Democrats need to sharpen their attacks on the Trump economy

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'If Democrats want to win in 2020, they have to sharpen their attacks on the Donald J. Trump economy,' writes CNN's ChristineRomans | Analysis

Moody's Analytics 2020 Presidential Election Model weighs the current economy, politics and voter turnout and projects a second Trump term."If the economy a year from now is the same as it is today, or roughly so, then the power of incumbency is strong and Trump's election odds are very good, particularly if Democrats aren't enthusiastic and don't get out to vote," the report's authors write.

Now they're slowing down In a lost opportunity, the Democrats didn't address the president's trade war with China and what they would do to either end it or keep the pressure on the Chinese. Nor did they question the president's hyperbole and exaggeration on how good American economy is.Just yesterday the International Monetary Fund forecast weaker global growth next year and predicts US that growth will continue to slow.


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ChristineRomans Like the record debt which trumpery will try to reduce by cutting food stamps, Medicare and social security.

ChristineRomans I am a real Democrat but I don’t like how this CNN has become Clinton News Network. Stop being biased and advocating for corrupted Clintons’ dogs. No Obamas and no Clintons for the next election. God bless America. Proud to be an American.

ChristineRomans Good luck 😁

ChristineRomans Why? Are they hoping people lose jobs and are miserable? Only miserable people vote democrat?

ChristineRomans Meaning they have to destroy the Economy ?

ChristineRomans And CNN is always there to help right!!

ChristineRomans Democrats only have hatred to offer & Americans are having none of it!

ChristineRomans 3.5% unemployment


ChristineRomans LOL! Good luck with that!

ChristineRomans When is the FCC going to realize that ’s political ads are not given realDonaldTrump equal time.

ChristineRomans Ha ha..Trump is going to win in a Dem will win!! Dems are running for illegals & criminals..

ChristineRomans Democrats Can’t attack a good economy lol!!! So they scheme up lies to try and get home impeached.

ChristineRomans You're all good at that: ATTACKING!

ChristineRomans Hard to attack an amazing exonomy

ChristineRomans Nancy Pelosi already showed everyone how... lol! Follow the leader!

ChristineRomans Democrats are all over the place. They don’t have a clue what’s going on. Voters see this.

ChristineRomans . . MOST employed Americans IN HISTORY . MOST employed African Americans IN HISTORY . MOST employed Hispanic Americans IN HISTORY . . Yeah .. run on the economy, Democrats. LOL

ChristineRomans 2 Trillion dollar Tax Break for Corporations, 840B$ Bailout for farmers hurt because of his trade wars... shouldn't be too hard. Trump also raised over a 100mil for his campaign.. I suppose that money came from Coal workers? Trump works for Corporations not the little guy.

ChristineRomans - Please... Please stocks fail. nytimes crrap as financial advisor. China low wage workers Tariffs outstanding to protect America jobs. So what if greedy Apple stock dropped due to $1000 iPhone made in China. Money spent going out country does not help AMERICA economy. .

ChristineRomans Democrats are betting the farm on all or nothing Medicare. They haven't even asked or researched what the majority of Americans require regarding healthcare. America will never go for it.

ChristineRomans You mean destroy the economy so they can win an election?

ChristineRomans For shits and giggles, how is that so hard. No part of this economy jas been created by realDonaldTrump NONE. In fact, he has stifled the Dow, Jobs, etc. We would be opening the boarder gates as more jobs than people. This isnt DJT's economy.

ChristineRomans Obama’s economy!

ChristineRomans The economy? Oh, this is good! Where's muh popcorn?

ChristineRomans If dems want to win in 2020 they have to quit being a bunch of socialists that only appeal to the liberal coasts

ChristineRomans How dare you!!!

ChristineRomans Yeah this economy sucks. Lowest minority and female unemployment rate of all time. Markets at all time high. Housing market all time high.

ChristineRomans Cnn fighting hard to help dems per usual

ChristineRomans No. You need to.give them.hope and a reason to vote FOR Dems. 'Not Trump' is a horrible strategy.

ChristineRomans Writes CNN's Jeff Zucker.

ChristineRomans If it wasn’t your own journalist then maybe you wouldn’t be seen as a biased news channel. It’s no wonder Trump gets away with discrediting the media and sowing discontent with . You’re doing it too FFS. 25thAmendmentNow

ChristineRomans How do you attack the greatest economy in American history🤣🤣

ChristineRomans Lol, that’s a winning strategy righ there! Talk about how great the economy is and how low unemployment is, people hate that!

ChristineRomans HaHaHa LMAO you all are LLLLLL


ChristineRomans Non of the democratic candidates are sharp enough to take on Trump. Hillary should enter the race. She would be guaranteed to win the nomination.

ChristineRomans You mean his brilliance. Now go pass the USMCA!

ChristineRomans They have to convince the big players that the economy isn't going as well as they've hoped under Trump huh? I'll take a read of the article now.

ChristineRomans CNN hates the strong US economy. CNN would prefer poverty instead.

ChristineRomans Bullshit. They need to create a progressive agenda to motivate turnout. RachelBitecofer - research proves the point. Trump won’t survive to the election. GOP will dump him shortly after the Dem convention.

ChristineRomans Yes see how they can lie about that

ChristineRomans Oh you mean the trump economy that’s twice as good as Obama’s.

ChristineRomans Project Veritas video: Floor Manager at CNN Mike Brevna: They (CNN) sold themselves to the devil. It’s, it’s sad.”

ChristineRomans Was she forced to write this?

ChristineRomans WORD OF THE DAY: EXTORTION You will hear at least 20 times! Jeff Zucker gives his guests & staff a word to pound in the ignorant viewers head!!!

ChristineRomans realDonaldTrump If the Dems want to win in 2020 their only chance is to vote for Trump. Dems are fighting today's battle they already lost, but don't know it...while President Trump is preparing for his Presidential fights after the 2020 election. outclassed

ChristineRomans So you admit you’re helping Democrats to win the presidency?

ChristineRomans They need to not be socialist pigs who care about everyone but Americans.

ChristineRomans Even after being exposed you still can’t help yourself. You are FakeNews

ChristineRomans Trump was right ...Corrupt News Network, what happened to real journalist that actually report facts and not propaganda? The Economy is Great, the people have jobs, more money , higher wages , less taxes all thanks to Trumps policies Trump2020Landslide

ChristineRomans This is CNN Propaganda...

ChristineRomans Democrats will destroy the economy as they have done every other time. Obama even said you'd need a magic wand to fix it. Trump is fixing it


ChristineRomans If dems want to win CNN needs to start being a real news channel again.

ChristineRomans Forget about Trump come up with a actual policy you clowns


ChristineRomans No need to get rid of the electoral college & let the ppl really choose!

ChristineRomans And exactly how can they sharpen their attacks in a fabulous economy?

ChristineRomans Hahaha.....I remember when Christine Romans acted like Obama’s sanctions on Russia were going to crater the Ruble and sink their economy. Sure Dimms, listen to her. It’s like everybody at CNN has to offer up an idiotic opinion once a week for Zucker to release their pay check.

ChristineRomans Democrats are rudderless!

ChristineRomans Maybe talk about the deficit the fiscally conservative GOP added too

ChristineRomans If they need to win, they have to show efficiency, unity and energy

ChristineRomans Start more investigations,report more spin, get out there locally, say everything that has been in the main stream media, create stories, fabricate things... You may get popular public opinion

ChristineRomans Also you should quit getting caught at fake news

ChristineRomans Where is that one Dem that will emerge like a shining star to wack the Orange Blister?!?

ChristineRomans BREAKING NEWS Radicals & KGB over sharpened knife against POTUS - it's broke under own 'volishin' ThursdayThoughts

ChristineRomans What is there to attack? Success?

ChristineRomans They need to find his Achilles Heel. I believe it is over seas involvement with companies he either is still running or sits on their board. He seems somewhat knowledgeable in this area by going after Biden. This could be because of his own involvements.

ChristineRomans Rub a lamp


ChristineRomans lol, is that why at the 'debate' cnn didn't even bring it up?

ChristineRomans It’s great. So they’ll look stupid

ChristineRomans CNN the most biased name in news.

ChristineRomans Why not skip 2020 in that case?

ChristineRomans 😁😁 Good luck with that!

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