Democrats call Trump racist as he doubles down on attack on Baltimore, Rep. Cummings

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Democratic lawmakers and presidential candidates on Sunday labeled Pres. Trump a racist who was trying to distract using divisive political rhetoric targeting Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore.

Democratic lawmakers and presidential candidates on Sunday labeled President Donald Trump a racist who was trying to distract using divisive political rhetoric targeting Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore, while the president doubled down and a top deputy said he was merely"pushing back against what he sees as wrong."

Democratic presidential candidates blasted the president as he tweeted similar attacks overnight and on Sunday. His tweets throughout the weekend appeared to be inspired by a Republican strategist's appearance on Fox News in which she described Cummings' district as a mess; Trump shared her videos with his tens of millions of social media followers.

If racist Elijah Cummings would focus more of his energy on helping the good people of his district, and Baltimore itself, perhaps progress could be made in fixing the mess that he has helped to create over many years of incompetent leadership. His radical “oversight” is a joke! The only African American Republican serving in the House, Rep. Will Hurd, of Texas, told"This Week" that he would not"be tweeting this way" and that one should not call an entire city rat infested.

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended Cummings on Saturday, saying,"We all reject racist attacks against him," Trump on Sunday morning attacked her district.


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Don’t care what he says. What say you about our city.. Can it Be More?

Be careful my friend Rev Al Sharpton. I don’t think the law is on your side anymore. The Democrat party is falling a part.

Rightly said.


TheRevAl You are the racist,& hypocrite. Pay your taxes.

You need to pay your taxes before you express any opinions. As much as you owe the IRS you should be in jail, so you must be conning someone if you still be running them streets!

Charge it to President Trump, I make a living with this card,Thank you very much Rev AL Sharpton

You're definitely not smart enough to belong to any cabinet!!! Democrats are definitely gonna lose on this one!!! Trump 2020!!!

The charlatan called a Reverend .Tawana Brawley, Freddie Mart,Crown heights.Homophobic,antisemitic.Another media creation.

Right !?

The Dems all in cahoots with this clown🤡to keep the race industry going AlSharpton



That was weak.

Rev Al knows Trump and his antics very well having dealt with him in NYC. He can definitely handle Trump.

He’s a Conman !!! WalkAwayFromDemocrats

Are you a minister a man ofGOD or what

Takes one to know one, right Al?

Nice of the left to help pad 2020 for our President! 😉

Trump is a fraud and bigot Sharpton is a fraud, not sure about the latter

If he needs a crook, look where, Al?

Al is so corrupt.

This man is a total disgrace!

Race baiting is your creed.

Exactly what I would expect Sharpton to say. Nothing of substance. And ABC News once again you're not following the story you're stirring the pot to no good end. Why don't you become a real news organization and expose the corruption in Baltimore?

Not exactly. You're not white. The con man label holds true.

Only on ABC can you watch this crap.

The reverend JessieJackson? We do need some cabinets changed actually.... So when Hollywood gets here to Denver to party talk to this man Denny7.....

Inner city squalor is the democrat outrage incubator, it’s where they foster hate.

Trash talk. Yeah,

Trump Nation 2020

This guy is t by e biggest crook an con man out there why do people even listen to him AlSharpton

If Sharpton is a true Reverend, I am the Lord. Ugh

KHShan He is a con man, and anyone old enough from NYC knows it....

Only thing being built up al is .., ur bank account... remember tawana brawley!

Saw him begging today

Ridiculous lookin mf’er.

Disgusting old man who is getting away with tax evasion. While others who have done less are separated from their families in prison he is giving speeches, disrespecting our POTUS, using race to divide, & rallying for illegals over our own impoverished. Repeat DISGUSTING OLD MAN

Al is triggered 😂

Sorry Al, you are a con man.

Baltimore 'President realDonaldTrump has given $16B in 2018 ALONE to Elijah Cummings's district in federal grants...' Where did it go? If Democrat leaders are not competent in spending wisely, elect Republicans.

Pay your taxes, Mr. Sharpton.

No position for a snake oil salesman

He looked better when he was fat!

This man is just a race baiter and a con man. He does not care about the real issues, he only cares about oppressing minority’s and then running off with a pocket full of cash.

With eyes full of Love!

What a joke. Al Sharpton made millions by helping others? What else did he do? Buy and develop real estate? Wtf is our media so blind?

Wow! Whoa!

All he do is talk shiii

He's a phony freak of nature!

RevAlSharpton you are not qualify to be a troglodyte in the Trump Whitehouse.

From a man who peddles in lies, racism, bigotry and anti-semitism. How’s Twana TheRevAl ?

Have to admit. That’s a funny line!

Nice speech 😅

Translation: “When may I send you my resumee, Mr. President? Please, please take it into consideration.”

No truer words have been spoken.

not on your life **con man...the president want men in his Cabinet...not money suckers, like you or Jesse Jackson...

President Trump Rocks!!

He would be an idiot if he let you in the White House like the previous administration did...

He upset a lot in the past riots - looting - and more Al Sharpton - it’s all about Hate.

Doesn’t America see that TheRevAl has a perm? Why hasn’t the media picked up on this?

Definitely a parasite

Ask Al if his debt to US taxes is paid? The answer is

ABC is not journalism. This is a joke. Al Sharpton? Are you kidding me?

This man has managed the Inner City plantations for decades. His job was to keep them in line.

Trump has done more for the black community in 2 years than the Rev has in his entire long sad life.

Good old Al Sharpton. The first official professional race baiter. He makes a fortune from it. Wonder if he will ever make enough to pay his delinquent taxes

You are a con artist and a racist

🔥🔥🔥best roast on the internet🔥🔥🔥

Hey Al have you paid your back taxes yet ? Like the five million or so you owe the government ?

they both are con men, and the world will be better off once these ignorant fear mongers and the rest their like minded generation becomes extinct.


What about all those taxes you owe Al? When you going to pay all of us back?

If you're looking for killo's of cocaine TheRevAl is your man- just be careful- he's a snitch who also lobbied for harsher sentences for coke/crack dealers and users. Mandatory minimums didn't pop up out of thin air, people. AlSharptonRaceBaiter realDonaldTrump

Any chance y’all are going to side with good? I’m assuming the flood gates are about to open up and you’re siding with a race baiter?! Considering we’re all children of God that makes us all brother and sisters, regardless of skin color.

Al is spokesperson on racial issues for DNC while they are in Italy. Preach it Al. qanon wwg1wga AlSharpton AlSharptonRaceBaiter WeAreBaltimore BaltimoreProud

Uh huh.

Al is a race baiter and so is anyone who agrees with his message of hate , that's all the little man has is his hate for white people , it's laughable but pathetic

So that means if anyone calls a fraud a fraud but the fraud is black, its racist? So its racist now to call out West Baltimore or any other liberal run city because blacks or other minorities are in charge? That is crazy.

Rex. Put your community money back into the community instead of yo pocket. Your a racist against your own people.

Welcome to the clown show.

Sharpton can sell you 99% pure kilo of cocaine for $35,000

Lets stand up get rid of Trump

As long as you get paid

therealslo1 Pay your $4 million in taxes Rev.

Trump takes America people out of desperation.

Wow. I hope that dude does not look in a mirror and see his face, since he is one of the biggest freaking bigots out there!

Sharpton and Farrakhan for Bigots of the year award

The only one who thinks you are relevant and important is (wait for it)... YOU

You have got to be kidding me.

How much money does the “reverend” much money does he owe the IRS...let’s look into that


Then as a self bigot, Race Baiting Al Sharpton only makes trouble for himself.

Remember Tawana Brawley?

TawanaBrawley a**hole


Majority of black people would like Mr. Sharpton to refrain from representation of the black community based on lack of results and pandering.

theatrics Pure effing theater.

Ridiculous! Folks behind ignorant sounding Sharpton laugh over just dumb insulting comments he made about the president's cabinet while people in east/west Baltimore suffer. What happened to $1.8 billion Obama made available to Baltimore after 2015 riots? Oh can't ask its racist

No Al, you make trouble for Americans by throwing the race card when there is no racism. You love to divide and spread hate!

trouble for all the bigots... except when he is saying to 'off the pigs' (cops) and calling Jewish people: “white interlopers” and “diamond merchants” - not to mention his false rape allegations and lack of apology. Yeah, this guy is a real role model....

why didn’t you make trouble for Obama and Hillary wow you missed the boat on that AL 😱🤦‍♀️

Ironically, one of the biggest bigots of recent times is Rev. Al Sharpton!

Smoke another crack rock!!!?

This is newsworthy?

How's tawana brawly doing Al?

TheRevAl coming from a FRAUDULENT FAKE REVEREND who has exploited race his entire life 😂

He never balks at an opportunity to be in the limelight once again, after awhile of being irrelevant.

he is a great example of what it means to be a democrat

Reverend my ass.

still making the fire of racsim burn so he get his airtime on tv, he a race pimp making money by attacking trump, it will not work al because you are rascist not trump, get a clue and quit before they turn on you revend albert sharpton.

It's like everyone forgot who this guy is!

Tawana Brawley. Freddy’s market

Tawana Brawley says hi, “Reverend”.

Do people actually like al sharpton? He’s a phony making bank off the backs of African Americans. No better than trump

So you're use to making trouble for yourself

Al Sharpton is a huge hypocrite and bigot himself. So it's going to take one bigot to take on another. Good luck with that.

Al generating himself more $$$ for his pocket !

Memo From: Rev. Al Sharpton To: Donald Trump and His Loons

Sharpton is so stupid. He doesn’t know that Trump was referring to the CITY being literally infested with RATS. Rats EVERYWHERE

Oh my gosh you say boo and the Democrats call you racist

Stop cry and go help those people in Baltimore the really need help I can’t believe the we living in best country and we have people the is living in this conditions

Freddie's Fashion Mart, 12/8/95

Al Sharpton is a huckster and will say and do anything to trick the black community into believing he is working for them when in fact he is a fraud who only serves himself. If abc news was a real news outlet they would expose Sharpton for the fraud he is rather than prop him up

And you adore whites yes?

Al is a con artist who owes millions in back taxes. realDonaldTrump has done more for minorities than any other President—EVER


History showed him and daddy no one is going to do shit about it but talk and then go away. You stick with what works.

Classic that the Democrat party machinery paid this race baiter to spew this rubbish. Embarrassing that Cummings can’t defend himself and list any accomplishments for his constituents.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah

Tawana Brawley!

Sure he does....what do you find in a SWAMP?

If you’re black and still voting democrats after voting them in the last 50yrs, you’re a zombie. Don’t be a zombie. Vote your economic freedom, legal immigration, opportunity, right to bear arms. SayNoToVictimhood, Vote Trump2020. Walkaway.

If Trump has the chance, he will introduce Apartheid. How sad, it coming back in the full circle.

Tawana Bradley, case closed.

Al, nobody is listening to you.

Hey Sharpton look over there 👉 a dollar on the ground.. 🙄 💩 👈 Sharptons school pic.

He is a man of no moral values.

More fake news

Hopeful we're looking at Rev Al's last hustle

Ahs15Al liar ,, where is your facts, all lip no action

Al Sharpton is a pompous bag of air. 🌬️🌪️

Sharpton is now some kind of off-gray color.

Basically any black People who living in rat infested city needs just shut up and be fine with it

Trump is a racist and doesn’t belong in America.


Reminds me of a time when Geraldo Rivera promised us great treasures from Capone’s vaults and was nothing but a disappointment. Look for definition of race baiter and you find Al Sharpton. The one true Uniter MLK was sadly murdered by a racist whom supported a Dem🤔🤔

Well spoken

I think the gig is finally up Al - people calling you out for your bullshit

In 1993, Al pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for failing to file a state income tax return. Sharpton admitted that his National Action Network, a non profit org, had once illegally loaned him money to cover his daughters' tuition. Tawana Brawley

He didn’t refer to anyone as infested. He said someone’s district was rat infested...which it is. But you know this. Keep race baiting, Al.

Did you ask him why he never paid his taxes?

Al is infested with racist hate?

7NY Al Sharpton is a manipulator and twister of the truth or just a LIAR

TheRevAl aka con-man con man (n): a man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true. Yup, realDonaldTrump nailed it!


That's funny because not 20 years ago he was standing WITH realDonaldTrump while presenting him the NAACP award for HELPING black Americans.

DC has more rats than Baltimore and Democrats know that, there Democrat districts.

What a two-faced devil another sad African American leader all talk! We all know you were friends with the president! This is embarrassing always was a sell-out!

He didn't refer to any people as infested. He was talking about the city itself as you well know. Infested is the correct word. Stop lying.

Why don’t fake news ABC include some of the rev’s past indiscretion I am sure it’s just to many to list , Ya that’s it!!!!!

Thanks Trump for bringing much needed attention to that shit hole called Baltimore.

What a charlatan

He is a liar.

7NY Tawana Brawley say's it all !

Tawana Brawley. Why should anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?

Lie lie lie lie lie. Now go pay your taxes.

No comment!

7NY This clown is such a liar and turns everything into a racial issue, when Sharpton show's up the Circus is in full bloom

7NY Delivered to Cummings’s district this week

7NY isn’t this the pot calling the kettle ...well,you know!

ABC has a particular acuity for backing everyone but their President. Even though he’s been proven time and time again to be correct. ABC is fake news, as fake as Sharpton. They never would have had today’s meeting if Trump hadn’t shown a light the problem.

He hasn’t referred to anyone like that “rev”. He’s we all know.. to Elijah’s district.

7NY Omg why are you still alive?


7NY Has the Rev paid his back taxes yet?

Two words AL !!! TawnaBrawly

7NY When Sharpton gets involved you know the entire situation is Bullshit

If Al Sharpton says its sunny outside, it's because he wants someone to pay him something... If he says its raining, he wants someone to pay him. As soon as he gets paid, the sun comes out. Its magic!!!!

Its time zion to come together the heathens don't care about us and trump is starting race wars wake up zion our savior is coming soon

I detest Trump. He’s a liar, a con man, a man child, and a corrupt imbecile but.... he was talking about rodents in that city. Stop spinning news. We are not them.

“And he said Joe Biden was sleepy! He doesn’t call other people sleepy! That means Trump thinks all creepy old white dudes are sleepy!”


The CITY is infested w rats how do people not see right through this crap... people should be insulted that he thinks people are so dumb they will believe it WAKE UP PEOPLE

He pretty much called out DeBlasio and NYC for being infested with rats...that guy is white

The fact the democrats are using slimy sharpton to attack trump is laughable at best !

Says the most racist man in America. AP News is tabloid news

Al Sharpton is a charlatan and a racist bigot. I put NO credence into anything he says

The president treats everyone how they treat him.

Get that man a job....a real one!

That's horseshit! He never said that... You are lying now!

He didn't refer to this opponent or critic as infested either. He referred to their district as infested. There are f***ing documentaries out about it.

Where Is Jessie Jackson 😃

This goofy bobblehead is the face of the democrat party

He was talking about rodents. More fake news.

He isn't a lice person.

This is guy is a total race pimp, sold out his own people for fame and money

neeratanden the Royals think it’s funny too

neeratanden Not a fan of Al Sharpton - but I love this.

neeratanden Nailed that response, Sharpton. Good one! TheRevAl


realDonaldTrump is so slimy that a fake “Reverend” and lifelong conman can easily score points like this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😉

LostTrumpHistory: Had the recent shooters in California been Muslims, Arabs, immigrants, or people of color ~ Trump would be slandering the characters of this group right now. Has he said anything about the recent European American shooters ? TrumpIsARacistRat

😂😂Brilliant !

Get a hair cut Al.

TheRevAl has committed so many fraudulent acts that he doesn’t even remember what was true or not. He’s also an anti-Semite. That TheDemocrats are using him as their beacon of light is shameful but expected from the party of antisemitism.


Good one fraud al. Phony shit

This freedloader racist should not have the mic to spread his decades old racist propaganda repeatedly


Never thought I agree with Trump but Sharpton is a con man. Remember Tawana Brawley and Freddie Mart Though with Trump, it’s the pot calling the kettle b***k. Two peas in a pod with who is the biggest con? realDonaldTrump

👏 💯 AlSharpton DonTheCon

THIS kind of 'Con-man' Al.

'build something together' just now coming to that conclusion? you should of been had a plan mapped out after MLK died...AL is a con, trump is not wrong. AL keeps blacks docile after they riot from white supremacy. i don't condone riots, but i understand where it stems.


Don’t get into a verbal match with TheRevAl. He’s linguistically in a category all by himself.

Hey jack, Hey twitter, where is my Tweet in this thread. You are really boosting my ego to think my Tweet is worth suppression. Again, you can't defend the indefensible. I'll track this one and see if it's sent to a bus stop in Texas.


Well Ya are a bit of a con man.

Hopefully he’ll throw you in jail for non-payment of taxes.

ABC why do u give this fool air time? Oh that’s right, u don’t report the truth

Well I guess it takes a racist to know one


🤦‍♀️ Wow just wow

if we don't call out someone's racism and bigotry for what it is, then we are just as guilty as the people who use it

Sadly true

It's a shame how black people allow themselves to be pimped by TheRevAl

That's Right On !!

PS: Al Sharpton is a ConMan! ABC is FakeNews Shame on you ABC,shame on you! Trump2020Landslide

👍👍👍eres lo más grande Donald Trump 👍👍👍

Blah blah blah

Said the racist against America

This guy is a piece of work..


Hey Al, have you paid your taxes yet? realDonaldTrump

I’m so sick of Al actinglike he really cares!

Sharpton is a bigot and a fraud!!

Right on cue. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

kenkircher1 SharkWeek 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🦈🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

President Trump has several black cabinet members that Sharpton just called cons. Guess he is a racist as well, right. ?

Oh put a sock in it🤮🤮🤮 Sharpton.....

For the terminally stupid the problem is NOT with President Trump's tweets but the way the scum in the lying-liberal media deliberately misinterprets them & the way the gullible far-left so mindlessly believes the bile! SMH

We need to do what Puerto Rico did throw this orange asshole out

Wow! Perfect response.

What a dummy.

Baltimore is infested with rats as is NYC, don’t here you blasting Bill when he says our President will not be welcomed back to NYC.

Al is a race baiting opportunist. Most of the liberal run cities are not well run. Take a hint and voted these libs out.

Al “Not So” Sharpton needs to sit this one out. He is one of the biggest bigots out there.

two words: Crown Heights three words: Freddie's Fashion Mart two more words: Tawana Brawley

Keep preaching TheRevAl keep preaching!!!!!


People forget Trump was a Democrat until 2016 when he recognized the under-educated angry white men were overlooked by other politicians. They’re both great showmen, con men, and know how to seize an opportunity to get in the headlines.

Nice deflection. Everyone knows Al is corrupt as hell.

So the race pimp is alive and well!

Hey Sharpton? How’s TawanaBrawleyThe original Smollett. A career pathological liar & racist has zero credibility.

Does he remember Tawana Brawley?

👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😉 from 🇩🇰 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Gotta admit, Old Race Baiter Al does tell a good joke.

Where the hell is Ben Carson at ? He is from Baltimore and the man in charge of Housing


The liberal media has to stop with these exaggerations and spins. There was no attack. Al Sharpton is a race baiting, tax evading bigot. He’d never be considered for the cab. He just wants to ride the Trump Train. Trump2020

You are a con man! Look how you used the black community to your advance. You are a terrible man!


There you have it from Al Sharpton, the leader of the Democratic Party.

No body is buying you BS Al. You are the one with the venom

Fucking Moolie !

The fact is Mr Trump will be re elected because the contenders are unlikeable annoying misfits. The fact is Mr Trump gets things Done.

“Oh no they are on to us, quick get sharpton!! Lolololol you commies are hilarious.

I won't lie. I'm not a Sharpton fan but when you're right, you're right.

I went to DC one time, and SEEN my first ever rat. As big as my cat! Every City has its own problems....

Nothing better to do Al. Where's your rock? I thought your were dead already.

Americans r, watching, while republicans, stand up,& behind, Trump's, hate, & racist,&boarder policies!

America's first Con Man Al Sharpton!

Give up your US Citizenship if your tired of not having rights. Upon doing so the Social security has to pay you every bit under your name. Plus you don't pay taxes and you still have more rights because you were born here. That's why over 28,000 Americans did it under Obama.

'Middle class aspiring'?! Lmao!! Al Sharpton has come up with a new and politically correct way to say 'Poor'

DenverChannel To pick and choose what particular word hurts your feelings Is realy small and won't fix how Americans live all over USA We have Thousands of homeless Come On Grow A Set!! Let's stop being so soft

When DJT says he referring to politicians? 😂😂❤️

Rev al..ur do bad for your people..fake phoney and a fraud..continue with the rev and continue down the path of rat infested Baltimore...,go ahead

Here comes TOMMY!! Disgraceful piece of 💩

Sharpton Racist!!!!

Trump calls everyone out! Not just people of color! Al makes money on perpetuating racism! Sick!

Al Sharpton is and always has been a slimy shyster exploiting the down trodden for his own personal gain. His $50,000 drug deal caught on FBI surveillance tape should have been enough to lock his crooked hide away for 30 years or so.

Larry Elder larryelder · 44m 'As a black man, I am offended when white people take the likes of Al Sharpton seriously—or pretend to.' -- ThomasSowell

DenverChannel Al Sharpton needs and wants racism to further his career


Says an old corrupt racist. Priceless.

Usually I go against trump, but now this is reaching.

This man is a terrible person. ALWAYS trying to stir up anything race related. And then try to line his pockets.

And here we go again with the twisting of words to be able to scream racism. He was referring to Baltimore, not Cummings personally, and W Baltimore IS rat and roach infested. Guess telling the truth and stating facts now makes one a racist.

is the Mayor also racist?

Is PBS racist also?

This guy, smh 🤦🏾‍♂️

Al the race hustler

Thank you Liberals for showing your true colors. Trumps statements are all backed by facts and he never once mentioned race at all! But you all decide to start comparing people of color to rats, roaches and infestations. Let that sink in...

Tell him

Those mustache make me think he's a liar sorry

Good thing he wasn't talking about people when. He said infested but keep trying to divide

Scam artist 🙄

Bit like how Al just attacks whites?

The city is infected you race-bating liar. And dems have allowed this to go on for decades. To distract from your total failure you attack the president. But this president, unlike all before him, is not afraid of any of you.

Repeat after me: Black people can be racist and black people can be criticized. BaltimoreProud BaltimoreRats Baltimore

He can’t be serious when he says realDonaldTrump called people infested. This is downright disgraceful and disgusting that this so called reverend to lie like this. I have been right all along. If realDonaldTrump cures cancer they would complain

Nothing new to see, just a normal day where a national broadcaster 'the ABC', is being conned by this race bater to spread lies against Potus!

ArayAromaz Yes indeed! He is a mean, hateful bully who attacks anyone who disagrees with him. His campaign to promote bigotry and to divide the country is dangerous.

Where were you during riots?

Bovine Droppings. Are you raising money to pay you back taxes?

Orkin refers to the cities as infested. Here is the Orkin list of the worst 10 rat-infested cities in the US...

Yet it’s obvious the President has a particular venom for hypocrites and liars...for anyone with common sense!

wow it is the grand dragon of the racist black klan, look at this goof ball tax evader he should be locked up as well. he is a reverend only in his circle. ha ha

I see RaceHustlerMan has arrived (to collect a check right?). These issues have been around long before President Trump, why is this an issue now? I guess it took the president to point out the problem that was being ignored by ABCNews and other propaganda outlets.

Are those his NAACP friends with him 🤪

Al is a hack. Nothing but a hack. What good has he done, ever?

You're been called out, stop playing the 'black victim' own up to bring a 'con artist' M A G A 💯 2020 !

Pay your taxes con man!

Tawana Brawley Tawana Brawley Tawana Brawley Tawana Brawley Sharpton can't be taken seriously!

Sharpton is a racist and a clown.

It’s the city that’s infested with rats. Stop obfuscating...

Rev. Is a Racist! Everybody knew what the fake Rev. would say then collect money 💴 and leave town. Fake Rev. is a CON-MAN.

Hey Sharpton! How about paying your taxes!

ABC the racist network

You need to crawl back under your rock.

Playing the race card is getting played out. That’s the only thing you have.

Anyone who gives TheRevAl airtime is racist. We’re done with all the false accusations of racism from hustlers who profit from racial turmoil.

The guys just looking for a little RESPICT

Baltimore is not a very clean city.

So he attacks everybody ? Good thats politics

Has nothing to do with race, you race baiting liar.

I’ve see piles of dog poop that have more integrity than trump

Good old Race Baitin Al ! Let me guess he found Baltimore on the map and has arrived to stir shit up once again Until these communities kick his ass out and hold local officials accountable this will keep up

Pointing out that a congressman's district is a rat infested mess isn't racist, it's constructive criticism. Lol

Fairly certain the rats are the infestation, but I mean if that’s what your equating to Rep Cummings that’s your words.


People's choice of diction says a lot about them.

Pay your taxes

What fresh nonsense is this?!

The Democrats card. Unlimited Accusations

Not a chance. The race card is dead!

These are all distractions let’s get the job done

ABC full of SHIT u liberal news liberal Democrats no message Trump didn’t say anything Racist its Democrats favorite word if someone calls out someone about there District or Job.If Cummings been doing good job it wouldn’t have mess look at Record

Democrats are going crazy with thier hate against the President. They have nothing good to say or work toward except trashing the President.

BernieSanders: 'Baltimore Looks Like a Third World Country' || He said that in Dec 2015, when: ABC is supports the democrats false racial attacks on Trump. ABC is no better the the democrats who work to make life as worse as possible for American people!

It's true, we and the media fall for it every time! Look what we are still talking about! His supporters love him for the fact that he is a racist....can't change that. Focus on the bigger picture getting him & family, McConnell, Miller, Mulvaney & Graham the hell out!

Trump speaks facts about Cummings district...Dems and MSM respond with name calling, not added facts.

So some one called the president a racist. How is this news? That lies has been told every day since 2016

Why must you always make it about race? Trump consistently criticizes Bill de Blasio and his failure in NYC. But because he's white, you can't pin in on racism. The way you frame things, one can NEVER level a criticism on a POC for any reason without a charge of racism.

That’s all the have is the race card because they don’t know how to lead or help people rise up from the depths of despair.

Democrats call Trump names when they can’t explain away what President Trump calls them out on.

Cummings Baltimore is a hell hole. Nothing Trump said was racist. You are racebaiting and need to stop. Your boas is very evident. You are only suppose to report facts not your feelings

realDonaldTrump aka Racist Don IS A RACIST. He is not fit for office and should be impeached.


If he is racist what is Congress Dems

They play the “racist” card every time he says something they don’t want to hear. It’s the only thing they have. RepCummings district in Baltimore is a wreck. As the residents there. But of course you won’t

Trump was a racist when he joined his father's building company which refused to rent to blacks. There are myriad examples of his racism since then. Sadly GOP has strongly embraced Trump and therefore his racism xenophobia homophobia is part of GOP. They can't have it both ways.

Fake news for sure!

Ah, the Democratic come back. “You’re a RaCiCsT”

Eres lo más grande Donald Trump 👍👍👍

CORECTION::: Democratic lawmakers and presidential candidates on Sunday, by labeling Pres. Trump a racist, was trying to distract, accusing him of using divisive political rhetoric targeting Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Baltimore, from Dem plantations.

Shallow thinking and race baiting. Shame on the Democratic Party for reducing the issue of racism to pure political stunt.

Just because Baltimore is a bigger sh!thile now than when Cummings started his political career doesn’t make Trumps criticism racist. Identity politics is racist. Cummings needs to stop complaining, take accountability and fix his district.

It’s sad that some dems think that black people are 🐀. They will not be winning many hearts and minds in the black community. WalkAway from the dem plantation! The right will welcome you with open arms. Blexit!!

Dems got their feelings hurt because they let their constituents live in squalor and the AMERICAN people are supposed to be mad at the guy who calls a spade a spade? If you’re from Baltimore Aren’t you mad at RepCummings not POTUS ? BaltimoreProud

President donald trump is not racist.he is transparent.

Let’s get him fitted for a white sheet uniform!

If the truth hurts too damn bad.

Is he power drunk amplified by his greed for hatred of POC, foreigners and race baiting?

typhanieluv I wonder if he knows that most ppl are very capable paying attention of the very things he’s trying to distract us from?

Attack border control! ICE!

'Racist' is no longer a viable word in America. It has been so overused that it now has no effective meaning. Hatred of a person, race, society, or nationality is not a reason to use the word. The word is now used when someone is incapable of a rational discussion.

Calling RepCummings incompetent isn’t racist. Elijah is a perfect example of a Democrat who wants perpetual power.. Not happening!! Blacks are WalkingAway and helping POTUS MAGA2020

Trump is distracting what's usual for Dems with real issues. Sorry for Dems but they must start fixing what they have neglected for years and stop calling it racism.

$3,000 car insurance.


every paper in America should publish a front page pic of Trump with the banner 'RACIST'

His comments weren’t about race. FFS it’s getting old playing this card

Vote Don out 2020

Investigate CUMMINGS! Black Democrat Congressman used position in Congress to get MILLIONS of $$s for wife’s companies after he marriage in 2008. Bankrupted in 2008, BRIBE MONEY made Cummings a millionaire.

Democrats, have labeled EVERYBODY a racist but themselves!

😂😂😂😂😊 liberals are insane

Please say something about someone of. Color you become a racist. Nonsense ! People hid behind their race or ethnicity for the poor me

Democrats fabricate that everything is racist. Trump could say he prefers vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice cream. And Democrats would bitch and whine that it’s racist.

The left hates facts.

It’s the Dems that are racist! Look what little they have done. They are so desperate that they will stoop to any level to hurt Trump !

It should’ve read “ Democratic lawmakers , presidential candidates AND mainstream media (ABC news included) labeled Pres. Trump a racist”....

Many citizen of Baltimore report it is the most dangerous city in the Country. The citizen of Baltimore know the truth and the President spoke the truth. Their Rep knows it, now help the people of Baltimore and their Rep instead of pretending all is well in Baltimore

That is untrue. Judge the facts for yourself, visit Baltimore.

Truth and reality sometimes sting.

Let me get this straight.. you can only criticize someone as long as they are from your own race? Otherwise your racist? 🤔 that’s exactly what is going on here

Truth telling is racist.

Trump’s use of “rats” imagery is right out of the Nazi playbook. RacistInChief WhiteHouse Antisemitism Patriots Baltimore Ravens Orioles

Where in his rhetoric was race mentioned....The dems, everyone of them, are trying to interject race into the election....They are dividing our great nation in an effort to win a stinking election..Absolutely Disgusting...see through them, VOTE REPUBLICAN

Does anybody cares about the corruption in Baltimore? Nahhh

'You can smell the rats.'

Cummings is a racist

How many race cards they gonna play? y’all been trying to get rid of him since the beginning and FAIL EVERY DAMN TIME it’s been almost 4 years and you can’t do anything to the man except Bitch about it cuz Hillary lost.Wash! annoying ass brats man. Keep winning realDonaldTrump

Now do Bernie:

Donald J. Trump is a tyrant and is trying to distract from that. This is what the Democrats need to empathize: TYRANT.

Racist comments are crass, uncouth and vulgar, especially as a strategic political ploy to divide the voting public.

Rep Cummings you are the one with the problem.......Baltimore Vote him out....take back your city


when is the news media going to start following the money ? look at what its costing Tax payors ,to keep his wife up in NY. look at what it costs to fly air force 1 each hour its in the air going to reelection rallies at tax payors dime .

That’s all the left has... throwing around the word, “RACIST!” And the media continues to propel it. People are smarter than that, the majority can see the strawman tactics.

But I guess Bernie’s not

No. They didn’t label him a racist. He IS a racist.

The Democratic Party does not think first about how to improve Baltimore’s living conditions and law and order. Instead, it chooses to attack a person who tells the truth.

War is Peace Love is Hate Truth is Racism. It's 1984.

Nonsense fakenews

It is working on TheDemocrats thoughts and actions

So we’re off the Mueller report now? Off to racism for 3 weeks.

All our silences in the face of racist assault are acts of complicity. Bell Hooks (Killing Rage Ending Racism) RESIGN realDonaldTrump gop LindseyGrahamSC SenateMajLdr SenateGOP GOPLeader HouseGOP VP POTUS PressSec WhiteHouse GOPChairwoman KellyannePolls FoxNews

What haven't the democrats and their media shills characterized as racist since his nomination?

To tell the truth in America today is to be called a racist. I really hate this kind of behavior

Oh yeah the race card!

“Decent Americans call Trump a racist after he uses racist language” Fixed it for you

the stars inside the lines in blue

locL news knows!

The funny thing is nothing the president said is racist calling somebody’s District rat infested with varmints definitely isn’t racist it’s actually true walk in the district and ask the people where has the money gone

Yet the Fact remains President Trump was right in his counter attack against Cummings . And Absolutely Nothing in the President ‘s remarks was racist. That the democrats and ABC trying to distract attention away from the Truth . Go Trump !!

The Trump Administration will be known throughout history as the Shithole Presidency

One thing is for certain, every right wing extremist hate group absolutely loves Trump. The KKK neo-Nazi white nationalists alt-right even the New Zealand mass shooter was a fan. Im not saying Trump is a racist but sure wish I knew why they love him so much

Democrats and media calling everyone racist to avoid facts.

Because they have never been to Baltimore nor do they care about the trash and homeless issues, that would take away from there care for illegals

Russia didn’t work !! Collusion didn’t work !! Obstruction isn’t working !! Stormy didn’t work !! ONWARD WITH : “RACISM” What comes after that Murderer !! Hahahahaha Eaten up with Trump Derangement Syndrome !!


No, your 4am talking points did.

Pretty much every single person in mainstream media has does the same. Is truth subjective? Are labels & opinion news? Is trying to warp the minds of the gullible with crafted news subversive tactics? All sorts of fecal matter, is it not?

Democrats are crazy! They call anyone who challenges a “person of color” with any questions whatsoever a racist. This is ludicrous and needs to be called out🤨

cornock60 Facts smacts

Like father, like son..



Muellerosity accompanied with unprecedented transparency of WH. BREAKING NEWS D House embarked on 'abstraction'... of accomplices in coup attempt. SundayThoughts SundayMotivation

They didn’t label Bernie Sanders racist when he called it. Third World Country. By the way, he also criticized the mayor of New York in the same manner & just so you all aren’t confused, DeBlasio is white!


In response let’s brand Trump and his presidency with an appropriate hashtag. I suggest FreakShowPresident. Tag it all over Twitter as you see fit.

So criticizing a Black member of Congress is Racist?

Can’t they 25th amendment him


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP. THE MEDIA IS RUINING THIS COUNTRY. he said nothing racist. y'all are a bunch of fear mongering inflammatory amateurs posing as journalists

Fake news

CrookedDemocrats constantly use tired old racist card, then scream bloody murder when some one else plays their 'game'

When they dont have an argument they resort to calling you a racist abc

Facts aren't racist. People who want to distract you from facts use race as a smokescreen.

... After 300 days....they woke up

Truth is now racism.

*The Trump Doctrine - Trickle-Down Hate* WeAreBaltimore realDonaldTrump

FLASHBACK: 2018 Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh: Mayor Pugh: 'What the hell? We should just take all this shit down.” 'Whoa, you can smell the rats.' 🐁🐁🐁🐁 THE PRESIDENT WAS RIGHT! TRUMP2020 WeAreBaltimore BaltimoreDeservesBetter BaltimorePride BaltimoreStong MAGA

Same old tired Democrat talking points. Every Republican is a racist in their small brains.

Baltimore is having an issue and it needs to be fixed The president pointing this out isn't racist. ABC news is racist for not supporting the fact that these people live the way they live

The trophy is expanding.

Democrats still have nothing going for them, and this attack certainly won’t help their chances for a victory in 2020. They continue to fail in every way!

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