Dems push campaign-season health care bill through House

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Democrats have pushed an election-year package expanding “Obamacare” coverage through the House. The legislation, though, has no chance of survival in the GOP-led Senate.

have fortified health care’s potency as a 2020 campaign issue.

GOP lawmakers’ votes against the House measure seemed certain to pop up in campaign spots this fall. In a taste of those ads, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday’s vote gave lawmakers a choice between strengthening health care protections or being “complicit” in Trump’s effort to dismantle it. They’ve talked ever since about reprising that theme in this year’s campaigns by focusing on curbing drug and health care costs and saying Republicans want to dismantle the Obama law’s patient protections. Republicans have denied that that is their goal.

The legislation would also cut federal payments to states that don’t expand Medicaid to cover more low-income people, as Obama’s statute allows. Around a dozen states, mostly run by Republicans, have opted not to do so.


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Nice, she’s wearing cloth from African slave traders!

They are also pushing an old man with signs of dementia who has no chance of fulfilling his term. They aren’t very effective. 🤷‍♀️

why is this a story then?

Election cycle optics. It’s a smart idea.

_Politics Same old bull shit Obamacare for themselves under the care package for themself and use the people to vote for them.

Keep on dreaming Nancy!

Dont buy it!! If SpeakerPelosi exempts her fellow morons from it you know it’s trash. Just like the last one. You’re being lied to!! smokeandmirrors lies missinformation propaganda anythingforvotes

Dead on the Senate floor. Next...

To hell with Republicans!

Why try to push that stuff through now? Why not wait until they take over the Senate and White House. It is like some kind of political... oh, i get it.

Another waste of time

That jew nose of hers ugh

Will I be one of the few lucky privileged citizens that get to pay for an illegals healthcare as well.....I am so gitty....smh....LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Pelosi nor any of her old side kick Dem's attempted to negotiate proper health care. Just smiles from Nancy and gang as they walk off with your taxes as their pay. Vote these do nothing, old Dem's out

Bash Democrats all you want ( its tired ass tribalism) but at least they have a fucking plan. A decade and Republicans have no real plan.

Yes, it’s an election year, time for Democrats to pretend they care about healthcare and minorities.

Do Nothing Democrats. If Republican lose the Senate all these crap bills will be passed.

Good to know they’re looking forward to implementing health care improvements in 2021. Huge contrast to this administration.

That is why we will vote every GOP running out of office!

There is zero bi-partisan cooperation in our govt. This is a catastrophic failure at every level. The Dem candidate lost so Pelosi & Schumer are taking their toys and going home. And Trump is acting, well like Trump. I say throw the whole lot of them out for dereliction of duty.

We would love this expanded coverage if it was for Americans only, but it's not.

BlackLivesMatter TRUMPS 'WHITE POWER' Tweet this morning He just deleted it. 4 secs LET ME REPEAT... the PRESIDENT OF THE USA JUST TWEETED 'Thank you to the great people of The Villages' of this guy yelling “WHITE POWER!'. Disgusting!

That’s why the senate needs to be swapped out with Democrats.

Thank you Republicans ! Thanks for being on the right said of America and her citizens. VoteRedToSaveAmerica , VoteNancyOut Trump2020NowMoreThanEver

NovemberIsComing Decision2020 Election2020

You have to be insane to vote Democrat

You mean the trump-led Senate

Awww, the Senate. Where good bills go to die. That’s why we can never have nice things. DitchMitch2020

What you actually meant to say: Corporate dems who are bought by the healthcare industry refused to support medicare for all since it would give ALL americans healthcare no matter how rich or poor they are. Instead they value their donors more than their voters.

House Dems passing legislation that’ll never make it out the senate , once again. DoNothingDemocrats

Well, ok, then

Remember when Trump lied about how he was going to cover every American with better coverage than Obamacare?

It's spelled dims as in dim-witt

Trump and his republicans surely have a great plan as they have been working on it for almost 4 years.

Elect Biden and seniors will improve their Obamacare!

In memory of George Kirby

That's what politicians do - they pander to the wings with useful effort to help position themselves for reelection, rather than doing the work to find common ground. This applies to both sides, by the way. I don't want any left-wingers getting pissed unless the right is, too.

Dems are useless, owned by China, and all hate America.

That’s all Democrats do is push bills through the house with no bipartisan input. So of course it’s not going to pass the senate and they know that.

It’s also a garbage insult to the ppl who have lost their healthcare due to the pandemic unemployment. The Democrats are a joke and Republicans are a horror story.🖕🏼

BuT TrUMp iS goNNa RepLaCe It wItH sOmEThinG bETter AnyWaY!

Just playing politics. So they can have the media whine and complain republicans don’t help Americans. Democrats need to do something for America, not pass wishful thinking. Democrats are the enemy of the people.

Naming it something else may help lol

Smart move on those that care about American lives (Democrats) not corporate profits and their bank accounts (Republicans).

democrats pretend to care about people, especially black people, once every four years

Yea we so loved it it the first time it was crammed down our throats

One of the most useless governments unless there is a war or bailout for billionaires then Bill's pass in 24 hours

Not gonna happen

Of course not. Republicans are sadistic assholes.

Obama nearly destroyed our great nation with his BS agenda!

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