Colin Kaepernick Calls U.S. Drone Strike on Iran 'American Imperialism'

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Kap isn't with the U.S.'s drone strike in Iran.

has some thoughts on the United States taking out a top Iranian officer with a drone strike ... calling classic American imperialism via our military.

The ex-NFL quarterback posted some scathing remarks Saturday about the international move that's got everyone here at home worried about a so-called World War III -- and he didn't hold back in criticizing it to the max, likening it to an attack on people of color. There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism.Colin wrote on Twitter,"There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism." He didn't stop there.

CK adds the perceived escalation of tensions has been resorted to in the U.S.A.'s playbook time and again. He says,"America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world."

America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world.


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Colin Fakepatrick needs to move to Iran since he loves their country so much and hates America but wait he wont get the awesome AMERICAN money if he moves out of this country

Hey Colin

Type of person that will never be happy.

His hair looks like my hedges in my front yard


He can go live there and help their country then, he’s an ass and no one cares what he says

The M dollar question is can a drone land on Colin Kaepernick's head ? Jokes aside its a chicken& egg situation. Colin is right . However he is able to say what he says because of the peace , security and freedom of speech that the military preserves. & They ain't boy scouts


He’s done wonders for the Nike stock price this morning...smh

Gooooooo away, gooooooo far far away!!!!! Possibly Iran...🤔

He still needs attention ‼️

Who dis nigga be?

Let’s Him Get a Plane ✈️ to 🇮🇷 Iran, there He Can They a Knee.. While they Cut Off His.....

Who gives a shit what Kaep says? He's a chump!

Ohhh his 15 min was fading so he had to say something drastic.

Maybe he should tell Nike to make a sneaker in honor of the dead terrorist


Nike must be so proud

Who cares!!!!!

Kaepernick is a has been that no one wants, nice to know he supports terrorists, he needs to crawl back in his hole

Who’s that ? 🤡

Shut up

Can he just move to Iran.

This guy should just go home and be quiet. His move is over.

Just go away

Who are you. He is not qualified to have an opinion.


Go to IRAN so you’ll be the next.

FOX5Atlanta Kaepernick7 a you are welcome to go live in Iran at an point in time.

Why are there cameras still pointed at him?

FOX5Atlanta Who gives a shit what he thinks


TMZ why are you giving this guy publicity 🤦🏼‍♀️?!? That would be like big bird complaining about the golden globes last night.. no one would care

Dude’s got mommy issues fakeoutrage


Look at the comments and how mad they are! You guys really care to much about Kaepernick than what’s really going on with your stupidass President!!!!! Kaepernick keeps winning!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Kaepernick7 is a piece of crap! Whatever to stay relevant in something to keep his name going. Which is nowhere

Iran owns black slaves. Kaep a traitor.

We have all seen and heard of this for days. Why do you keep posting it. It just keeps him visible. Remove it instead

He is anything BUT an American Hero


You guys should ask bob down the street what he thinks of the drone attack as well, would love to read an article from his point of view

Better idea: rain down Nike Kaepernick sneakers on Iran

No one cares what he says.

Says the guy making money off shoes made in sweatshops!

Can he move to Iran

He really needs to get out of this country

What is the behavior Kappernick ?

look at the shape of this thug, he has no write to comment on nothing, go get a job pumping gas do something productive and keep your mouth shut while doing it!

It’s sad how maddddddd y’all be at Kap 😂😂

Will Nike’s marketing gimmick ever go away?

He is anti-American and we are AMERICAN! Nuff said!

Made by the FakePresidentInCharge!


He's not wrong.

A shining jewel of colossal ignorance

I really don't think that she has a clue.... 🤷‍♀️

Fifth repost. Give it up no one cares

Of course he did... He needs the attention...

I call him unemployed and spoiled

And... I should care about his opinion about this, or anything else because... why?

Colin is starting to remind me more and more of Oswald Bates from 'In Living Color'.

he's just tryna make bread off of politics again

FOX5Atlanta Also: Colin Kaepernick once heard the word imperialism and now chooses to use it incorrectly because he doesn't understand what in the hell he's talking about.

Who cares what this tool thinks

Why give him a voice he is irrelevant in this country?

It's always something with you Colin Kaepernick, why don't you move to another country since you are so unhappy here.

Kap is an American hero! Keep up the hate. ✊🏿

Girlie boy, you’re in the unemployment line 😂

And he is right



Who cares what he thinks?

Move to Cuba A Hole

No Kapits called taking out a terrorist that wanted to attack our Embassy and add more dead Americans to his long list.

We should send Kaepernick to Iran cuz I heard he can overthrow anybody

Screw him. So what he’s saying is he’s for that terrorist killing over 1,000 American servicemen!!!

Get a job Kaepernick

What were we suppose to do? They were attacking our embassy

Colin hates America.

And I call what he said lunacy

Who votes for him to be drafted into the military? All in favor say, I. Me: I

Who cares what that assclown says..or thinks!


🤦‍♂️ur going to regret this one

Do yourself a favor and stop mentioning him. People will like your page more

Eww, he is a hater of America but doesn’t want to live in hell with his people. What drugs is he on?

He takes a knee. He needs to shut up

Oh stop. Who gives a rats ass what this joke has to say or think

Goodbye future!

Kaepernick7 should be on jeopardy with those big words.

Hate Speech?

We know.

You are one racist ex-player, who has issues with your own life! You made millions with the US, Obviously you didn’t read the playbook well, Lol! Yet What has Iran given you! Your like SPAM no-one wants you!!!! Shush!

No one cares

Mmhmm it is but as much as he was great, Obama did it to

Bush did the same bullshit!! He comes DCrump!! Americans we were warned but we didn’t listen 😎😎😎

No one cares what Kaepernick7 thinks!

Come mierda. What do you call those he’s killed?

Kap, please stay in your lane....PLEASE!

Wow I bet the previous 3 presidents are the same

He is American. He is an imperialist! He made millions selling Nike

Pick a country...any country!

Colin Kraper nobody should crawl back into the hole he came from no one cares what he says

Colin just needs to stop talking some time.

Shut up and go move to Iran 😡😡

Who We don’t care what Thinks .

Get out of the USA

Fuck him he can go live there if he’s upset.

Doesn’t he have a workout he should be missing?

It’s the media of course giving this racist SOB a platform to spew his hate! Boycott Nike for supporting this

well then if he feels way he can go live over there and stfu for good

Colin Kaepernick IS an American imperialist. He's a money grabbing multimillionaire. He abuses the American system warping people's minds into racial division. He's one of the big reasons why the United States is not 'United.' I want Colin to end the Civil War. Can he do that?

When black people say stupid shit is ok

He should take his ass over there and live there. He won’t. He’s a joke

If you still think him kneeling during the anthem was just about 'police brutality', you're too naive.


STFU Kaepernick7 🙄


Why do we care what he says?


The joke was on me when I opened this tweet

That guy barely knows how to read and write

Love ❤️ Colin

Kaepernick7 stop talking please.. everything you say always has to come back to your sorrows n beliefs.. You trash talk NFL but yet you wanted a tryout.. you talked about Jay Z being part of the NFL but yet your asking to come back.. Bye Boy

That’s what happens when you get serious with a terrorist who happens to be able to control you with her bomb P.

No one cares what Kaepernick7 says . You think this is newsworthy. 😂😂

This is what happens when politicians empower stupidity

who cares what he says or thinks

Fuck that guy!!!

I wish this Oreo would go away already.


Who cares what this mope thinks! He should go live in the Middle East, what a refreshing day that would be!

Let’s boycott Nike and I bet he changes his tune quickly. America forever, loser!

Fuck him too

When will he realize NO ONE CARES WHAT HE THINKS! Or better yet he should move his loser self to the Middle East and play football with the terrorists.

Colin who?


My sympathy to his white mom... 🙄

I think this guy hates America.... Plain and simple.

Does he not realize that he is American? This guy is such an attention seeker. America isn't just white. It's white ,black, brown, yellow and all colours and races. This guy needs to stop with this nonsense.

Of course he did... He needs the attention.

Why is his opinion significant ? Asking for a friend...


Who cares!

If you seen the dudes funeral.. yeah we shook a hive for sure

What does he call Knelling during the National Anthem 🇺🇸?

Do we care what he thinks? Maybe we should start reporting what all our citizens think about things!

If y’all really don’t like him, y’all would just not respond to him

He is disgusting

What a thing to say..

He might want to check into those Nike factories in China while he’s at it...oh but wait....🙄🙄🙄

Don't shoot the messenger. His statement is FACTS...

I actually care what Colin Kaepernick has to say- says NO ONE EVER! 🤮

So let me get this straight, Colin Kaepernick is essentially saying that it is ok for a foreign attack on sovereign U.S. soil. Maybe just maybe he should collect his belongings and go live with those that initiated the attack. Bye!!!!👋

Tell that to the families of the US military that died because of them.

And we call colin Kaepernick an idiot.

does he not realize the phrase 'just do it' refers, more to the 10 yr old finishing his/her 70 hrs week, more than some yuppie going out for a morning jog

Colin, sit this one out 🙄

Colin shut up

Oh and nobody gives a shit about what he says or thinks. If you haven’t noticed he provides nothing to society. No advancement. No product. No service.

He’s part of this so called “American Imperialism”. He’s an American so he has the freedom and liberty to choose what he wants. He has the option to live in Iran. He should move there and help them out if he’s so concerned.

Nike come get this clown.

I heard the left tackle for the Minnesota Vikings loved the strike Iraq.

He is beyond help, his IQ must top around 30

Why doesn’t this guy , just the mouth. 😜😜

Please go live in Iran!

Does this guy work for ISIS, who is he?

Who cares and why is this even news?

Then maybe he should go to Iran

Go somewhere ad sit down already

It is

Shut up and move from this country

Colin who?

Tell Kaepernick7 to get the Eff outta here. Go live in Iran.

Stay in your lane!

And he’s coo-coo for coco puffs. Next....insignificant

That's what it is...

That flag looks good on him


Nobody cares whqt he thinks anymore ! Blah blah blah

He a joke always has been

As idiotic and misinformed as Trump ,they should golf together. ..

Here’s an idea Kaepernick7 , why don’t you go to Iran and run that country!

Americans are the terrorist.

Huh? WPMOYChallenge Sundberg WPMOYChallengeSundberg


As he makes millions from non white kids in factories making shoes

He should have been spanked as a kid

Well... we all know he’s an idiot soooo.... yeah

I hope he wasn't banking on any more tryouts for ANY teams...

Truly a special kind of STUPID. Maybe he should just move to the Middle East and see how long he lasts.

Colin is a-hole

So says the shoe guy

Did the drone take a knee prior to the start of the strike?

I hold his opinion on world affairs about as highly as rosemcgowan 😂

Yeah so what? It’s still so much better than the world rule by Iran.

Colon come on now

ColinKaepernick is a JudasGoat leading you down the FakeNewsTaliban's path. BoycottNike

Is this guy even american? SeriousQuestion

1 more idiot ! Talking about stuff he know noting ! World his better place without Soleimani and people like him .

Then he should go to Iran & help them & get the hell out of the US & quit wanting to make money off of the US citizens! Let’s see if Iran wants him


Why is this news? Who cares? My neighbor hates mayo on bologna sandwiches. Print that they are equally relevant.

Go there and live you clown!

Terrorista is Colin

It was wrong as all hell, but it is laughingly mislabeled as Imperialism here. Go back to school Kap. Maybe read the paper, this is nothing more than a desperate criminal trying to stay in power.

America love it or leave it

Why don't you give all your money to iran

He was not as accurate

That’s because he’s ignorant. Obama dropped over 26,000 bombs on 7 different countries and he was silent then. Bush did even more. He should just keep his mouth shut

Evidently HE does not know, what part of 'Defending our country' Imperialism IS NOT 🤬🤬 BTW Who here gives a rats ass what he thinks🤬ArmchairActivist Why does still give this toxic moron a platform 🤬 ArmchairActivist

Poor baby

Good thing no one cares what Kap has to say, huh?

Who cares what he thinks?

How I see CK. He hates everything America...maybe he should get the 'F' out of here..

Like Lindsay said, he is a loser on and off the field...

Colin should go over and live in Iran since he loves it so much. Just drop everything and go. I will buy your ONE way plane ticket. Just tweet me back and I will buy it but you have to give up your american citizenship status. I guarantee I will hear crickets after this tweet

Big mouth with full of cash from NIKE .. donate your money 💰 then I may have a different opinion if you !!!!

Hey Colin, move to Iran. They love protesters over there!

Now he thinks he know politics , just go away please

What the fuck does he know?

He should go over there and help his brothers and sisters then. 👋

White people are blinded by the truth

White Americans...Always sticking their nose in shit they shouldn’t... has this not been proven over and over again...

Move to Iran and then realize your ignorance

boy bye

Fuck that 🤡

Who cares what he say


Democrats defend dead terrorist generals

Colin hates America?

God damn fuck this guy why are you keep talking about him🖕


Did he ever read a history book? Did he go to college smh

Is this the same foo that signed a NDA

Kap be like:

Where's the lie!?🤷🏾‍♂️

Can reach out to him and let him know he is irrelevant

Syas the person who sat for the national anthem

Why do we keep giving this guy a platform? At least the kardashians are very good to look at!!!

Especially since strike took place roughly same time Iran announced they just found a new oil field. Time to destabilize another Middle East government for their oil. Classic US-Middle East foreign policy.

pleasebuymyshoes 🤡

Yippy...TMZ's favorite racist Colon Kaeperleach is back in the news.

He next

being openly opinionated while holding a semi-professional stature is not relevant to your personal case study...😐

Global Bullies that damn America.

Can this guy just go away....... forever!! Irrelevant

Is this the only way he can collect a pay check. What a P=say.

Why not concentrate on getting back into football first then comment on the county’s politics. Better yet join the forces since your not doing anything else anyway 🤔

Can we kick his ass out of the country permanently?


Shut up and go count your money

He's thirsty for some attention




Who cares what Colon Kaepernick says? I don’t 😉


Vote this maniac out before we don’t have a Country left!!!

Who cares what he thinks.

The black people in the comments. 😂

not surprised, he is anti American. he stands for nothing. that's why he is always in his natural position on his knees

Nobody likes Colin Kaepernick

I Wonder What He Calls His Hairstyle' justjokeN Trim That Ugly $%!! MaN

Why is this POS even relevant? He is not!

Iran holding open workout for him.

He plays football, yes? Or used to?

Maybe Iran has a football team?

Of course he did

Is this entertainment news?

Who in the hell cares what he thinks

Colin, just move. It's that simple. The NFL doesn't want you and, well , I'll just leave it at that...

I call, paying someone 40 cents an hour to make sneakers, slavery.

He’s getting ready to move there

Will those be United States dollars 💵 that he want to be paid in?


Colin is a Real Patriot! ✊🏽

Why are you voicing your opinion on topics like this? So silly

He's right.

It's easy to provide commentary from a position of ignorance

All I want to do is make it click to link to hear my new song please 🙏🏽 God bless you

for once he says something thats correct. by law of averages it had to happen.

Like Kaepernick, This is also hilarious.

He's not lying....

they not signing you either kap sit down 😂😂😂😂

He can move to iran. Maybe help catch some bombs.


Jesus speaks.

KRAZY Kap is part of the problem! If he hates America so desperately.... BYEEE 🤦🏼‍♀️

He is a true a-hole!!


Who cares what he says...

AKA Fat Cat oil companies.

Only a piece of s*** with side with the terrorists and that's what Colin Kaepernick is a puppet of his girlfriend who doesn't even know what he's talking about move to Iran Kaepernick no one wants you here

Get out, see ya!!

He’s a loser

Kaepernick is such a has been, sorry a never been so why report on what lunacy comes out of his mouth. Just disappear into the sunset like other has been football players have done.

Please stop acting like his opinions matter. Because they dont

And Obama's Non Strike was murder of our own. dumbass

If you’re not on America’s side then get the hell of our team

Calling all people to quit reacting to Collin must take his fame away.

I wish people would quit putting him on anything He stinks. You're only making him famous which he does not deserve.

He’s right

Lol wow, I feel so bad for Kaepernick and anyone who still backs this guy, so the terrorist who kills so many Americans good? Orange guy who destroys this guy bad? Lmao ok 👍

ok why don’t you move to Iran then Kap?...

This guy is a fucking joke!!! 🤦🏽‍♂️

Why should we care what this man says?! No one cares about his opinions. He is irrelevant.


If this guy was to get trapped in a burning building I wouldn't mind it


Colin Kneepernick is irrelevant.

Go away!

What did he call it when they killed osama bin laden

The truth is never popular. ✌✊

Who cares what Colin Kaepernick says?

White people kidnap, rape, pillage and murder, and when someone affected says they don't like it white people say move.. you move, back to them caucus mountains..

he is correct

Who gives a shit what he thinks!

I stand with Kaepernick7 and down with Nike. ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾

He should draft himself there since the NFL doesn’t want him

That's exactly what it is...

Why do u give this clown media coverage?

Why is TMZ giving airhead Kaepernick7 the time 🕰 of day? I would respect him if he respected the country 🇺🇸that made him wealthy for being an absolute nothing💩


And we Agree

Those comments are ridiculous! Exactly why he’s still sitting at home.

Lmfaooo yo fuck Colin Kapernick


Nobody cares what Colin thinks😂

Colin should stick to not play football


Kneeling is part of there religion, he might like it there?!

Just leave the country already

Who care what that asshat has to say

When are you guys going to stop publicizing this POS. I mean he’s not even an NFL QB.

It’s so sad cause when he was fighting for justice in America about the killings of un armed men I understood the The fight!! But now I just can’t!!!

Fuck colin kaperniek

110,000 union soldiers died in the civil war. 405,000 American soldiers died in WW2, most of which fighting to defeat Nazi Germany, a country believing in white supremacy at the time. Clusterfuck Kal should go back to school, and give all the $$ back from Nike sales, capitalist.

Why do we care what a spoiled football player thinks? He doesn't look like he's 'going to war' anytime soon. His black and brown crap is the reason our country is so divided!

Who is Kaepernick?

He is just trying to be relevant... kaepernick needs to go join the marines & learn what is means to American

Hey Collin, he was killing Americans....

Lmmfbo does he know anything! Wow I felt foe this guybut Now I'm starting to think other wise this country is becoming such a joke 🙌😂

Really? GTFOH! Sanctioned/besieged brown/blacks here in America? We have brown n black people in all positions of power. We had a black POTUS. You comments wouldn’t be tolerated in some other countries. Stop race dividing and use your platform to unite.

Who cares what this FREAK thinks.

Of course he would. Everyone is agree with views even when they are wrong.


He should be happy he was adopted!

The ‘Trump Thump’ heard round the world...again. TheTrumpThump

Please kindly leave the country. Nobody cares about what you think Kaepernick7

Ur opinion is not needed

Is he going to Kneel for Iran now ? Just stick to your Nike shoes and commercial bro . don't go too far now.

HipHopDX NBAonTNT America loves when Black people only care about Cristal, Alize & Versace. Lol

What’s he doing still living in this country?! Time to move on Colin

Just leave Colin...just leave.

Bye Kaepernick7

Traitor on sight.

Must be a slow day at TMZ 😅😂

Go long!

If he said it, it must be true

Think about how backwards🐘s response was to🐘s own illegal Iraqwar. After🐘s bankrupted🇺🇸w/illegal Iraqwar&had the audacity,to try&blame👎bankruptcy🐘s war caused,Dems were dragged along,as hostages👎&like🇺🇸people,on ave🇺🇸healthcare Obama's legacy,ACA,which worked&saved🇺🇸lives👍

Is he wrong? Just think that if China or Russia took out one our top general. It would be a premeditated act of war.

dude hates the usa lol

Boy, is he relevant!

Colin Kaepernick for president

dude he literally complains about everything america does and the last time i even heard his name was when 3/4 of america started boycotting nike and burning their shit bc he had an ad.

And Israeli

What is he going to do, make a pair of AIR FORCE 1's with the IRANIAN GLAG!


Cool statement but uh...let’s focus on making an NFL roster first.

Yeah & he's right, because it's illegal for any country to attack & or invade another country, that never attacked it first. Its a breach of international law. Like? Iraq. GWB knew Iraq didnt have WMDs&had nothing to do w/9/11&still invaded anyways,which,is double the war crime👎

Way to stay relevant... 😂😭👎🏽

Who cares.... Kaepernick7 is a washed up has been. His opinion means nothing.

Hey Colin hear me out

Colin Kaepernick Wanted to control the Narrative. In my Opinion, Somewhere during Kaepernick's brief career he surrounded himself with the wrong people. It's a real shame. During this critical time CK's opinion, Really?

Why is anyone listening to this fool?

🖕🏻kaepernick lol

Who cares what this failed athlete thinks. This is why I’m a firm believer that celebrities and professional athletes shouldn’t think of themselves as world leaders. Us real Americans should stop feeding them with the attention they don’t deserve. Sorry for the rant. justtired

People say strange things...someone out there still thinks he’s a decent qb


Wtf cares what this has been has to say?

Of course, he’s anti American

Tell him to move the fuck out

Silence colonizers.

Nike come get your man, he is sticking up for a terrorist.

I mean its literally the definition but ok.

I’m Canadian can someone explain why everyone hates him

Can we all pitch In and buy this fool a flight out of the USA. 👍🏽

Lol. Yall give in to his attention. And he does stuff like this. He is an idiot.

Send this away


Lmao who wanted this trashbags opinion

Well.. Colin Kaepernick isn't lying..let the truth live

Who cares what this dude thinks🙄🙄


He can move to Iran

I can’t stand this man...cry baby.

Who is this guy!! Dan KAP media using you as a pawn.. got u thinking u righteous... GTFOH !! PLEASE TODAY LIKE NOW, LIKE YESTERDAY!!!

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

Douch bag

Imagine if Iran had a professional football league. They wouldn't sign him either.

Manowww. Esse cara consegue ser mais chato que a GretaThunberg

Can we order a drone strike on him?

nickpooch15 That’s they will never going to have Colin back in nfl because he is garbage

Does Iran have a football team? Bet they sell a lot of Nike’s though.

Just think if Iran has bombed and killed an American General.

Who cares what he says!

Good thing hes not the president!

What is he on dude?

Stick to sports

Remember when he played football? I guess this is all he has now


Can someone send a drone to him... please

Bro who the fuck does this dude think he is

Buh bye Colin

Oh wow his voice only come out now .... he is forgetting he previous presidents cleard innocent populations


Well, he's not wrong.

I get all my political advice from football players....don’t you ?

Still waiting for fat rosie to move.

Omg. Go to Iran you can say . 'I ran to Iran'

So this is how you know it was actually a good move.

Nobody cares what he says he throws interceptions



Squidward looking ass is always BIG mad. 😂😂😂

I bet he doesn’t even know what that is.

He is so unimportant

Omg. Go to Iran then.

Send this man to Iran


Who cares?

He is an idiot. If the US is so bad pack up and leave.

He should just move there

I love watching white Americans talk shit about this guy 🤣


Privileged white folk say the darnedest things.

Why do you keep allowing him a voice? He needs to shut the hell up along with the rest of those that complain about the US. You notice they complain but continue cashing those US currency..!!

Hes a turd nobody

And so what? Our last 5 wars have been imperialist actions that support toxic mega corporations. This is fucking news? I think not

I agree with Colin.

They didn't strike Iran. It was Iraq fuckheads

Banoyol Lol reading the comments majority of people are attacking KP rather than engaging on what his saying. Is the drone strike on Iran imperialism? Yes? No?

Sure, in 2020 Colin defends Iran.

Colin should keep his mouth shut since he is totally clueless!

This is the guy you support, and you wonder why he can’t get a job

He should move to Iran. He wouldnt last long.

Figures, where are all my kap supporters

And no one cares. 🖕🏻

electricsoul123 Trump.


Does Iran have a football team?

The US are bullies and greedy they are just want Iran's resources Colin is right

You would be right Colin and its reckless.

The hell w Kap. He’s the real traitor to this country

The buffoonery continues !!

Can’t wait until he gets droned

Of course he did

This guy should just be quiet!!

Why would even ask the question? Even if he had the ability to play in the NFL there are far more relevant people to ask.


Who really thinks Colin knows what American Imperialism means?

what does anyone care what that clown says or thinks?

I love how he gets insecure undercover racist ppl so fired up 🤣 look at the comments

About that loser

This craps definitly gonna get this guy back in the nfl

Killing a known terrorist on our ally’s soil is “American Imperialism”. Lmfao!

Honestly just go to Canada

Let me guess TMZ? American hero?

Kap is incapable of having rational thought. Nessa has her US Hating Muslim Hand so far up his ass he regurgitates her acrylics. Dude is so far gone he talks and actually thinks he’s not privileged. Soleimani was a brown man that killed his own people for simply opposing him.



Who cares about Him ? Bench sitter, flag kneeler, you made 12 year olds kneel before the flag and they never knew why. For that you should burn in Hell

Colin Kap Knows

What's Kaepernick7 take on Nike making shoes and other products in Chinese factories?

He’s a 🤡

Where’s the lie though...?

Great think about America, you can leave whenever you want.

Kaepernick7 dude, just go away. You matter to no one here.

Why would anyone care what this clown thinks!!

WHO CARES WHAT HE SAYS? He can’t even hold diwn a job 🙄


He is irrelevant. Stop posting about him

That's because it is.

Wonder if he knows Iran’s former name is “Persia”. Remember that empire of ‘brown bodies’ that invaded, slaughtered, and imperialized for about 900 years? Ya. That was them.

Colin who?

Let's see if Nike has the stones to cut the cord on this guy once & for all, he's pure poison! BoycottNike BadForBusiness

So Kap, why throw out the American Imperialism comment now? Why not when Bin Laden was taken out? Are you showing bias with who was in office?


Very surprising considering Kaepernick7 has a bisexual history & Iran hates diversity. But then thinking & logic have never been Kaeps strong points.

He's defending terrorism.


Why doesn’t he just go live in Iran. I don’t think anyone will stop him. POS

Yes it is!! Greatest country in the world!!

Bye Colin, don’t let America hit your ass on the way out.

And he’s a traitor.

Communist try doing all your s--t in Iraq Iran N Korea you'd be twittering from your grave

What a clown

did you cash that NIKE check, while wearing their shoes, that were made by child labour ?

Kaepernick supports terrorism. He should go move to Iran and then protest....see what happens.

Kaepernick can sit his ass down!

Sad he's a washed up athlete, doing anything to get his name mentioned..TRUMP 2020

Wow, talk about a doppelganger

Who is this guy?

Somebody start a go fund me page to give this guy a 1st class ticket to anywhere but here. 🖕🤮💩🇺🇸

Of course the reason I don’t buy Nike would have something to say. He’s non patriotic. A millionaire can’t speak and scream about injustice for a population. Where is his relatability! nike ColinKaepernick ColinKaepernickIsATraitor

He should run for president, his voice seems to matter for some stupid reason

What’s Kaepernick7 endgame? Protesting to raise awareness against police brutality was something I respected, but than he sold out to Nike. Being a spokesman for a company that exploits child labor does not give you the right to fire your mouth off about US Foreign policy.

Too bad he wasn’t there when the drone strike happened. Maybe Nike could have sponsored the bomb.


Maybe he should move to Iran and take General Soleimani’s place? loser

Trump November 2020. 4 more years


if he likes their way. go live there. see how it works out

Im glad kap is who we go to for foreign policy opinions now. Solid.

Who cares what he says

Drone him Anti-American terrorist worshipper🖕

Who cares what he thinks

Did his agent define and spell that for him?

Nah gotta kind ya business on this one.

hes not wrong

Colin Kaeperbitch needs to be taken off American soil

Colin can suck it and he can go live there

Who cares what you have to say!

& this pos has the nerve to try & get back in the nfl !!

This dude is trying to stay in the spot light at any cost isn’t he!! Desperation at its finest!!

Just shut up and go way! Or get some balls go server our country 🇺🇸💯

Tell him to go to iran

How about he take a one way fucking flight there ,and leave his millions behind

smoke screen...for impeachment movement.lives don't matter to the party...fydcfm

Who gives a fuck what this flag disrespecting NFL wash up says

He should try living and protesting in Iran. He'll have a blast.

Go learn something!

I think there are ways of moving away from places u don't like

Colin Kaepernick move to Iran 🇮🇷

God this guy is annoying.

Shut up 🤐 Kaepernick or whatever your name is .. tried of your rants ugh

Maybe they’ll let him play football in Iran

I really think he should move to the Middle East. Then he can talk.

Why why why does anyone give this person a platform to whine on First get a job then get a life

*American greatness

Yes- but you like our money! POS

What a moron this guy is! They attacked our embassy. That general has killed over hundreds over Americans and thousands of Syrians. Why is he in Iraq while we are being attacked


And why do we still care what he says about anything?

I’m just curious if he supports terrorism

He certainly wasn’t saying this the 8 years OBAMA was doing it!!!

Talcum x

Who cares

Coming for a man who takes the money haha what a laugh

I really don’t give a flying f*** about Colin Kaepernicks opinion on anything. Especially this!

Dont be fancy.....the strike is nothing more than trump trying to look tough for voters. Dotard


Can we send him overseas please

Who the hell cares what Kaepernick has to say....

Well he can move to Iran then Kaepernick7

He's still angry because no team picked him up. Get over yourself already. You'r so yesterday. angry person

Colin couldn’t land an NFL team, now it’s time for his annual cry for attention again.

No one actually cares what comes out of this dudes mouth.


I would love to meet him in a ring.. anytime u bitch

And thats why hes unemployed 😂😂😂😂

Can we just send this ass over there and be rid of him?

Kaepernick7 and rosemcgowan should get together and have a chat they’re both loco 😜

I always look to Colin for all my geopolitical sources

why would we care what he says about it

You may leave whenever you’re ready sir. See if you get to run your mouth over there like that.

And we care what he says, why?

Amerikkka has killed more people than actual terrorists 🤷🏾‍♂️

He will say anything to keep his name in the headlines since the NFL doesn’t appear to want him.


Nobody cares!!!!! Stop reporting on this loser!!!!

He should visit the Children making his shoes and try to sell them that line of Horseshit.

Every time someone say something about what’s wrong anywhere in the world people get butt hate about their opinion. Definitely when it’s about someone speaking the truth about something that’s done wrong. Where’s all this Energy about Food, extinction of animals, fixing the world

Look up the meaning of imperialism... he is spot on. Correct and there is no disputing that.

Who cares what he says


Dude wow stick with football🏈🏈🏈😱

'bout to unfollow & block TMZ. NewsnotNews

Nobody cares

I was right about where you stood. It is called the Wrong Side of History AND USA.

Go play on the freeway, Kap!

And he's right.

Who cares what they anti American racist says

He needs to go live in Iran!

This guy is one sick puppy.

Sigh. Thankfully he weighed in...I wonder if he and Nike might want to help rebuild over there. Or maybe design a tshirt w the terrorists image.

Nike are you really going to continue to support this human being that HATES America? When is enough, enough for you? Colin Kaepernick just denounced America AGAIN and all you are thinking about is a way to capitalize on it.

I have read so many tweets from so many in the public eye that make zero sense... They are trying to make themselves seem relevant. All I am seeing is their level of ignorance of the situation.

Boy bye!

Coming from the unemployed guy


Who cares what he thinks.

He's correct in that assessment..

Meet the Kaepernick’s

Hey Colin... If you ever decide to leave America since you dont like anything they do, PLEASE DON'T COME TO OUR COUNTRY SOUTH AFRICA. You are a clown bro who makes everything about colour.

He should just leave since he hates America so much

Kinda has a point though hey.

I disagree. Where were all of these voices we were killing President Muammar Gaddafi family and finally him?

He's right again.


Waiting on Kaepernick to move to Iran. He bitches about America but knows he has it too good here.


Colin Kaepernick for President. No more Putin Traitors.

This dude is a fucking joke

Who gives a fuck what his opinion is on it

And I hope those of you who support trump have signed up to fight in this war. Get y’all asses on the front line!

The idiot speaks again.

Did his manager at the grocery store allow this interview in between bagging groceries?

This worthless pig would.

HiImRaquel Rocky weren’t you hating on Kaep for not voting? 😂 now you agreeing with his politics

So tired of this monkey



This should help him get a job real quick

anything to stay relevant.

Can we ship him off to Iran

Wonder what he calls Iraq's attacks & murders on innocent American civilians? 'Uh-oh's?'

So,and this is important why?

And no1 cares

This coming from the same guy that wore a Fidel Castro shirt to Miami... then wants to talk about oppression... this guys a joke. This country isn’t perfect but it’s a lot better than most of what’s out there...

Trying disrespecting their flag and see what happens

I am not a fan of Trump, the man makes me nauseated anytime I hear him talk but presidents have been doing the same for years. Obama had 200+ drone bombing in one year. I'm sorry but not losing sleep over the killing of a psycho who's responsible for 1000s of deaths

Why does everyone seem so bent out of shape bc our military took the life of a terrorist who killed American Citizens. And those citizens were all different race and ethnicity. So everyone stop with the racism card.

Paying Chinese folks slave wages so Nike can pay you millions to preach about oppression. Hypocrite

Of course he did. Yet he makes millions Has he pulled one person out of poverty ? Does he care about the hundreds of soldiers killed wounded by this man. He does not He hates America. But he loves the milk and honey

F Colin Move A Hole

Kinda like the nfl eh Colin ?

I call it ‘pure stupidity’ from a president that’s looking to divert attention away from his impeachment.

No one gives AF what he thinks!

Maybe if he could kneel when he said this it would work better and have more meaning. Cause, you know, it worked so very well the first time he did it. 🤪

Why is he relevant

Imperialism. I don’t even know what the fuck that means. I suppose if I cared enough I’d look it up

Please follow us for news and entertainment

What would Don Imus say

We don't have a President, we have a dictator. Trump should be locked up because he does not follow the constitution or law. We are tax payers and must hold him responsible for his crimes. Because he has been impeached, now he wants to start a war. He and Republican puppets .

Hey buddy go take a knee in ANOTHER COUNTRY !

That guy is beyond....

Fuck this dude. He is a lost cause

Go home and quit breathing my free air.

Kaepernick Is pure trash and should absolutely go live in another country, America doesn’t need him

He better quiet

tmz you guys should release more useless articles of people’s opinions on this as well.

He’s a POS

Care factor? ZERO

He really should sit this one out

Go away Colin!

Shouldn't this hasbeen look for a job? Is there no opening in the 'get paid millions for wearing shoes made by oppressed children'? Sector?

WHY does he go to Iran and save them! Get their economy going stop the fighting and save iran‼️ he doesn’t have the balls

Hows the football carer that why you don't play


Who GAF what Kaepernick7 thinks.... NO ONE. GO AWAY!

man you are one messed up dude.

Fuck colin

What did he call it when Obama took out Bin laden?

Do you even know what imperialism means? You know nothing about anything and yet you talk.

Kaepernick7 trying his hardest to stay relevant.... go hangout with JussieSmollett alreadyyyyy 😂😂

FlySir (Feat. ANT Baby) - Flex [out Now On YouTube] FlySir ANTBaby

And he wonders why no NFL team wants him.

Why doesn’t he just move to another county? If you hate it so much in the US move douchebag

Shit up already!

Well, he's dating a Muslim so that makes sense...

Taking a knee to spread awareness of Black Lives Matter during the National Anthem was disrespectful to many veterans. Soleimani 'was plotting imminent and sinister attacks on American diplomats and military personnel.” Mr. Kaepernick please focus on football.

He should be next. 😂

Why doesn’t this Idiot move to Iran?

Oh good. Like we really needed his opinion.

Pathetic attempt to stay relevant. Does anyone really care what he has to say?

Want to fix things Colin and be the voice then run for office

Yeah its fucking great😎

He should move to Iran. I’m sure he’ll love it there. Lots of reasons to kneel. Tons of injustice to rage against, overwhelming racism, killing and oppression to protest against. He’d be so busy!!!

That makes it all worth it

Doesn’t he have a football game to play? Oh wait....

Scumbag 😡

Translation: We need to protect the terrorists. 🙄

That famous war historian heads spoken. What an embarrassment he's become

Well glad he has NO SAY!!! Keep kneeling sucka

He could join their team. America doesn’t want him on our teams. What a fool.

JohnnyAi The worse thing you can do is give this nobody publicity

Please by all means

Has he lost frickin mind along with his job?

He’s a clown. And the hair to match

Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out! 🇺🇸

If everyone would quit talking about kapernick he would just go away. He just wants to stay in the news


Wonder what he calls Iranians killing or attacking Americans?

I don't agree with him on everything, but everything Trump does is Imperialism. Maybe he should have voted along with a lot of other people

Who dis?

He rather have that general kill innocent Iraqis and American soldiers. Hmmm

Shut up ! Go play football of there I’ll kick in a couple dollars.

Who cares what he says or thinks.

“Let’s just make sure I never get a contract with the NFL”...

We expect nothing less from the kneeler

Is there a Iranian football team that needs a QB ?


Go away

Like a kardashian, no one cares about this person

What a shock

Does Nike still have this douchebag representing the brand?

He’s just angry because our smart weapons are actually employed and can hit their targets.

Professor douchebag speaks

Did the drone take a knee prior to the strike?

Really? All he has is the race card left. Awful QB, flash in the pan dip shit.

Maybe he should leave America then

Where is the lie?

His newest shoes are specifically designed to kick rocks

He sucks as a QB and brainless

Screw him he should go live there if he dont like it

He needs to stop trying to be Martin Luther The King and get his butt back in the NFL 😩

F*ck Colin Whatshizname...

When I scrolled down into the comments.

So Is having belief in Jesus -but that won’t stop anyone. The “whites” BNA Europeans brought religion before anything so make sure you all know what your believe in and why you or your ancestors did

And I call him a bitch!

Who cares what he thinks.

Well obviously he doesn't like living in the United States of America, so maybe he should move elsewhere. He had no issues taken American money though now did he? Disrespectful POS

Kaep is qualified to talk about two things: how to hold the backup QB clipboard and that amazing fro.

Someone please shut him up! Gibberish from a no one!

nessnitty Told him to say it.

He needs to move there!!

Who gives a fuck what he said.

Dude just shut up for once in your over entitlement life

The truth really hurts you clowns 🤡 don’t it?! ✊🏾


Who ?

🤣🤣🤣 This fucking guy

This coming from a dipshit who rewly doesn't know s about politics...

Kaepernick7 MOVE TO IRAQ or IRAN! You are No American! It’s sickening!

Trump is trash

Shut up Policeman and American hater. Dude must not know that the guy massacred hundreds of Americans and it kept another Benghazi from happening.....which I’m sure he would have been ok with. I feel bad for his parents

I lost respect for Kap like bro you don’t know what you’re talking bout that Iranian had to go sooner or later stop with the reaching

...Ok, then what does he call disrespecting the National Anthem🇺🇸?

I wish people would stop pampering him. He may take his money and go away. Every time he talks, more people realize that he's for himself, way more than he is for anyone else. KaepernickImperialism


Wow...really ? Defending a country who hates and vows to kill Americans? Aren't you an American Colin? Do you have such low self esteem that you have to speak up for terrorists to gain attention and validation ? Please see a psychiatrist 🤢

He's finished so let him spout off whatever he wants as he is a nobody

Trying to stay relevant. He should try his hand being a multi-millionaire activist in Iran.

These ppl would love Trump no matter what he says or does they're like clones

This is great... I wasn't sure what to think of that whole situation. Happy to see an expert in diplomacy such as Kaepernick guide us all. sarcasm


Nooooo he‘s wrong, the just want 2 help🤥

YO! IRAN TWITTER Please take a good look at the twitter profiles of the people in the comment section who got a problem with his statement, and attack them mofo's FIRST! If we go to war

I guess he missed the embassy being bombed like he missed his tryout.

Who cares what he thinks about anything!

Why is this guy still around? Bad football player, horrendous politics, totally inept, loses money for every company he works for

He speaks Facts

Colin Kaepernick is a nothing in the NFL. Now he’s trying trying to get political. Anything to stay relevant, and in the media.

Clint_Guerrero PAYASO

Best that he just stick to selling shoes.

I mean I still don't get why the American Government thinks it's ok to assassinate people in other countries.

Guess who isn’t playing football this weekend.

schoudshady The man had more bodies on him than a Chinese cemetery. I hate trump and I get the wag the dog impeachment stuff but the man was a legit killer, that makes him a legit target for a drone strike


How is this guy relevant to anything?

Fuck that guy.

Say what

This why I boycott Nike

Then perhaps he should move to Iran to find out how Iranians would treat him if protested or dissented against goverment.

One more reason he isn’t in the NFL

What does Tebow think, Manzel you want to chime in here.

What Kaepernick said, i also hear from other 'unemployed crazy racist people'. I give them change & I pay it no mind.😉

What’s he know about foreign policy?

Dude is stuck on stupid

Haha and this guy wants a job

Oh please tell me more what washed up quarterbacks think. Smh 🤦🏽‍♂️

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