Consequential, but dull: Trump impeachment hearings begin without a bang

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Consequential, but dull: Trump impeachment hearings begin without a bang by ReutersZengerle jeffmason1

WASHINGTON - Democratic lawmakers tried their hand at reality television with mixed results on Wednesday as they presented arguments to the American public for the impeachment of a former star of the genre, Donald Trump.

Democrats need the hearings to resonate with the broader American public to gain support for a process that could lead to the impeachment and removal of the Republican commander-in-chief. “In boredom there can be great significance. This is of great consequence and gravity,” said Representative Dean Phillips, a Democrat from a suburban swing district of Minnesota. “I wouldn’t assign the word exciting to it, of course not. But we have a responsibility to pay attention, all of us.”

“We’re not here to entertain, we’re here to get to the truth so we can hold those engaged in wrongdoing, up to and including the president, accountable,” said Representative Val Demings, a Democrat from Florida.


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Zengerle jeffmason1 How about a bit of proactivness? At least they (the hearings) hav BEGUN Mate.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Calling it 'dull' is the White House talking point. Please quit playing their game.

Zengerle jeffmason1

Zengerle jeffmason1 You like puppetry? Prefer despots for the ratings?

Zengerle jeffmason1 So effing sorry we couldn’t get Beyoncé to do the halftime show for you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 This isn’t supposed to be a ‘for ratings’ event - it’s meant to get to the truth about very remarkable testimony, yet you chose the Kim K headline. Ya, it would be helpful if you could do more reporting and less sensationalizing - it’s not helpful at all, very disappointing.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Did you expect the Kardashians to show up you dolt?

Zengerle jeffmason1 Get it together

Zengerle jeffmason1 Fake news garbage , they were a disaster

Zengerle jeffmason1 Hopefully there'll be more drag queens in the audience next time

Zengerle jeffmason1 It's not a fucking Marvel / MCU movie guys.

Zengerle jeffmason1 The most amazing part of your headline is that even with all the pushback tweets, you still don’t understand it’s your own lack of brightness that you are displaying to the world.

Zengerle jeffmason1 America’s media continues its reckless trajectory of shallow takes and news-as-entertainment.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Really Reuters The last source I go to when my disgust with CNN or NBC is too much. Why can't your click-counters and ad execs sit in the back seat and let the journalists ride shotgun? I'm not even saying 'don't have revenue concerns' JUST STOP letting them eat first!

Zengerle jeffmason1 It’s not fucking entertainment, Reuters.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Maybe report on facts instead of excitement. Bullshit headlines like this, that diminishes truth in favor of sizzle, are damaging to the republic, to the people, and to the trust placed in the news media. Be better, you should be ashamed of yourself for this nonsense.

Zengerle jeffmason1 I'm sorry that treason doesn't have enough pizzazz for you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Gotta love how shallow this kind of coverage is.

Zengerle jeffmason1 you too “Dull” “without a bang”?!?! This isn’t the WWE.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You know we can still see you, right, Reuters?

Zengerle jeffmason1 You reposted this because the original got such a bad ratio? Like maybe that was only the evening crowd, daytime Twitter would like it? Come on.

Zengerle jeffmason1 They have turned silly.

Zengerle jeffmason1 I know, right? There weren't even any explosions or dramatic music! PSSHH!

Zengerle jeffmason1 It’s not suppose to be a bang👌🏻 It’s eyes and ears testimony. Clear picture of what lead to the man asking for information, with conditions. Bottom line, if those funds didn’t get to the Ukraine, before the expiration date. Russia would have pounced.🤔💭

Zengerle jeffmason1 obviously, the transcript of the incriminating phone call was published months ago. All that's to be seen is democrats leading the witnesses or asking open ended vague questions as was seen earlier. That'll be the end of them.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Hey dinguses at Reuter’s: Doesn’t seem like you were paying attention. For clarity, this was not Dancing With the Stars.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Wasn’t meant to be Reality Television show. It’s meant to provide citizens window into impeachment investigation. Betting watching real criminal investigation questioning is nothing like watching Law and Order. STOP with the 🐂💩Cover as news, not entertainment.

Zengerle jeffmason1 i'm sorry that the most significant current event--a hearing on the impeachment of the most corrupt and dangerous president in our history--exceeded the attention span of your staffers perhaps you should get jobs with the national enquirer

Zengerle jeffmason1 Just because it’s about trump doesn’t mean it’s a reality “show”. Your “dull” comment was wrong and in poor taste. You contributed to the dumbing down of news media.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Just because it’s about trump doesn’t mean it’s a reality “show”. You “dull” comment was wrong, it’s democracy at work, and in poor taste.

Zengerle jeffmason1 This isn't fucking entertainment. Delete this.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Liven it up. Throw one of the people who have ignored their subpoena in the slammer and add obstruction to the list of impeachable offenses.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Proud to hire journalists from the P T Barnum school of journalism, where the only thing that matters is flash & glitter. Unfuckingbelievably bad take by this news org and NBCNews. Shame, shame, shame.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Hey i was riveted I heard the truth that will set USA free of this criminal and corrupt and treason and lies

Zengerle jeffmason1 Do better.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You media guys are way too burnt out. Or your headline writer is way too cute. The hearings were riveting to anyone who cares. What do you want - yelling and banging the desks?

Zengerle jeffmason1 The Media. Bang!

Zengerle jeffmason1 It was not dull. We learned the president has committed crimes and should be removed from office. How could that possibly be dull?

Zengerle jeffmason1 Way to carry the GOP water! Personally, I found it riviting and informative. I came away with a better appreciation of why aiding countries such as Ukraine is vitally important to our national security and why what Trump has done is so harmful to our future.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Delete your company

Zengerle jeffmason1 This is a disgrace, from a source that I grew up knowing as one that was actually reputable and objective. This is disgraceful.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Does truth need “a bang”? Guess what - that doesn’t work either. Truth is also gun violence. A need for gun legislation.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Seriously... where was the televised porn on C-SPAN?! Why wasn't there an Active Shooter event or at LEAST something controversial like a man-on-man kiss after Jordan screamed stupid?

Zengerle jeffmason1 You know what was really exciting? Hitler's Nuremberg rallies. You know what was really dull? The Nuremberg trials.

Zengerle jeffmason1 are we to be rivetted to out TV'S because of this process, as long as he's out is what this is all about but those idiot GOP own that part of this sad affair and only voting this PIG out will end this carnage!!!

Zengerle jeffmason1 And modern 'journalism' continues to kill democracy with a series of yawns and papercuts.

Zengerle jeffmason1 The beginning lyrics of this song sums up this clown show.

Zengerle jeffmason1 These men are courageous patriots. Not showgirls. Wtf reuters

Zengerle jeffmason1 I'm sorry the deterioration of our nation is boring to you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Maybe you should employ journalists who find the details of the greatest U.S, political scandal of the last 30 years kind of interesting?

Zengerle jeffmason1 FFS, this kind of thirsty 'journalism' is what got us a reality show clown in the White House.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You must have been watching a different hearing...

Zengerle jeffmason1 This headline from a supposed world class media outfit is stupid, even ourlocal Nigerian media will do better.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Oh it was a bang if you were listening.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Shame on you Reuters. I expect better from you jeffmason1

Zengerle jeffmason1 What did you idiots think was going to happen? It's a congressional hearing. Did you think it was supposed to look like a Michael Bay movie? Grow up.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Why are you downplaying the importance of this?

Zengerle jeffmason1 Stop, you're making America dumber with this sort of story.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You should be fired.

Zengerle jeffmason1 If you think it's 'dull', then you may not understand that the very limits of executive power and accountability are at stake. Do better.

Zengerle jeffmason1 What is wrong with you? Are you people magazine? Or are you serious news organization? Please point out where in the constitution it states that an impeachment inquiry must be theatrical entertainment.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Dull? Are you joking?

Zengerle jeffmason1 I guess you were expecting video of Trump shooting someone on 5th Ave?

Zengerle jeffmason1 ‘Ug ! Watching people saving democracy is soooo boring.. can’t we just watch someone else play video games for us on YouTube?!’ There is something wrong with us.

Zengerle jeffmason1 This is a joke right? Nobody gives a shit if it was dull. It's not supposed to be a spectacle

Zengerle jeffmason1 They are wrong. The opening statements were riveting and devastating to Trump!

Zengerle jeffmason1 WTF is this. No one asked for a movie review. Report the fucking news.

Zengerle jeffmason1 What it lack in entertainment value was more than made up in inspirational value that we have true patriots and public servants fighting for what it means to be the United States of America. They acquitted themselves quite well.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You mean Taylor staff overhearing Trump and Sondland talking on the phone about Biden investigations by Ukraine wasnt a bang?

Zengerle jeffmason1 If they had the whistleblower there wearing a full costume singing out what they saw, like in The Masked Singer, the rating of the impeachment hearing would KILL!!

Zengerle jeffmason1 Yeah. It’s not a sit-com.

Zengerle jeffmason1 So the emphasis is on the “dull”? It should be on the “consequential”. Come on .

Zengerle jeffmason1 Juvenile.

Zengerle jeffmason1 We’re sorry there isn’t a Kardashian involved. Now STFU about it being dull.

Zengerle jeffmason1 I guess then it will end with Trump whimpering.

Zengerle jeffmason1 FFS this is about our democracy, not an entertainment show. Cover it correctly.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You're bored because you're boring.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Consequential but dull should be the IDEAL for in government. wtf?

Zengerle jeffmason1 This isnt a freaking reality show! It's an impeachment hearing. Its not for entertainment.

Zengerle jeffmason1 It was a snooze fest!!

Zengerle jeffmason1 F off Reuters. This headline is completely irresponsible and below any standard in journalism.

Zengerle jeffmason1 This isn't theater or a big budget action movie. Shame on you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Why repost this to twitter? It was an embarrassment the first time.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Americans, resist this Soviet style thuggery.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Seemed incredibly informative to me.

Zengerle jeffmason1 I saw a bank robber today. Well, I think someone said he was a bank robber. Or, maybe they were talking about a movie with a bank robber in it. Yeah, I definitely saw a bank robber.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Shameful headline. Irresponsible.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Okay, at this point journalists are riding the “this isn’t entertainment” backlash just to get more views/engagement.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Well I like a good Scripted TV show like the next guy.... Hope dems realize people are annoyed by them, it's that simple they are Annoying Negative Nancys who blow up over the dumbest shit and make noise when they don't get what they want. KAG2020 cause Dems are crazy and dirty.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Your vulgar need for a reality show is a disgrace. Shame on you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Confirmation of bribery and extortion by US president. Yeah boring.?Stop being so opinionated!

Zengerle jeffmason1 Sweet merciful J. Who did you send to get this headline, a former ET 'reporter'?

Zengerle jeffmason1 Pathetic joke these democrats tried to pull on the American people. Shame on them

Zengerle jeffmason1 I quite enjoyed it. An Impeachment Inquiry is serious business, not a tabloid magazine.

Zengerle jeffmason1 This isn’t a reality tv show. Impeachment is serious business. I found it compelling. Also, glad there are serious people engaging in diplomacy for USA.

Zengerle jeffmason1 THAT's your take? You should be ashamed to call yourselves a news service and stick to covering reality TV shows.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Shame on you This isn’t reality tv, you dolts

Zengerle jeffmason1 Or any direct knowledge of any high rime or misdemeanor! This is looking like abuse of power, but not by the current President, but by the Democrats in the House of Representatives! If the Democrats do not have more, there is clearly an abuse issue, by the Democrats!!!

Zengerle jeffmason1 Go home, you're drunk reuters

Zengerle jeffmason1 Why are you leading the charge towards non-critical thinking and reading skills? What a disservice to your readers! 😡

Zengerle jeffmason1 Yes. Can't imagine how a reality tv star got into office. Entertaining is so much more effective than substance.

Zengerle jeffmason1 This isn't a goddam TV show. It isn't about exciting you. This is a ridiculous fucking critique. The future of our nation is at stake and the media is commenting on whether or not it is stimulating for them. assholes.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Take this down. This is journalistic malfeasance.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Expecting the Kardashians? Tawdry low brow spectacles more to your taste?

Zengerle jeffmason1 Without a bang but plenty of.....

Zengerle jeffmason1 You hoped to see Trump naked, I assume. Idiots.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Framing the! ImpeachingHearings aren’t a reality show. Hacks working for realDonaldTrump

Zengerle jeffmason1 Are you serious with this shit? This isn't reality T.V., it's the future of our nation. Stop acting like explosions are all that matter to citizens--our country is falling apart and there is a criminal in the White House. This is an embarrassing take.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Oh man. Testimony is so boring. Yawn. When will news report news like news again? Lot’s of damning stuff to report and we get a movie review.

Zengerle jeffmason1 You really want this ratio again, don’t you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Do better ! Democracy is at stake and this is a dismissive headline for two very patriotic men who have served this country well. This is incredibly disappointing of you.

Zengerle jeffmason1 I guess you should just watch Fox for all your sensationalized news. I really had thought more of Reuters until this ridiculous headline.

Zengerle jeffmason1

Zengerle jeffmason1 This headline says nothing. What's the point?

Zengerle jeffmason1 and jonallendc and jeffmason1 NBCNews have apparently decided to die on Hill Pizzazz...

Zengerle jeffmason1 Not supposed to be entertaining! It is political science, inherently boring, but necessary to ensure adherence to the Constitution!!! Stop pandering to an uninformed audience, and instead report honestly the facts as they stand, framed in truthful analysis. ImpeachmentHearing

Zengerle jeffmason1 The impeachment hearings began with the truth, why would anyone expect a bang.

Zengerle jeffmason1 Truly idiotic headline. Nice job .

Zengerle jeffmason1 We have been dealing with a 'Bang' everyday from Trump! I think those who refuse to testify should be forced so the truth comes out. Trump shouldn't complain about whistleblower not testifying until he allows Mulvaney & Bolton to testify. These guys are Cowards and not Patriots!

Zengerle jeffmason1 This will get 100 times more comments than likes. Ratio

Zengerle jeffmason1 Wasn't dull. Quite informative. Showed how civil diplomats care greatly about protecting their country from Russian interference. Even if POTUS doesn't!

Zengerle jeffmason1 We'll start making witnesses do juggling acts while testifying to keep it interesting for the gop.

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