‘Dilbert’ dropped by newspapers over creator Scott Adams’ ‘racist rant’

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

“This is not a difficult decision,” Cleveland Plain Dealer Editor Chris Quinn wrote Friday. “Adams said Black people are a hate group.”

“This is not a difficult decision,” Plain Dealer Editor Chris Quinn wrote Friday in his letter from the editor. “Adams said Black people are a hate group, citing a recent Rasmussen survey which, he said, shows nearly half of all Black people do not agree with the phrase ‘It’s okay to be white.'”

“I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people,” he stated. “So I’m going to back off on being helpful to Black America because it doesn’t seem like it pays off,” he said.Quinn, in the letter, claimed the paper’s move to sever ties with Adams wasn’t a “‘cancel culture’ decision,” but rather, “a decision based on the principles of this news organization and the community we serve.”


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Dilbert man has gone nuts

At least We know what side racist ppl like Scott Adams would be on if the civil war they want happened again, it would be the losing side just like the last civil war. Hate will never win.

He got what he wished for.

Black Comedians since the 80s: White people are the worst US: *laughter* Any white person: Boy, I sure am glad... US: *GASP* DID HE JUST SAY 'BOY!?' THAT'S RACIST!!!

I must have missed the 'racist rant.' I've never read anything from Scott Adams that was 'racist.' Are you sure about that, NY Post? Or are you taking words out of context, or perhaps projecting a meaning onto them that really isn't true? Did you ask him for clarification first?

And picked up by hundreds of thousand twitter followers.

Discussing the current state of race and racism, that has been cultivated by the left, does not make you racist. Racism is irrational hatred of groups for imaginary or false actions or traits.

Adams made a statement that a dark fella could say without any kind of backlash. So get off your high horse media shills

He was absolutely correct!

Ok I was wondering what he was known for.

Who reads newspapers anymore? Everyone knows the few remaining print newspapers belong to the Leftist Propaganda Ministry - and are rightly ignored.

kinsellawarren *ahem*

Judge for yourself if you think Scott Adams words are racist or just provocative. You should always make your own decisions and not take another's viewpoint on who is a racist whether it be ScottAdamsSays or Kanye West.

So he speaks his mind and states facts to which are true and as usual leftists don't like it? Applaud his efforts to state what many also think and believe, the self evident truth.

Segregation is popular nowadays, why the uproar? My generation was against it, but apparently it's becoming the norm again

It’s it odd the main stream media embraces and rejoices cancel culture so aggressively Somehow that seem More Totalitarian than progressive it appears they need as much self righteousness as they can get to offset the propaganda they spread

Exactly why nobody buys newspapers. He was 100% correct. I'm black and I try to stay away from mostly black communities too. Everybody BUT the media knows it's the Wild West out here. We coddled criminals and now the criminals don't HAVE to care.

Have they listened to Joy Reid lately?


Thankfully, I know exactly what he said, and why he said it.

I read what he said. I don't find it racist by quoting the survey and identifying its implications.

He trolled everyone

Was it really racist or did it just come out and state the obvious?

Read it all. Not racist.

Rasmussen_Poll should do a poll asking black people if their feelings would be hurt if all the honkey mother effers stayed the fuck away from them. I’d love to know what they think.

Hmm. Black people hate white folks. Well, at least they treat each other with love and dignity.

It took a lot of courage for him to say that. Adams is a hero. Anyone who calls him a ‘racist’ is an enemy of white people

Tune in for more!

Also just started following him. If hes willing to simply discuss a poll, he deserves more people listening.

Who can the papers drop if we think millions not believing another race is OK is a bigger problem than one individual not wanting to help them or just avoiding them?

look at the comments…

Adams is right

Nothing wrong with what you said, what's wrong is what the newspapers did but we are dealing with a news media that lost their commonsense

ScottAdamsSays , he's unfortunately not wrong. It's been a reality for a long time

Well that’s a lie! LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

He swallowed a red pill.

Great moments in Black History Month:

You should link ScottAdamsSays interview with HotepJesus about this from yesterday. They had a very informative and nuanced conversation about all of this. I'd recommend watching the whole thing if you have time.

'It's okay to be white.' Started as a 4chan troll job in 2017 that quickly spiraled into coded language for actual neo-nazis and white supremacists. Adams has had this coming for a long time. Remember when he blamed society for his stepson's fentanyl OD.

What's a newspaper? Dilbert rules!

Oh no! Newspapers! I have never subscribed to a newspaper, how will I ever read a comic strip?

Racist rant? His commentary was in response to a Rasmussen poll. The respondents are the racists! He was merely speaking about the published results.


Lots of folks in the comments defending his white nationalism. Not surprising...

Scott continue to speak your mind. Hopefully you are in a financial position to ride out the storm. This is how the crazy left tries to win. Might not agree with everything you said but u are certainly entitled to speak your mind without getting cancelled.

So, Scott is a racist, but the blacks who voted 47% saying it wasn't ok to be white in a poll aren't?

Eisenhower and LBJ FORCED Diversity on us after The Great Migration

Cancel scum at it again

where was he wrong?

Well, he’s not actually wrong but yea, we don’t actually like to hear the truth. And now these newspapers don’t align with my values, so peace out. I won’t watch their tv stations anymore either.

Dilbert is my favorite, Scott is a great American.

Speaking truth gets you canceled. Got it.

Was the poll also racist? 🤔

He was quoting Rasmussen_Poll and donlemon That’s it So unless you have some breaking news… then you are lying about what he said

Being honest about a poll is racist, y'all.

What are newspapers?

Adams will be fine. We’ll be poorer.

I'm sick of pretending that black are innocent souls 50% hate me because of my skin colour and blame me for all The stupid choices they make. I'm saying this out of pure survival instincts, we need to avoid them at all costs

He's not alowed to say that. And that's why things will not improve.

LMMFAO, Dude who hurt you? It’s one thing to think it another to commit future earning suicide 😵

It wasn’t a racist rant. He was just telling the truth. Black people can say anything ignorant hateful thing they want against White people but when a White person responds to defend or stand up for his own people and what is right he gets accused of racism. There is a lot of…

Nothing like freedom of speech


Bye boy

The Charles Addams family and the Scott Adams family.

ckyoujack GOOD

Scott isn't racist, he's simply fed up like most Sane Americans who want our Country back 🙄

Ya, it’s not racist for blacks to hate whites, but it is racist to point out that blacks hate whites 🤡

If everything is racist then nothing is racist.

lol 'racist rant' it wasn't and you're actually doing worse, which is race baiting

He is right, though. Watch this ... BlackViolence ScottAdamsWasRight Keep your children safe

people still read newspapers?


He was pointing to a poll that indicated 50% of blacks are not ok with whites. That’s not ok with me & shouldn’t be w/ others. We should be judged as individual not by skin color & not stereotyped by group. Ironically, those are the exact thing blacks fought against & overcame.

Every country goes through moral decline, devastation & eventually cultural death. The US is directly mid-center of it's moral decline & devastation. But the fact that the Leftists who insisted on said moral decline & devastation are going to suffer most makes it all worthwhile.

He was just making the observation that all of the anti-white rhetoric is making it unsafe when you see video after video of white people getting the crap beaten out of them.


What's Dilbert?

Every single day you see Twitter and news feeds with blacks beating someone up, killing someone, robbing a store or stealing, tearing up a restaurant or business. Stealing cars and injuring or killing people. That’s real. It’s all over the country. Scott is right. Done!

It's black history month... You don't say stuff like that Scott

Lol. I tweeted this more than two years ago, when Scott was apparently suffering from Q-Anon-induced brain fever. Oh, well. Looks like Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne, & the wacko fringe have claimed another gullible victim. Too bad, so sad. [tiny violin]

'Adams said Black people are a hate group, citing a recent Rasmussen survey which, he said, shows nearly half of all Black people do not agree with the phrase ‘It’s okay to be white.'” Pretty obviously a joke. I'd be a lot more concerned about the survey than the Dilbert guy

The act of pointing out that blacks hate whites is now racist - not racist of blacks to hate, but racist for whites who point out the statistics.

Watch the podcast last night with Hotep Jesus on YouTube. It was almost 2 hours long, Scott answered and discussed the entire thing.


Correct yourself for him telling the truth

Actually, it was a Separatist rant, not a racist rant.

I see

Considering how half of black people are racist towards white people. his advice is good advice and in no way racist.

I'm black and even I don't go back to the ghetto.

I fail to see where he was wrong. It’s completely obvious that hatred for white people has grown dramatically the past few years. People can be openly racist towards white people with no consequences and it’s actually celebrated by many groups now days.

Bye Dilbert!

Scott is right on!

He spoke the truth

Its true! Its time for white folks to step aside and let black folks destroy each other as they do everyday in detroit, LA, NYC and DC!

My favorite cartoon.

The truth is not racist.

Is he wrong? I continuously see this type of behavior towards whites.

NEWS_MAKER Racist rant talking about Black racism.

newspapers still exist?

Lol....there was nothing racist about his comments during his stream. Some people can't handle the truth being told.

If you watch everything he said he wasn't being racist at all. He was reacting to some poll on race and contextualizing it from a white man's perspective....not worded great but not racist either

1. Treat everyone as an individual (no discrimination). 2. Avoid any group that doesn't respect you. Does anyone think that is bad advice?

I generally don’t trust the human race…

Must have made a lot of sense

No need to put quotes around racist rant

1 in 4 black men will commit a violent crime. So, from a statically POV this is a rational take. Why would you want to hire, befriend, or come in contact with a demographic that's genetically predisposed to being uncivil? Liberals do this which is why they get robbed the most.

I get the gist of what he was trying to say but that was poorly worded, and it allowed these liberal newspapers that were already looking for an excuse to get rid of him to finally have one.

Answer the Rasmussen poll.

I’m sure he gives AF 🙄

He obviously got to close to the truth. You can’t speak the truth…

He could have kept his racist thoughts to himself forever. This garbage helps no one.

Thank you for putting 'racist rant' in quotes.

What’s a newspaper

He was literally making a statement against racist discrimination and people chose to edit it and pretend that he was saying the opposite of what he actually said. He’s doing an interview today at 5pm with HotepJesus if anyone is interested in getting the whole story.

The reality the poll revealed is still the reality. His observations should be understood by people.

Geez…racists are getting all bent out of shape by the reaction to their fellow racist’s rant. Calm down! This America. You, just like him, are free to express your racist views, as you wish. Sure, there may be consequences but, your freedoms are much more important.

So it’s ok for it to be said in reverse tho? Hypocrite much. Dude can’t have an opinion and he didn’t attack or use racial slurs. Seems like they don’t like him cause he is a white male.

Good! fuckScottAdams racist

Black people go on rants ALL THE TIME about white people.

He’s not wrong

These sentiments are the result of the frustration that white people are feeling from being vilified and demonized. And that is not a bug, it's a feature.

I love Dilbert!


dilbert creator made a harsh observation. But was he wrong? Flip it around - Blacks in the South during Jim Crow would’ve received fair advice to avoid Democrat KKK loving whites. Now Democratic Party tells Blacks it’s okay to be racist against whites & many embrace it

He’s right though. Did people forget that Lizzo doesn’t want any white people at her concerts?

He must have been tired of seeing his comics in every newspaper anyway.

Racist? Maybe, but only in good sense.

Uncomfortable truth spoken out loud will get you cancelled. ScottAdamsSays

Free speech takes another hit by the woke facists

Truth hurts, plenty of other neighborhoods that no one in their right mind would want to live in, if they had a choice.

Would you rather be a white kid an all black school or a black kid in an all white school?

Rant? 😂

I guess discussing and commenting on poll findings is racist now - good to know.

Rock on Scott Adams. Everyone hates truth.

I loved reading Dilbert

Imagine if he didn't live in a really nice neighborhood

All the white ppl who call him racist? Go to a black neighborhood and see how long last?

Cancel culture claims another and main stream media rejoices nothing gnu here but more despicable than glorious to me

BS..... good for Scott

But you're not supposed to notice.

When the white Dems start getting treated the same way will they step up and say they instigated the divide? They preached segregation. They preached white hate. Now everyone that's white is being called a white supremacist. That's racist.

Ahhh consequences.

“ ‘racist rant’ ”

Let the readers decide.

I still don't know if he does the art or the puns

I think he’ll be ok

What Scott said was right. Leftists can't argue that. So they cancel him instead.

Good for him.

33 years was a good run.

Mr Adams is a smart guy. He will be just fine.

He was 100% correct. Living around blacks is not safe. Why would anyone want to be around violent criminals?

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