Dems face defining 2020 question: Does defeating Trump outweigh all else?

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Democrats face defining 2020 question: Does defeating President Trump outweigh all else?

WASHINGTON — A gnawing question is coursing through the Democratic Party as its nearly two-dozen candidates crisscross the country: Whether the party’s top goal of defeating Donald Trump is helped or hindered by the forces pulling Democrats this year in a diverse, future-oriented and unabashedly liberal direction.

“There will be a big debate over whether an experienced elected official or a figure of generational change will be best to take on Donald Trump,” said Ben LaBolt, who worked for former President Obama’s campaign and followed him to the White House. At the same time, he said: “We can’t set up litmus tests that take our eye off the prize.”

“If it’s Bernie or Elizabeth, we’ve got trouble,” said former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, who is supporting Biden in the primary. Harris or Booker, he added, also could provide “fertile ground” for Trump to effectively characterize 2020 as a choice between re-electing him and turning America into a socialist country, which could alienate some key voters in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio.

“On issue after issue, Joe Biden has chosen the wrong side of history on where the Democratic Party is going,” Shahid said. There’s another difference this year: Traditionally, voters tend to think that whichever candidate they like also happens to be the most electable. In 2016, Clinton’s supporters were convinced she had the best chance, while Sanders’ backers felt the same about him.“For the first time, this year it’s really an independent assessment. People don’t necessarily think the person they’re intrigued with at the moment is the most viable, and they’re really trying to sort it out,” she said.


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Biden and his son make a millions of China's

Yes, it does!! Trump wants to be a dictator! He believes he should be running Congress!!

Duh yes!


That would be a failing strategy, not to mention short sighted. Mainstream media and Democrats have whipped their lemmings into a frenzy about Trump, forgetting there’s a whole other half of the country, some of whom now have jobs and are better off. LiberalHypocrisy

It's not just about who can beat Trump. It's about who we want to shape this country once Trump is out.

Yes, and yes again.


Yes! w/o which all else can’t happen except Amer. democracy&justice is dragged deeper into trump’s shithole dictatorship. Defeat GOP in 2020 is a must. HouseDemocrats ewarren SenateDems SpeakerPelosi SenKamalaHarris RepSwalwell amyklobuchar SenSanders JoeBiden tedlieu

Yep. Even if they have no plan on how to help Americans.

No !

NBCNews Spoiler alert: Yes.


Reach much?


The sad part about the American electoral system is that two parties dominate it.

If we don’t defeat him nothing else will matter.

Yes and Trumpism with it.


Yes. Nothing else is as important and urgent.

Go Luck with that! A Party in a downward spiral! And it only gets worse from here! WWG1WGA Q PatriotsFight GreatAwakening


Yes! we need 💪come together get rid of f..k realDonaldTrump. ABC CBSNews CNN FoxNews take our democracy back.

everything else is a distant second place. time to vote a sane human into the WH




Yes with someone with brains

Is that a serious question? The only thing the Dems have done since 2016 is try to defeat the president. Very efficient. Losers

That’s an absolutely...YES!!!

And DNC and MSM are positioning Joe to be the answer. Anything to screw Bernie.


Yes, and Biden the best choice for President. It’s a twofer.

I agree with NicolleDWallace I’d vote for a bus to get rid of realDonaldTrump

At this point, yes. He has to be defeated before we can repair any of the damage he’s done.

It has up to this point so why would a change? Trump's going to win by a landslide

Stroke 2020

That's right.Defeat Trump and those horrible GOP old rich white using a old rich white guy to do it from the party of diversity.

So IF Trump is defeated in 2020 then what?The destruction is over, go back to higher unemployment, black and hispanic unemployment goes up,female unemployment goes up,GDP goes down,revoke all pardons,raise the corp tax.Yeah that will be better.

Yes! Before you can redecorate a house, you have to put the fire out!

That is all they care about.....isnt it obvious when they make promises that are impossible to implement....yet people believe them


With out of doubt, Yes. Democrats, Green Party, Libaterians, Moderates, need to come together. What ever candidate, regardless of the issues, we must come together over Hate and the disregard of the rule of law.

Unfortunately yes.

Apparently, the Democrats have turned their backs on the country for the last two years consumed by their Trump obsession. We have big issues facing this country and all they ever talk about is getting Trump.

It won’t happen, we can’t let baby killers in office

Defeating Donald = saving democracy. So yes, nothing else much matters right now.

Simple. Yes.


Anything good is possible once he is GONE!


The democrat primaries are going to be a comedy of errors. Just look at the candidates... look at what they represent & promote... imagine them going at each other!


This sounds like a trick question... 🤨

How about asking Republicans if supporting Trump outweighs all else, including their own freedoms and those of their children?

I would say it's predicate to getting back to democracy but it's only the beginning

Well, without that, you have nothing.

Yes. Our country cannot stand another four years of Nazi rule in the Executive branch. We also need to cleanse the Senate of DJT’s sycophant supporters. They only do what they think is best for him, NOT for our country.

It’s my number one objective in 2020.

No but we have to hold these liars accountable

It won't be China Joe. He's corrupt as hell

Yes. Next question? Of course you don't ignore the issues or policy but the end goal for now is to get Trump out of office. Then we can worry about how to reverse the damage.

Where is Anita Hill ?

Yes. ALL!


Yes, yes it does.

Yes. I would vote for a dog over trump. I would also replace every trump supporter with a rabid raccoon and still come out ahead.

Pretty much. As a dem my only real election will be the primary. I'll probably VoteBlueToSaveAmerica and VoteBlueNoMatterWho.


Hell YES !





The answer is yes, of course defeating Trump outweighs all else.

Yes, because we will not get all else unless someone , even another Republican can defeat him.

It may...getting rid of him will dismantle his crazy cabinet too....

Apparently so, instead of getting to work.


Heck yes! Trump is a lunatic!

Yes, particularly when the Democratic field is so talented and capable

Yes obviously is this even a question


No one has a chance against our POTUS. These candidates chose the wrong time to jump in a presidential race. Unfortunately for them President Trump is a bigger than life figure that will destroy anyone in his path to re-election. Biden can’t even tie Trump’s shoelaces MAGA2020

Unfortunately yes it does.

YangGang YangGang2020 Yang2020 securethebag


Fucking YES‽

Restated, Does defeating Thanos outweigh all else?



Yes and there is no other answer

I’m sure that we’re thinking right and cannot wait and wine and get upset because we’re thinking right. Once we start, it will get easier!!

Claro que yes!!!


Rise up the middle classes and dump Trump!


Lol DemocRATS are desperate

Not much of a platform, that.

You should ask Creepy Uncle Joe about China JoeChina 😂

Yes. We can revisit and rebuild our damaged values and institutions later.

Yes it does.

Yes yes it does ffs


Again—you would never send a tweet like this for an “R”. Propaganda—just like Russian. That’s where MSNBC plays—-which considering how they are up About russia—is damn ironic.




HELL YEAH! These desperate times call for DESPERATE MEASURES! We are witnessing BUTCHERING OF OUR DEMOCRACY by an ORANGE SOCIOPATHIC MONSTER. Even, Jason Frippin' Voorhees, would be better than Trump the Chump! Just saying!.....

Democrats are the greater evil

Yes. Yes it does.

Well defeating trump is the point

It does for me. We need him out, without that we got nothing. Minor policy matters are not an issue.




Illinois has the right idea. Release his tax returns or he stays off the ballot. We need to keep Trump off the ballot in as many states as possible by any means necessary even if they are illegal and unconstitutional because it won’t matter after the election

I don’t care if we have to destroy our economy, open up our borders and let 100 million people in so they can vote, and have mass arrests of everyone registered Republican the week before the election to keep them from voting, Trump has to lose.


hell yeah


Gee. The rape of the constitution and the downfall of freedom and democracy? Gee I don’t know


Of course it does. But the real question is what is the best WAY to defeat Trump First determine that. Then determine who stand where on what. Match the and you have your logical choice. Of course, the logical choice is seldom the outcome.

Yes. Democrats need to band together behind whoever gets the nomination. It doesn’t matter if it’s not who they wanted. Dems must work together on this one.

You bet!

Yes, defeating the corrupt and incompetent traitor in the Oval Office outweighs all else.

Since the day Trump said drain the swamp, Democrats and done republicans have been out to get him at all costs. What are they afraid he will find?

That may be your narrative but most of us refuse to be played and will vote for our favorite candidate in the primary(ahem ewarren) then vote BLUE in the general election!


If someone struggles to answer this question, they have no business in national politics. does.


Pretty much!


Absolutely! Every single one of our candidates is so far above the tramp we win with any of them.

Yep 👍

What a stupid question! Defeating the Republican candidate is the purpose of a Democrat running for President. All the great policy proposals are useless and nothing else can be accomplished without first winning the election.


At this point to save r country YES

They are bringing nothing to table except beat trump. And it won't be on economy or jobs or trade.


No and it shouldn't. Just like in 2016, the Dems need a progressive candidate to contrast with the Republicans and give the people a reason to vote. Joe Biden isn't going to get that done.

It outweighs everything for the country

Hell YES

Democrats are idiots. They want to defeat the most successful president in modern history because he is making America stronger.


Yes, right now it does.


Why is this a question? If the Dems allow pursuit of perfect to be the enemy of good, they’ll be responsible for 4 more years of Trimp.


STabbytosavit yes

Yup. It does. VoteBlueNoMatterWho


YES ! Pick the fastest process to remove him from the office he defiles. I don't understand the lack of urgency. Yes, it isn't going to pleasant, A less excrescent person would have resigned in shame.

No. Forget about Trump. He’ll just play the victim and be re-elected. Concentrate on Congress. Keep the House and take back the Senate first.



You mean does defeating fascism outweigh all else....WTF do you think!

Biden would probably lose to Trump, reducing the turnout for the down ballot races. The Democrats need to get back to the people and away from the Davos set.

Pretty sure that’s what they are thinking


'When they fall short, we hold our leaders accountable, which reflects the importance we place on the public's trust and confidence in our military leaders.' Commander at Guantanamo relieved of duty. Trump? Still here...


Power and control are what Democrats covet most.

Yes because a literal bag of crap would be better than trump.


Then they better stop trying to race each other to the left. That will drive alot of ppl to Trump even tho they don't like him. But prefer him to a crazy far left agenda.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

In their eyes, anything goes!😱😡😡😡

Creepy Joe or bust lol

Pushing forth a Hillary clone won't help.

Beating 45 will not be enough. The elected person should be worthy of the cause, too! This will be how the candidate will win.

Ask Ukraine

Yes and Bernie Bernie he's our man!




Yes. Defeating Trump is priority one. If Trump is not defeated, we will have no country or rights to be improved upon.

Yes, most definitely.

I think it does. But why assume impeachment hearings precludes winning the WH in 2020?

It’s cute that you think we’re going to have an election, and everything will go back to normal. The tens of millions of MAGAs aren’t going away quietly. Those days are over.

Yes, yes it does.

Doesn't EVERY US Presidential candidate have a primary goal of defeating the opposing candidate?

Nobody wants to elect infanticide, open border, weak on defending our borders DesperateDems - this SCIENTIFIC STORY is why, dems are losing the moral ground

There’s literally no platform that addresses the regular folk; maybe healthcare and infrastructure. But everything else appeals to the elites who sit in Ivy League towers and Hollywood. To the majority of non-elite deplorables, the Dems are too left. BLEXIT


Yes otherwise nothing else will matter or come to fruition.


Impeach or defeat are our only choices. The moron in the White House cannot continue.


I would change this to “Americans face defining 2020 question”

Where are JOEs feet to the fire “no scandals” in his administration? OH, sorry just looked at who posted, MSNBC, Democratic Marketing arm, ops, I’m bad.

Hell yes

🤔🤔🤔 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn’t that how it works? The opposition runs against the incumbents to gain control. 🤷‍♀️


No. Losing to trump will be fine.


Definitely yes for many! If he gets four more yrs, the damage will be exponential. He needs to be out!

You bet it does to me! Defeat DerangedDonald.



Pretty much. Otherwise, we lose our democracy. Simple.

I've vote for virtually any other person in the United States. I'd vote for Pee Wee Herman before I'd vote for Trump.

Yes. Stop the damage first. We can debate the best ways forward after that.



Pretty much. Unless Congress gets him impeached !!! Do their job!!!

Yes period

Of course. With or without mentioning it, defeating Trump is our goal.


Absolutely no doubt about it!

Must win


How about putting forward someone that is good for the world?

YEP YOU ALL WILL SELL THE SOUL OF THIS COUNTRY TO SAVE THE SOUL OF THE COUNTRY!!!! LOL THE SOUL IS FINE! THE DEMS ARE JUST 1 ISSUE SELFISH VOTERS!!!! GET OVER 2016 Enjoy the next 6 years of Trump working to make more opportunity for all you 1 issue voters!!!!

This is an American question. Drumpf has shown nothing but dishonor and boorish behavior. He is not what America is about so we must vote him out.

fake question


In my book, yes.

Yes. Simply. Yes.

Can't stop laughing over this. 'Democrats face a defining...blah, blah, blah

In a word, yes. all else is irreverent.

The rest of the world says it does. Don’t screw this up.

Yes......Defeating Trump is the only thing that matters.

Creepy Joe

You bet it does and I will vote in the primary accordingly. For the first time CA with our largest amount of delegates will make a difference next year since they moved our primary from June to March. Biden all the way unless GovLarryHogan enters, then I am not certain which one

Yes, I think it does. We must remove the mad king from the throne.

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