CNN's Brian Stelter: Trump uses presidential platform to bully news outlets, only wants 'pro-Trump opinion'

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'It's a version of working the refs that we saw in 2015 and 2016,' Stelter tells ABC News, 'but it's more disturbing now because he is the president and he's using his presidential platform in order to bully news outlets.'

"He doesn't want the news. He only wants the pro-Trump opinion. He only wants the propaganda on the air," Stelter told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl and Political Director Rick Klein."And when he sees news on the air, when he sees Democrats speaking, when he sees news anchors reporting on some inconvenient scandal, he does lash out."

Stelter’s book is an account of the president’s relationship with the media, mainly with Fox News, and how it has played into his time in the White House.President Donald Trump addresses the crowd during a campaign rally in Winston Salem, N.C., Sept. 8, 2020 "Well I think I'm of the view that Fox has a monopoly position... I think Fox has tremendous power from that point of view, but there's also the sense of fearing their audience," Stelter said. "I had a longtime commentator there say to me, 'The audience has been radicalized,' and a veteran staffer say, 'I feel like Fox has been held hostage by its audience.' And that is exactly the wrong attitude, the wrong approach to have.

"I think he's reacting more to what he hears on Fox, sees on Fox, that then drives his Twitter feed, drives his day. It sometimes drives the rest of us in the media to react to what he has heard on the news and the country suffers as a result, because we end up getting distracted," Stelter said.


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Thanks brianstelter “Costanza”. Time for you to get into your Underoos, grab a box of Kleenex and retreat to your safe space. Take deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out.

At interview, Stelter is still bullying Trump. I believe that, as long as Reporters are consciously objective, Trump would NOT be calling you names. Non-biased Reporting is very hard to do when Trump was able to stir old and new wounds from your heart.

Brian Stelter didn't expect Trump to fightback on his cyberbullying (using CNN Reporters as mob bullies). When did it start & why? Crush on Melania? 🤣 My guess...bottom, insecure, egomaniac, god-like attitude, confused Narc Stelter has no decent morals & ethics. Abused?

Media is the bully not Trump .. you just picked on the wrong kid in the playground! He fights back!

And you fell for his bull so what does that say about abc news?

Isn’t that what Hitler did?

Nope they are doing fine doing it without Trump with Andersen and Don!


Is Brian Stetler the one in charge of hiring these socialist, narrow-minded reporters? Good to finally see you, Looser.

Lame & Lying CNN takes Victim Mentality. President's effective Propaganda is his job. It's CNN's job to be Objective, NOT take sides. You are still blocked CNN as I'm tired of your lies and stupid agenda.


The media make him president, stop following him all over again.

Lol coming from 2 networks that lie and spread fake news all the time.. you've made you beds now lie in it


That is a Joke 🤣🤣🤣

Please... CNN projecting? They just can’t keep up with Trump.

Media helps support fires saying climate change , when its paid protesters setting these fires Police in area have told home owners they found explosive bottles that are used

Because he is out of money and backers. He needs the media more than ever.

You really think that everyone is blind to your propaganda

This is a joke, right? The MSM has done nothing but bully, slander, lie, denigrate & used many other tactics, against this President!

There is a great source

.CNN is complaining about the exact thing (propaganda) they have been doing for years. propaganda

abc news is topping the charts of fake news and taking the stage away from cnn and msnbc the former king and queen of fake news. abc was the jester and quickly moving up spreading fake news from false narratives made up by those on the far left. Disgusting.

Stelter: 'Doesn't Trump know that we have a monopoly on propaganda over the air!?'

The fact that you’re promoting a segment with Stetler tells us all we need toknow about your bias....


CNN must really be hurting when it’s own head must go to to be heard.

CNN is the lowest of lows when it comes to news , they deserve every bit of it , Fredo is a idiot too

And the beltway media has been using DNC propaganda for years to frame their propaganda narrative

And what will be done about it other than people complaining on Twitter?

Liar this guy should not be on tv

Waaaaaaaa. They don’t like meeeeeee. Moron. Grow a pair.

Well if they told the truth and not just cover up the real stories they wouldn't have any problems

Does poor Stelter need a tissue?

Al menos las propagandas del presidente no se basan en promover el terrorismo doméstico, tiene que ver más bien con el desarrollo y el progreso. En todo caso, algunos medios no son imparciales y poco reflejan los logros del gobierno.

Trump is the greatest President in history

Well all of the news media outlets are biased and now that the bully is turning on them you want what? Sympathy?

Such BS from BS

abc news ppl in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Your network is nothing but a megaphone for the dnc. Look at this tweet and all previous... they are nothing but propaganda. There is no fact just opinion. We are tired of it. As evidenced by your tanking ratings. Disgusting!

Fake news!

Lol, idiot



Every news outlet has pummeled this president like no other since Nixon who they pilloried until his death. Who’s the bully? Quite frankly they should lose their news credentials and the FCC licenses because they are not news organizations, they are political party extensions.

Stelter has TDS WORSE than any lying fake media propagandist! News Flash! Trump is president! And lying BIASED liberal fascist media hate him! He NEVER gets a fair shake and his accomplishments are NEVER reported! He’s lied about daily and attacked endlessly by lying media!

The news outlets is whats wrong here pushing there own agendas.

Nope. It's just hostile politically biased news coverage of the President by the news media.

Estos izquierdosos comunistas dan risaaa🤣🤣💩💩💩

why is a CNN anchor making the rounds on other networks?

Stelter is one of the most partisan biased purveyors of fake news. CNN, like ABC, is hyper partisan Op/Ed masquerading as fact based journalism.

CNN lol 😂.... Brian Stelter lol 😂 next...

I am thankful! For the first time in history the media is exposed on how deep their ties to the left and money goes. Turn off ALL news!!!

Brian Stelter is a Russian asset .

WhatThis person isn’t capable of leading media production. Spin. Spin. Spin. Not professional.

The liberal media won't even cover this.

I dare you to find one hard undisputal piece of evidence that Trump has any illegal or otherwise harmful ties with Russia. You can't. And do you want to know why? Watch the video. 'He who does not search for truth cannot claim to know the answer'

Stop covering the loser

cnn is more like Biden campaign headquarters now

Don’t tread on me

Now ABC and CNN are teaming up

Hahahahahahahahahaha. This has to be the most ironic tweet I have read for ages. Congratulations! 👏 🤣🤣

Now quote Tucker Carlson. Bet you won’t.

Sometimes I wonder if ABC, CNN and MSNBC are secretly working for Trump. Their reporting is so pathetic and obviously fake that your natural reaction is to gravitate towards Trump even if you have to put up with Kushner for another 4 years

I see we're practicing circular journalism again. You guys are so weak sometimes.

When a corrupt predator becomes cornered that’s when they are the most dangerous

Trump delivers a lot of grudge-talk.

It’s not propaganda, it’s the truth. You are not the news, you’re a left wing activist. Stop prending to be a journalist!! You’re the problem! Tell the fricking truth! You are directly responsible for lost police officer’s lives. You should be held liable.

LOL the Fake News is full of TDS

You only realized that now ?

ABC is using THE NEWS platform to bully AMERICANS and promote 'propaganda OF fear that is leading to Destruction on the air,' CNN Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter uses 'Powerhouse Politics' this is so Sad & needing to result to M...Law maybe next! .realDonaldTrump

Todays so called journalists, like to push their bias/prejudice views on the public. They pretend to be truthful, even fair, all the while pushing a one sided agenda. There is no honesty, and when called on it, they try to play the victim FakeNews

Still, they kept at WhiteHouse a realDonaldTrump corrupt thief,lier accused of rapes,pedophilia,child sexual exploitation, trafficking, which encourages other crimes like prostitution,terrorism, money laundering, the american president What did Trump do for Americans?

Seriously you people have attacked for 4 years if you were actual news and not a left wing propaganda machine maybe we wouldn't feel this way

Says the news media bully. 👮‍♂️🗽🇺🇸

Media are negatively slanted towards realDonaldTrump and now that he calls them out, they are pointing fingers at realDonaldTrump. Hey, be accountable for your lies and change your ways.

That’s all , CNN and every “news” outlet does. Spread bullshit propaganda. No one and I mean no one believes you anymore. You did this to your industry. You have been caught in so many lies that American despise you.

Flake News and TDS

Bull. You people are the most disingenuous people in the world!!!

We have seen this going on throughout his presidency. It gets worse as Trump gets more desperate.

CNN idiot

Fakenews reporting fakenews about fakenews. Stop.


Why would a show called “powerhouse politics” include this biased liberal CNN pigeon?


You people are the Bullies ,But the communist always say that someone is doing just what they are really doing to try and cover what they are doing! Communist Bullies Fake news !

Say what again Brian, propaganda... you don’t have to look far, just look at a mirror..

brianstelter is a coward and a moron and he’s angry because potus tells us directly how things really are and Brian can’t spin. For years the MSM went more!

Pot, meet kettles. The media in the US is the EnemyOfThePeople

He thrives on propaganda.

Stelter is a lightweight with no journalistic credibility. He has a place, and belongs at CNN. Surprisingly ABC gives him airtime.

Wah, Viva Trump 💯, All Latinos support you✌

The media are lying shit bags.


Other way around. The fake news has bullied a duly elected president and harassed him at levels never seen before in this country. Americans are pissed 😡

LOL. Media dying he knows, you know and the people know it. You did it to yourself, selling your soul meant more to you than telling the truth.

What about the black athletes who are using their platform to promote BLM and violence against white people?

CNN is a joke

Are you F kidding me? CNN has done everything it can against Trump -CNN lies about Trump daily -CNN plays down BLM riots & killings & HAS BLOOD ON ITS HANDS for it -CNN doesn’t mention or minimally mentions ANYTHING GOOD Trump does that can unite our nation & Trump is the bully?

Stelter is a TDS infected media charlatan... ABC is no better across the board. ProsecuteCoupConspirators (including any and all involved journalists) Agreed?

I guess it’s terrible when the shoe 👞 is on the other foot.

Yes, media outlets need to stop this shameless campaign rallies disguised as news conferences. Obama never gophers a news conference every single damn day. STOP AIRING THESE LIVE. Report on it after, in an edited wrap up. This is not state run media for propaganda.

So maybe the news outlets should stop allowing him to use them

Who cares what Mr. Potato said.🤷‍♀️

Shove it !!!!!

Lmao 😂! This Turd BrianStelter aka Dumpty is the most useless fool on CNNSucks FakeNews Network. But DonLemon & ChrisCuomo are both right there with him. Common sense Americans will VoteGOP VoteTrump in EVERY STATE! MSM Lies! How about reporting on IsraelUAE peace?

It is the other way around. The news is a constant bully to Trump and all of us who voted for him. Relentless.

Bully how? You guys are the ones who spread the propaganda.And you don’t even report about Trump unless it’s negative


Yet none of you stand up to him.

It’s become a goal for the journalist to become THE news. Shameful to journalism.

He is with the bully stuff

Stelter loves to use his media credentials to pick a fight. He gets his butt handed to him when he attacks realDonaldTrump The uncomfortable truth is that Stelter is a bully. The tongue lashings the media receives from Trump are well deserved, but go ahead && whine about it.


Sphincter says what?

ABSOLUTELY! Stop him!!!


There's irony for you.

CNN is a mere shadow of its former self and this man has been a major part of its sad corrupt devastation Ted must be broken hearted

If CNN says it—- it’s fake😡

LOL cry me a river. Learn to report honestly, accurately, and without BIAS and then we'll talk.

Lying, gross Brian Stelter has hurt feelings, as most of the liars in the media do, and we celebrate every tear. Keep lying and crying Fake News hacks.

The news media is using their platform to bully, spread lies, and fake news about the President of the United States


Haha CNN & ABC working together on some BS. Doesn’t get much better than that

And CNN and Brian Stelter are making it their mission to stoke hate & contribute to violence, destruction & the murder of police

My god what a terrible way to do journalism

Honestly who believes donald anymore...pathological liar! So embarrassing!

Brian Stelter is one of the main reasons I quit watching CNN. The man is just obnoxious!👍🏻✅

This is the stupidest shit I’ve read in a while. You literally had a report say on a hot mic she had the goods on Epstein and Clinton and killed the story. George steph reports whatever bs he wants. CNN just embarrasses themselves

President orange man is using his presidential platform to bully news outlets and promote 'propaganda on the air,' CNN Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter said on News' 'Powerhouse Politics' podcast on Wednesday.

You are a 🤡🤡🤡people see you for what you are.

all left media is the worst kimd of propaganda there is. you are all corrupt


You are literally doing this right now.

This is news?

Whiny little spud

THIS is ALL the American People should need to see! Irrefutable Proof Biden, and Kamala and the Radical Democrats Support the riots and violence!

More liberal bull 💩. Democratic’s are in panic mode.

Idiot fake news

What is he yapping about? Is he trying to claim Trump is bullying the media to spew propaganda?


Don't let him Win Love 💕 over Hate

Hey 🙋🏽‍♀️ I make websites, so if you need a designer just hit the link in my bio and & DM me to make it happen 📩

What a joke. CNN and ABC have proved that they push propaganda 24/7 and want to blame Trump for something they’ve made undeniably clear.

George Costanza needs to just stop already. No one believes anything he or anyone else on the Communist News Network says anymore. Same goes for those hacks on MSDNC.

Coming from the dumbest opinion speaker, Not a journalist, in the MSM.

So the propagandist is mad because he is getting called out by the president? How pathetic. Look at ABC propaganda taking up for their fellow fake news propagandists!!!


Trump is telling the truth! Journalism has died in this country! No one trust the press anymore because they are so dishonest and biased! How come you didn’t report the news the Trump was nominated for peace prize? Why? So shameful!

Isn’t that trumps M.O.? Lie, cheat, defame, name-calling, etc. etc. there’s no question he will do whatever he can to get reelected because he knows if not he will be facing prison in the state of New York.

Trump Has Been Officially Removed From American Government Since May 27 2020CK permalink International Trump Removal Day Celebrated Worldwide Especially United Nations Republican President Mark Patrick Seymour Vice President Mitt Romney Have Accepted Forty Sixth Pres Nomination

CNN and ABC lost all credibility during the Russia Russia thing. It's too late for you butterball.

I wonder why. Fuck the media. And rightly so.

My favorite part of the past 3 years of the media shit show, is watching them beclown themselves into total irrelevance.

brianstelter complains about propaganda! Such an irony here))

Brian Stelter, aka, the Eunuch

Say whatbrian stelter..cra cra


Stop pretending we still have news outlets. True news outlets would have investigated and covered the unprecedented abuse of power by Democrats starting with the Obama Administration.

Mockingbird Cuck says what?

😆 brianstelter The George Constanza of the media. 😝

Imagine the difference in headlines and bias if you would’ve titled this: “CNN Brian Stelter said___________” rather than how you did it. But you know this and are willingly showing why so few people trust the MSM. One simple change.

I can't think of a more meaningless hack than Brian Stelter. I know of no one who even talks about him or know who he is


It’s because you are all liers. We never watch the news anymore. A once comfort for the people is now the enemy! Shame on you all

All news media Is propaganda for the most part brianstelter There are no more Walter Cronkite's who report the news, rather a bunch of clowns pretending to be journalists making up stories and lying to fit their political agendas. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder TermLimits POTUS

Stelter and CNN are leftwing propagandists. They quit being news years ago.

Why don’t the major news outlets just boycott trump, I know in real life that’s not possible but

Brian Steller. Lol

Then its time to stop airing him on the networks at his rallies and press briefings we have had enough. Go dark and let's see how he likes that the more you air him the worst he gets. Put a stop to his nonsense.

Then stop scripting “the news” CNN just got caught doing that with Cuomo and Cohen, proving that it’s just an entertainment medium. It’s probably like The Truman Show movie, where CNN and are actually the ones controlling Trump to keep their ratings alive.

Haha haha. CNN is the Democrat propaganda machine. Now they’re acting like the victim? That’s rich.

Rolmfao. The next four years are going to kill you bastards. Trump is a phenomenon. Better pack your bags.


What the heck will CNN do when Trump is finished with his 2nd term?

To think I used to watch CNN 🤦🏼‍♂️.... Embarrassed

This applies to brianstelter as well. MAGA2020

Here's the teeniest, tiniest violin play 'My heart bleeds for you' for Brian Stelter.

you guys bullied him for 4 years and still counting, now you sound like a cry babies

brianstelter Show me someone else in their early 30s and on tv who is this bald and fat. Impressive, really.

Brian Stelter, is to journalism what a rodeo 🤡 is to a rodeo cowboy.

He has nothing new, same rants same lies. Weak and no wonder major outlets don’t carry. Just cries like a child. Impeached

KV00362400 People still taking this guy seriously is the punchline here.

Why the hell you even give him a platform baffles me! Oh wait! I know because he makes news every day, and ratings = money! I’ve got news for you, CNN will cease to exist under a dictatorship! All news outlets, except the one of his choosing will! But you all keep enabling him!

Before he was president no one cared what he said. But when he got elected president by help of the Russian he thinks he can do what he wants. The Republicans don't even have the balls to shut him down and take him out of office.

We know who promotes propaganda. FakeNews

Oh poor new 😢... finally getting called out

Lmao. This isn’t news. This is a clown 🤡 opinion

We’ve always know that.

Stelter and cnn have been promoting propaganda for years

ABCNews = fakenews

China is competing hard against Trump this year. ABC is owned by Disney and CNN is the king of fake news

this guy makes me lose brain cells

lol brianstelter has a podcast? It has the word powerhouse in it? That's almost as funny a having a show called Reliable Sources


He looks like a giant potato.


Ole Humpty can’t take the heat sometimes. He is a sweetheart

Stelter is a eunuch

This is good because the media is dishonest

Please, Stelter can’t even talk with Zuckers nutsack hanging from his chin 24/7.

Call the waaaaambulance!!!!

brianstelter It’s amazing the main stream news biased. Fake News

Shelter, perhaps you ought to report the truth, and then maybe you’ll get more respect. Just a thought.

brianstelter is humpty dumpty.

Stelter is a just a hater.

Does anyone believe anything CNN says They’ve been reduced to a tabloid.

Funny, the last time someone used a presidential platform to bully news outlets, Stelter was AOK with it.

Waaaaaaaaaa. For goodness sake. Grow a pair.

News outlets try to bully the President every day!

Perhaps if we had an honest media it would help.

brianstelter Is that a picture of that time brianstelter get schooled by veteran Journalist Ted Koppel he is FakeNews and totally Trump dependable? .

Brian Stelter stopped being a journalist a long time ago.

Trumpers always mention CNN as 'fake' because Trump has told them it is. The great sheep herder followed by his sheep. What an embarrassment they are as fellow Americans...

ABC,CNN,MSNBC are all bias political platforms for Democrats. FakeNews

You say po-tat-o, and I say po-tot-o.

Settler is your news?

Bull! The media outlets LIE to the American people. The American people see and hear this! President Trump doesn't have to tell us, but we are happy that someone of influence calls out the media for us! STOP LYING!!!!!

Imagine thinking an interview with Stelter is anything anybody wants to see.

Fake news Humpty Dumpty💩👎

News outlets committed unpardonable sin years ago...they have no credibility

Flim-Flam, Hornswaggle, Swindle & Con, Reasons to Vote the Trump Regime Gone! Trump's Narcissism Spews Drivel About Being A Fixer, But He's Only Selling US Magic Elixer! No Shame, No Empathy & No Reality Other than Himself, He's Put Truth, Honor, Decency & Integrity on a Shelf!

The sad thing is there is a poor woman that has to sleep in the same bed as this limp dick every night. Poor woman.

Your new book is on my reading list...right behind Cohen, Woodward. His cult can't or won't read it!

We have corrupt news folks that get their talking points from the Democrat party. They constantly push fake conspiracies, hoaxes, false accusations while never questioning Democrats for their corruption. We have a huge problem with today's press. In the tank for a political party

Maybe news shouldn’t be pro nor anti and just deliver the facts.

If those news outlets don’t have the balls to stand up to the President and report with integrity then that’s on them!! It’s their own integrity that’s gone down the drain! They look and sound like clowns 🤡 just like Kayleigh McEnany!

The news media networks have become the democratic propaganda networks. They don’t actually give us the news they force out propaganda.

You are a liar

LOL!! CNN feels bullied? Why would he bother, you HAVE NO VIEWERS!! So you send a jerk, he treats him like a jerk. Hey, what if you hired real journalists and try to get back to who you were before you sold your souls to Obama. Or keep treading water and whining.

Brian Stelter should not be trusted. His own co-workers can't stand him.

brianstelter ur a Clown 🤡

Awwww someone get the babies a new diaper

or all media id full of shit

News Outlets As if!!! He exposed you sold out propagandists as the frauds that you are. You prove every day that he is 100% correct!!! What you are now is a danger to this country!!!

cnn the Fake News leader, we KNOW they are leftist anti Trump a holes. Nobody watches that BS they have to pay business's to have them running on their TV's

🚨🚨WHERE IS HUNTER? 🚨🚨 Let's talk about the corruption here?!

Gee, ya think? We've known this all along. It's been disturbing to us the whole time. Maybe if journalists got up and asked the hard questions instead of rolling over we'd actually get somewhere. 🙄

Just upset Trump is calling CNNs BS and lies EnemyOfThePeople

Shut that potato up! brianstelter

Slow news day, ABC? It must be if you writing articles on Brian Stelter content.

Stelter promotes domestic terrorism

Hi again, rural_united is a brand-new group focused on promoting rural democrat tickets in areas of the country who are often forgotten! Please follow and retweet!

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