COVID is now a 'major cause of death' in kids but many parents remain hesitant on the vaccine

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The risks of COVID for kids may be higher than previously believed. The virus is now 6th or 7th leading cause of death in children. But many parents are reluctant to get them vaccinated—even as FDA approval seems imminent. Read more: ✍️adampiore

have repeatedly challenged the recommendations of the nation's leading health experts on their primetime shows, suggested public health experts are not being straight about the risks of the vaccines and argued that Biden's efforts to increase vaccination rates are a violation of civil liberties and a waste of taxpayer dollars.

In July, Becker and her two boys contracted mild cases of COVID-19 and recovered. Around that time, Becker learned, the United Kingdom's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization , which advises U.K.

"Universal indiscriminate vaccination policy for children sometimes does not account for previous immunity and these special considerations—what's lost is nuance," Makary says."I think that there are important considerations based on individual situations and most people should have a conversation with a pediatrician who can assess these risk-benefits."

The importance of peer influence is especially significant in minority communities, says Thomas LaVeist, dean of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Tulane University, and co-chair of the governor's task force on COVID-19 Health Equity for the state of Louisiana. He says for many holdouts in minority communities, the issue comes down to larger distrust of health care institutions.


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adampiore Yes, I would.

adampiore Newsweek, thank you for having the courage to be objective and unbiased.

adampiore What is wrong with you? Publishing lies about Dr. Fauci and Covid misinformation and now this? Newsweek needs to be labeled as false information.

adampiore Health Experts back the Vaccine. Dumb Parents aren't so sure. Duh!

adampiore You have lost all journalistic integrity.

adampiore Actually kids get lots of shots for lots of things. They usually don’t like them. I would hate to see that little girl with a ventilator or terrified in a hospital.

adampiore FFS this is garbage

adampiore Absolutely I would give that kid a Covid shot. I would also vaccinate them for whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, polio, etc.


adampiore And another once credible news source debases itself in a shamelessly divisive cover. I hope the public backlash causes Newsweek to rethink their approach.

adampiore If I cared about that kid, I'd 100% get them the shot. If I didn't give a damn about them, I'd still get them the shot. NewsweekSucks

adampiore What in the hell is this? I can’t believe a cover like this would be approved right on the cusp of vaccine approval for children.

adampiore Would you give this kid a clot?

adampiore 6th or 7th? Don’t you even do “your own research?” Couldn’t you ask? There must be a LIST.


adampiore Yes, this kid. My kid. Every kid who is eligible.

adampiore The article is about uneasy parents who have doubts--it doesn't even endorse that, much less QAnon craziness. The people freaking out over the cover seem to be enraged that that kind of gray area uncertainty is addressed by anything other than implacable absolutist condemnation.

adampiore Shame on you NW eds., promoting pseudoscience. A child with a shield against COVID 19 provided by vaccines would have been a better choice.

adampiore I work a medical group… children are “disease vectors”. They need vaccinations. Period.

adampiore NewsWeek If this poster is about the Rust movie set, I find that very tactless. Give AlecBaldwin some space. PoliticallyIncorrectPress rust

adampiore Oh wow, is this more Journalism of “we’re just asking questions” rather than actual reporting of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

adampiore Y’all went full repubpub for this one 😐

adampiore Ridiculously irresponsible cover. Shame, . covid VaccinesSaveLives

adampiore I gave my kid chemotherapeutics ten years ago and she’s alive now because of it, you bet I’d give this kid a shot.

adampiore I worried that young kids were unvaccinated and their risk to Covid was underestimated. Now that a vaccine is available for them, some parents are more concerned about vaccine side effects, than they are about their kids catching Covid, which could have devastating consequences.

adampiore This cover is outrageously sensational and irresponsible, especially considering children already receive a whole array of life-saving vaccines starting at birth. Before those vaccines, almost 50% of children in the US didn't survive to adulthood.

adampiore This cover is irresponsible. As a news magazine with journalists, you all should know better. I am absolutely disgusted by this fear mongering you chose to put on the cover. We are trying to survive this pandemic and the best way we have are vaccines. Kids need to be vaccinated.

adampiore Your Cover is a Miserable failure, but what can we expect from 'journalism' and 'editors' these days? 🙄

adampiore So, you want kids to start getting Measles, Polio, and Smallpox again? Play the Mumps, Rubella, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough, Chicken pox, and Covid-19 roulette to see how many child mortalities we can rack up against pre-vaccine era?

adampiore I don't know why they spelled 'idiots' as 'parents.'

adampiore And hell yes, I would give this kid a shot. For her health, and for public health. I believe in science, not Newsweek.

adampiore I’ve read Newsweek on and off for years, but it’s seemed inexplicably Trumpy lately. And now this. I’m done with Newsweek. They can go compete with Fox News now.

adampiore Newsweek—do better!

adampiore The answer is YES. Kids routinely have vaccinations. The real question is will you risk your kid's life for your political party.

adampiore I sure would because I love them. How many kids won’t receive the vaccine because this cover scared their parents?

adampiore Way to strike out, Newsweek. JFC not you too 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

adampiore Presumably, if that child has reasonable parents, she has already received several vaccinations in her life.

adampiore There’s a great deal of overlap between people who don’t want their kids vaccinated but do want their kids to be governed by child molesters.

adampiore It doesn’t matter, because it’s low for everyone.

adampiore There is something really wrong with that kid - masking the poor teddy bear ....


adampiore Omg this is really idiotic

adampiore This cover isn’t helping. What’s with editors making shite decisions all the damn time?

adampiore Wow Newsweek really bad

no thanks. i don't do bullshit fearmongering. how sad that you do. i wonder how many children will die because you scared or validated parents into not protecting their children during a pandemic. i would say shame on you, but can you feel shame? i doubt it.


adampiore = degenerating into irrelevance

adampiore What’s the matter with you, ? Why are you trying to frighten parents and cater to the antivax nuts? Horrible picture. You should be ashamed.

adampiore Fire everyone. Unbelievable

adampiore It's probably less traumatic than active shooter drills.

adampiore What is wrong with you? Your cover doesn’t match the article but leans heavily on encouraging wilful ignorance.

adampiore Irresponsible journalism..Come on you’re killing us here in healthcare! Why not have them hold a puppy too? I teach Pediatric Advanced Life Support… I understand that thepics we have as eductors would be graphic ..but at least beneficial public health.

adampiore My wife and I don't want to give our kids the shot. She is vaccinated and I am not and both of us agree in not giving them the shot for now, even if it's approved.

adampiore I feel like reporting this cover for vaccine misinformation. Do MUCH better Newsweek! Don’t be part of the problem

adampiore This is fear porn and lies to try to scare patents. Children have a 99.997 survival from covid. There will be more vax injuries the complications from covid. Pure evil

adampiore Wow, what a shit cover…boo

adampiore Wow. I guess I don’t have respect for your magazine after all

adampiore You can tell which publications are right or left. Contrary to the crying, this is a slanted right publication

adampiore Total freaking fail newsweek. Do better!

adampiore This is wildly irresponsible. Of course, kids don't like to be poked with a needle - even though measles, polio, or COVID wd be far worse than that brief pinch. A cover showing a cowering child gives the WRONG impression that there's actually reason to fear vaccines for kids.

adampiore Whoever decided on this cover should be fired. You state how high the risks are for children to be infected. Why not a picture of a kid rolling up her sleeve smiling confidently at her mother? Noooo you have to be irresponsible!

normsaid adampiore If you can give it to yourself, then give it to your kids. The only thing that separates an adult from a child is conditioning and bad life choices. We're all kids afterall, only we can afford psychologists where as the versions younger didn't need one yet.

adampiore Plague rat much?

adampiore I see now why Newsweek is out of print

adampiore oh dear. too late. 'this kid' has already had multiple 'shots' in their life. And whoever decided on that pic/headline combo, knew that.

adampiore Guilt inducing stuff. Although, I must be a shocking parent bc I saw that adorable child and said “Yep. You better believe I would” immediately. My own son will have to be held down to get it too but it’s better than his chronically-asthmatic self getting covid. 🤷🏼‍♀️

adampiore 😂 so many questions vaccines safety already!!

adampiore 👍 great job!!

adampiore This cover is a disservice to America and it’s families. This is NOT journalism. BoycottNewsweek

adampiore Yes, yes I would. Because she deserves to be safe from suffering, long Covid, and death. Like all children.

adampiore This cover is fucked up. I's time for Newsweek to go the way of the dodo.

adampiore This is fear mongering garbage. Acknowledging that Covid is a real threat to children, pretending like you guys actually care, and sharing that message with your cover that is blatantly obvious in its intention to sell magazines by sowing fear. Scum.

adampiore Way to make things worst Newsweek.

adampiore Wtf is wrong with Newsweek?

adampiore What an absurd cover. You should be deeply embarrassed. This vaccine is GOOD news yet you publish inflammatory garbage like this? Shame on you,

adampiore PULL. THIS. COVER. I am legitimately speechless. Who taught you (the entire line of approval) journalism?! I genuinely would like to know which J-schools are in this much desperate need for proper education.

adampiore You need to hire more journalists and editors. That cover is inane.

adampiore How many kids will die or become seriously ill due to this clickbait cover. Newsweek

adampiore Now do the picture where this same kid is on a ventilator with the headline: “She wishes her parents had gotten her the shot.”

adampiore Absolutely. As soon as possible. This cover is pathetic. Pandering to the withering anti-vax drama for controversy and sales. Be better Newsweek.

adampiore This cover is fear mongering nonsense of the worst kind.

adampiore What is the meaning of this picture?

adampiore Newsweek is not even a print magazine anymore, this IS NOT EVEN A REAL COVER. It's a right-wing propaganda website now

What a crappy cover! Holy cow, you are failing.

adampiore We all give our kids vaccines every year. The only people who think this is bad is the media and Russia.

adampiore Pathetic cover.

adampiore Don't do it

adampiore 0.0008% death rate from Covid in kids in US. Leave kids alone.

adampiore What wrong with you. You have turn into a soap opera. Disgusting

adampiore 'Doctors strongly recommend against eating glass. Parents aren't so sure.' Dangerously stupid, .

adampiore How about: 'Would you let this kid face COVID unprotected?' You really should have consulted me first. I'm here all week, just ask.

adampiore Why is this so controversial? I don’t know anyone who wants polio, hepatitis, measles, smallpox NOR COVID….Preventable diseases should BE prevented 💉 We know the data about the vaccine. I’m afraid growing children could develop long term complications from COVID infections.

adampiore What a stupid and irresponsible cover.

adampiore The story you describe in the tweet is certainly worth publication & discussion. But, as I'm sure you've already heard, the cover pic & headline just help to encourage vaccine hesitancy. You know, that whole 'picture', '1000 words' thing?

adampiore This cover is one of the worst cases of bad journalism of the century. The vaccine for children is safe and effective.

adampiore What the Actual FUCK! Do better Newsweek.

adampiore Wow! Newsweek went full qanon.

adampiore Shame on you . Would you let this kid die of Covid or become disabled life long with Covid damaged lungs? Would you have deliberately let polio kill children? Do children have to die so you can feel relevant, important, powerful?

adampiore Pediatricians across the US are very displeased!!! Ongoing ignorant attacks on quality healthcare for children with respect to Covid. Tone deaf cover!

adampiore Wtf is this


adampiore What the fuck Newsweek. Who pitched this cover a guest columnist from Breitbart?

adampiore This cover is EVIL. I don't know what the hell you think you are, but you sure as hell ain't Newsweek®. My Newsweek®, the original/mythic Newsweek®, died years ago, and it's not coming back. BTW, I'm a Borderline Old Man.

adampiore What is this garbage? Hell yeah I’d give her a shot to protect her and other Americans.

adampiore Do better Newsweek. This is totally irresponsible for a supposedly trustworthy news magazine.

adampiore Every person involved in this cover art should be fired.

adampiore Multiple shots in fact. By that age they should have a number of vaccinations. The fact that many parents are stupid is probably a better headline.

adampiore OMG Newsweek US anti vacc machine this COVER is awful

adampiore this is a disgusting anti vax baiting and backing cover. Truly a shameful way to frame this.

adampiore This is a TERRIBLE cover to your dying magazine. How could NO ONE at Newsweek possibly have stopped this?

adampiore wtf Newsweek. It should have been 'Would you give this kid raw covid-19 virus?' Everyone gets raw covid, or gets the vaccine. It's a binary choice. The vaccine is many orders of magnitude safer so it's a no-brainer.

adampiore Fake!!

adampiore Yes, totally. And the bear.

adampiore I was a Pediatric nurse for 40 years. I would definitely give any child both doses and I guarantee the children would handle it better than 75% of adults.

adampiore Look at you. You're willfully frightening kids out of getting a possible life-saving vaccine FFS. Get a grip.

adampiore Did anybody else read the top of the cover as; Frances answer for tucker calson, Newsweek.

adampiore I sure would and I am judging you for feeding into anti-vax fears. This is a TERRIBLE take. Truly horrible.

adampiore Yes. Absolutely.

adampiore Fixed it for you.

adampiore Yes I would.

adampiore WTAF

adampiore Children who attend school in the US already have a long list of vaccines: HepB, MMR, DTP, polio, etc. This cover is irresponsible.

adampiore The cover kicker tells the story as Newsweek, now a money laundering front for right wing Christian cult 'The Community', touts France's 'Tucker Carlson' while also promoting vaccine hesitancy for children.

adampiore Delete your account 😒

adampiore What in the propaganda sht is this?! Fakebook really needs to be shutdown, its allowing hostile governments to flood America with stupidity.

adampiore Oh no! My poor blue eyed, blonde haired baby is so vulnerable! Get it together, twits, children are just as able to get sick or pass it on as the rest of us. Quit fear mongering and cowtowing to the vocal minority.

adampiore I got my first polio shot (of three) when I was 11 mos of age & this was just months after testing was done on SCHOOL CHILDREN. Also got my smallpox shot shortly after. Guess what: everyone got the smallpox💉then, which is why this disease isn't a threat anymore.

adampiore Yes. In fact both of my children got their MMR's and other vaccinations without issue.


adampiore This article will help parent to allow covid to kill their children. Hope you made enough money to be ok with children's blood on your hands.

adampiore YES, YES I would give this child a life saving shot, just like all the other childhood shots I’d give him!!

adampiore You are fucking ghouls and are going to get people killed with this bullshit. Shame on you.

adampiore This cover is infuriating! YES, I would give that kid a shot! I want them to grow up into a healthy adult!

adampiore Do better, . Trying to “both sides” it here with the cover?

adampiore Not cool of them to use gender and race coding to make the child seem more vulnerable. But of course, a blonde blue-eyed white girl is the best choice to tug at antivaxxer heartstrings because the movement is rooted in white supremacy.

adampiore That kid probably gets vaccines at her annual checkup almost every year of her life thus far. So... yes?

adampiore Why don’t you do a story on the kids who developed polio after the vaccine came out. Their anti-vaccine parents refused to have them immunized. The rage of those kids with the atrophied body parts..

adampiore You wanted to spread fear and landed a giant L. Classic Newsweak.

adampiore Welp, there it is …the stupidest thing I’ve seen on Twitter today. Good job for the worst framing possible.

adampiore Are more parents reluctant or totally relieved? Have almost all parents allowed various vaccines to their child previously? All you left out were the frightened tears running down the child’s face and wetting her mask.

adampiore Way were you even thinking to make this your cover photo? How utterly bizarre.

adampiore This is disgusting!!!

adampiore Cases are dropping and it has nothing to do with vaccines. Vaccinated can still spread it. 40% of deaths from the delta were among vaccinated. The vaccines don’t work

adampiore Sois una mafia, panda de hijos de la gran p.uta. Asesinos

adampiore It is official from the news mags of my youth people has now surpassed in quality and truth in reporting. clickbait now.

adampiore Parents are not health experts. Lead with that. And this cover sends every possible wrong message, how irresponsible.

adampiore Who put this on the cover? Newsweek has lost all credibility. Goodbye.

adampiore Newsweek, which due to changing tastes and media consumption, has become Newsweak, and therefore, in order to garner eyeballs, feels compelled to join the trend of sensationalism over journalism.

adampiore I would in a heartbeat. This cover feeds into people’s unwarranted anxiety regarding the vaccine. Very irresponsible, .

adampiore Sure, I'd give them a shot at surviving the pandemic - who wouldn't?

adampiore WTF are you thinking with this framing Newweek?! Putting a terrified kid on the cover will likely scare people into not getting a necessary vaccine.

adampiore If you've taken a child to a pediatrician lately, they literally have a book filled with vaccinations, ( many I never heard of) , that are available for your child. Where is the outrage here?

adampiore Newsweek trying to capitalize on death. Great.

adampiore This cover is misleading, are you trying to kill kids?

adampiore DBChirpy so you have voice to non medical parents? Wtf

adampiore Yes. I would give her SEVERAL.

adampiore This is a terrible cover, obviously pandering to both sides

adampiore I hope people are smart enough to see through your bullshit. We know you're trying to sell magazines but using children wrapped in fear as props is unethical. I hope this cover completely backfires on you.

adampiore Fucking hell! You actually thought this cover was a good idea? Even after knowing it's the 7th leading cause of death in children? Wildly irresponsible, your narrative will kill people.

adampiore This is a TERRIBLE cover photo. Shame on you. You are presenting vaccine fear in a visceral way that is not accurate to the safety of the vaccine. Who cares what parents think about medical science. I don't need parents weighing in on issues they are unqualified to represent.

adampiore Suggestion- should remember it’s mission is to inform, not inflame.

adampiore Kids get tons of shots. They get fluoride in their water and Vitamin D in their milk. They ride in extra secure seats in cars. Anyone who thinks this somehow doesn’t benefit them is probably trying to sell you a untested supplement

This is irresponsible journalism, , and you know it.

adampiore '... the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal non participation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!' - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Live Not by Lies)

adampiore Yes.

adampiore As a parent and a pediatric anesthesiologist, with a wife who has a PhD in immunology, the answer is unequivocally yes. Vaccination is far safer for children than catching covid, and they will catch it at some point. The antivax movement are a disgrace.

adampiore Hell yeah, I'd give that kid a shot and I'd give a million x's more kids a shot to help save their lives. Dafuq is with that ridiculous cover?

adampiore Maybe if adults had gotten vaccinated when all this started the kids wouldn’t have to. I know a pediatrician who got his own kids vaccinated. I’ll trust the experts rather than parents freaking out.

adampiore This cover is a big mistake. Newsweek is not helping the situation.

adampiore IRRESPONSIBLE IMAGE!! What is wrong with you! Why sow further, misleading anxiety during a PANDEMIC!!

adampiore Failing grade on cover photo (unless you are trying to spread fear). Instead visit Many parents will immunize their kiddos as soon as eligible. Others have questions and deserve factual answers. Needle fear/pain are easily managed - visit KidsInPain

adampiore my son has got all his required shots from birth to 7, and he's been asking if he can get the covid vaccine too. parents may be reluctant, but kids are looking forward to it!

DougJBalloon adampiore Did the coronavirus write this

adampiore How many vaccines do children normally require by 5yo? (A LOT) One for a plague makes sense.

adampiore Newsweek has been trash for years. Hopefully, they'll shut down soon.

adampiore Media continues to commit unforced errors putting cheap sales tactics above actual journalism.

TheValuesVoter adampiore Well it is nice that is acknowledging what those of us in pediatric care have been saying. COVID does significantly affect children. But the cover is atrocious. Getting vaccinated is not scary/frightening. Being intubated or having a family member die of COVID is.

adampiore Is Newsweek now Q'sweek? Why this anti-science fear mongering?

adampiore What a totally SCREWED UP Cover. Newsweek has fallen so far. Glad I don't read it anymore

adampiore Way to scare parents with this cover. Vaccines are safe and children have been getting them for decades.

adampiore Playing into fear and propaganda, do better!

adampiore I can’t wait! Literally counting the days You should be ashamed of this fear mongering bullshit. This cover sullies the name of Newsweek.

Freeyourmindkid adampiore Why does this look like an amateur photoshopping.

adampiore Thanks for reminding us how much of the Anti Vax movement is racist and obsessed with Nazi levels of 'purity'

adampiore Tough. Mandates will be enacted next fall, so deal with it.

adampiore Yes, but I would have done it months ago.

adampiore I wonder how many doctors office's that subscribe to Newsweek for their waiting room will now be cancelling their subscription?

adampiore SHAME ON YOU!

adampiore ASK A PEDIATRIC NURSE? How many shots has this kid ALREADY HAD? Many of us have scars from our first polio vaccine!

adampiore Newsweek used to be my top choice for news. This is now like the National Enquirer. Yuck.

adampiore Why would you make it appear this child is terrified when it's actually the parents who are terrified? Come on, I'm really glad I dropped your rag. This is pathetic. Yes, I'd give that kid a shot, because I want them to SURVIVE!!

adampiore This cover is purely irresponsible.

adampiore The freedom to see for being a propaganda rag disguised as journalism

adampiore - the official magazine of the pro-conspiracy and disinformation.

adampiore Thanks, Newsweek… if we don’t have a big enough problem with vaccine resistance. What’s your motivation…to help the COVID virus survive? We all need to start putting public health first. Responsible companies understand that.

adampiore Journalism 🙄 Corporate media is destroying this country

adampiore Thanks Newsweek for amplifying fear mongering and anti vaxx propaganda.

adampiore Yes I would because I want the kid to be safe and healthy

adampiore That cover is irresponsible. You're giving credence to the false narrative pushed by these anti-vaxxers.

adampiore This is manipulative, reckless endangerment. But that shouldn’t be a surprise since your puppet-master is a right-wing ideologue.

adampiore Flagrantly irresponsible cover. Disinformation by suggestion. As a physician scientist and pediatrician, I can assure you that this vaccine is safe and effective. I have ensured my own teen is vaccinated and can’t wait to get my 3 yo vaccinated. Shameful.

adampiore My 7 year old granddaughter can't wait to get vaccinated. She has a 'to do' list of all the things she has been unable to do for 2 years. Keeping her safe has been, and always will be, her parents number 1 priority. NoBrainer

adampiore I guess someone in the boardroom determined this would sell more magazines than a responsible headline like 'Vaccine approved for kids'

adampiore Your cover does a lot of damage and looks like a tabloid cover! 🤦🏼‍♀️

adampiore Really appreciate you helping out with the pandemic with this headline. So glad hardly anyone reads your magazine anymore

adampiore Hey... what the fuck?

adampiore What an awful cover picture . Shameful.

adampiore As a parent, pediatric anesthesiologist and pediatric bioethicist, I am absolutely 100% enthusiastically vaccinating my children.

adampiore “Parents aren’t so sure.” I WONDER WHY?

adampiore Ffs... Is 100% risk reduction the goal? If so, this vaccine is not the solution. Kids will still get COVID, some will still die. BUT unvaccinated children between 5-11 have a 0.001% chance of dying from COVID according to the CDC. We were never this unreasonably scared before!


adampiore You should be ashamed of yourselves.

adampiore This cover is so irresponsible.

adampiore That should read: WHY WOULD YOU NOT GIVE THIS CHILD A SHOT? .

adampiore Would you run this cover story? Actual journalists aren't so sure.

adampiore I’ve reported this photo as misleading. You must DoBetter

adampiore Reported photo as misleading health information about COVID

Every anti-vaxxer just high-fived each other when they saw your cover

adampiore Yes, I would. My three kids have ALL the recommended vaccines, including COVID (all over 12 now). Been waiting for the youngest kids of friends and family to get their shots. Yay, science!

adampiore Yes, I would give that kid a shot, even if he's France's answer to Tucker Carlson.

adampiore This is some dangerous, fear-mongering horseshit, guys.

adampiore What was your intention in publishing this image? The data is clear: get the shot.

adampiore Oops. You’re ownership by IBA Media, which is controlled by the EAPCA Christian cult, is showing. Trying to rush the “2nd coming” along, huh?

adampiore I dare you to show us definitive data that COVID ranks so high for cause of death in the demographic. You can't because it's a bald faced lie.

adampiore Wow. I’ve been working hard in my community to get folks vaccinated and get this pandemic under control. This cover blows. P.S. My actual expertise is writing/idea framing/media. But I put that aside to work in public health during this emergency. You make me feel ashamed.

adampiore And you clearly have no problem contributing to this 6th or 7th leading cause of death in children as long as you get plenty of attention.

adampiore If we get to the weekend without an apology and a firing for whoever approved this cover, I’ll be stunned.

adampiore If you’re reading this, go to Newsweek’s App Store listing, rate them 1 star, and let people know they’re not to be trusted.

adampiore Honestly, never trusting Newsweek on anything again.

adampiore Who thought this was a good idea?

adampiore Credibility: gone

adampiore Yellow. Journalism.

So you decided to stop doing the right thing and opt for outrage engagement, eh? I hope the free pizza from the boss was worth it whilst democracy and common sense falls into the literal abyss thanks to your negative feedback addiction.

adampiore What a garbage attempt to evoke an emotional response with the cover and title. Babies don't even leave the hospital without shots to prevent deadly and life altering illness Do Better


adampiore Reported

adampiore This is the most crooked, fear-mongering, dangerously poor-tasting front cover I’ve ever seen.

adampiore Yeah I would Oh you mean a covid shot? Nah

adampiore Did you steal this from the National Enquirer? Regardless what your story may say, the cover is inflammatory and misleading. I knew you weren’t what you used to be, but didn’t know you had fallen to the level of yellow journalism. I will no longer consider you a serious source.

adampiore Though they spun it off into a separate company in 2018, Newsweek is essentially still run by IBT Media, the media front for a fringe Christian sect founded by cult leader David Jang. (He also founded the bogus Olivet University.) Newsweek hasn’t been legit news for several years

adampiore Pictures tell stories. This picture is in direct conflict with the headline. This should have never made it to publication. Comms team work on a statement - this is a huge message that I’m sure you didn’t mean to make?

adampiore Just need a caption of GovInslee screaming “SCIENCE!” at her to finish it off.

adampiore Parents need to read and get an education!

adampiore Shameful. What a bizarre Aryan take on this.

adampiore Are you insane?

adampiore Report

adampiore That cover is awful. Please do more news and less fear mongering.

adampiore Congratulations, I guess, on stimulating my outrage gland? But Jesus what an embarrassing trainwreck of a cover that is.

adampiore JFC. Who greenlit this yellow journalism headline and photo?

adampiore I see Newsweek is willing to see children die from COVID.

adampiore What?! Kids and babies have been getting vaccines for decades. If most parents did not get their kids vaccinated, our public schools would be empty… and they’re NOT. Stop pushing fear with emotional appeals to parents. Your message is antiScience, antiVax and antiAmerican. Boo!

adampiore This man that lives in a dumpster isn't so sure.

adampiore This cover is idiotic and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

adampiore Would I give *anyone* a copy of Newsweek? No, of course not.

adampiore Of course I would give the kid a shot, . What kind of a foolish question is that? More importantly, what kind of a foolish COVER is that?

adampiore Why wouldn't you want to protect your kids? Did you not give them a polio shot?

adampiore Wtf are you people trying to do?

adampiore Unforgivably, cruelly, deliberately irresponsible cover, .

adampiore You must stop this!

adampiore The following article was written a year ago but it explains what has happened to Newsweek (and why they would do something like this):

adampiore This sounds more like an opinion piece than news.

adampiore Optics, Newsweek, optics. Who’s idea was this?!

adampiore Terrible, sensationalist and harmful journalism.

adampiore Shameful cover.

adampiore Wildly irresponsible pandering to a vocal minority. Stop it.

adampiore What the hell are you doing? Totally irresponsible.

adampiore WTF Newsweek? Finally going the way of the Murdochs? Profits needed right away?

adampiore Retract this cover. It will lead to the unnecessary suffering of children. Children should be vaccinated. This isn’t helpful.

adampiore Show the same child on a ventilator next week

adampiore Cover = journalism fail.

adampiore This is some dumb shit right here


adampiore Would you put this magazine in the doctor’s office? Many physicians say NO.

adampiore “Parent-noid” was right there

adampiore Let's kill more poor Republican kids. Good job, Newsweek. In twenty years, they'll hate you only slightly less than they'll hate their parents.

adampiore Holy shit, this cover is WILDLY irresponsible. Are you TRYING to get kids killed? What the hell were you thinking?

DougJBalloon adampiore Are you also going to mention that many parents are going to get them vaccinated ASAP?

adampiore What an absolutely disgraceful, fear-mongering cover. You all should be so embarrassed.

Are you getting paid by COVID-19?

adampiore Every single parent isn’t sure?

adampiore Getting you kid vaccinated is a basic property if a loving well-educated parent.

adampiore Or course. It is my duty to see my boy though without accumulating any unneeded disease infections while also exposing his immune system to attenuate the affect of any future strains.

adampiore Disgusting cover. You should and could have done much better. Kids get many vaccines already-why make it look like this is a scary new thing. You need to respond to our outrage

adampiore A lot of parents where I grew up weren't so sure evolution was real either and they were equally unqualified

DougJBalloon adampiore Yes.


adampiore “Would you let this child die of Covid” is the correct headline. Of course I would get my child “the shot.” Just as they get other vaccines!


adampiore We are currently in the midst of two pandemics. One involves a highly contagious and dangerous virus. The other, which ultimately worsens the first, is the assertion that all opinions regarding public health should be weighted the same, regardless of background…

adampiore this cover is reckless, irresponsible, and disgusting. do you want covid to go on forever? unreal.

adampiore Reported for misinformation on your cover.

adampiore The resignation of the people who designed and approved this cover would be appropriate.

adampiore This is a bad cover scaring parents and kids from getting a life-saving and disabilities-saving vaccine.

adampiore you people are insane many children’s first like six years of life are filled with vaccination shots

adampiore Is your goal to make them more reluctant or scared? WTF

adampiore wtf Newsweek? antivax are we You will never be bought in my house again.

adampiore Disgusting. Irresponsible. Shame on you.

adampiore Absolutely disgraceful.

adampiore Are you fucking kidding

adampiore This once-reputable publication has become a travesty. Who gave the OK for this dishonest, propaganda cover? You wrecked Newsweek a while back. This is yet another example of your gross incompetence. Sell it or shut it down.


adampiore Shame on you for exploiting this fake controversy for clicks. Shame. On. You.

adampiore Shame on you! This is utter disservice.

adampiore Irresponsible

adampiore MysteryBaristy fixed your cover for you .

adampiore I would wait on a line, out in the cold, all night long, so that our grandsons can get their COVID vaccines the first day they are eligible.

adampiore This is grossly irresponsible. This should not go to print.

adampiore How about this kid?

adampiore This cover is deeply disappointing. As a pediatric health care provider who is counting the days until I see a drop off in covid infections in my patients because of the vaccine, I ask that you reconsider the message you are sending.

adampiore This is incredibly irresponsible.

adampiore Only if you care about them.

adampiore I'm going to throw away evey Newsweek I can find in the hospital and the public. God knows you won't get another cent from me.


adampiore As a pediatrician I am disgusted that you would publish this cover.

adampiore what the wet fuck is this bullshit

adampiore OMG stop with this bullshit fearmongering!

adampiore So why did you publish this wildly disgusting and dangerous cover?!

adampiore This cover is terrible. Vaccines hurt a lot less than a ventilator..

adampiore What a crap cover. That kid has probably had at least eight shots already. Stupid.

adampiore This is borderline anti-vax propaganda and you should be ashamed of yourself. You stooped to a new low for clicks and sales, Newsweek. Flush your credibility down the toilet with the rest, I guess, since everyone's doing it now. Really, REALLY disappointing.

adampiore You should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves for this cover

adampiore Yes. Line her up and give the shot.

What a stupid and irresponsible cover image.

Delete your account

adampiore Are you serious with this cover It is deeply irresponsible, tabloid-level, scare journalism.

adampiore newsweek Shame on you for this bullshit image and headline. How about leading with the science and not the scare?

adampiore Terrible headline and try flush left on the text next time.


adampiore Stop spreading misinformation.

adampiore This cover is criminal. You are doing active harm to humanity.

adampiore Fire the people who approved this cover & greenlit profits from yellow journalism over life-saving health care. Seriously - I want names.

adampiore Would you give this kid food? Common sense strongly backs giving kids food. Parents, “informed” by shitty publications, aren’t so sure.

adampiore This is an astoundingly stupid, irresponsible, and thoughtless cover. The vaccine saves lives. Irrespective of what the article says, this cover will scare a non-zero number of people from getting the vaccine, to their and our detriment.

adampiore In fact, it is important to kill children to eliminate 90% of the world's population in a decade.

adampiore Hell No






adampiore A year ago on Oct. 28, 2020 Armenia committed the deadliest WarCrime of 44DayWar, by firing missiles into Azerbaijani city of Barda, using widely banned cluster munitions, that murdered 21 civilians & wounded 70, incl. children and women.


adampiore The risks of COVID for kids may be higher than previously believed. The virus is now 6th or 7th leading cause of death in children. But SMART, LOVING AND CARING parents are not getting them vaccinated—even as FDA approval seems imminent.

adampiore Wtf u guys trying to achieve with a cover like that?

adampiore It's ridiculous what they're saying, they have been vaccinating their children for decades just to keep them in school. Now to vaccinate them to save their life It's an abomination.

adampiore Newsweek does not know the difference between Emergency Use Authorization and FDA approved?

adampiore I bet if this was some new out of control strain of Ebola, EVERYONE would get a vaccine shot ‘cause ain’t nothing scarier than watching someone bleeding from every orifice. All that tough guy, “Our bodies are made to fight it” bullshit would fly right out the window.

adampiore Lol. No one believes the CDC, much less the media.

adampiore How is that with less than 100 deaths reported. At least that's what they said in the FDA trial.

adampiore As a father of 5 I feel it's immoral and unethical to enforce parents to get our children vaccinated with all the complications which have come up to the surface and to do that knowing that vaccines were done within a year is irresponsible...

adampiore When will the teddy bear shot be ready?

adampiore In a study I read investigations found 100% match of spikeprotein from HIV in Covid19 virus? But how? Is it edited? I dont know but will not bombard my children with unnatural coctail for the profit of the pharma no way!!

adampiore Die exactly from cytokine storm... lungs get filled with cold... mucus

adampiore Our bodies are ready for natural viruses and will always fight them off ,,Unless' a coronavirus had been genetically modified to trick the immune system in another way (Covid19/HIV) = Cause both Cytokine Storm hence severe inflammation overloading lungs... HIV/AIDS patients...

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