DeVos blames 'antiquated' education methods for low test scores among eighth-graders

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos lamented the 2018 assessment of U.S. eight-graders who are struggling with the basics of U.S. History, civis, and geography.

The latest report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress showing a drop in test scores in civics, U.S. History and geography among eighth-graders, drew sharp criticism from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who referred to the results as"stark and inexcusable."

"America's antiquated approach to education is creating a generation of future leaders who will not have a foundational understanding of what makes this country exceptional," DeVos said in a statement. "We cannot continue to excuse this problem away. Instead, we need to fundamentally rethink education in America. It is the only way our nation's students will be in a position to lead our nation and the world," she said., which produces the nation's report card, the 2018 scores for lower-performing students decreased compared to scores in 2014, while the scores for middle- and higher-performing students remained relatively stable.

By comparison, the average geography score was 258 on a 500-point scale, three points lower than in 2014, with scores for black and white students showing declines.


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How significant is this drop statistically? Is it even relevant, does it really show a decline?

I blame parents for not making sure they are studying.

yes, needs to change to 21st century

Maybe the ones with the lowest scores one day get to be the POTUS! realDonaldTrump

Years ago people quit school by the 10th grade and went to work. Made as much money 45 years ago as people do today. Mind you not at fast food. And they were not all service jobs. Screw China and their virus bullshit.

What the hell does she know She's not an educator

And her teaching credentials are________?

Why does she still have a job?


Gee the school my nephews go to have very good scores. They are a progressive school. You know not one run by incompetent bozos like her

And we blame 'an antiquated face' as the reason for DeVos !... ')

I agree

Probably Obama's fault. Left with empty cabinets. (cc realDonaldTrump - this is the appropriate time for a sarcastic comment)

I blame antiquated teachers’ indoctrination agenda.

She's screwed the American EDUCATION system in less than four years!


Lie, lie, lie, lie.


Betsy DeVoss is not an educator nor an expert on educational teaching methods. Her expis with private schools that only accept the richest and smartest. Yes, there is room for improvement, but let us be led by an educator, not a snob!

I wish she would take the 8th grade test and see how she does.

After all the earth is flat, right That’s what she said!!

She has no idea what teachers do every day in the classroom. What an embarrassment.

Smartphones have a lot to do with it!

It's poverty that keeps our lowest students down.

How about paying teachers more, provide adequate funding and get rid of standardized testing.

Well isn't she responsible for fixing it? She only had 3.5 years to at least DEVELOP A PLAN to address the problem! She needs to try LEADERSHIP instead of the blame game.

Yes because are too difficult, we want create only dumb people that follow order without thinking Like Trump.

She has been Secretary of Education for over three years. She should blame herself.

Yeah, it couldn't have ANYTHING to do with Frau Amway here spending the last 3+ years destroying the education system in this country.

$718 billion on military. $59 Billion on education. That says it all. America has a choice to make, invest in our children (our future) or invest in the destruction of the planet. GOP wants an uneducated population. education realDonaldTrump BetsyDeVosED Trump

Her & her brother need to be on jail

She's also funding these protesters.

She’s been in the position for 3 year. What has she done to change that? BetsyDeVosED education TrumpAdministration

I blame Betsy Devos’ 3 mega yachts 😂 C’mon, you can’t squeeze blood out of turnips. 😂

Dr. Birx couldn’t identify Montana.

Being a leader means you need to have humility and you need to be strong and you need to admit to your mistakes, how are you going to learn otherwise? She never has, so she's perfect for Trump, another puppet.

I can help! BetsyDeVosED realDonaldTrump

She has been I charge for 3+ years. It’s her watch now. This is what trumpism really is. If the scores were though the roof she would be saying it’s all me. But since they are rock bottom it’s the “antiquated” systems fault.

She is being political correct. Most that go to school are not of passing grade. They attend to get in the time in to receive a certificate/ diploma, Or other to get better jobs and say I went to bla bla bla. And their still stupid

Oh yeah? Has she tried common core math? 🤣 🤣

She is the anti-christ of education in America while her brother makes millions off of being a private warlord. She is such a scumbag of the highest order. How can poor and working people agree with anything a billionaire like this has to say! Think, People !

Misspelling 'civics' in the caption is on point.

So she cuts funding to accomplish what? How will cutting funding fix low test scores? Makes no sense.

So, exactly what is she doing to change that, I would like to know.

Of course she did! That’s all The Trump Administration knows how to do is play the blame game! DumpTrump2020

I think they are just dumb from all the TrumpDads

Speaking of antiquated, someone bring devos an extra large mirror.

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