'Crusade,' 'spiteful,' 'unfettered contempt': Trump lambastes Pelosi over impeachment

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

NEW: In rambling 6-page letter ahead of US House vote on impeachment, President Trump lashes out at Speaker Pelosi over her effort to have him impeached.

“You dare to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election-nullification scheme — yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America’s founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build,” Trump wrote.

“It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it, not I!” Trump added in the blistering and brooding letter. Trump added that he’d been “deprived of basic Constitutional Due Process” from “the beginning of this impeachment scam.”The full House is expected to vote on two articles of impeachment against Trump — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — on Wednesday.


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Slander is not 'lambasting.'

Litlke Donnie sitting all alone waiting for his nanny to tell him time for a nap and Ivanka will tick him in

realDonaldTrump POTUS bat sh*t crazy. he is unfit to lead our country.

First of all, there’s no way he wrote that by himself; he wouldn’t understand most of those ‘bigly’ words. Secondly, the man is inSANE.

Misses the point- it is not Nancy Pelosi- it is many of us! The people of the USA

Exactly how insane people communicate how sick they might be-he needs some help before he nukes Greenland or something.

Flailing attempt by a guilty man who has no case.

He is incompetent.

This is the moment of legacies. The Congress needs to take a good look at Trump and say do I want to be tied to this forever or not.

Just being yourself !

Fake news

Thank you for the impeachmenthoax trump is going to win in a landslide. Step outside your echo chamber to see what independents thinknof this charade.

Trump is doing this to stoke ratings and make headlines. It's a fu×ing game to him.

Lambastes Pelosi? How about: in an error ridden letter Trump rants pathetically at Pelosi.

So it’s was rambling. Fake need MSNBC cannot just write the news and show the letter they have to say it’s rambling. Haha

Mr. .realDonaldTrump me thinks you protest too much-so stop it already & take your licks. You do the crime, be prepared to do the time. HighCrimes Impeachment is inevitable

realDonaldTrump wrote exactly zero pages of that letter.

Trumps a sad whiney old man who refuses to take responsibility for his actions.


Just read parts of it. Given how bad the English is at times, he seems to have written parts by himself. But apparently without legal counsel because he most definitely doesn’t understand what laws are at work here.

So sad and disgraceful from a sitting American President! Impeach Now!


What a sorry SOB we have as President. Trump is a total disgrace to the office.

Letter was accurate. Prove me wrong.

She is doing her job. When will Trump do his?

He can write an in component letter but can’t testify? We all know what would happen and so do his supporters

Merry impeachmas 45

Trump's rambling 6 page vicious tweet confirms he's mentally ill! Meanwhile he's becoming unhinged!!! Someone needs to change the nuclear codes and not tell the President! SociopathTrump

Rambling you say.

If he claims to be innocent then lump should testify and exonerate himself, not bury himself and ask his cronies not to show to a subpoena order. What American that receives a subpoena doesn't so up. We would be locked up so that alone lump should be questioned for.......

rambling huh. cool story.

Raise your hand if you’re glad Trump finally found/used a writer able to translate his childlike babble into more professional sounding English. 🤚🏽 Now if we can just get him to add some context and factual evidence to his wildly outlandish statements. 🤔

Big orange cry baby!

GeoffyPJohnston I wonder who drafts his letters as whether I’ve agreed or not they are longer than the Tweets

Trump didnt write anything. It was in complete sentences.

Many white voters are understandably conflicted. They can’t decide if they want to embrace white empowerment or a decent and thriving democracy. And who doesn’t like a guy who maligns women and minorities while bullying 16 year-old girls. . . TrumpMoralDecay AmericanDecline

Crazy pants

NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw ImpeachmentEve NobodyIsAboveTheLaw

What BSers you are. Our President sends a 6page letter, but yet the Dems 600+ page full of bullshootoe is a masterpiece according to you lemmings!

He's shitting his pants. Guilty!

Rants, nothing more

Now would be a good time to let that tax info slip out.

If I didn’t know any better. I would say Trump has been reading too much Dylan Thomas: “Rage, Rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night” But I do know better 😉 It’s just a petulant child speaking.

Great, another nail in the coffin of impeachment. Every time Trump opens his mouth sewage comes out. Trump goes on social media and berates people with language that a school yard bully would use. I hope he does more than offer to testify in the Senate, I hope he demands it.

Oh my dear Lord. There is NO WAY that trump authored this letter. He can’t even keep his thoughts on one subject at a time! He rambles on and on. He couldn’t write a graceful sentence if his spray tan and comb over depended on it. This is unprecedented behavior!

Rambling Where did I see this before 🙄

Off. The. Rails. Carry on.

He did not write that letter. He doesn’t even know those words!

How dare them hold him accountable for his actions while he hold the most powerful positions in our country!!!

Who do you suppose was realDonaldTrump ‘s ghostwrited writer?

Psychology states this man is so guilty

The same kind of letter his parents would have written to the principal of his school when he was a 'boy wonder'.

I'm pretty sure he has no idea what unfettered means.


Does pence perform fellatio on his commander? Or is it only symbolic?

Lashes out? Sounds like simple disagreement and criticism. Keep those stereotypical and stupid stories coming!

He’s ready for the home

The truth hurts right Nancy

Rambling? Try juvenile, Ignorant, and I hinged.

It's sweet to think how enraged and how further unhinged he'll be later today, when he sees the mockery that the letter has engendered, not just in America, but all over the world. What's more pathetic than a laughing stock? realDonaldTrump, that's what!

Still not going to stop impeachment.

It’s not Pelosi’s fault he got caught.

The heartbreaking rambling of a severely paranoid man.

If it's six pages long, you can guarantee Trump didn't write it. His attention span is only a Tweet's worth of characters.

Lol what a goon

insufferable ego maniac who can NOT control ANY of his senses and wild ramblings!!

awwwww, is Fatso throwing a tantrum.....🤣🤣.....

He’s insane.

CarloTresero Wow! Trump is coming more unhinged than ever! It makes me happy to know how his Impeachment is really hitting hard, as well it should. He has no self-awareness so this letter shows how frightened he is of Speaker Pelosi & Impeachment. The school yard bully to the end!

How does NBCNews expect to be considered as serious news if you have an obvious and controlling bias bordering on hatred for POTUS? Should network news with bias in opinion AND hard news be avoided? It seems FoxNews has unbiased hard news 10-7pm with opinion on late 8-11.

Great letter!

Example 1 for Future Presidents: DON'T. PRESS. SEND!!!!!!

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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