Could you pledge not to fly on a plane for a whole year?

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The growing number of people ditching air travel entirely or choosing to carbon-offset.

"We began offsetting the carbon emissions on all our flights within the UK in January 2020 so our customers fly carbon neutral," says BA's head of sustainability, Carrie Harris.She has since only holidayed in the UK and mainland Europe, travelling by train and bike. One trip saw the 29-year-old exploring 1,000 miles of the British coast.

"Signing up to the pledge is about taking action to help solve the climate crisis and acknowledging everything about our lifestyles has to change." But Chris Goater, head of corporate communications at the International Air Transport Association , says flying is a vital part of global transportation. Mr Goater also points to the development of sustainable aviation fuels - biofuels that can be made from maize, algae and waste food oils - as "the key tool" to help the industry reach its net zero ambitions.

"You can run planes on processed waste veggie oil, but there isn't nearly enough," he says. "We might get viable long-distance electric planes in the future if battery energy density improves by about a factor of 10, but whether or not we do is irrelevant to the current reality."


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Yes, haven’t flown for 10 years. Easiest way to spread infections across the globe.

just done it for 2 and not looking to do it in the next 6 months

Did it for 1.5 years during lockdown, not again.

'I believe we have to sacrifice a lot to give the young a future on this planet' while choosing to be absent in the lives of your children and grandchildren? What a horrible parody of parenting.

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