Covid reinfections may be more common than realized. Why isn't the US tracking them?

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Covid-19 reinfections may be more common than realized. Why isn't the US tracking them?

Romoser believes it was a clear case of reinfection, rather than some mysterious reemergence of the original infection gone dormant. Because the coronavirus, like other viruses, regularly mutates as it multiplies and spreads through a community, a new infection would bear a different genetic fingerprint. But because neither lab had saved her testing samples for genetic sequencing, there was no way to confirm her suspicion.

That sounds like a rather insignificant number. But scientists’ understanding of reinfection has been constrained by the limited number of U.S. labs that retain Covid-19 testing samples or perform genetic sequencing. A KHN review of surveillance efforts finds that many U.S. states aren’t rigorously tracking or investigating suspected cases of reinfection.KHN sent queries about reinfection surveillance to all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

In Minnesota, officials have investigated more than 150 cases of suspected reinfection, but they lack the genetic material to confirm a diagnosis, a spokesperson said. Such cases are different from instances of so-called long-haul Covid-19, in which the original infection triggers debilitating symptoms that linger for months and viral particles can continue to be detected. Reinfection occurs when a person is infected with Covid-19, clears that strain and is infected again with a different strain, raising concerns about sustained immunity from the disease.


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kittycatNY01 I would love to now that . Because people even doctors are going around saying that if you got it once you’re good. And whoever followed China’s big problem knew they were having reinfection‘s they just didn’t know how many.

They are tracking the first cases let alone reinfections. LOL

Arriadna The US needs to genotype the virus to track mutations NSF CDC NIH

“It would be nice to have proof,” said Romoser. “I’ve literally been straight up called a liar, because people don’t want to believe that it’s possible to be reinfected. Why would I lie about being sick?” Because there has not been full honesty in a lot of places.

If that's true what good is the vaccine!

HouseDemocrats POTUS VP SpeakerPelosi CDCDirector CDCgov CNN ABC drsanjaygupta

Yes number of infections far out exceeds what’s been reported. Not everyone is obsessed with going to the doctor when they just have a head ache.

Reinfections? We can't get a handle on first time infections with Republicans hiding data.

Viruses can lie in dormancy...never leave the body...and when the body's immune system is weakened, they become 'alive' again with the same symptoms or worse...

We’re still in the Trump COVID is sniffles phase

goldietaylor We have not been doing the sequencing on par with other countries

Because then we wouldn’t be able to prepare against more. If they report the good we will all forget the bad and spread again

Why is NBC still in business So many questions?

Tracking key.

C'mon, you're asking too much. This is how appointments for the second shot are going in Los Angeles. You could laugh, but it's just too sad.

They have been they just don't want to let us know

We need a tougher mask mandate

Fake news

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