

From his tweets it doesn’t seem like it. He and those who agree are converging

joncoopertweets Well, DUHHHHHHH

Frankly im shocked he had any reputation left to destroy. He's been a bigoted cringe reactionary openly for quite some time

Well, yeah. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Passive voice doing a lot of lifting here.

rothschildmd Well, that’s good to know.

Now he’s going to go play victim and cry on Tucker Carlson

Notice how they don’t say he’s wrong

Immediate Like for this. Good and good riddance

He’s in on the right wing griftosphere now so he’ll be fine selling pillows or coffee mugs with pictures of dilbert on them to trumpers.

He shotHume self in the foot and is whining about it…classy



Racism, hatred and sexism is ugly and most people are not with it. You destroy your own reputation, for trump or maybe you’ve always been that way. 😡🙄

As it should be

Passive voice bad. 'My reputation is destroyed, waah'. Active voice good. 'I destroyed my reputation, waah'. (Hat tip to radiofreetom)

Scott: Shocking! Shocking, I say! Can’t a cartoonist do a racism without the world hating him for it? Every other cartoonist: STFU.

Meanwhile, ScottAdamsSays has been spouting misogynistic pablum for the past 15 years with no apparent consequences including blaming feminism for suicide bombers because that's what happens when men don't get enough hugs. So I guess it's about damn time.

Oh no. Whatever mildly humorous newspaper clipping will we hang next to our photocopiers now

Gee, I wonder who “destroyed” Dilbert-dope’s reputation. It’s a mystery for the ages.🙄

Buy the ticket—take the ride. ~HST

Couldn't happen to a more worthy scumbag.


Fake news.

That.... tends to happen

Racist complains about being called a racist just because he said racist things in public.


Wait, they're just NOW dropping him?!




He’s in the “Find Out” phase of his career.

As if years of shilling for Trump hadn't already destroyed his reputation.

He hopes

No it was destroyed way before then

Good. That’s how vile, awful people should be treated.

Oh no! You mean he didn’t expect consequences? Poor little fella.

Tiny 🎻



whoops guess that happens when you focus your energies on being a racist!

That’s kinda what happens

He'll be aight 🥱.

highbrow_nobrow he willfully destroyed it. will Black people across the nation lament that Adams will no longer 'help' them?


Dilbert creator destroys his reputation by going on racist rant.


worked long and hard on his reputation that hid all the racism, not fair of the woke mob to discover him being unequivocally racist instead of plausibly-deniably racist

maybe don't be racist then?

What was racist about it?

Younger generations:

Lol good

Tbh, not enough

I think ScottAdamsSays was dropped because nobody gives a shit about Dilbert.


That's a passive verb. This needs an active verb.

Destroyed? Let's hope so.

LOLOL yeah, introspection’s hard. Too bad you were supposed to do it before you posted racist garbage on an international platform, huh?


All six visibly-decaying geriatrics who still read newspaper comics must be devastated.


Boo fucking hoo

🤬around and find out. He chose to be a racist and record it. Words have consequences.

Is there a reputation at all when headlines don’t even use your real name

Don't be a fucking racist.

It’s Boomer mentality. Somewhere along the way they all just take a radical right turn to crazy (and racist) town.

Cry me a river. He has no one to blame other than himself.

Is he sad? Is he gonna cry? He should. He did it to himself. Be less racist.

“It was the fuck around of times, It was the find out of times”

Breaking: man discovers consequences.

He responded to the poll of Black people where only 53% of them said it was ok to be White. Ya know- basically 47% admitting they have racism and hate in their hearts. But muh rant lol.


He FA and then he FO.

You reap what you sow. He’s a racist 🐓🍭


He can open for Roseanne on fox nation making corny pronoun and racist jokes.

Good riddance

Did it to himself.

What was he expecting? A medal? Finally exposed!!!

Fuck around and find out.

Uhm, what were you expecting...a parade?

When I first started working. I actually thought that someone I worked with might secretly be documenting our workplace as the nom de plum Scott Adams. Turns out it's universal. But it's tragic to see someone self destruct so badly.... almost comically.

Man punches himself in the face, wonders where the black eye came from

Yes, this dude just messed around and found out.

good riddance. it was never funny anyway.

Well, then don’t be an racist.


It was the vaccine!

Poor entitled racist baby 🎻

You'd think Scott Adams would be happy. His reputation hasn't been destroyed in the 'anti-woke' crowd he caters to. It's probably been improved in that crowd. Surely he doesn't care what a bunch of 'woke' anti-racism publications & people think of him.

ScottAdamsSays says “If the polls are right” and he quotes donlemon so are you canceling donlemon ?

his ‘reputation’ is the same as it’s always been, only now more people know about it. He brought this on himself - FAFO


He pretty much made that bed he is lying in. And now he plays victim.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!


Thoughts and prayers....

Imagine had he thought about that before he shot his mouth off. 😏

Who sad that coming🙄

So let me get this straight. You dropped him as a comic author but then give him a column to complain about it? Just drop him, he is a racist, that's why you dropped his comic strip. You don't need to carry water for him!

yeah that tends to happen when you go on racist rants, kind of an unforced error there

Maybe he can do some group therapy with Kanye

I'll cry for him sometime later......no I won't.

In midlife the self-destructive patterns that occur in men from 14-26 often re-emerge: substance-abuse, depression, suicide, domestic and gun violence. If they don’t resolve they tend to get worse, esp at retirement age. No excuses for this racist 65 yr old jerk but he’s a mess.

I have a better headline “Well known Racist says something so racist even we couldn’t ignore it” Might need tweaking

Lol. Gotta love these, “poor me for what I did to myself” pieces.

Fcked around and found out.

I mean, he’ll get to become a Fox News correspondent now.

ngl but his reputation was trashed way before this. the man is unhinged.

Not paying for a sub, so guess its just Schrödingers cat 🐈😂

FlowerGirlBaker Why would you post this story on Twitter when no one can read unless they subscribe to the WaPo?




joncoopertweets OK. With ugly words comes great responsibility. Adams asked why people would want to be around people they did not respect. Clearly, they don't want to be around him.


Well. The is complete garbage anyways. His rant would have been accurate had he blamed politicians & DA’s unwilling to prosecute crime. Crime isn’t a race issue, it is a human issue.

Too fucking bad

joncoopertweets Good

Who did that?

Words hurt. Lol

No pity for someone who looks down on any other human.

joncoopertweets Loose lips sink ships!🤣🤣🤣

joncoopertweets And who’s to blame?

Let's be honest, y'all were waiting for any reason to cancel him

joncoopertweets Good

Thoughts and prayers, Adam

What did he expect?

Nice passive voice here - *who* destroyed it, pray tell?


Destroyed or revealed?

Glad to hear that, and I hope we've seen the last of him. Lousy human being.

Big boy decisions, big boy consequences

He destroyed himself.

According to a Recent Poll 'nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people' meaning that half the polled group is 'a hate group”! Rather easy to see that half of the people polled are racists and thus a hate group. Scott called out a group of hateful racists and…

Just a FYI Black People subscribe to News organizations too you might not want to say racist things about us, just saying 😡😡😡😡

He should know as he actively destroyed it.

Cue the stick in bicycle spoke meme.


White boy discovers consequences.

Well, shutting tf up is free. Maybe he should have done that

Classic fucked around and found out 🤷🏻‍♂️

Actions have consequences

First, they came for the bigots I don't think that's how the poem goes

Put him at the back of the bus.

joncoopertweets No great loss. IMO “Dilbert” was always pretty lame.

Pro tip: Don't indulge in racist rants.

I hope all the papers drop his racist ass.

Look at all the NPCs taking a headline from Jeff Bezos' newspaper at face value.


Boo hoo

That's the best news I've heard all day!

You destroyed your own reputation. How about don’t be a racist.

I bet he describes the backlash as blacklash!

We don’t care how he feels. Stop coddling the alt-right.


Was he wrong, though? Or are all y'all gonna hurry up move to the hood to support your brown brothers and sisters? You gonna start hiring them because you like getting discrimination threats every single day? It's a sick culture that thinks that type of shit is ok.

Total cuck behavior.

Blame it on Ambien, fentanyl or something. 😂😂😂😂😂

Good, it should have happened a long time ago. The guy is a fascist.

Brings to mind another video:

Local man shares obviously problematic opinion, and is surprised by the aftermath. More at 6 o'clock.

As it should be.

Use active voice. “‘Dilbert’ creator says his racist rant destroyed reputation.” It reads better.


Appropriately so. Racism is vile and people should not expect it to be okayin 2023.




Has he tried not doing that?

Well, who's fault is it that he made a racist rant? Oh, right.


Yeah. Consequences suck, don’t they?

duh. f--k around and find out. Do the math. Who reads papers? Who buys books?

Alternate headline: man experiences consequences of his own actions

Destroyed by whom? Mysterious forces? No? Just the consequences of his own actions? Well, okay then.

Politics1com You misspelled “confirmed”.

More accurately, his reputation was confirmed.

Trash finds out it’s trash

Eh, he's been playing cute and toeing the line for years. He finally jumped across it and discovered there are consequences. He can go cry a river.

Because the media has to make racists look like the victims

Yea. That’s correct.

Sounds like the invisible hand of the market there, doesn’t it?

Boo fucking hoo

Yes, that's usually how that goes, man.


I hope he finds the person who did this 🤔🤔🤔


So he told us how he feels and now he is a victim. How predictable.

Everything Scott said is correct. They don’t even attempt to debunk it.

Scott Adams will always have a revenue stream from the Repubelican rubes.

I mean, yeah, dude

Womp womp

That's just accountability for being a horrible racist.


What was said? That they were a hate group since over half hate whites in a poll?

White hoods are easier to draw.

And he will talk endlessly on Tucker, Hannity, and every other right-wing talk show and then create his gofundme.

So? Get you're sympathy elsewhere.

Uh… good

Bring Bill Waterson and Calvin and Hobbes back!

Funny how that works

Whomever wrote that headline needs a new job over at Waldo’s Weasel Words Emporium ffs

What did he think would happen when he brought his white hood out to play.


ethanjsacks So?

I love it when lady Karma has had enough shit and decides to kick some ass

Come the fuck on. Racist does racist things and finds out the consequences. This is a ridiculous article. Fuck around and find out.

I didn’t put the sound on but I’m thinking it was bad.

let him disappear quietly. he doesn’t need any coverage.

He “destroyed” his own reputation!!

Weird. It’s almost as though actions have consequences.

How is this a story? we've been telling you this guy is fucking excrement for years. are you okay? where have you been living? can I find the rock you've been under cuz it seems like it has good ventilation heating and food

ScottAdamsSays has no one to blame but himself. Maybe this is the wake up call to break from the MAGACult

As it should be.

What reputation? It was confirmed not destroyed. He has tons of hate for all people that aren’t him.


Whuuuuut? Yeah, that happens.


We are entitled to freedom of speech but not the consequences of our actions. He spoke his truth and there's a price to pay for it. I hope they got him hard because being a racist isn't a productive thing

As it should be.

cant fucking imagine why right

Well well well. If it isn't the consequences to his actions.

can't even go on unhinged racist tirades anymore the way woke cancel culture is these days smh

Local man shows everyone how vile he is - decent people choose to disassociate from him. Still not a 1st amendment issue.


Diddums …

Dilbert would have done better if he raised the question as to why a large number of Black Americans agreed with the statement “It’s okay to be White,” rather than going off on a racist rant. It certainly unsettling why a large number of Black Americans feel this way.

that's how it works

“I destroyed my career” -racist

This wasn’t just a difference of opinion on politics. People can disagree on policies like Affirmative Action or whatever other race related issues. His rant was a full on, “Black people are a hate group / Stay the fuck away from black people” racist garbage.

Good. Racist loser


I imagine he’ll be on Tucker crying that he’s been “canceled” before the week is done.


As it should be!

He said as ALWAYS known as a racist

For the love of God, will someone think of all the Etsy sellers now stuck with garages full of Dilbert crap

He wanted separation. Let him have it.

Area man learns there are consequences for his actions.

Reputation, career, life, as well it should be.

He was laughing in the video he made of himself and seemed confident of his choices

sullypov Good!

Lol…the man has been on a reputation destroying bender for years now…

Nanaboat02066 Awww.

He’d been doing his 🤡 show with like minded people. Problem was he took it on the road to an international audience and the majority don’t agree. Oh well… I had lamb and collard greens for dinner.

Weren’t you taught not to use passive voice, especially when it obscures clearly evident responsibility?


Compared to how many lives destroyed by racism?

Premiering this month on 'American Dumbest Racist' featuring Scott Adams.

Adams may be a Cartoonist, but he’s no Addams.

Found out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

Wtf did he expect to happen



Well GOOD!

He did this to himself.

Darn! What's a racist to do?


Why, the *hell* you say! :P


I think he pulled his Twitter account down! I mean, WTF did he think was going to happen! What was his endgame in this? This was completely a self-sabotaging move, and I think he knew this.

Tiny violin

Bless his racist heart. Buh bye

Good. That was self-inflicted. Don't know what he thought would happen. I mean, duh!

joncoopertweets What a weasly little racist turncoat this guy turned out to be, huh?


joncoopertweets Maybe it deserved to be.


You destroyed your own reputation. Guess you don’t have as many friends as you thought. At least ones that would publicly agree with you. Total douche bag

His reputation was destroyed a decade ago. He is only facing any consequences for his actions now.

Then don't give racist rants!

Self inflicted.

Was it though?

good_dog98 “Dilbert creator destroys reputation with racist rant” is more accurate.

TheOnion should post this with the exact same headline, wouldn’t notice 💀

I loved Dilbert…guess that’s something i wont be watching or reading anymore

Sad cause the cartoons are insightful. F around, find out.

joncoopertweets It should be destroyed! What he said was appalling.

To Republicans, consequences = canceled. B.O.O.H.O.O

I mean… yeah?

Well yeah…fuck around and find out, pal


No, we knew he was a douche *before* this latest racist rant. I've known for years. Disappointing.

It was self-inflicted. But he has his cozy home in his almost all white neighborhood where he's safe from us Black folks.

More 'confirmed' than 'destroyed'.

“Experiencing consequences for my actions is the true injustice” - ScottAdamsSays

He said black people are racist. Then gets called a racist. This is hilarious.

Well deserved.

Did that one to himself

So now he's claiming that HE is the victim?


JusDayDa Boohoo.

Then how long are y’all going to keep covering this whiny racist’s rants?

DRESS Dilbert In KKK garb.

Such passive phrasing! He should try: 'I destroyed my career with a racist rant.'

Its crazy that he also wrote a book on the powers of persuasion. And then just communicates in hate speech. He can't honestly be trying to play the victim now after that rant. Just go away man.

joncoopertweets FAFO

Seriously, if you don't want to suffer any consequences for going on a racist rant, don't go on a racist rant online

His reputation was already awful. This is not an isolated incident.

What did he expect

REKCUFREHTOM YOU said what you said, on your own, without anyone asking you anything. You are anti-Black and a racist. You hate Black people and now you are crying hurt. ScottAdamsSays this is of your own making. You reap what you sow. ScottAdams Dilbert Cancelled

There’s an extra layer of hilarity in the fact that this is because of a poll from Rasmussen, the Washington Generals of the polling game.

joncoopertweets Tough s***



Guy baffled. Acted like racist can’t understand there’s consequences for being a racist. That how a $75M net worth shields you.

He did it all by himself...

He ruined his own reputation

Rightfully so…

joncoopertweets Good

Good now go away

Yeah that's pretty much the way it goes. Reap what you sow and all that.

He's clearly unaware of his reputation.

Why is WAPO still running his strip?

How awful that he’s suffering the reasonable and foreseeable consequences of his actions. Poor guy

It's racist when he promotes segregation, but it's not when universities promote it?

Oh well. What did he expect? I guess he didn’t think there was any problem with what he had to say. Don’t go on racist rants and think everybody will just accept it.

It wasn’t racist liberals are cancer

I stopped paying attention to him years ago due to his Trump worship. Glad he's finally done.

I have no sympathy for this smug racist now.


He’s outed himself as a huge d-bag. Shame. I used to like Dilbert.


Boo hoo! It's self inflicted! Go back under your rock!

joncoopertweets Well deserved!

crap, who coulda known

joncoopertweets Good. This guy is a dilbert anyways…

joncoopertweets Good I say. Hope everyone pulls your work. You disgust me.

Good. Racism, of which he is an enabler of racism and a white supremacist, has caused insufferable pain and violence as well as murder in the last 250 years. This bast..d deserves everything he gets and yet, it won't be violence will it?

joncoopertweets What did the dude expect to happen?!?!

Certified genius!

joncoopertweets Well deserved.


Sounds more like it was confirmed.


Dang, he fucked around and I guess he found out. 🤷

Too bad So sad Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

As it should be.

He fucked around and found out. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Cry me a River. He had already done a real number on his reputation prior to this. This was just the final nail in the coffin. Maybe he’ll get the psychological help he desperately needs. After his kid passed away he went way off the deep end.


Poor little racist snowflake.

Damn that was my ish once upon a newspaper comic

Oh boohoo .

I guess he figured he had enough money already.


It's so rare that these vile actions have consequences.



Awwww. Thoughts and prayers. There, does that help?

And I'm sure he still believes in the free market, but is still completely baffled.

This seems to happen quite often. I wonder if people used to spewing awfulness to those in their little bubble begin to think everyone thinks the same thing. Then they take it outside the bubble and shock and reality hit. 'What? They think I'm racist? But all my friends...'


He did it to himself.

Nano-sized violin of pity for him…

Cry me a river, Republitrash 🖕🏼🖕🏼

I watched this entire video. It was explicitly segregationist. And he’s upset that his clients fired him - he’s mad that the damned funny papers - cut him loose? Astonishing. But remember, this is MAGA- racism, entitlement, and the rejection of any & all accountability.

That’s why you should use your head for something besides a hat rack.🤩

Actions, meet consequences.


I am surprised it took this long. I was done with Dilbert when I found out Scott Adams is a MAGAT.

One less cartoonist to compete with.

Demonstrate, with evidence, where what he said was wrong. Of course, you can’t.

Now maybe you can do the same for transphobic op ed writers

So, why did he do it?

kinda shocked he was still being published lol

Oh, relax Scott, you'll get tons of new publications to carry your racist cartoon. You'll be the new darling of the white supremacists world-wide. Your grandkids will change their names, of course, because it's will forever be linked to racism. Didn't really think this through.

Boy that's too bad. Anyway. Some good NBA games tonight!

Oh well. Actions often have consequences. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Closet bigots are all over

He bought the ticket and he’s taking the ride.

So… what is the decision by the WaPo?

Biggest self own of the century. I watched about 30 seconds of his garbage rant. It was pretty easy to predict the consequences.

Dilbert comes out of the closet with a white sheet over his head.

carstarr6 What’s the down side?


Should have dropped him YEARS ago. He’s been a racist misogynist forever.

Oh good.

Maybe don't do public racist rants? Just a thought.

Is anyone concerned that 47% of Blacks don’t agree it’s ok to be white? How much outrage would we see from nytimes abcnews NBCNews CBSNews if almost half of Whites felt it was not ok to be Black? ScottAdamsSays has valid concerns. Whites should be alarmed.

Should a kept your pie hole shut!!!! Just because you can say something it doesn't mean you should! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THINKING BEFORE YOU SPEAK?

His rant wasn't racist. It was logical.

Scott noticed things, and he's being punished by those who don't want him to notice.

Pretty sure if I wrote this headline in 8th grade my English teacher would’ve sent it back for a rewrite. And she would’ve been correct. passivevoice

Well, well, well. If it isn't the inevitable consequences of his own actions.


Adult says what?

It's ok to be white.

This headline. Omg. The deliberate ambiguity. Who had a racist rant, ? Was it, Scott Adams, a racist?

There was no other way of understanding that

Sort of seemed intentional.

oh no

And it's shocking because?🥴

Pride and Censorship.

Well…that’s what you get. I mean…you can have a racist rant but you will have those engage against you for the rant.

Someone get him a mirror so he can ID the guy who destroyed it.

This is how frontotemporal dementia begins. 🧠🐵 ScottAdams

By whom, might one ask.

C'est la vie.

Dilbert creator apparently fails to recognise he destroyed his reputation 20 years ago

So perhaps there are not as many racist reading newspapers as he thought

'Goddamn libs cancelled this upstanding humanitarian and artist!!!' -Maga meme generator

The Dildo of Consequences rarely arrives lubed

Regular Americans are in an abusive relationship where if notice the abuse, you’re labeled the abuser.

And his point is what exactly? Actions have consequences? Yes. Welcome to adulthood.

Well, well, well…if it isn’t the consequences of one’s actions.

He had thrown away any good reputation he had years ago but he now has cemented himself as a regular fox guest

I suspect that he ran out of ideas and decided to blow it all up so a) he didn’t have to admit he ran out of ideas and b) he could have a second career touring the country as a victim of “cancel culture.” I guess time will tell…

Honestly surprised it took this long.

Well at least he still sees himself as the real victim here.


seems like a clear case of FAFO

His reputation was destroyed when he created that unfunny comic strip.

Pro-tip: Dilbert creator Destroyed his reputation with his Racist Rant. He MADE that happen with his racist agency, it did t happen to him no matter how many mediocre white boomer tears he sheds.

He meant “I’ve destroyed my reputation.” Sequence of words makes all the difference. (Not that he had much of a rep left…)

Oh no, the consequences of my own actions!

What happens when you openly support segregation I guess ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

It needs to get worse for him every day

'Dilbert creator destroys reputation with racist rant.' Fixed it for you.

Oh no if it isn’t the consequences of my actions

As a subscriber, I thank you for your decision. I have viewed video of Mr. Adam’s racist rant and find it highly offensive.

Some good news for a change.

So sad for him

Subscribers who don't cancel can now find comfort and safety in their daily funny pages while those that leave will find freedom.

What did he expect? Oh wait, he’s probably immersed himself in the MAGA, white supremacy, “America First” bubble so he thinks this is what the majority of Americans believe. He would be wrong.

Well deserved.

Let me guess, he'll blame woke cancel culture rather than taking responsibility for his words

Oh noes. A victim of his own poor choices.

He has done it before with little consequence.

You reap what you sow

Actions have consequences.

Go figure.

How many jobs have you had where you were the minority among African-Americans? I have always spoken out and voted against racism. But when I have worked at several jobs where I was the minority, I was usually harassed, treated as an enemy.

Well yeah…that’s how it works. He did it to himself.

Good. He’s disgusting

Oh well. There is a lesson there.

One option he had was to not be racist

I'm pretty used to Twitter calling jokes etc. 'racist' but this seems to be the real deal.


If one of your black employees suggested blacks avoid whites as a matter of safety you’d do nothing.

I can imagine how shocked he must be after regaling everyone with racist harangues 😑


“Dilbert” creator says, 'I ‘destroyed’ my reputation with my racist rant.' There. I corrected it for you. You're welcome.

TRANSLATION: Dud shoots himself in the foot, then complains about limping.

Love when racists are mad that we are mad at them for being racists

So he'll be speaking at CPAC then?

Fixed: ''Dilbert' creator faces consequences for abhorrent racist rant' You're welcome, !


Racist person says reputation is destroyed after saying racist comment ..

Awe. Poor baby. Really don’t care.

Yes. That’s how that works. causeeffect

Until recently, this multimillionaire would be invited onto FOX to bloviate about how hard it is to be a white man in America.


This headline has a lot of content

No shit Sherlock.

Love that for him

Welp. I'm encouraged to see that reputational self-immolation is a thing.

No one forced him to say that, and post it in YouTube for the world to see.


I’m having tacos for dinner.


Let’s be honest here, it’s not his reputation he’s concerned about; he’s more worried about his bank balance

Is he surprised?

I love that Scott Adams implies that his reputation was destroyed by someone other than Scott Adams.

Glad to see this can still happen to racists. Odds are that he'll bounce back, though. Probably end up in the Senate.

Well, here’s a thought, Scott…Stop being a racist!

WashPost goes on another appeasement rant. Hoping to be top media outlet for the 3rd world. Washington Post Staff 😄😁😆

No it was ruined well before that.

Filbert boy should realize actions have consequences.

Should have retired with dignity like Bill Watterson.

ddiamond Good

He had choices.

Well if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.....


He knew what he was doing

RIP Klanbert

'Consequences happened to me because I'm a scumbag in public!' is literally what the entire freakout over 'cancel culture' from Fox to billmaher has been about **the entire time**. People and brands don't want to associate with bigotry. Full stop. This isn't hard.

Actions have consequences. If he doesn’t want to be categorized as a racist he shouldn’t act like one.

Black people have been cancelled since they were bought to North American against their will; enslaved thereafter for centuries; continuously being discriminated against for the skin color; subjected to police brutality; their history banned from public school districts, etc.

What did he expect!!!


Good. This is good.

F*** around and find out

What rep? He's been a known jerk for years. He just solidified it publicly.

Fuck around meeting find out.

ddiamond Again…if you won’t be shamed; you will be shunned! Count on it.

..... Dilbert ScottAdams



What's hilarious is that anyone with half a brain would realize the poll was basically a meme, intentional or not.

He's playing up his grievances hoping he'll make it to the Murdoch league.

I have no affiliation with this man. I am just your regular “average Joe” who is not racist whose name is Dilberts. Please follow me instead of this man.


ddiamond A shocking turn of events

Consequences for conservative racism? Would have been unthinkable when he was young...

Sounds like someone has a case of the FAFOs...

Donald Trump unleashed the true racial beliefs of the majority of his base. Many friendships deteriorated as true feelings were displayed. This clown knew his strips would be discontinued and didn’t care. These so called United States are very dis-United. It does no one any good

I haven’t read dilbert in 20 years did he ever do a strip about fucking around and finding out?

Crazy how that can happen

And this is where Iearned Dilbert is somehow still going, more than twenty years after its natural expiration.

Paywall. I don't do those.


ddiamond Of only there was a way to avoid that from happening.

Well well we... if it isn't the consequences of your own actions or words, or as conservatives like to call it.. 'cancel culture'


ddiamond He got exactly what he deserves.

Another right wing victim


He made the mistake of assuming that, because 47% of black Americans said they don't particularly like white people, that maybe a lot of black people don't like being around white people.

1. Good 2. Reputation as a crackpot freak? That one?

Has he tried not being a racist?

Blacks Are Racist Just Or More Then White


ScottAdamsSays karma is a bitch

Nobody gives a flying fig about what the racist 'says'.

We dropped ScottAdamsSays and condem all forms of racism!

What say you,sacbee_news ? His view does not reflect the values of the Sacramento community. Drop Dilbert please

If he’s wondering whom to blame, I know where he can look

Fixed the headline: “Dilbert artist laments career suicide”

Awww poor baby. Sending thoughts and prayers.

So OttawaCitizen, still there ?

As it should be


Go figure

*After thought kicks in*

What did he expect? No apology will be accepted,he meant what he said.

Bud this is what happens when you fuck around to much.

dilbert dildo doubles down destroying decimated already bad reputation.

Breaking: Dilbert was never funny

Self-destruction is a bitch.

and who’s fault is that?

Whiny prick . . you did this to yourself

Serves him right, get woke, go broke

This is strange, his reputation was of a racist, if anything it only got stronger.

Racist is mad people don’t want to pay racists even though they’ve been paying him for years.

Sinclair group and Fox will help him out. He outed himself as a racist and is unapologetic about it.

Going on a racist rant has a tendency to ruin your career. Maybe not being a bigot would help your life out. Just food for thought.

How dare people judge racists by their own racist words?

I hate when my reputation is destroyed after a racist rant

He did it to himself. Actions, meet consequences.

'My reputation is destroyed' says racist Maybe don't do that

Well, if it ain’t the consequences of his own actions

No shit Sherlock🙄🙄🙄

Remember that time when he’s done this for like 25 years? The man is unclever.

Imagine blowing up your career for a Rasmussen poll - the outfit that said Trump was going to get 31% of the black vote in 2020.


Dilbert is the “I learned that guy was still alive by finding out he just died” of comic strips.

His well' deserved reputation as a racist is really getting established, though.

Finally getting what he deserves. Useless bigot.

This was already his reputation. He is bolstering it. He knows what he’s doing.

Better get my Dilbert of the Day calendar off my desk before HR finds out. Not that I condone his racist remarks—Adams fell from grace years ago when I became aware of his outspoken support for Trump, and yes he must be driven from the village. Still like Dilbert tho.

Yeah, he destroyed his own reputation.

Who could have possibly seen that coming?

Shame. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy


As it should be

Even if his take on the poll is right, that it shows some blacks have racist attitudes towards whites, his solution is to be racist back. Now he’s wondering why that solution is viewed negatively and has consequences?


Cause, meet effect.

No one to blame but yourself. You should have stayed behind your mask, not letting your true self talk.

did anyone still hold this guy in high esteem at this point lol

The wounds are self inflicted.


His reputation wasn't that stellar to begin with.

I told people I hate N******, and now people hate me. Why am being subjected to this?

Aw thoughts and prayers. Anyway, what’s for dinner?

Business owner career destroyed after yelling “fuck you” to customers.

You mean “Dilbert” creator ‘destroyed’ his own reputation after his racist rant

Do you know ANYONE who fucking reads DILBERT?!?! I’d rather read Mary Worth or Rex Morgan, M.D. than his corny-ass send up of American office culture. Good riddance!

Don't be racist

Has Adams shown any remorse?

and he’ll cash in on all that “persecution”

He should write a song about a dead kid. Then he'll win 8 Grammys and we'll all pretend to be surprised every 6 months when we re-learn about his racist rant.

Oh no! Who destroyed it

Racist gets repercussions after racist bs 🙄. He doesn't care

It’s a crappy cartoon anyway.


Most were fully aware ScottAdamsSays was racist before….surely your family/friends knew

good lol

I don’t really care, do U? It’s about time, actually.

Fuck around find out, Dilbert

Well, he is the one who destroyed it.

Maybe don’t be racist?

Was his voice, his choice. I never liked his Dilbert. Maybe underlying messages in the writing ✍️

He did it to himself!

He cancelled himself.🥹🤡

People should spend more time offline. Online, you'd think there was a freakin race war ongoing.

This isn't information worthy of an article. Let him fade into racist, old man oblivion and leave the rest of us out of it.

Nah, he's always been a terrible, absolutely horrible, human.

Yes, that is how reputations tend to work.

You, sir, are a dunce.

Duh. He was expecting applause? A Pulitzer?

as it should be

Shoulda kept the hood on, bruh.

That's a shame

They were shit anyway

Indeed most rasist black folk think it’s OK ,indeed safe!,to continually insult other humans calling them rasist for their extremely minor remarks while they every day! as seen yell vile insults at white folk .,they being just a tad contradictory ,as usual.🤷🏼‍♂️,🕊👍❤️.

Well he found out didn’t he?

He's spewed toxic garbage for ages now - I'm frankly surprised there was finally a bridge too far. But I'm glad to hear it.

Man from '90s decries modernity after backlash for taking massive shit in public

Say horrid stuff, pay the rightful price!

He has a wife though right?

Is he trying to make some virtuous 'non gentrification' argument or what.

All by design so he can be a martyr.

More like his reputation is confirmed.

Wasn't that always his reputation? What am I missing?

What a rancid man

“I said some dumb shit and ruined my reputation. Here’s why it isn’t my fault…”

i think i'd call it a self-own.


He did it to himself. Why is it conservatives cannot take personal responsibility for what they do? It's always someone else's fault.

No shit!

Well Well Well if it isn't the consequences of his bigoted reprehensible actions 🙄

His reputation has been gone for awhile now lol

Now he can join Kill Rittenhouse in begging for coin on Twitter.



This is” Cant believe he got wet after jumping into pool” stupid.

🎻 --- someone play a sad song on this

I listened to the video, and it is not as bad as all the drama being raised about it.

As it should be!!! 🖕🏾🖕🏾

I’m all out of shit to give…

Hello Actions, meet Consequences. 🫠🫠🫠

His reputation before the racist rant was already reactionary racist and generally dumb guy, so...I would like to reassure him that his reputation is intact.

'When a young male (let’s say 14 to 19) is a danger to himself and others, society gives the supporting family two options: 1. Watch people die. 2. Kill your own son. I chose 1 and watched my stepson die. I was relieved he took no one else with him.”

Well Scott...

I mean, freedom of speech does not = freedom from consequences.

Got that say what you want money lol

What did he expect? TheIndoctrinatedCultOfStupidity and ignorance will accept him. They love racist!


Yeah. So?

Thoughts and prayers

He wanted the attention and here you are giving it to him.

No duh!

Every time you see a conservative whining about cancel culture, this is what they want to preserve. They want to be able to spew racism publicly without fear of any consequence. They think it's their god given right.

He's been recycling the same tired jokes for years now. Not sure why his comic strip wasn't cancelled a long time ago.


He’s complaining. Waiting on Tucker and Laura to take up his case.

No one gets everything they want in life, but I can't understand why so many people who have talent, opportunity, and wealth end up being so profoundly unhappy. People who are content with themselves and their lives don't spend their days stewing in hatred and resentment.

Scott Adams: “My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed. You can’t come back from this, am I right? There’s no way you can come back from this.” 'I destroyed my reputation for the rest of my life.' fixed that for you ScottAdamsSays

Tough shit

Racists are those who believe they're Race is entitled to squat in the habitat & ancestral lands of another Race Separatists are Nativists who insist on living in their natural habitat/ancestral lands separate & apart from the Racists squatting in it.

well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions

Anyone who's been paying attention realized he was a racist a long time ago.

LOTTA Lower case “blacks” being thrown around.. During BlackHistoryMonth too? Ew.

Boo fucking hoo

is he being facetious

Oh it's been a while since that ship sailed...

He did that to himself

You didn't bother to listen if you think he ranted.

Crazy thought. Maybe don’t go on racist rants.

Boo Fucken Hoo

He did it to himself. I have zero sympathy. Maybe he can get a job at Truth Social Media.

Was never funny, anyway

Lol who destroyed it

Good! 🖕🏾

How could he do that to him?!

Well yes 🙄.

Well, that's one thing he's right about.

Cartoon thumbs up 👍

Oh boohoo. Hate destroys people

'I destroyed my reputation,' is more like it.

Well, don’t be a racist.


Why is this an article?


On the contrary, it only bolstered his reputation as a miserable racist


He'll be on TuckerCarlson next week being the victim of the woke mob .

Scott Adams I am so disappointed in you. In the 80s and 90s we loved your cartoons. I clipped the best and folks at work enjoyed them. None of us agree with your positions on race.

He'll fit right in on FoxNews

Well. Um… yes.

Awwwww looks like sowine is in the “find out” phase.

Ya, kind of how that works.

Blacks are so racist twords asians and whites yet it’s acceptable. Racism is sin god hates sin

Good. No one likes him anyway. ✌️

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‘Dilbert’s’ Scott Adams: ‘White people should get the hell away from Black people’During his online program, the controversial East Bay cartoonist offered up his latest provocation, arguing that Black people constitute a ‘hate group’ and White people need to ‘g… Ouch! Does that include himself? Or am I colorblind? Isn't he a little hypo-pigmented? I'm confused! 😂 Based on crime statistics, he's right. Sad
Source: mercnews - 🏆 88. / 68 Read more »

‘Dilbert’s’ Scott Adams: ‘White people should get the hell away from Black people’During his online program, the controversial cartoonist argued that Black people constitute a ‘hate group.’
Source: ladailynews - 🏆 332. / 59 Read more »

Newspapers Drop ‘Dilbert’ Comic Strip After Creator’s Racist RantSeveral more newspapers have dropped the Dilbert comic strip from their pages after its creator, Scott Adams, called Black Americans a “hate group” in a Feb. 22 YouTube video. In recent years, the term “bubble” has become increasingly popular in political discourse. It is used to describe the idea that certain groups of people, particularly those who are politically active, live in an isolated environment that is largely disconnected from the rest of… dont worry scotty, you can always go to fox and draw maga hats While Mr Adams has freedom of speech, he does not have freedom from consequences.
Source: thedailybeast - 🏆 307. / 63 Read more »

‘Dilbert’ Cartoon Dropped From Many News Outlets Over Creator Scott Adams’ Racial RemarksNewspapers across the country are pulling the “Dilbert” cartoon after a podcast racial rant from creator and author Scott Adams. Adams said on his his Coffee with Scott Adams online vid… What he said was nothing new. People have always tried to get away from them if they could afford it. It makes no sense to let people who hate you make your food or be involved in your medical care. Just get away from them. Complete nonsense. What does the drawing have to do with the personal life of its author? Following this logic, none, NO audiovisual work would be immune. Not racial, racist
Source: DEADLINE - 🏆 109. / 63 Read more »

‘Dilbert’ Comic Strip Dropped by Newspapers Over Scott Adams ‘Racist Rant’Scott Adams’ long-running “Dilbert” comic strip has been pulled by multiple newspapers after the cartoonist called Black Americans a “hate group” and urged white people to “… Scott Adams is the Kevin Sorbo of Ralph Macchio's. Should’ve been done awhile ago
Source: Variety - 🏆 108. / 63 Read more »

E-N drops ‘Dilbert’ over creator’s comments about Black AmericansThe San Antonio Express-News is dropping the comic strip “Dilbert” because of hateful... A rational person that listened to the entire conversation & subsequent follow-up would not conclude he is a racist (Racist beyond You, I or Anyone else- we are all classified by race). By canceling & branding him, you validate his point(s). MSM is a big part of the problem.
Source: ExpressNews - 🏆 519. / 51 Read more »