Department of Homeland Security delays REAL ID deadline to 2025

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

JUST IN: The Department of Homeland Security has delayed the deadline for air travelers to have a REAL ID another two years, the agency announces.

A TSA agent checks the identification of a travelers at the security screening center at Salt Lake City International Airport in Salt Lake City, Sept. 15, 2020.delayed the deadline for air travelersThe program, which was to begin in May 2023, will now not go into effect until May 7, 2025.Travelers enter a new Transportation Security Administration screening area during the opening of the Terminal 1 expansion at Los Angeles International Airport, June 4, 2021.

The new identification rules mandate any flyer over 18 will need to have a REAL ID-issued driver's license or another federally approved identification card if they are going to fly domestically."DHS continues to work closely with U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories to meet REAL ID requirements," DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement about the latest delay.


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Of course. Gotta implement some curve ball, law-bending strategy to allow the illegal aliens to obtain a Real ID somehow. Which defeats the purpose of having a legit ID.

Wake up world. Don’t be fooled by the NIAC the lobbyist who are working for the Islamic regime of iran. The morality police in iran is not abolished . They want just redirect our revolution with the fake news and changing the western politician’s mind to kill more people

Can’t get an appointment at DMV, shocking it’s being delayed

We all know requiring an ID is racist anyway

Makes sense as you don’t need Real ID to illegally enter the country

I said NO WAY GUBMINT! THIS IS MURICA! My regular license is good'nuff! Y'all ain't gettin me! Gotdangit! ..... actually I just said 'oh ok' and now I have a little star on there. It was... a non-issue 😂

I'm actually thankful. This Real ID seemed like a waste of time. All it allows is access to federal buildings and allows you to ride in a plane. I'm not sure if this will even be implemented at all. I was stressing for no reason. Lol


Good. It's ridiculous to need that or a passport just for a two hour flight.

Time to repeal it.

What’s a real ID?

Real ID delayed

Why do they want to give all the illegals and terrorists time to catch up?

This is an unConstitutional demand.

In Florida were real id

So glad, it seems the default position is you can't have one. They don't accept copies of documents, only originals. The married women that changed their name have it even worse. They wouldn't accept our courthouse marriage license issued by the same county.

Air Ade?

When the deadline actually hits

So if you just got anew passport with a passport card do you need a real ID. Confusing

How many times will the deadline roll back?

Or you can take that to the DMV and get a Star on your driver's license or state id

What's the point.

The Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) began issuing REAL ID compliant credentials in 2013 If Nebraska can do it, why can’t other states?

Have mine when I renewed my license 2 years ago. I live in Oregon.

I know I'm showing my stupidity here, but what is a 'real ID'? Is that opposed to a fake one?🤣

Thanks for delaying a solution to a problem you created...

TronCarterNLU need your official statement on theREAL ID development

So what, we have had over 2 million unverified illegals that have poured over the border so it makes our passport system biggest joke around the world.


I've had mine for years! Watch them change their minds and make it tomorrow. I feel sorry for DMV staff if that happens...

It's is a little Hassell. But when I applied they punch a hole in your driver's license and staple it to a paper which you still keep on you.and they mail your new real ID to your home address.cant remember how long it took about a week I think.

2 more years to bring in the filth from around the world. If you cannot see this is Hussein Obumma's 3rd term I do not know what you are looking for. He wants to tear down the USA and he is succeeding to this point.

Thanks for notifying me...

I refuse to get a real ID. see my pinned tweet plz

Sooooo I guess this Real ID isn't as important as it's supposed to be.

Stupid DHS, you need an ID to checkin to a hotel, but not one to vote!!

Global id , id today, id me, id23 all silly .

Im not surprised considering the DMV’s being a cluster eff still.

Shouldn't have that shit anyway.

Lmao illegals don't need ID

the government is a joke

It's redundant info they already have, anyway....

It has been 16 years since the REAL ID Act was passed

Why not get scanning tech all over the borders and in every state and enter every unregistered alien

Lol....REAL ID required to fly in a plane....NO ID required to vote. Shouldnt those ppl who are against voter ID be against this as well?

It couldn't be because of profits over people now could it?

I'm good. I'll use my birth certificate over their database.

They can screw me on this one, I will continue to use my passport. Just another way to get money from us.

Just another way for us to have a chip on us since they can't get it inside of us. As if the cellphone wasn't enough. Smh.

Well good thing I've been waiting until the last minute to get one.

To me the reason is so many illegals are pouring into the country with just a plain ID, not being a real or registable ID ... that they want to extend the deadline other wise they won't have any way to travel other than by bus, train or car....... they are in bed with demorats

That’s scary with open borders

What about State Driver's Licenses? My Pennsylvania Lic expires this month. I think I'm up for the Real ID, and I don't have my Birth Cert. It's always something! PennDOTSec PennDOTNews 🫤



Yes we do but they won't...youre rich so you don't give a fu....

AHMalcolm well considering non-citizens from the southern border are free to travel on flights without 'offical ID' it all seems pointless, doesn't it?

Because its bullshit.

repeal the real id act (how is this a thing)

osogorgeousi2i lmao you called it

Wait.. I can vote with no ID but to fly I have to have ID?

I had just renewed my lic a month before the real ID started in my state. Glad it’s getting delayed a little longer

Just get a passport if you want to fly or enter a federal building. It’s the original real ID.

I’m all for it don’t get me wrong, but would I have to go in and just get my id re-issued to a real id? What happens if my normal ID isn’t expired yet, could I use that for the time being? How much would it be to get a real id, would this replace normal ID or just another card

'real' vs the one that you also issued? Like, you issued BOTH the IDs, why is one more real than the other? It's just a waste.

2m+ new 'residents' don't have any ID.

Abolish the Deaprtment of Homeland Security. It was a panic reaction to 911. Lose the TSA completely. They’re utterly useless anyway. Apparently miss over 90% of contraband when audited… everytime.

Went to NY DMV to update my license. Sure enough, attendant said by May you need a Real ID to go to Canada, Mexico, or anywhere domestically. It's not a passport. Digital ID is to track everything you do. Govmnt always have agendas. Fly every month for 15 years w/ license. Now😡

Our border is WIDE OPEN with hundreds of thousands of illegal entrants coming into the US and were focused on a 'real ID'. How about we REALLY ID those crossing illegally and violating our sovereignty.

I think every real American citizen should put in an official name change to Gomez or the like and watch how easy it is to get your ID 🤪🤪

A ReaI I.D. I wonder how many get by with a fake one. It is for the travelers protection. With everything that's been happening, I say better sooner than later.

This is silly. Just get a US passport.

Is a Real ID just basically a driver's license or passport? I haven't heard of Real ID before.

god damn it..just another way to milk money out of common people for the last 3 years..

Have to update every sign now

LESS SECURE for 2 MORE YEARS....Well, I guess that makes sense when you use THE FORMULA....

God is great.

We need real ID for elections

If you work for the Department of Homeland Security you're literally useless and contribute absolutely nothing to society.

DHSgov apparently needs to delay the requirement while they fly the next 2.5million illegals all over the US with no ID at all.

Good. Should give whoever replaces Mr. Potatohead enough time to get rid of the entire organization.

Some congressman from Wisconsin came up with this non sense 20 years ago. Abolish it. Let states decide how they wanna do this. States rights remember.

Good! It's been next to impossible to get into the DMV in Henderson and Las Vegas, NV for well over a year now. I'd have had to go in especially to make this change but my DL will expire in 2 yrs anyway so I don't need to deal with this til then. Hallelujah!🙌

Funny how nobody ever complains it's racist to require ID to fly.


Two years

Then why do I have a passport, for which I paid an ignorant sum of money for? Ggrrrr!!!!

Next time I fly it will be with Angel's not an airplane


They aren’t even taking appointments to get it done in Wayne,NJ

rolandsmartin The fuck you say.

Like always government never gets anything done take’s for ever

so I paid extra and for what


You mean real fraud for the people, what a ridiculous money grab, aren't people suffering enough

REAL ID can kick rocks until it becomes mandatory that REAL ID is required for voting.

Republican trash

So much for us grown ups who went out and got them two years ago like we were supposed to!

The only being that procrastinates longer than me is the government and I’m here for it

A 'real' ID? Because my state driver's license or military ID aren't real?

The World Cup is in 2026 so they will probably delay it again. May as well just get rid of it

This was supposed to happen in 2020! They know it's going to cause an apocalypse at airports when it finally happens and they're just kicking the can down the road. Like student debt repayment (which will suck billions out of weak economy when it resumes)

I had to get off work early just to go DMV to get this real ID. Lol now it’s delayed again.

Hold up. I’ve been told making people get an ID is racist.

It’s racist to ask citizens to get an ID for air travel… /s

MrJonCryer So there are still U.S. States that cannot get their shit together and adjust their ID's to match federal standards?

I just went to get it last week. 😂

Good thing I don't fly ! Sounds like some Democratic bullshit

Pointless shit from the jump

I have a state issued driver's license. By all accounts that is recognized by federal law. If you want to go by woke way, this would be racist toward people who cannot afford to get out to get their REAL ID... We gonna play this game now?

How long have they been delaying this 💀

I got mine!

Of course, Biden wants all the new illegal aliens to be able to fly around the country unimpeded.

Another delay. Hasn’t this been pushed back enough times? Pretty sure anyone who has renewed a license or passport in the last 10 years already has the updated ID so what more is the department waiting on? If people don’t have the ID then they don’t fly. It’s that simple


I have a real id.. what they want is a COVID shot Id. Too many people are dying from that crap

This is crazy.. learnfromthepast stupididea whoseincharge nornijean

wow lfg saves me a $100 amtrak back n forth thanks!

What not real ID are people using?!

The longer it takes, the more likely we get 911 again. TSA. DHS. Get Israel serious about this!

Or just get a damn passport.

Department of Homeland security can't stick to a deadline. Two more years and then how many more after that. Make a deadline and stick to it.

Remember when it was supposed to be 2020? Lol. Why do they keep delaying it.

So fake IDs are still good. Excellent.

How come ? Whats the hold up

But we don’t need an id to vote. Stupid country.

MrJonCryer The whole thing is a joke. 911, the reason behind the requirement happened in 2001. So the new requirement date isn’t until 2025? A total joke.

I knew that real ID shit was a scam

It would have been nice to save money - now all of us who got it have to renew ours sooner - lol -ugh

I thought your Passport WAS your Real ID. Now, they want more money from you to get an ID you pretty much already have.

Just get a passport. Its so easy and saves you the trouble.

homeland security has more on their minds to worry about -- domestic white nationalists

If you already have a passport, you're good. FYI, the real ID thing is yet another pointless govt crock of $& that will achieve nothing .

so I haven't actually needed my ID to fly all this time?! I could just go up and say, 'trust me bro'

ALSO JUST IN: all EV by 2035....

DHSgov does everything in its power to ensure we aren't secure. A $54.2 billion payroll for just one of the least effective Gov depts. It was an opportunistic creation after 9/11 by the Gov to waste $$ for their purposes. We are less safe today than 9//11/01.

Got mine in October

This seems like a fail

I’m not getting it and neither should anyone else. They should just cancel the whole thing waste of money and very authoritarian

Can't you still fly domestically without this even after the new date? You just need a passport or passport card with you

I've had mine for years now 😒

Why? What's the big deal?

Real ID required for travel, yet wide-open borders where anyone can enter unchecked. Gotya.

Good, because I have a 'Real ID' why should I have to go to DMV and change this? Probably going to cost more and not to mention the wait time in these offices.

Because RealID would just make it harder to fly illegals around the country.

Abolish DHS.


Can we require REAL ID to vote Wouldn't that be a concept How is it not 'discrimination' to require ID to fly?

Had mine for 2 yrs.

I like a passport more. Flip it open and feel important like I’m investigating an X-File.

But in many places like NY you don't even need an ID to vote👍😂

Maryland has had Real Id requirements for driver's license for a couple of years. Haven't flown since pre-covid and no plans to in the future.

Wouldn’t a requirement for a RealID be racist?

I saw that coming. So many people didn’t have proper paperwork. Get a passport

Yeah this trash is ridiculous, just get rid of it, if it doesn't matter. Now you are all starting to see how republicans work themsleves up into a frenzy about prejudice they never plan to enforce.

I gave WI DOT my original birth certificate from 1966. Documentation requirements have changed and they rejected it. So I used the SAME birth certificate to get a new passport which they WILL accept? 🤷‍♀️

KimInsley I just use my passport card, 1000X easier to get than the enhanced driver's license.

I don’t even like to admit how stressed out the real ID made me. I can’t believe this shit

I think this eventually is going to be scrapped.

Already have it.

“REAL ID” is the ”REAL B.S.”

The land of second, third , fourth, fifth, sixth chances. We should not hold anyone accountable for doing anything on time or otherwise. This is what our society has become... a bunch of enabled irresponsible losers.

So ID to fly but no ID to vote? Backwards much?

If states would stop issuing drivers licences to illegal immigrants, we wouldn't need this.

There are people who will be born after this was put in place who won’t have to have REAL IDs to travel as adults.

Is it really needed, if it's been delayed many times?

I waited at a crowded DMV for three hours to get my Real ID a week before lockdown because I wanted to get it before the 2020 deadline. TIME IS AN ILLUSION. 😂

Does that mean a lot of people failed to get it? What happens if you don’t get it

Whew! One less thing I have to deal with over the holiday.

just do it or don't, jeez

I refuse to get a real ID.

It makes no sense when they are putting illegals on planes right after they cross the border. All they need is papers from the NGO

This is never going to be implemented LOL

Another Government agency, the DHS can't get their shi+ together for Air Traveler's REAL ID but they have all the answers to fixing global ClimateEmergency

So is it critical to our safety or not? Apparently…..Not

GMA TJ was with the Singh producer girl for 3 years too huh! Wow that’s 3 now! Matt lauer lost everything! Imagine the girls TJ Never got caught with that just what we know! Suprised the girls in that office just laugh at this? In 2022 this stuff is usually taboo?! Not for TJ. Slick

...but I just got my Real ID.

Great,I bust my ass to get all the paperwork to haul down to DMV to renew my license so I can go into a federal building or get on a plane and then this.

TaraBull808 How convenient. Just after the 2024 elections.

Who would wanna visit that shit hole anyway lol

Good. If you have a passport you don't need this silliness.

I’m never getting one of these things, and neither should you. Don’t give the government all your information.

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