Democratic Candidates’ Wealth Tax Plans Would Shake Up Billionaire Philanthropy

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Facing an annual tax that eats into returns and shrinks wealth, billionaires would have an incentive to move money out of their control—and out of the wealth-tax base


Otherwise, every year would see more of their money sent to the government for public projects and less to charities of their choosing.


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If they move current money out of the country, they will still make much future money here. They will not be able to shield everything. If many billionaires leave the ones that actually care about the US will stay, & a class of more socially moral wealthy will take their place.

'Any wealth tax would require a Democrat in the White House and Democratic majorities in Congress to enact, so it is at least 14 months away from being seriously considered.' Histrionic & misleading. Adopts GOP tactic of tagging/smearing ALL Democrats as left-wing radicals.

All these people saying the country would be bereft of rich people if we made them pay taxes: who do they think is paying the bulk of the taxes now?

Such bullshit

That’s a silly threat. Billionaires giving to charity is so much more about their desire to market themselves than it is their desire to help people. That desire doesn’t go away simply because they’re subject to taxes they’ve never paid their fair share of.

There's always total expropriation.

How many billions do these billionaires need to maintain their lifestyle?

Or maybe they would give away to worthy causes even more of their wealth, how horrible would that be. Goodness maybe they’d have to live on just $10Billion or so.

Why take risks when bureaucrats take it away anyway? Warren is a demagogue.

Ya think?

Exactly. A wealth tax is suicidal for America.

Whatever how much sugar coating she puts on “wealth tax”, eventually it will be paid by all mid-class.

It’s called PPLI. Look it up

That’s what the really need (and they’re missing at the moment) is just an ‘incentive’ ha ha ha.

Or.... pay their fair share?

“It’s a tax policy that the Red Hot Chili Peppers would love, because they want you to give it away now,” said Brian Galle, a law professor at Georgetown University. 😐

The takings clause of the 5th Amendment of the Constitution prohibits the federal government from expropriating private property without just compensation. A wealth tax would require a constitutional amendment.

Millennials think increased tax revenue will actually be spent on infrastructure 😆

I’d probably do the same thing. I wouldn’t just sit around waiting to become tax cattle for social programs. 🤷‍♀️

Therefore, the wealthy should not be taxed ever?!?! GTFOH!

Nobody with even a passing knowledge of Constitutional Law thinks a 'wealth tax' would ever be ruled legal by the courts. It is nothing more than another talking point designed to evoke class divide.

or they could pay their fair share. you know, like good Americans.

Rich people can move it is the rest of us that will be stuck in their Democratic free fall economy. Cuba or Venezuela be anybody?

No shit...

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