Column: No, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' record on COVID-19 isn't a success

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Florida Gov. DeSantis is running a victory lap over his COVID-19 response as the press plays along.

Florida Gov. DeSantis represents all that’s wrong with America’s coronavirus response.

Assertions about DeSantis’ success rest on several pillars. One is the claim that Florida hasn’t done quite as badly as experts predicted last year, when DeSantis first rolled out his truculent refusal to shut down his state and enforce social hygiene measures such as mask wearing. Another is that the differences in outcomes between Florida and other states, particularly in COVID-related deaths, are minimal.

The judgment also depends on treating every state as a homogeneous entity, eliding variations of urban vs. rural, rich neighborhoods vs. poor, Black vs. white, and so on. And on treating every state as a hermetically sealed fortress unto itself, as though policies in one state have no impact beyond its borders.All those factors demand close scrutiny. Since that seldom happens, it falls to us to dive into the details.

Yet as we mentioned, statewide statistics tell a partial story at most. It’s especially misleading to apply a broad brush to California, one of the most geographically and demographically diverse states in the union. So let’s break the numbers down by county.


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This is gaslighting!

But superior to CA's response by every measure

LA Times is propaganda. What a joke. The data is in, they outperformed California and NY while keeping kids in school. Only a strict ideologue would lie to themselves and say Cali did better than FL.


Is this some kind of joke? FL has been open for months and we can see the facts and figures with our own eyes!

Somebody had their lines crossed. This Trumper of a governor is more interested in political aspirations than in the people of Florida

If you prefer your kids getting an education it sure as fuck is.

Rethugklican SonOfSatan

Actually, it is a success. The Covid number are better than most and the economy is booming. Compare Florida to New York and California.

Funny, he doesn’t look like the former president but he sure lies like him.

Like, how the hell does one 'win' a pandemic? You can, at best, have a smaller amount of loss than other states. But, that's not the same as a goddamn win.

Fake News

Abysmal, and allowing full-on Spring break

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