De Blasio endorses former 2020 rival Sanders for president

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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is endorsing Bernie Sanders for president.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the ​U.S. Conference of Mayors' Winter Meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020, in Washington.

De Blasio, an unabashed liberal who was elected in 2013, will campaign for Sanders in Nevada this weekend, the Sanders campaign said Friday in a news release. De Blasio hopes to be a significant surrogate for Sanders four years after he dithered about his presidential endorsement and, late in the primary process, backed Hillary Clinton instead of the Vermont senator, who shared far more of his ideology.

De Blasio, whose own 2020 presidential bid ended with a whimper months before any votes were cast, could play an important role for Sanders, who now sits atop the progressive portion of the Democratic field, as the senator squares off against several more moderate choices, including Bloomberg, who led New York for the 12 years before de Blasio.

De Blasio, who has frosty relations with his predecessor, has repeatedly voiced his opposition to the billionaire's late presidential bid.


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Birds of a feather

De Blasio WHOOOO?

Considering what this idiot is trying to do to New York, this would be all the more reason not to vote for Sanders.

Of course he is! The are both card carrying Communists!


Wtf lmfao go back to NY you bum haha 🤣🤣

An old-timey corrupt pol, who sells his office to rich donors, will make a great Sanders surrogate. '[A] real estate investor who sought influence through political donations' said he 'bribed' de Blasio with 'more than $150,000 in contributions.'

He did the same thing in 2016.

Well.. if we all get behind one ...

That should give Bernie a bump of 1-2 more supporters.

Who, in their right mind, would want his endorsement?

Trump still your president

Blasio and Trump are two peas of a pod



Does it really matter? hahahahahha

Right on billy

Of course he is! Blah!

I'm guessing both De Blasio supporters will now support Bernie. Polled at less than one percent who cares who he endorses Assclown

That endorsement must have cost Bernie supporters a fortune.

Oh Shit!!😳

2. Our current tax code is analogous to the pre-WW I taxes in UK that gave tremendous advantages to the nobility & landed aristocracy. Our Corps & uber wealthy people get tremendous breaks. The vast share of US taxes are now paid by the middle/upper middle class meritocracy.

How tone deaf of DeBlassio to think he even had a chance to get more than 10 votes.

Of course he is! LOL

Imagine that, two Communist Democrats loving eachother

Ugh. You are one of the worst mayors New York city has ever had. Quit and let someone who is competent run the city. Not going back until you are out of there.

We knew he was a fool and this just confirmed it..!!

Yes! ThankYou BilldeBlasio -

That will bring a downer to Bernie. Come to think of it, that might not be a bad thing after all! 😂

Thy Why are perfect for each other

What? Not Michael R. Bloomberg?


Just trying to stick it to bloomberg. Gonna loan him some money?

Sounds about right.

I’d expect nothing less from a useless lightweight like de Blasio.

Nobody asked, Bill

Trump says thanks

Cause he knows former NYC mayor BloombergIsRacist

Who cares? Doesn’t have a chance of stopping the Trump train!

Who cares.

One communist to another.

Blind leading the blind BilldeBlasio BernieSanders

Figures. DeBlasio has NY so f’d up its rediculous. Birds of a feather...

A Communist supporting a Communist. Not surprising at all.

Who cares? Bill should be concentrating on rebuilding relations with the police.

That figures De Blasio the most hated man in America endorses a Socialist.

Not much of an endorsement!

a kiss of death

Nuff said...

Finally! de Blasio admits he’s an anti American Communist. The Democratic Party is full of these assholios!


New York City and California. So?

Yahaha Wake UP NY City

BernieSanders BilldeBlasio birds of a feather flock together

And now we know why Bloomberg is going with Hilary. That will fix you deBlasio.

Two jokes.

He just cost Bernie some votes.

A looser!!!!

Jeez, didn’t realize he hated Bernie that much

They are both communists. Go figure.

NeverBernie not now not ever

Eggheads stick together.

de Blasio is crazy to endorse Bernie.

LA(NYC) II Mayor Endorses communist Socialist What's new 🙄

And everyone cared.



Neither of you will endorse the best president we've had in decades because he's going to see that you clean up your cities NYCMayor & chicagosmayor. Americans deserve better. No Sanctuary for illegals.

I would not want, Bill the Criminal to endorse me for anything. EvenForBiggestDoucheOnTwitter

LOL, Billie couldn't even carry NYC in the polls.. this should work out great for Bernie.

Lol...sorry Bernie

Groundhogs will get no quarter in Bernie’s america

Who cares. Guy couldn’t last a week in the race. He’s irrelevant. They hate him in his own city.

I wonder if both of his former supporters will follow his advice

BilldeBlasio why not Warren?

The kiss of death. Feel the Bern.


Nice! Bernie will get his 0% then...? Lol

Communists stick together.


Makes sense. Bernie will destroy the country as BdB destroyed NYC


Great. The Clown is endorsing SenSanders Bloomberg2020

Freak’n commies. In a free society the government doesn’t rule the people. Rather, the people rule the government. I seriously think the Democrat’s prey on the weak & poor by promising BIG Bro cares for them. This type of govt cares ONLY for themselves. cnn FoxNews

I can't imagine that Bernie is thrilled by this!!!

Good news. If only deBlasio would have done this in 2016, maybe Bernie would have won then. But, better late than never.


Birds of a feather LOSERS flock together!

Sanders'you shouldn't have'

Those fearing bernie sanders, that like fearing affordable healthcare, better educated public, and better wages. Sometimes you need to embrace new ideas to find out better, really is better.we can bring private insurers diaplaced as part of medicaid for all.hire them in medicaid

Lol, oh that'll hold a lot of weight.

Well, he’s an

rolandsmartin So what. He can vote for whoever & I’ll vote for whoever.


Who cares?

rolandsmartin Institutional RACISM can’t be VOTED AWAY! SOVEREIGNTY is FREEDOM! VOTING is CAPITULATION to Whitemen! NYCMayor BernieSanders PeteButtigieg Blackmen Blackwomen BlackExodus BlackTwitter IndependenceMatters BlackVote

LOLOLOLOLOL. This is hysterical. Two losers that fit together nicely. Hopefully they’ll both be out of our lives soon.

That great now you can put New York in total financial Armageddon.

rolandsmartin De Blasio is just as popular as trump is in NYC........

rolandsmartin WoW

Considering his current approval rating in NYC, this means nothing. Thank goodness for term limits.

That should help 🤣🤣🤣

Kiss of Death.

Anyone but Bernie!


he should just walk into the east river like james mason

he should just walk into the east river



The Mayor of a city that is the de facto capital of American capitalism has endorsed a Bolshevik for President. 😐


That's about as Dumb as he can get

This is why his campaign was a disaster! Bernie’s poison! Plus, getting black caucus or union endorsements matter. NY isn’t going to help. Bernie cant win, & will cost dems. Putting as much blame for Trump on dems as much as republicans if nominate an unelectable communist

BilldeBlasio BernieSanders

Haha, I just remembered he sort of ran for president for awhile. What a clown show that was.

Both are disasters

💔🤍💙Bernie for President!!!!!

Idiot stereo. Bernie’s a failure as a politician. Don’t believe the hype!

So? Tucker Carlson, Hungarian nazi Sebastian Gorka, Kevin McCarthy, Putin's Russia State News, 8chan troll idol Joe Rogan, QAnons, Trump Jr, and Trump himself also endorsed Bernie as DEM nominee

Someone’s looking for re-election

Hello, please checkout my gig if you need any king of graphic design.

Yeah I think we know which one will be pitching and which one will be the catcher!

Votez realDonaldTrump ,qui fait de très bonne choses pour son pays le reste de sa vie privée regarde que lui

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