Could Higher Turnout Actually Help Trump?

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

New data suggests that if every eligible adult voted in 2020, Democrats would likely increase their popular vote lead from the 2016 presidential election—but still lose the electoral college

found that voter purges are prone to errors and can end up making it more difficult for eligible people to vote.

Another theory for why Trump may be more popular than a generic Democratic nominee among nonvoters is that the political parties themselves are very unpopular, and nonvoters are excited by non-traditional candidates, like Trump. In fact, according to the Knight data, nonvoters do view both parties unfavorably, as do voters. But fewer nonvoters view Trump unfavorably than voters do, and more nonvoters have a favorable opinion of the president than have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party itself. Fewer nonvoters consider themselves liberal, moderate or conservative than voters do, with more nonvoters volunteering that they “don’t think in those terms.


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We need enforceable laws replacing assumptions. We need to rid our 3 Branches of our government of criminal elements.

Dems gotta nominate a moderate if they seriously wanna win this thing

LocalPoliticsis Nice! I hope they vote. Sick of hearing 'he didn't win the popular vote'. He probably did. Dems cheat so hard a bunch of Hillary's votes probably shouldn't have counted.

That is bullshit!

Non voters...... NEXT

Not according to history and logic

Imbeciles. It's which votes you suppress. You get paid for this crap?

Nonvoters? If they vote?

Oh... like in the midterms? Take your lies elsewhere.

There not just voting for trump there're voting for Putin

Sounds like classic HOP bull$hit!! Turn out people, F these clowns!


Democrats must wage a 50 state campaign against trump. No state should be ignored. Small states matter. We must learn not to repeat the mistake of 2016 by spending all the time in large, safe States.

Fuck the electoral college. Let the American people pick our leaders!

tenajd Lede encouraging people to not vote.

Hence the reason Democrats now hate the Electoral College. 🙄

Nice try but I'll vote b4 I listen to this nonsense

Anyone else wondering if these guys ever get tired of their OWN shit?

Even more reason to vote

Slow learners. The Republicans will cheat any way they can to win, because that is the only thing important to them. The Democrats keep going on and on about issues failing to recognize they are the only ones going by the rules. They will lose again if they don't wake up!

That touches on the reason the founders established the electoral college. It serves, as whole Constitution is supposed to serve, to protect the inalienable rights to life, liberty, property every citizen has. Electoral college saved our country in 2016 from becoming Venezuela.

Huh? So if every eligible adult in America voted for the democrats, they'd still lose? That makes no sense to me, someone please explain.

Where did you get this ridiculous data from.? The Ukraine

Don’t think so.

Show us the facts 🙄🙄

Yes because California and New York don’t run the entire country

You're saying Republicans have perfected gerrymandering?

Seems sketchy

It’s wrong and I don’t understand why we place so many votes in parts of the country that are not contributing much to the Country as the larger cities do. It’s dumb!

Only because you're counting people like me, I've been a registered democrat for over 20 years and have never once voted for a democrat outside of a primary. I mainly vote for one of the 3rd party candidates. There are loads of people like me that dont care about affiliation.

Trumps winning re-election. The left has gone full socialists and full late term abortion and illegals over citizens. They have become a disgrace to the country and to the ppl.

This isn't working. I think to obtain the presidency you should need both.

I’m going to take this opportunity to let everyone know that JehovahsWitnesses are NOT allowed to vote. The “church” will literally shun them if they register or mingle in any politics. There are roughly 1.2 million in the US. nowyouknow

I don’t actually think so.


This is truly frightening. But, I suppose it's exactly what the GOP has been working on for years.

Propaganda not news. Don't expect respect when you earn the opposite.

Reuters report says there is more excitement in Democrat cities’ voting than conservative districts. In other words republicans will be staying home rather than voting for Trump.

America has never really been a democracy. It's been designed to be that way

Excellent news.... as the system was designed

Well I think they need to be worried about the popular vote this time around.

How can democrats win electoral college?


RepAdamSchiff SenateDems SpeakerPelosi Liquidate this stupidity EL College! According to the history, It only has been hurting TheDemocrats. It is no longer serve its purpose. It seems corrupt. Which is why trump expands it, but he was bashing it in 2016.

You have got to be kidding?

Vote, vote, vote for the Democratic candidate...

Wow Pennsylvania.... If Trump wins there, that's the ballgame.

Uh know I'm gonna take a chance and VOTE ANYWAY, don't let articles like this dissuade you from voting. You can make a difference especially at your local/state level!!!


It’s called gerrymandering. That’s how the gop deals with changing demographics and losing on the ideology front. That’s how they steal elections.

Civics 101- the US Federal Government is a constitutional republic! It's not a democracy! States elect a president. That being said, at what point does the electoral college change to reflect a big delta in popular vote. 2000 election the Delta was 500k for Gore; 2016 3M for HRC

Each state must have a say in the election it is after all the United States of America.

🤣😂 is this the same data that said Hillary was going to win 2016?

Data collected did not break the Dem candidates out into individual candidates, just as a lumped-together group. They may as well have asked if they planned on voting for Trump or the DNC. I don't see this helping trump unless the Dems nominate an establishment candidate.

First of all, why posit as possible something that will never come close to happening? Secondly, stop trying to explain why you have cheat and/or eliminate the electoral college. Have the balls to just go ahead and try to break the Constitution.

...more nonvoters say they would support the Democratic nominee than Trump, and in the other battleground states polled, neither Trump nor the Democratic nominee had an advantage—or the advantage was below the margin of error.' From your own article. This headline is misleading

Whereas nationally more nonvoters say they would rather vote this November for a generic Democratic nominee than vote for Trump, in Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania and Virginia, more nonvoters say they would vote for Trump than a Democrat. In Georgia, which Trump won in 2016...

Always an agenda with the left wing journalist BE WOKE

So those 78k voters in Three states that are waiting for factories to reopen aren’t upset

Why can’t the left understand we are a republic? Why don’t they understand why we have the electoral college? It’s like they are oblivious and think only ppl in cities matter. Do they not teach this in like 5th grade social studies?

The truth American voting for Donald Trump by 50% of the eligible popular voters you vote Trump. So you know this statement is BS cuz you don't have a chance between the 50% of American popular eligible votes and the electoral votes you just want to get rid of electorals.

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