Democrats prep to push through next stimulus bill

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Dems are getting ready to introduce a budget resolution next week, the first step in passing a massive Covid relief bill with only Dem votes — angering the GOP lawmakers who’ve been meeting with Dems and W.H. officials to hammer out a bipartisan deal

Maryland biotech company Novavax released welcome news Thursday that its Covid-19 vaccine is more thanThe shot is significantly less effective against the coronavirus strain first found in South Africa, which hasModerna said earlier this week that its own vaccine, already in wide distribution, is slightly weaker against that variant but still protective. Novavax, however, reports that its shot is justagainst the strain, after conducting a mid-stage study in South Africa.

That budget is a huge contrast with the $10 million per year the Trump administration spent to market the health exchanges. Trump officials — who didn’t hide their skepticism about the Affordable Care Act— questioned the need to advertise for private insurance companies.


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Boo Fucking Hoo!

You missed the fact that they would be angry no matter what we do. The only thing they want to hammer is anyone who wants to help the American people.

The Reps has 10 months sitting on a Covid relief bill passed by the House and did nothing. Whats wrong with you? You could have at least mentioned that. Its no wonder were in such bad shape an people (rightly so) have universally recognized the media sucks.

The party who sat with their thumbs up their asses for ten months are now annoyed that Democrats are getting things done without them. Oh, no! Clutch those pearls!

They are playing to be hard but they have to remember that they are not the majority anymore and get to really back to work instead of wasting time planning riots

They’ve had MONTHS to do something, come on!! 🙄

Gop had 10 months

WOW is this story bullsh!t! Embarrassingly so

just hope both parties hammer their differences fast and pass it soon for the good of all.

Honestly, forget the racist, sexist, lying GOP, TheDemocrats. They have their own problems to work out.

You should probably mention that those whining GOPers had TEN SOLID MONTHS they could have worked with Dems for a bipartisan deal for COVID relief, huh?

GOP shoulda done Covid relief to citizens every month from last March till Jan when they had all the power, yet here we are. Americans wanted a change from non-action - why Dems were voted in across the board.

THE HOUSE PASSED THE HEROES ACT IN MAY 2020. McConnell refused to bring it to the Senate floor.

I wonder who stalled on COVID relief for 10 months...starts with an R, ends in a epublican Party

I don’t care. Fuck the GOP.

Was there any chance to do anything before this I wonder what has been happening since March of 2020...hmmm. Perhaps the jack holes who did nothing for a year don’t get to be angry about not being included? Maybe?


Republicans still have to prove their not Seditionists! Eff them! They slammed $8.3trillion onto our debt in 4 years & that rich boy giveaway Tax Cut Bill!!! Eff them.

The GOP wants refusing to help American citizens.

The Dems passed a Covid relief bill IN MAY it sat on the GOPs desk since then .where was the GOPs enthusiasm for bipartisanship then . Stop both sidesing this

oh those poor angry GOP lawmakers! so sad they can't continue blocking Americans from receiving much needed help during a pandemic that those same science-denying republicans made a thousand times worse

Did someone decree that GOP lawmakers can't vote for the bill? I imagine that Democratic lawmakers are angered that GOP lawmakers are trying to gum up the works. Your bias is at least consistent.

oops angered the 🤡

Why would they be angry at Covid relief? Worried about missing their go at the pork barrel?

Your headlines betray your politics. Clearly GOP funds you. Why is GOP so angry. They had years to do stuff. Years to help the people but they did not.

GOP lawmakers are angry you say…how long until the shooting starts?

Well you can't really depend on the GOP's word for anything. Shake hands on a deal at 11:59 PM and by 12:01 AM they will have changed their mind. Rep. McCarthy will have his nose in Donald's a** and tell you one story, two minutes later he's changed it. The gas affects him!!

Why would this headline omit the 10 months of republicans saying fuck off?

Anger is the fuel of the Trump GOP.

GOP lawmakers working a deal are useless while: - GOP supports and protects violent threats by its members - GOP leaders show fielty to Trump, not US

Republicans would not even talk about a relief bill when Trump was president and now they’re trying to change the narrative by saying Dems won’t work with us Republicans tried to get Democrats murdered in our capital building in case you forgot

So real headline is ..... Dems are governing, in accordance with the will of the overwhelming majority of the American people, over a party that is imploding, full of white supremacists and insurrectionists.

Seriously? Not. Dens again try to provide relief to the American people over the active sabotage of the GOTP....

Awww. Thoughts and prayers for the hurt feelings of the gop.

Guess they had a year, huh?

Now the GOP is angry? They did nothing but install judges during a pandemic. Americans needed help and they didn’t care.

I’m sure the trumpublicans in Congress have their COVID relief bill which is right next to their ACA bill. Which, by the way, they have been working on for over 4 years.

WHO stalled on Covid relief for most of 2020? 🤔

Well perhaps the Republicans could propose something and then negotiate between the two proposals instead of imperiously saying 'I don't like this' and then whining about 'unity.'

Yeah, it's tough for the GOP guys, what with just being newly in the majority and having been out of power for the duration of the COVID crisis thus far. Oh, wait. 🤦‍♂️

Republicans rammed through a Supreme Court justice in, what, 8 days, why are Democrats taking so damn long to do anything?

Excellent. No one needs the GOP for anything.

They've had a year and 500000 deaths. Yeah, they seem really concerned.

Angering? The GOP has ten months and did NOTHING!

Helping Desperate People = Angering GOP Lawmakers

Nice spin! 🙄

Politico is a whore to the dying Republican sedition party.

Republicans be like.....

mindless tell those GOP lawmakers to go eat a bowl of hot, slimy dicks

You mean that GOP that stalled for almost a year and people died and struggled ... 🙄

Tell us again how the Trump tax cuts were passed in 2017? What was the final vote again? How bipartisan was it?

yeah, and how's that hammering going?

We've been waiting since March for the pubes to do something and negotiate. Fuck their feelings.

Thank you Democrats for putting the American People’s interest ahead of political circus

Elections have consequences. I guess the GOP wanted to take some credit for whatever gets passed. Dems doing the right thing for not allowing that

Congressional support for making it illegal to speak out against Palestinian apartheid is not only unjust but unconstitutional .In the words of Senator Warnock supporting BLM does not make me racist. Democracy demands we support BDS and BLM

When they passed a crooked tax bill for the rich in the dead of the night ignoring the Democrats and scrabbling over the bill with pencil, pens to pass it without Democrats reading it and they responded with fuck off dems. Gee.

So what? GOP had plenty of time to produce one & did nothing. Fuck 'em. They don't deserve shit.

Hey GOP Lawmakers you’re not going to take months this time to pass relief while people suffer waiting for you to confirm a Supreme Court Justice. Jags.

You act as though Republicans haven’t been resisting any attempts at Covid bills for the past 10 months. They have refused to negotiate in good faith on any of it. Like this is somehow a new thing. Stop with this horrid framing,

Y'all need to just go away and learn journalism, if not, option 2 would be to just F off, all the way off

Anything that doesn't anger the GOP is bad for citizens. This is a very simple concept that the media needs to figure out.

Boo hoo

GOP had months to do something and now they are mad? Elections have consequences. BTW, let's remember how Republicans crammed through the tax cuts for rich without Dem input. Hypocrisy.

Yeah, this seems slanted and biased against the party in power trying to move quickly to actually help American tax payers because trump was such a massive turd who golfed while we died. That’s why I block this site...

Maybe these Congressional Republicans should consider anger management counseling, because the rest of us don’t care about their hurt feelings.

The GOP can STFD and STFU. They can shove their indignation up their backsides sideways. We will use the same tactics they have used for the past 4 years. It is time for JoeBiden SpeakerPelosi and SenSchumer to enact the changes we voted for. Go radical.

Elections have consequences

Crocodile tears from people who wouldn't have voted for stimulus anyway. Even if they did, 8 still leaves you short of 60...

If the GOP would like to be treated differently by a majority of the United States then they need to start treated the citizens, government, generally the universe at large a fuck ton better than they do now. YouGetWhatYouGive SeditiousGOP TraitorsToAmerica

So . . . treasonous republicans don’t like when Democrats pass legislation. Sucks to be in the minority GOP

We've seen the R dance before. Water the bill down and then vote no anyway. Go for it without em. sorrynotsorry

If you can’t say they’re “lying” how can you say they’re “angry”? You don’t know that. Maybe they favor the dem deal, but say otherwise in fear for their family’s safety.

The gop are always angry. Maybe they should have something to be angry about. They have lost all credibility so if they aren’t involved they should suck it up cos they caused the problems in the first place.

They should learn that elections have consequences.

Fuck the GOP

They aren’t negotiating in good faith, and you’re under no obligation to pretend to think they are. They just want to run out the clock. When you say stuff like the above, you aren’t informing people.

LIE LIE LIE. Dems had a bill ready in MAY OF LAST YEAR. Stop this shit. NOW.

Remember how the tax reform bill got done? Judges? The Supreme Court justices? The GOP has 0 credibility with this argument anymore.

Look at you, pretending the GOP isn't just a bunch of GOPDomesticTerrorists. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Would it be impossible for Politico to mention that Dems are now doing precisely what GOP was doing for the past four years? Just to give things just a smidgen of context?

Seriously, Politico. 10 months the GOP sat on CoVid relief and did nothing. Mention that.

You are going to both sides America into an openly fascist insurrection that ends up killing many.

This is an obstructionist tactic by the GOP to prevent/ slow down Dems form passing popular legislation in order to help them recapture the House & hurt President Biden's first 100 day agenda all of this at the expense of the people of course. They need to step aside immediately

Is that the same GOP that rammed through tax cuts for the rich & judges w/o Dems & held COVID relief for over 6 months while Americans suffered? But NOW they are angry? Seriously? How is that relevant to anything? 81M Americans were/are angry with R's. That's your story. Wake up.

They will never vote for it anyway. Fuck them and their anger. In case ya’ll forgot: THEY LOST THE ELECTION!!!

Assholes - try framing this more correctly. Dems have been trying to relief passed for months and months only to be stonewalled and/or screwed every time by the GOP. And the country has suffered immeasurably. FU for your shoddy reporting.

Why did you leave out the part where the GOP has refused to negotiate on anything for almost a year?

Left out of your post that GOP has been blocking it for 10 months.

Ever consider trying to keep the positive spin? Dems aren’t angering the GOP. The GOP has ceased to exist.

Angering? Frankly GOP I don't give a damn.

We warned GOP when they did the GOPTAXSCAM Wait until Dems declare climate change a national emergency just like GOP did with their fricking border wall

As usual the framing of tweets are fraught. Thanks for continuing to confirm that this rag is part of the problem we have with misinformation.

Lol. Did Ben Shapiro write this?

Fuck their feelings.

No one cares.

Yes, they're actually going to help people, angering the GOP lawmakers who work hard to harm people.

FU , you are everything wrong with political media in this country.

Lol. GOP sat on their hands for 10 months while breadlines formed and people lost everything. Sorry that once the Democrats took power they’re eager to make up for lost time. No one whines like the GOP.

What part of “this is a fucking emergency” do they not get?

Republican bipartisan deal negotiations

You guys learned nothing the past 4 years

please stop misrepresenting this. The Rs had months to pass a bill, but refused. It's this type of slanted reporting that encouraged trump supporters to attack the Capitol. Just tell the truth.

Angering the same gop lawmakers who have run for over a decade on the promise of a healthcare plan to replace the ACA? The same gop lawmakers who laughed and said they didn't need Democratic votes to pass bills but now make threats since their the minority? Thoughtsandprayers

Have you considered: fuck the GOP?

ATTN asinine headline writer: Dear Republicans: FuckYourFeelings

OMG! Is anyone thinking of the poor Republicans' anger? They were always soooooo worried about upsetting Democrats, I'm sure they are feeling betrayed. Poor, poor, babies. FYourFeelings

Stop the republicans from stalling, they had 4 years to help people and passed an unneeded tax bill for the rich, help or get the hell out of the way

“When you have the votes, you can to what you want “ — the twice-impeached former president

GOP lawmakers do not want a Covid relief bill. How are democrats supposed to compromise with that?

nobody actually gives a damn about bipartisanship

Let them be angry, they lied on Dems last yr but it was really republicans and mitch who held out on covid relief, mitch kept proposing a skinny bill that offered nothing for UI or stim checks, now they wanna get on board Let them be mad, we need help !!

You forgot to mention that when the GOP used budget reconciliation to pass the 2017 TaxScamBill and tried to kill the ACA, the GOP did so gleefully and didn’t give a damn about angering Dems.

Dems have to act. The GOP is going to continue to obstruct everything. They have already shown that. So it makes no sense to wait for them to wake up.

Why the fuck does it matter if the gop is angry? Why must everything go thru the filter of Nazi feelings?

The thing about winning an election is that bipartisanship is a privilege extended to the loser. Republicans were extended the privilege of bipartisanship, and they declined in favor of bullshit games that accomplish nothing and help no one. So hey, suck it up buttercup.🙄

Oh Charlie Brown

Yo GOP...get on board or get left behind...that’s up to you. But Biden isn’t playing with you. Your delay tactics won’t work this time.

Who gives a fuck what angers Republicans?

Angry GOP is redundant. How about stating what is actually in the bill? Stop giving the equivalent of flat earthers a platform to spout their isn't 2 sides when one side is full of sedition and half-truths.

Republicans have zero interest in bipartisan legislation. They’re still applauding the coup attempt. Do better, Politico.


If Republicans don't want the bill to pass with only Democratic votes, they should vote for to show unity.

Did you care when Republicans were angering Democrats?

The United States of America is Up to Its EYEBALLS in 💩 Because of the Behavior & Actions of Donnie John Dickhead, PLUS, Direct & Indirect Support of the GOP. FAIL

Don't care about angering Republikkkans. Just pass the damn bill. People are hurting.

They actually held a party in the Rose Garden after a bullshit, useless, partisan vote against the ACA.

The fascists lost so why should we give a damn what they think?

You somehow forgot to mention that GOP lawmakers have been telling Dems to piss off for the last four years. Try harder

well they can go **** themselves if they don’t want to help their constituents

You mean they're mad they can't water the bill down so they can screw taxpayers while bragging about how centrist and helpful they are when they hold their fundraisers.

There is no bipartisan deal, you liars.

Dems should make it clear that would work with repubs when they have rid the party of loonies so they (Dems) feel safe.

Politico once again falls for GOP lies. It’s fake anger. Conservatives were never going to do the right thing - that’s why they are conservatives! Dems are right to ignore their fake tears.

So this ISN'T like Obamacare? They are meeting with Dems to actually AGREE? Ha. Accountability before unity. Let's have hearings into their participation in 06 January. Until then, let 'em be angry.

Ram it through!

You mean like republicans did for years on things we didn’t want to pass? Tell me why I give a shit about those republicans? Oh yeah I don’t

Stop with these headlines when one party is clearly not working for the people. Journalism like this is what killing this democracy. There’s no both sides here when one party is going towards fascism and have broken all rules

Unity. ?

Like I really give a shit about their feels.

Oh no, not angering could never want to do that.

“I don’t really care, do you?”

Republicans need to stop acting like babies. This shouldn't be held up any longer.

Lies. Republic lawmakers don’t know how to hammer.

Democrats have been angry at GOP inaction for years, what about that angle? After years of inaction by the GOP, DEMs are ready to move forward with addressing the needs of the American people and they hope the GOP will decide to join them in this.

'Angering the GOP lawmakers...' At this point, w/ GOPLeader cozying up to Trump, members of Congress swinging their guns & those who voted for impeachment being attacked by their own party, how do 'GOP lawmakers' expect the unity they carry on about? We GOT TO GET STUFF DONE!


Did 80% of House Republicans literally voting to overthrow democracy “anger” Democrats?

Republicans don't have a right to be angered after their behavior. They need to shut up and sit down.

Republicans are always angry. They are defined by their hate

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