Dems begin searching for post-Mueller strategy

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For two years, House Democrats insisted they’d wait for Mueller’s findings. Now that the special counsel concluded that Trump didn’t collude with Russia, Democrats have found themselves at an awkward standstill

As Republicans go on the offensive in the post-Mueller world, Democrats are trying to pick up the pieces.

By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time. Regardless, Democrats return to Capitol Hill Monday night grappling with how to proceed, with some of their biggest questions from the last 48 hours still unanswered.


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Yeah? Well I demand a Clinton and Obama treason trial by next week too!

Release the report

Democrats are losing their minds. Need to turn the table investigate Obama and Clinton

Lmao Democrats are so insane with hate that now they will say Mueller is incompetent. They create there own controversy hoping to save face. Democrats hate America and are treasonous hacks that need to be held accountable. Investigations into them should happen now

They are still waiting aren’t they? Why do you keep saying Mueller concluded no collusion? That summary is Barr’s and maybe Rosenstein’s opinions, Barr’s opinion may be slightly colored, and Rosenstein helped with firing Comey , so let us see it to make a determination.

Sorry, I think the whole thing needs to be made public. If the administration is really off the hook, why is the American public denied the finality of complete transparency? Anything short of that is highly suspect.

I’m done- bring on 2020. The Allman Brothers Band - Ain't Wasting Time no more (Feb. 1972) via YouTube

That pic is unflattering geeesh

I’ll save you the trouble of waiting. No. Collusion. Period

They haven’t seen Mueller’s findings.

I see things differently. It takes impeachment off the table which is good, strategically, for the democrats in 2020. He was never going to be prosecuted anyway. Now the conversation turns to releasing all of the report. A good position for democrats. Timing? Overall very good.

As a voting taxpaying citizen, I did not pay for a 'summary.' I prefer to read the Report and draw my own conclusions. I prefer to think for myself. Any attempt to block public dissemination of the Report will be remembered in the voting booth.

We still have an incompetent president, or have you been sleeping through the last two years Politico?

No one knows what collusion means but Trump called for Russia to release Hillary's emails on national television

Um, they're still waiting for the Mueller findings.

We’re still waiting for the report...and there’s no standstill. We are both out to fix the harm by this khakistocracy AND hold Trump and associates accountable. We can do both at once. Now, ReleaseTheFullReport.

Sorry Politico, not accurate. Democrats have been doing a lot, especially in the short amount of time since they took the House. Democrats do walk and chew gum at the same time. They're not hiding crap like Trump and his minions.

No not really the man and his family are crooks and cheats

We don’t know what the special counsel concluded because neither you or us have seen it.

Nobody has seen Mueller’s findings! I doubt Barr has.

Quiet before the storm

What standstill? Barr’s letter was released yesterday afternoon.

Barr’s book report said this. Until the report is made public, his version/interpretation is all that’s out there.

Let’s see the report, without it is just another subversion of justice from the criminal Republican Party!

We must see the report.

Bullshit. We don't have the special council's conclusions. We have a summary written by a Trump appointee offering a conclusion at odds with publicly available information.

Everyone knows you meant AG Barr’s findings.

Here's an idea; do your jobs instead of just hating on the president.

Where’s the report ? Have you seen it? Trump was not exonerated. And Barr over stepped. is now TrumpMedia

'Awkward Standstill' = 'Waiting to read the report.' Right?

Um no we want to see the report

Seriously, , do we have to turn your off until you start reporting fact-based news?

Another idiotic article. The next step is to fibd out what is really in the report, as opposed to the 4 page pile of crap that Barr wrote. Not sure why Politico even exists.

There is none. And even though Barr, during his confirmation hearing, agreed to scenarios of obstruction which matched those of his boss, has neatly shut down this two + year look into the lunacy which is trump.

We haven’t seen Mueller’s findings, just Barr’s carefully worded and likely misleading summary.

So much to investigate, so much corruption in the Trump administration. Time to fire up the oversight committees!

I assume Mueller spoke to plagiarist Meredith McIver, who, according to the NY Times article below, is a TREASURE TROVE of info. But if it turns out that Meredith is another John Barron/John Miller, that’s an even bigger story – about EPIC press failure.

'Now that the special counsel concluded that Trump didn’t collude with Russia' How do you know, since all we have for now is Barr's letter?

Why are some of the news outlets reporting like suddenly this POTUS is no longer an incompetent, delusional, racist, lying, disgrace to the office? Mueller Report or no, Trump is still the same idiot and there can be NO exoneration from that!

Why is so hard to understand that we don’t know Mueller’s findings? We have a short letter with four short quotes from Trumps AG. When we have the report itself, we’ll have findings.

We haven’t SEEN Mueller’s findings. We have Barr’s version of Mueller’s findings, nothing more.

All they need to do is force the WH to release the full report. That’s strategy enough for now.

Desperation. Meanwhile Trump & the right will move on and continue doing great things for this country

The report has not been released.

You can do much better than this, . Let’s see Mueller’s report before coming to any conclusions.

If the House Democrats don't make ReleaseTheFullMuellerReport their war cry & make this the hill to die on, then they deserve to lose. This is what A.G. Barr was chosen for.

This is disgusting and a dark time for our country. Dems are shameless

We have not seen the report Politico. Stop. Just stop.

No they're not. A hand picked AG that would flow the way 45 wanted is what is awkward. Let the REAL inquiries begin. SubpoenaMuellerNow

Barr determined that. Not the special council

'awkward standstill' Still wondering why you are labeled FakeNews?

Thats not true! It was found trump couldnt be prosecuted beyond a reasonable doubt, and he also was NOT exonerated! Meaning there is still some questions to be answered!

Womp womp.

Maybe the Democrats just weren’t expecting to be Pearl Harbored !! So much other evidence

Release the Mueller report and trumps taxes so we can move on.

I hope they do ..keep turning up false accusations - it only solidifies Pres Trumps 2020 win.... thank you ahead of time

Have you guys read the report? You're achieving new levels of hackery with each tweet today. Also, 'collusion' was never a crime, just the only word Trump could remember and pronounce.


It's called voting this idiot out of office

Says you?! What standstill? 7 or so ongoing cases. I’m beginning to not even like “my” news. Stop having “trials of opinion”. This is how we get divided on real things like process of law! 1. Barr essay of interpretation of report 2. This was ONLY conspiring on election.3. More..

Barr concluded that. It is not Barr's place to make that conclusion. It is RepJerryNadler's job to make that conclusion. Report the facts or stfu please.

Theyre all aolectic over it and wondering about job security. Lot of walking back going on

Obstruction is still on the table. That will be up to Congress.

They gambled and they lost. Take your L and move on.

Narrator: They're STILL waiting for Mueller's findings. All we have is a letter from Trump's handpicked protector.

Not really. We haven't seen Mueller's report yet, only a summary from a person whose one claim to fame is covering up a previous presidential scandal.

Bad reporting, Politico. We have NO idea what Mueller's report said, we only know what Barr's letter said. This is just bad journalism.

They insisted on waiting for the findings? Really? What a crock of shit. They have been calling to impeach him since before his inauguration. Lol but hey Avennati 2020, right?

We have not seen the report from mueller. I’m still waiting for HIS report.

Believe whatever they tell you. Never question the agenda

no they haven't. Barr was installed by trump to do exactly this

Multiple Democrats, including key chairmen, are vowing to press ahead with expansive probes into Trump — with some lawmakers seizing on the fact that Mueller did not exonerate the president on the question of whether obstructed justice

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